F ,�.:,aFt�� ,r� • 4�� . -;a : . �y�y — _
<br /> .� ,��+""'T'_ _ u I •`•'3�r•,�,`�` ' � � � <t' .� (}.� — z=— —
<br /> �
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<br /> � .
<br /> . . .. . . . a � . . - .
<br /> � � �= - s`�e����-Y � '� - � ��
<br /> � �� . _' • '!. . . , � , • , ; Y,' ' ' c , r f .. .� , 4 .. ' � n c ' t .
<br /> — • :_S. �,S _ ' a a t( ` ` 4 • , , �< � ` . • � � . . .. �Z.
<br /> _ _ - , ( , C • � < , , ��� _��� � i
<br /> : �a�
<br /> — - — ' ,...�;:: ' ` ���Io will ps�r i��P.�es.�mu.�vaus eats�,a�nd'other aovemm�.atae ar m�n?,d;�sat c�►ar�tir�ne�o�� : . ,
<br /> _ __ ' � � , ��ia�eupedt�mor.tor•4r�ie$��t+ovLuFoa�tss e�t beea�ada gs�tei�Yor�and�ettl psa�m�dp dt.diree�tbs c�E.ra : :
<br /> -- _ ', .adpt4 tlietifix�ta t�e�i.ity. � . � ' .. , __
<br />= 'c. He,�ri�Fsy s¢�:e�tptaoes sa�[ea as�►�'he�iaeuated �n �ie pmtee�4a �ia,�esaitstts�eaac.�of a�id ° � . ---
<br />-�- ' • ' " �F�-F�9•i�tuddn�the iea of aay attomey emg4�yed,6Y tha Beaeficiarp�or the colltction�r��aq tu tlt ai the• .
<br />= '� �n&3ts8fi�,w.henby �ee,�rr.�.o�a�acb� aw�l fees as map be iacurred in�ar�p foreeYmt�salt b3t�fie� ,° ------
<br /> __ -_ �- - _ . � '�t;c�murt�`ca°ia aay o�Ytsr-�n pa�&i�aUtect�rg a�8 PraP�ze�r:aa�'atP+ame7er -_ .
<br /> - - —6opE�►.��:-w�:c,?�-�y�- - :. _ ___ . . ; - - �- - - - -__--
<br /> s:- . . ---- -- —
<br /> - d The rishts created byr�is�avey�se sha!!retaaua en fult torce c+nsl e�leet dvr6ng aaY �tP?at*�eat , - - -- _
<br /> os�+�•�+•i�*�of the Ei�to vf thap�ss.ntof the iade�tcdaea�evidcuad by.e�ccata or anp part tkaeat aecetred
<br />= 6�ebp� - _
<br /> � � St:�eantinaou�ly'�agutoiaha;ard$awrsa�e oi�uei�type or.tqpea aad in:aucb �monnts as the
<br />-' _ Beartc�iary may[�a�tiraa to teuea riqai=+e.oa tlre impra�veaneatsa�oworl�ereatceraaea�d psopesty.and�rill --__------ -
<br />= -- . :.; . PaY P�ocnptiy wh�ecs due.auq,pruaiums t6erxfos.All finsnraax ehsll 6e nseie�in campaaixs aeceptaLie to �,,=�s..---- --
<br />��:;��� _., Heaeficiary'aad the tioteaiea sncl�euew�a�s�t•ab�l�-�std bx3l.eaefc�arg aad�#�sre as�ched ehe�ew Io� __.
<br /> - ;,,�,J�:��;�`�� payab4a dawa in favor of+�nd in:fr�sm�EcepT+�alo:tHa 8eue�c:ary: �n tlie eweat�a�;':I�sr.Grantar wi�giat =�
<br /> -_ ---__�;;•�'�'°-`.,,�`•< �,' aatice ia writin�w B"�&e►'� attd BeueB� m matcc sirat of[m�i�iz�t msde so tip �?`�`-
<br /> � � inuaed�[fa ry ?rY sy P . P !aP �l!;`:.:.. ��
<br />��A l,� r{,��; 4 ; GraAtor.aad eteTa iaauraaea eompaap�ned�ta'dse:eby antkQSir�ed u�dJseetzd to make payrn�i�,f�rsazclr.=.:,;.;;y R�
<br /> ^ t '`�'�s� '� � , Iots die+ectl w Bea uutead of w Graawr aad Bene&eia oiad .aad the ir�aaee Fr?vc�d±�Ar�aY, � ��� —
<br />�,. � : ,. .: � .
<br /> —�--� `��t�.,��,� , ,t.� g �► I Y . . s
<br /> '' art tGmeo�may�'���by B�����p as it�o eFau'eitha to th�t�sfen of tt�e inde�tcd'is�ii ba�by �'
<br /> ,:...� „ .
<br /> C'�`��1 i.�l.t`''��j.1 ...}1� -. ..... .� ... -�:..'*iFlT._ _'f_'�:_—=aC._'_'"_'"f'_'_"___""__�'"_''_'_"` __'.,.__ "'�� r'. ...., . ._'_'_'"_..._.... G >vx^ .
<br /> �-_� �t ' �U'-4 ` . sxared ai ta t6e��'t�an or repair oi the pmpesty d�ma � Ia the e'veat m�:�"�ir�etee a e�'e•os othex G;,: ��-,� -
<br /> ' ; , _-
<br /> .;,,�y�{`�„'' .s ; -� tt�asitr a!titts to said'proQesty:ia eztingui+�Atent of the indeb4edaeea aeeare�t�,�'��all eigh� tiite.an� ,;k; ;, � '
<br /> �r'"� h 'Y � iaterest of the Cnut��aud to agp iiuusause poltcia theu in force sl►alb,�at iQ�t�oa of tho 1�efieiary ' {:�
<br /> :.�at ;��� ` W t�e pmahaaer o¢�,�wssp. . ' , . -,` . �._ '.= _
<br />�-�n4- �r - � d. _. . . _... . . •..,..,; •t � .._ � ._._� . ._.._ _ . �.t.. -.� � ' �,'''� � . . -:. •: ... . . � ���-��'r•7.
<br /> ` . • j He aillp.�,.,QJSi�aud �es in aa,.,,,,,t osder and conditfon'�zt� �ca¢wiSg��t ok��„ �' �,"'
<br /> '�5? l 05 �.1�;..: J•. �`^4t':..; .�.�. 6 ,t��.�^.t�, ,, ., a.?^
<br /> . ��. �t', permii aay waate therefo�..neaaolt�fsle�rear aud tear ezeept�d.astd in the�ai�•G�#t��#�f�#ire oi tCt��tttat Sis.�••';:: ,.`. ',,
<br /> ;� ; f � ke.ep t he 6u i l�on ai d premues an d t haae to 6 e e n c u d oa a a i d p�•�s s�iuo v u n e n t a t��r's,►,�s r. �n•'`'•� � �:;t 7�
<br /> `sy r,�,�f�h , ' ' ,� . good �air.tlie Ben�eiary may malce ruch repaies a�6n the Benefici,�p�'��rseretion ir maq:d�r�rreceuary �j
<br /> ,,;.��., � ; ., ,,.,, ..
<br /> ..,Arr�j,�;ff'�,.;,;,,��,.;. , r for the pmper presesrr�fon tfiereof.and any eums paid for auch eepaitA'slkaitl 6ear interest feouF tUC�:�ate of ',...'
<br /> �� f� ; , payateaat at the rate�fied in the nots.a6all 6e dne and��ayable oa deazaad aud eLall be tully�ared by ..,..
<br /> ..�:_:v: ; tbis D�eed ot Trnst. ' ��}�'"��'
<br /> '�r;;7s'':.?f�::•`:�... ';.1., ` • ",_'°�.,'
<br /> . :;:;:
<br /> ......�. ,I%{.; . _ � � � .i'���,
<br /> � '. ,;,tJ,�;.•;_.::.:,.�--•�• g. He an'11 no1 wi�3out the prior writtea coaaent of the BeneSciary voiuntarity create or permlt to be ��:`;:;;;.�� �.
<br /> ?el�r:Sk�,:::,F tca:%,"r.� 'i° , ,'it•'•�tjf��+-
<br /> ..•�:� • ceested agaimt the�rnjpr.sty eubject to tbis Dced o!Trust any lien or]iens isiferior or supesios to tht liea of
<br /> �.,:,;;i',. :.,.�•1;�;��; ,.. : fhir Deed nf Truat aer.�f�he:that he wiU iceep and maintain the aante Cree tsum the clairu ot alT pertons .'� .''
<br /> ,;.t,,..r,.. :, •.:...;...;
<br /> � ,<<� :- • aopplpirrg labor or sus�rn�iale�fr,txh wilT enees into the construction of any and el) buitdin� aow being ;, �_ �_
<br /> , •: , � . ereeted tzs 4o be eeeoC�d oa as�F��,uemi�er. ,... . , ' `-J-�- -
<br /> . . � ,. •� .•: , ,����-
<br /> ; , '_ ' . . �i. HewIU aot eeR.¢r�,aaSign aay pact of ihe rent o!oaid propaty ac+i�c.r°"�i;.+a�rov�.or sc�etaatialdy �, � ' �� ti -..
<br /> ;;,fi�j � 'a lter any b m�diag r r n r fi�t 6 e wri t un oo n a e a t o f t l i e H e a e fi c i a ry. � , � � , '' �
<br /> {J� M
<br /> A _ . . �. .. • : '� i'� ��,0,(,l�� Ki..
<br /> ti..: . � . .. . .� , . ; , • ,' " �.'it'����::•���r� u
<br /> - , _, � 9 In the evmt the Grantos tai(s to.�ia�any Federai.etate.or lacal ta:as�,iAt;.in�tsc,or���� tas lieo. '� �:..� �, �m u"�
<br />- ' ; :: ' ., c6ar6e.[ee.or othsr e:peaoe charged to.s1a� property hereinabove deac�ibed. tl:e.'�enefrdsicu�►��t�ereby'authoriud to ,�<,���;�;� `���-'-'
<br /> . • . p�y the name aad any sam co�i�,by t{i�,�'ene6ciary shall be addtd to aad be�wia:��a part aG:r��rineig�4 z�atonnt o( '���;�`�A,j��' ` ` �'��� ry.
<br /> �_;,,,,�..:..:... . '• , ;�. �y,�.�.
<br /> _ -••a�.,. � y � t$e indebtedness evidenad b��xn�psararseory note.iP the GranWr ehal!pay an&'fii¢�arge Ehe it�debtediu�A evi�2ertced t��� �t;;,..,,..;..;:;'-�"���;•
<br /> • t rcvf���ti,�� ,,.:.._ .. .
<br /> ,'°, . � ' ' h�.ea[d promiaeory aote sa��;�zag.auch euma and sha11 d'�scharge aq taxee aad lia�s aud.the ce,Ei'�fees,sad .,�` ' � �{�i�,.�
<br />.. "� ;�� ,' apeaaa of ma.&i�g. ealoseir.,g,�a�� uu�iiSpg t6ie Deed of Tcuat. then t6is Dced of Trus�'��all be eanceted aad. ' �`�'_ . � ';:�Is�'
<br /> - "' • anrreadued. , " . . , ''�' • ' ?�;:� -
<br /> ���� .'. . , . . , � � ' . ' ' ' ' :. '.'�f'�.�
<br /> .. . ,. .
<br /> '�{j�""" �' '��' ���.10 The Grantor wvenadt�a that he ie lawful! seized and ssessed of and.lias�ehe ri fil to eeU and conv eaid • �
<br /> ''".:•s�tit;}�.�z�.. Y P� . B �Y • . •
<br /> ;;�'t�)+���;,`, �ara�rtyt that the same ia.Ct�r+e 7rom all encumbranae e:cept as hereinabove rcr.it�i:s+nJ thae he hereby 6irtda bim• � •
<br /> ,'.ZY.).5�4��1. . . . ., . ' � '
<br /> ^,�.i;�X�+{',';:�;�... � rrs�Gund hia ancaeeeo�ia iatereat to wanant and defead the titTe aforesatd thereta end evety�art thereof againet tlie ' . _: .,. .
<br /> ' �icar�l�T elaims oi ail penons whomwever. �;�;
<br /> t�'i,.�,' . � ''1J,
<br /> •. ,-..�..: :��t, . . . ..
<br /> � %. ,. ..,,���s't�.; ,
<br /> '. •i:��,���•,:�.�t�;..���i�... .� . . . . ..
<br /> �'.�;.tjj;',r,��,��;.. .. ;.�:?,•:• '. fl. For better aea��et�*.'isf the indebtedntsa hereby secured. the Crantor. up:sn�ha e�taeFa o!the Bcice&ciaev. •
<br /> �, 1°t7�t%�`�� bfa�taaseaBOre.or assi Esi�l�e:eeute aa�l ddiver a su lemenial mort e or�rtga cnverin an additioaa. :
<br /> �•.';���';• �•: � PP �& �: g Y
<br /> . improvemcnse.nr betterc�rnts made to the property he�einabove dercri6ed and all properrq m�nired after the date �
<br /> � ,. .: ttaen!(all ia d'�urm eati�aeeory to Grantee). Fucthermo:�ehould Graatar tai!to cure any c{eCualt in the payment
<br /> _ • of a prios ar itsftrior eneuca6rance on the pmptrty deseribed 6y this instrumen� Crantor het,eby a�een to pennit • ,
<br />- Bmt6aary to cun eneh defauh.6ut &ne6ciary is not o6figated to do so;and aarh advances ehaD beeortte part o! •
<br /> �� � the iadehudaess eaosed by t6ie instsameat,eu6jxs w the eartoe terms aad oonditloag : .
<br />�`' � ..:;�;,;��.`,� ,,, ' . 12 Tbst all avrards ot damages in�eonnettloa wit6 any cor�demnatioa lor publte uae ot or irrjury�to any ot ea�d � '
<br /> • • ' psaptrt'are bestbp aa�i�rted and eha116e paid to Benefieiarv.a�o may apply the eame to psyment of the inahllments ' , � .
<br /> .. [attdne aada aaid aole,and tht Btne6ciary►is heeeby aut6orized.in the anme of tl�e Gr�atos.to�eeute and delivee �. .�.• :,
<br /> ' valid aequittanea theeeo!�ad to appeal from saq e�eh aaard.
<br /> . , � , ..
<br /> _ � 13. 'f�e ineroeaLie riaht to appoiat a subetitute tnutta or tweteds ie hereby expn�aeiy granted to the Benef�eiary. � .
<br /> , . '. tds auaewors or wignr„to be�ereieed at aay time hereaftrr wid�ou�nntice and without apeeifying any eeasan there� � .
<br /> .. ' �or.by 6tites[or Keord in t6e offue where tfiie ittneument is recorded o� instrument ot appointmenL Ttie Grantor rf
<br /> ' - - =�� adi!ths Ttusten k�tin�amei#o�that mag Irereinat�er br enla�titete�!hefeun�Te�eapressty waive�atict ot t6�e��r�cise `'�
<br /> °' • ' . ` ot tl�is ei�ftt a�well as any rrquirerrtem or applicatioa to am coosl fo�the removai.appoin4me8t or aubaNtatioA of ' � ;
<br /> .'. an'tr�teetu�der. ' .
<br /> .. . :. ,,:..:� � .,.
<br />