�-, •.�. , '- ."'.:_�� .r_, �-r ��'c���'"�' � . - ,- - fi. .
<br />_ �2L :'T.�,....'.`<�s," �. . ' _ __-
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<br /> .... ' '
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<br /> , :..
<br /> .. . . . . _ . _� t . . 1.�., .. ., . . . � �.:. _' _'__" --_ . , -_
<br /> — �S�Lo� � . � . � �, .. . .. � ' , . . .,_ ` � ... � .. 14. .,;i�� .�Rt. " __ _-__—
<br /> — - �� - ' ' . . . . ' . ' , 4 L�°���Sf{�/��' .
<br /> ' .���'a. . . . . � ` . . � . ' .. . . �,_�F y..-i i:t���
<br /> �L•P� � . � ` . . i:. . , [ (" , `• FC` . , . ��� ,� ' , --_—__
<br /> _ . . + ' . a of sn ti ���hish ist� asi:e wisE�seapoct w t6�s T��o����ie�sgeeit to _----
<br /> _--y�� rc�on��e actoaae�ro fe�orasc�o�n Y � Y
<br /> � ---- =_�. � eho e�edtt�aeidaRC�:l�Y�d aa�u,the ps�oteet��i arsd nzaintwaate of�n pmPeztY&sreittabove d��ed or in __-_---
<br />-� ; — � �a n,o�tsi3 pco af¢u any stt�e�bucl�may 6e wade n�te�3aaiter Ptavdt�erL ' �` ,
<br /> �`. II��� �' . - .
<br />�� . , ,
<br />_ £"= � Ltpoa elaa�tal�{�symea3 ni�a-i�te�rtedacua evideae��s;�.�aid acota sad t�Ce.fda�terr�t thexeos�.th�Fa7�eaa a1 -___--__
<br />_ _,�:�:=-= ...��.�--
<br />- ��,��f`�.:;'''` a1t�3tsrr w�t�ts�i�:ptr;���.foz,ttse sepaYmans c!'aDt monics advaatcad or�atpended pmasuaai to�$nota os.tP�i4 :�:�_���
<br /> ` °, ; ts -
<br /> '' ° iassist:sae�te�aa'r�n¢ca�o p�pn:ent o3 alt i8tbr���c3r case�.chargsa coman�saiors,a�ac�Cs�m4es.t�e o6aYe dmss'ehe3 � �r�
<br /> ,�� ; sae . ��.�.4 ,�= ---
<br /> ---�- ' "- Qso�crty c�n��o ceteass�#asd eeea�c+zye�ars�ad:at��sL o�+ RZee Grr�.+s►r _ . . _
<br /> �', � �
<br /> ';� � _ : ��.. . ` � _ � �"Ltc. __ __.
<br /> _. ...._._ . - - -
<br /> :�- 8.Upaa defautt ir�any o[etza•eaveaaata er•eanditiomo of�h6s inatrument orof ttie note as toaa agceement� ---:--�` � r�..�.. — _
<br />- ;��,�;;'.�,��`�._+.. he�by.tbe 8ea.e8ciaty oc�fia assi�os may withuutaA?��aad without segacd to tiee s�dcqteacy of tecuricy fot t[ta ia• �j y -� --
<br /> � de6t�dnas eecucad.either penoflally�s by att��sg o:ageat erithout 8ringir�g any�etion or proceed'utg.or 6y a ra �.._ .�
<br />_ '.c -�," ' • � _
<br /> - �`•: ;:.� < cdver to be app�sinted bp the coart.eutu upos aad6Caits posseseion mf sai�d�roperty or aas pa:t t�enaf.wd do aup --:.4.-.-�—=�.:
<br /> �,�:=-=�r." - aets�er6ich 8�ruficiacp deems proper t@ ptatect t�e s�sity`6�at;an�ata:er witL ar aritGout ukeag passeseion of.. �:?:��-�=�_��_�=.
<br /> ,, :
<br /> . � said praper�y�co]Eeet aud teteive t{►e r�ta.raYaiY�.4s.iasaee.att��¢s�Giu t�reof.iaelading cents scer�ed aad unpai�.:�. �� u � -
<br /> � � and aPPt9 the eame.Pea�eaass aS opa:aRioa au+�,colF�ta9n.upa�t�e.fadel4tuduess seeared bq tbia i?eed•Af T�uat.aaid�. `;, ,s �`��,��_
<br /> 9n
<br /> � F 3 ..' _ fbK1�_---
<br /> �`r �. : �enb,ioyaities.i�ieae a6d p¢o&7e.6ein8 hereby�aigaed to$enefciary aa,•fureher secarity for tha pn1(pirsut o€earb �F ..Y
<br /> - inde6ttr�e��e�isc ot IIights ander tbta panigespd�a�nl� not eare oa wussi�:�aY de[saTs or aotiet o€:�fuil�teete y,..::..;;.., `_
<br />- , . wide:or iiavalidate aay act doue�uruanat to eur6 antice 6ut e�t(b bo cutr}r��va to nnq•r'aght arid�aem�y to deeiert �,�::,:;���-a__--
<br /> - ` - a dafanls aad ta csass naYsme o€�defa�eQS co be racorded za h'scQi�[t�e• ;�ded�artd cumulative w.i�Y o�he*Rght �i�" •_ 4_
<br /> ��;>� �, << �,?s,_,._,,,�;
<br /> �,� � •�'`�?`� andfos semedy harea�sder.oc provided bp lae�.and may 6e cse�d,eoiiFUt�ntIy or Ira�depeudmttq:;�zpent� ,�r ' ,,�. : �
<br /> '� `` ._._.: ..,.. � currt�bq 8caehciasy.l�ereuader incindiag reasoa36te ac=omeys tees s��a'�aecared l�tzby. . � �i 't ,�°�-'���`
<br /> ""`�` --- ------- .._..___...-----��-----�-��- ----- --�----.. . _._. _.. ..._... . ...... ... ...... ........----......._.....--� - �-----._....._-..--.. _..___. . __.. .. -� --- -- -` �,.,m.�.
<br /> t . . .. . . . . � �� �(1 . N '.
<br /> : . 4.Tbes Gsautos covenanto aad agtees�hat if itQ aGul� iail w pay said IndeAted�esa or a�Y Part thet+eof,whnn.. • � '` "�`'
<br /> r�.`:
<br /> - . du�os aBalI ta1 w pertorsn aay anvenant ar agReme�aE oi thie ina�s a:of tlte promisaory aote secv�red[m�ebq: � ,.,�;:�.-�i,-`--_-
<br /> ..:.
<br /> tI�e entire iadebtcdaes hereby secored shalt immadnately beco�se.due.Payabl� aad calkctible withont aotic�at ' ' �`� .:`
<br />_-. .•..,. . •" • - -� .
<br /> ....�..:..... ..:.� . • � . --�.�
<br /> - t�e.optioa of the.Eeneficiary or assigae._r�ardteta at'maturlty. aati t�e Berieficiary os�a may enu3s upoa a�id _
<br /> ;F � ., _ � pmperty and colicce t6e�nte aad pro5te theseof Upoa.such default in ppymeat or pesi'orsnaacs�i� be�ore os ' �,� , •�
<br /> ,ra�... _ . . . .
<br /> =.:��.., '��.;�;=, aftes such entry.t�e Trustee. acti�c�.ia.ttte e�ceeutiaa ot this Trust, ehall have �he�pawer�to r>el�'� proPertl►• �• . ,. .
<br /> "�� - -•- `� and it sh�lt�bcs the Trustee's dutp ta.selI sald propertg (tmd-in caae of any default��ol•,�ny.purcli&�r.to reselty' • .' ''9"'
<br /> :::;:':; �' "
<br /> �'. ...-.---- - . ,�t pnblie�auctioa. t� the hnQkeat 6idderr 6eat �ipiag four areeke� eotice oi the tinie, terme� and^gf.uce of ancti �: ;_ .
<br /> '•;.�;,��`. _ , . dalw by adyectisement nor lesa thua once during,�athof said four weeite�in:a,newspaper published oi�d�lributed in •� ' •� ''
<br /> i,....� :
<br /> .::F•<`;'• , y�e coun oa oli¢ica�n�a�divir�ion in whichsaid'grvperty is;situated.�all��blher notice being hera�g wa�ved by the �;i� . . �';�,�; '
<br /> - • �b':. .P + �.
<br /> �� Grintor,(mtcd'.o.ise B�nef�ciary or any persun on 6ehalf df,the�8ane&ciary rnay bid and p�ust�ase.t s�sale).Sucl� "' '•� '
<br /> , �Y;:'%s. � .`:;,, _
<br /> • . . " '�d�;:-�; aais wilt b�-Ite�d ae a suiaable place w.6a selected by the Baeefi6iary witbin eaid county or poli�ical aubdivision.The
<br /> - - ��-------:�°=�• Triratce es bereby autdaoriaed to egaeuta and:detiver to ehe purehaser at euch sale a sn�ciene conveqanee ot eaid prop� _,�,�_ r""• `. l
<br /> -�-�..,.';.,r,;� '
<br /> erty,which conveyaaee shalt contain recitala es to.lhe happening of a default upon which the execution.�o�the ower '`� ? +
<br /> oi aa�e herein gantad dependn:aitd.t6e said Granwr here6y constitutea and appoints the Tn�atee as 1"si�a oge t aad ���•,� " '� '•'
<br /> :y�_�
<br /> .�....j}� ��'=„::�.
<br /> � auomey in[aet to make.euch seciwl�:and to execute eaid coaveyaace aad hereby covenant�and a���at the re� ;��;; ,. ��
<br /> � eitale so cnada ebnll�Toe bindin and�COnclusive u on the Grantor. and said canve ance shall ba eSectual to bar all�� ' "���"��'y�
<br /> 8� P y . '.::.I�'� ��.
<br /> �s� »4.
<br /> ' " eqaity os tf�ht of aedempti�M homeatead.dower.ri�ht ot approisenient.and all othee righte an�ezc�mptlons of the •,�•:��:;', .
<br /> � � � ' (''�tot.aid of w6tch�ae+�•hcre!►y espreesty waived atr.e�eonveyed to the Trnste�!n the evenl of a rai.�ms•heseinabove ,;'� '� ' �
<br /> ,;;;;,;;�;:,•: '' �vided.the GrantQr.or any peesoA ia paa+ea�camsder the Crantor.eh�i�:slien become end 6+e t�aate holdinq �. ,
<br /> •?�;,•y�:, .. : _� : , avas attd dsitll fotlhw.ith deUver posse¢�on to the��dzseer a!sach eale or�c.rsummaelly dispo�:in actordance . ' �
<br /> ��,y�',''r'-, . , . .. . . � -. . . ...... __
<br /> � t;��: ''�� �- witEa eke ptvciaio�oi law applica6[e caarnanta holding over. '�he power and agency he�eby granted are coupTed ..,:
<br />- 'y`�;•.. )_.;: •_ 'r:ri^i•:.5� ' .
<br /> � �� !;,�;'. • `�'<'•'�,� arit�an tntaresl and are ictevacablc is,q'death or otherwtse, aad,c.*ia granted as cumulative to ali other cemedtes for .
<br /> •?�rr:�,:,� -'!
<br /> '1�5i:��'. . �'.�i;4,
<br /> ->:'.. >;,;s,;%u.�..� • ''��.;'��i�:s . � t�e molie�.�'tioa,of baid iadebudneea.Tlee Beeeficiary or Aeaigne etixjr•talce any otfta appropriate actiou pQrauant to etate .� . .
<br /> :.,s:i �
<br /> "':1>��i;u-�i' ��* os Federd atatau eitha im atate or Federal court or otheswiee tor the diepoeitioa oi t6c property. , ,
<br /> ,,,;,,���;. �,5f,::'•;.. , . " • .
<br /> -' . - �, :'f..,"t1''S . / . , - , ..
<br /> � ' ��� �'"" S it►tkrs event o!�eaZe ae provided in pasagraph 4. the�•'k'eastee�eha11 be paid a fee�g tlt�;.�aef�eiary in an •
<br /> :,: , � '.� i�;;;�S;��ii,�;,; . . .
<br /> ;: ,,;. . amount rsat Cis��ccese ot perceat of the groae amount of eaid eale os salea�provided,fvs�ve+-er,�nat the amo�t
<br /> ' �nEauch.fe��na116e•reaeona6le and shall be approved by the Seneficiary as[mr�aaonablenesa 5aid 6ee c�116e in addi• . • .
<br /> ' �' ' tmrt to R[te canta artd espeneea incurred by the Teevuce in conducting eucb axir_:'�'I�e amount of auch•eoct�s and espenses , • , • ,
<br /> 1�,. _i .
<br /> � �=•;+� � � . :.;•�;ti.;:. : u�c�ll b�c#edu¢[ed and paid from!!te eale'e proceed�.[�ia tu�ther aA�eed t6at it said property eha116e a�v¢rtised(or sale • . . . .
<br /> , , �a.l.,,�:•,�.
<br /> . , . . ;,�5�,��,�z, , aa hercin pnrvided and not eoid.the'8'eu�tee eha11 be entitled to a reaeonable fee,In an arrtuuat accepta6le to the Bene• . .
<br /> • �';��f?���� , fcaa fa'r the servieee eo rendered.'IEfie'�'rustee sliall also 6e ceimbureed b the Bene6cia tor all coass and ex naxe ,' .. �
<br /> . .�:,�{t�°, rY Y � � !
<br /> - . . ' '`; ,. iaeornd in conaectian ayitE�the advertieie�06 sair�nroperty(or eale i�tbr cuJe ie not eonsummated.'
<br /> t i
<br /> , � i
<br /> ` , b. The proceedu ol mny eaie of sai�t property in acwrdaneo wita paraGrs�i�.4 ehali be applied.,frr.e¢to payment� � � �
<br /> ti ; - �- :: -� of�ets.c�ate.and eipensea ot eai�sale�the expenees incuered �y tha BeneSeiary tor Ih,��+tepo� ot protectie�g or
<br /> � ma�mt�ai��eaid property and ceasoau6la�attosaeys•fus: ecoondly.to paymeno of t6e iudr.bttdaeae secored 6erebyi
<br /> . �. ar�l ahiidJy.w pay aay surplus or e:oea�to the peraoa or pe,r�one tegaliy entit?md theeew►� ..
<br /> ,°. �: , . _ ' •
<br /> .�� _ _ ?. ra the event aaid psoperty ie nold pureuant to the authoriaatioa contained in thia inawment os as a judieiml � '
<br /> '�' ' fateclpause i�Te aad tbe praad�art haE o�icIent to p�y the total Indebtednea� a�care� by t6ie instrumeat��and i
<br /> � ��'. '. . , evldm�xd by�aid�amiadory nute. tlnd Eeae&ciary ar�1 ba eatitled w a de6aieaap judganent far the amonat oi the
<br /> -� .� '" '••'` ' : , det:eieacy without e�egard to appraiaement.t6e Grantor havin�weived and assigned al1 rigl�to ot sppraisement to the �.
<br /> ' -- - --- - Twt� � . .
<br /> �...
<br /> � �'�`� ;,',: ,�`° , 8 The Granwr covenants aad a�ees as tollowa: � � I .
<br /> • . � � .
<br /> . _. , .
<br /> �. � � :.-.;:;,: . � -
<br /> ,�, • ._ ..`'.;;.�.. a $e ar�l psemP�Y Pay the indebtedaea�evidea�ed by eaid prnmiaaory aote at the times aa� in We €
<br /> ` � ,��-�•.�� '
<br /> =•- ' _ manaes tha+eia pmvtded. ' ---,
<br /> - ,J---. .---.--;.�_- : � �----=-.� --�-- -��
<br /> ' .. .. ;
<br /> , . . ; � .. . '' -- �. , � ' __ _ .
<br />