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<br /> -,--- = sk. f� i�; �.�� �^�er:� p9rt o� ttie �r�peity A�S�.re�i�cne.°its��iad��eti,m.sha3E.slsu b� �E�ed�b�..:v:s��� �.: .. _
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<br /> ° �13S�.T,��}R`i�:�r,��t�FC�'[C�tf��IS I��LD 3it�E�11SSSti�,3'll}'I�11I11�11t S,S�C�Gitj!.N . °..- . ` . r:
<br /> � i�" ${;���� ��3``V�V�AN't'�that A�snnwei.is'I�wful�r se'isetl o€th�s est�tc�eret�}canvegai'and bas Ehs r�ghi ta�r�at,,j�nt! . � _
<br /> h
<br /> c�: +���3?..�,�n��.Y����4��is t�rx�r�1,�i�f,nt ei�ctimt2rances qY r�rd.$nfr4wer wanan:s sad�tilT;• � -
<br /> `�' d�fas,�.g�,I �ti�.titte t� i�p�ty agai�,s�alI c�aims�aud�,�ub�t�aa,y�ratts�s of rocord. � F
<br /> =: T &, YNSTR iaes w�ifarm'rQVCawts for nationaI usc' �a-�°?�fotc�wvcnants;tvith.ti�W,�3,
<br /> i= ��:,.��'�"1'� �'�.�' . . �
<br /> ��� �+��,�,�15� ���to.cvnst�tet�s nniforat sec�sityr i�stxai�m rov�rinS�ea1 yroPeiq►. . . °°: . --
<br /> � j'' Uri�f'r,�3-��.�dVE�ItANTS.Bffi[a�er�rad.Y�der v�enla�t�dnd agree as fadfows:` '� � ' `.
<br /> r a,�.�13TK�"'��Yt�p1�!a�d`dn1���PitpaY�!a:id Ls�ie�:C6aeg�•8arrower �It Pmm�gtiy FaY wh�t:due t,�a�,. _
<br /> �� .. .
<br /> !<. P?�i�a:�I:s�. .., ist��a tbe�ebt�iidenced 4y tn��±Iote sn�.a�r p�paxm�tt_�!;t�te clraarg���uut�r t1�e N¢��,-_ ` - — - ___ -
<br /> ?: .- ... . _ ..
<br /> 1; 2.;Ficg�g q�r Taae�aad�asn�s►ce.SS�bjec4 to applicable Iav'r or¢o a written waiver by ieQde.c.Sotmwea shall FaX�°.
<br /> ; I��s�:ti1�,.��`�g}r;muatBty pa�rme�ts are due utide,�ti�e'Nate:untit th�Note is paid in�futl,a sutn(°�unds°}for.(a)YParIy t�F�-.
<br /> __�__-2?���s...�t;���y,axtain priority wer this Se�vu�ity In�ni as a,lien aa tfce ProgeR�:fb�Y�Y Eeaseh�Id naw�errts• _ _ - - _
<br /> � -- e€.$s����,�[e Pt�g�tY,if�ry*(e)'Ye�Y 6xratd or pmp�erty ensnr�tee pt�mit�ps;�dj:yearty tiamd im'��.. --. ..--- -----
<br /> -_ - ;:----��.:te3 y�martg�ge i�psuranc�pr+e�inms,if anY;and(�anY s�m9 paYat�te 8y Borrav�er w I.e.a�er,;in as�.�rda�ce�ri�fi�..: �..
<br /> •i;.
<br /> �Pm��r•a��a�ap�8,it�t�e�of the payu�ait of mortgage insu�nce pram,i�ms.These itenos alre caIled°Escraw Itetmg�r.i
<br /> �� ���+;�;r.�Y�.ebltect and 6n2d Fa�s is an amount nat to exaee¢the imaaim�ame�unt a Iea�drr fos a fc�dera�y,. .
<br /> i�: r.sFates!•cno�t„"?�=�toacf may req�u�For Banower's exmw a�ooilai�ca[hs fe�teiai Rea!Esfi�Settlement Pcoeectures Aa.�f
<br /> '�. t�ta.$s a�u#�.�c+o.m ame to ct� a2 u.5.C.S�aion �60I ea seq. ('RFSPA'),aniess auother[aw.thzc applies to the Fun�s,;F:.
<br /> � s+��te�s�r.a{�uat.If so, �may, as amg time,coi�ct aud fcoId Fun+ds in an a�poiiut nnt w ea[cxed cbe te�sser arnom7�;f4.
<br /> : I�nstar m2,y.�ate ttte amonat of�uads dae on,the 6asis of curient data and reasonabte estunates of eiq�ead'itvres of firiuiii�';;:;;'�.-
<br /> -- '• �r,c�w:It�tS,A�Qthetarise in a000rdantae witlt appiicab2e taw. � � . � �;.::
<br /> - �,shal! be heid�an mstilu�an whose d � sts are 6 a fedetai a u instrnn�al" qr `
<br /> •: �, _ � �� � 8� �Y, . rty, e�i4y�. `� _
<br /> . timdud'utg E.t�i�er.if Len�ier is sac1�an iastitation)or in any Fedeta!Home T:uan Ban1c.I�euder s6all agply ttte Funtds to PaY tl�
<br /> _ � Escrow:Iu.�,;�xnder tnay not chaige Borrower fot ItoIding�-�ppiy'mg the Faads,aaa�3iY'anaIyzing the escrnw zca�tsut,�r�
<br /> ---�--,:? veaifyiag tit��ovr itenqs,uNess I.ender pays Borrdwer in�on the Funds aad applicahle law pemnits Leader to cqake suc�t .
<br /> a ch�rge.Rau�ver.Leadet a�ay require Borrou;���a pay�:�' `c�ime charge for an iadependene mal estate tax neporti�g serui�,.
<br /> a5ed.bg.I.�'��r in con�ctiaa �vith this�taar�:���ss applipbie law provides otkecaise. Uatess an� is made oC,
<br /> _ —_ applica�le.I�tCqqirzs inierest m he pa�d..te�`�hall�aot he reqnired tn pay Barrower any ints.rest or eamin�s an�ttie Fund�:l., @--�-
<br /> ---_=-"�; - Batro�,vEr anc�S'Len�ler may agree in writing,however:that inte�e.st stiall be paid om die Fands.Leader shall g�ve to Bomuwe�,•;: -- '�
<br /> ---- ___= withaut.�iuu(�r,an aaaual accounting of the Funds, showing��redits and debit$to the Funds and We pucpose for wbich eacb��:. -
<br /> --_��;�{� debit ta.thc.�i#ads was�s.The Fuads are ptedged as addidona!seauiry fnr all sums secun�d by this Security Instr�. _—
<br /> �__=`_���' IFth�:�t�ds hetd by 1,,eMer exceed tt�e aznounts permitted to be hetd bY appl�ca6te law.Lender shall ar,count to Bomowe;�; _-_ ..
<br /> �-� fa:.th�ex�.�Funds in accordance arith the ments nf licable[aw. If the amount of the Fpnds he[d b Lender ai
<br /> �.���..'�'.'� cecNire aPP Y �S``��.
<br />-�,m���o._-�.�. tim�is uui�c�ent to pay ttie E.�w Items whea due.Lend��may so notify Boaower in writing,and,in such case:Ea�royr�,: �� _
<br /> �' '- ,,�,,,.�� sh�ll��uy ta,�;ender the arnount��sary to make up the de�ca�zcy. Borrower shall m�ltii up the def ciency+in rto mr��:l3�aa�.,
<br /> 4 ti tu�elve.wonii�{`Y PaY�nts.at Lo:ri�'.�sole discrerion. �" t�;;; . • � `. r
<br /> �NF�SRP'f .. -'••'
<br /> f..� ' . UPPn��{►yment in fiill of aZi sums secuted by this Security Instrument. l.eader shall pmmptiy refund to Borrower amr,,, �� :� =
<br /> �. '+ Fund�hetd•b�f�Rder.If.iucder paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Property.Lertder.prior to the acquisi6on or salqt, �'�'�;,,�z_::.
<br /> 3��`��'�' � ,` � of the Ptu � shall 1 an Funds held b Lender at the tune of as uisition or sate'as a credit ast the sums secuced b ;,�. �;�ti���'�` "'
<br /> -�;,.,, ,� B4'?�Y• aPA Y Y Y 4 a8a+ Y � �< , ��
<br /> ��"''v4-�ro: �llS.S�L'0173�1'.�lLSu11QiB41. � '� ' ti?i��S(tJ� tL�E,."
<br /> 3.A i,�at€oa af Pu Qats.Unless a licable law rtid�s othenvise,all a nts received b Lender under hs; � �����f J��i�
<br /> �!z5_`;.:;;,; :''�: �if�, 3'm PP P� P Y� Y P��P � r �ti�i.t�'�,#.��__-6=
<br /> ��H� :'.- + I and�shtt(�i be applied: fitst.to anY DrePayrttent charges due urider thc Note:se�eond.to amounu payable under paragaph 2:�� 3 ,',.�,� --_
<br /> �-:��„�.��,• third.xo int�iest d�e:fourth.to principal due:and last.to any late charges dae under the Note. .� .�'• ;'�,____
<br /> �i�. ;=�-� 4. , Ltens.Borrower shall all taxes„assessments.char es.fines and im osirions amibuta6le ta th Pro ` :;':�"'L--==
<br /> �'�.:�?.._ �F�'s I�Y 8 P � P�Y:; ���. —
<br /> . ti_:� :.d;�___.
<br /> ��=,� `"'-�_.=� whiah.anA}��,t�;tain priority over this Security Insuument, and leas�hold paymeau or gr�ound rents,if any. BarrowEr�shall pay:i; z�,�
<br /> A.,-�s�s� . . , th�e flbli�iions in the manner provided in paragrn�h 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on tf�dirertly i, �; �v. --
<br /> -,_,,,�._ - to thtt�Sa�nowed paymeat.Borrower shall promptly fumish to txnder all notices of amounu to be paid under thi�.paragiaph_;,. �+°t��;" ----
<br /> , „�;:+y :
<br /> `'= If�orrawrriinakes tt�ese payments directly,Borrower shali promptly furnish to L.ender receipts evidencizg the paymeats. 3�u�p�-:
<br /> .r . ' r tir,�,r.�v.�_—
<br /> _..L-: ; E Bnrrmuier shall promptly discharge any lien�rhich has priority over this Security Inswment unless Borro�rer:fa)agrees in�,: "���:'..'•;�.��;�,_
<br /> ::-'e'.�T.�:4.�. . .�,�h.�.��.�,�; --
<br /> �,.�,,,.. , 4 arritistg ta,t�l�payment of the obligation secured�by the lien�.�a manner acceptable to[.ender.(b)contesu in go6d�tt�the lien.;, -�-
<br /> -*�=- � ,. `,:�,.`.}:','+,;:;1,��•��,
<br /> ,,��, ; 1 by,or defqiids a�ainst enforaeme�tt of the lien in, legal �toceedings whicb in the Lertder's opinion operate ta�rEVent the.�� . +�.ti,,�,.::.�_,;,,_,�,,� ,
<br /> _- 1 enfotcemcnt,�of the lie,n;or(c)s�res from the hotder of the lien an agreemem satisfactory tv[.ender svbordinating the lien to,, i
<br /> .:' '• . �}li`,S' r..;.
<br /> � this SecuriMj Instrum�zt. If i.ender determines.that any part of the Propeny is subject to a lien which may attain priority over , � ,r •
<br /> �' �' �. ; • 4. , ,,.�;.;. . ' .
<br /> �'��' ` this Secv;,irsu�Instr�unratt,i.ender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien.Borrower shaU satisfy the lien or take ane or„
<br /> ��,�'r;�(i3�i, . ' .- "': . � • ;
<br /> ���';';�!rj�,��;jSs, :; t more of th4��actions sct faitIt.adav��within 10 days of the givin�of notice. ���`.�;� �
<br /> - Yf t�l'..
<br /> �• 'k�',�+;� V � : ,�;,,,>�� . �
<br /> E�i•j�;4r.�'^;.� . � " : • , . � Wm�3028 9/90 , ':����;�"�'•d�, ,.
<br /> ��t s. . , . _ 2 0,8 t � q,, .
<br /> �� � � i'i. '' i . . �
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<br /> �'3.{-�j,t' � � � '�iP �� _ ' . • , . . �. 'i.t:' '"'1��'�S:F�- .''.fi.r.�� .
<br /> - !.�' . f�: . . - . . . 7. : .' .. .'a'��`.,.
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