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<br /> _ .=5 L� — , ` r ,. .C 7 . . -" - . �`� ` ;. : . . 'a • ��������� .. 4 �.—
<br /> : _ <I�Ymea3s cr�y n�tong�6e requii�.�t�te op�on_of E,��t�e�mr�rtgaga�nsufacce cavera$e(in die smo�tnt`��r i�pcs�qd�• , :�`
<br /> :�at Le�er;ie�reea)F�ovided b3�an iasurer apgt�vt�by I�nder ag�i Becnm�avsiEabiO a�is ob`�iit�.�rrb�rcr s6�ITF�.� ,�
<br /> ` t�Rrer,iiums nequ�eil td maia`taia.moit�grge insur�ce in effece,or to Qnivlde a lass ri�rrve.=�1,tt��r�u�ut�or mo;tg�,� •,�:_
<br /> dnsutaace e�in acoor�,with AnY writt�n agrer�ns�a b¢R�eni�arra:�er ar�Y.ezui�r or applicable Iaw: . ,. . �
<br /> 9�Inape�tea►1�ender"or its aga�t may�reaso€�Is.emri�s ag�oa an9 in.. ons af the Qrop?,rasr-�3.es�ier shajE giva� .
<br /> BoaaW�r notice at the timz of ar;priot Co air ias�R�sp��8 rea�onable't�use or the l�spactisrn. . , �.
<br /> 10.Co�tdein�►a:Tfte psoo�ds of airy a�a�ard or clairn foz damages:dlrect ar.cuaseqa�tial.in cana�cxiori wltli�any '� .� t,.'
<br /> ------ candemn��tms or other tatnng of any part of the,Pmpert3+,or foz conveyance in tieu.o�oondemuation,ase hereby assigned"ancF- ' - .
<br /> -- • s[�i16e p?id�to Lender. , . � � ` �. �
<br /> ' Inr the_event df a tQta[tz&jng of tRe Frapectyr.`t�a proceeds shall6e a�liod ta We sums secured 6y this Sec�iey�s.cuua�:�t.
<br /> — _W_ : _ � .� _ _ - - -
<br /> - _ wd��ther or not then due.ant�anry excess paid,to Boim�ver.In th�e event af a pa�uat.ta�ing af�ie Pmge�irr w�it�t��.�. ;
<br /> =- � .mar&sx vaiue of the Pcapertyc immediatety tiefoze th�ta's�g is eqau3tA���tha�ri i�ie 6rt�ur,�o€#I��sc�s��Syti�--:-. - -
<br /> -- -- � Se�rity r�;st�sn��imiacdiately 6efore the ta�sing,unless Bor�wer and Lender atfierwise agr�in writing,tite s�ms s�Ciu�.c4 ts��
<br /> this Securlty Yn..arumeat shall be ceduoefl by ti�.amount of the pmoe�ls nnilriplied by th�follo�viug frection: (a�tt►��a#�� , ,',..
<br /> — -- -- amount of the snms ses�ae�immediately.before the takin�divtded by�6)the flais nuarket vat�e of che Pmpetry.i��, .•,•:.;,�:.
<br /> -- b..�fore the ta�ng. Any balancc shall be pa�d to Hormmwcr. IQ.tt�eFent of a partiai.taf6ng of the Pmperty i�xv�cl�.the fair. �:�,��'
<br /> market vatue of tbe Properiy�ira�diately 6efore t�e taton�is Ies�tI�a the ammint of tbe sums secured imnas�3�ty Uefare tt}e . ^� .
<br /> _ _ - ta6�ing,untess Borrower and Lzader otlienvise agree in writing or uttless appliaable tat�othera'n�e giovides.�pmc�eda;� �'��,�
<br /> - be ap�lied ta the s�ms seru�red by this 5ecurity Inshument whether or not the sums aze ttien due. , ��� � ��,��,�y,
<br /> _..__�._�.� If the Properry is a6andoned by Borrower,pr if,after not�iice by Lender w Borrower that the condemnur offeis to di��5 t t, :_��;;:
<br /> = r�: ','�rard or s�tle a claim for dau�.agts,Bormaer fa�s to respond to I.ender wit1�;3Q days after the date cl}e natire is givt�n;� . � .t't -
<br /> - _ _� :_�der is a,uttwrized to col2eci and apply�he pmc�s;at iu option,either to r+e�tL•i�s�or cepair of the Property'or to the'strms .. `
<br /> = K�rP<�.�, ' �secured by this&ecu:iiy InsNumea�,arhether or not tben due. , `:.'` ���`�, �. . , ` � -
<br /> - 3r"`""��r .t;. Unless Ixnder and Borrower otfiernise ngree in writing,am1.;ePPlic�tion of�prace�'s't��rincipai shal{ aot exte�� .<
<br /> � � , � < ._...... z ,
<br /> �,����•.�•�, t :;���potle�he due date of the mo ts refe�red to in � 9 and Z ot change the�ibunt of such payments.. .,;;.,<;., ' �?
<br /> -���, �., -- --�---'-�!P��---�--------�---���---- -•--- --- �y� ' -
<br /> ���. ��,:. •:,,;;;.;'� 11.Borrower Ptoi Released;Foriaearance By I.eader�ot�''�Iver.�xtenslbn of ihe t�me�or--- t�br'mwi�fic2,z;on�
<br /> - �-.�a,� .. , <,,,.,, . .< :...
<br /> � �,_„�� ;- ";'bf amormation of the sums secured by this Seauity L�ent�.ed by LeMer w any successor in interest of Rorrowei sbafl
<br /> - -��,:;����r�.%J-� ` not operate;�i�tease the IIab7ity of the origiaal.8orroa�or Bu:^'vs�..r's successo�s in interese•I-ender shail not 6e r�:tQ, _
<br /> - 7�ut! ,<<�'�l: -
<br /> -� �' ;: cvmm�nce�i�ings againsE any successor ia inter�st or refuse'�o�itiend time for payment or otherwise modify amo ,tt,�Yq��n
<br /> �'�,. ��•.h��.:,t - of ihe sutns�secufed-by this Se�a►riry-Inswment 6g_,r�ason of anq demand,made-by the a¢i�l Borrower or Hoi��?�r's -- —
<br /> .�- ` ' : _`� } ;'` '.:��::',uccessors in interest„A�;forbeardnce by Lender.�ri:°�rcising any right or re.�3y sltall�rtt be a waive�,K�€:or prechid�the s
<br /> �'' r�.��{S t.�t�'v' `e 1 , �•�ercise of arry right ars��.y. ' '';:;:,,' '. �: ..;• .'• t
<br /> �if",� �,�'F. � 5
<br /> �:� 1��,� r 3Ffy�,J����{ti,;. . �� 12.'Successors aiid��ssigos Bm�di Joint ancl�Several Lia6iltty'> Co-�n�ts. Tft���ants and agre�ments of this.
<br /> ;^;�r:-� ;�,�'.?;;��;�i � Se�urity IaS=trament shall bind aad be�tt.the succ�ssois and assigns of l.endes and Borre-�•subject to the pravtsi�w'of �_�
<br /> . . '.:,�^i`���i' paragrapb I�. Borrrower's covenants ��•i�grecments shafl Be jai-�r,and sev�al. Any Ecisr,e,'�.r who casigns this Saamaicy . ; .-- -
<br /> �a•,,;;�,;� -�� _
<br /> �4,fi�+,; ` ' ' '� i Instrument but does nat execute the Note: (a)is co-sgning this 9esa.irify �tru�t only tat:�mgage,grars aad conve;�':t;tiat ' �_,.,,,;_
<br /> `�`"�f"'�.`�:.'':� �.:'. •..`. .� Borrower's interest in the Property under the termg of this Security�nsuu�ena;Q'��is not p�rsonafly nbtigated to pay tti�� -----
<br /> ��.4.-�,. .;1 .. : � '"__'_'_-
<br /> 7F���:�� �:�'"`...:.'�.: �� � secured by this.Security lnstrument;and(c)agrees that[.ender and azv other Borrower may agree to exteced.modify.forb�vr
<br /> ��''� � ;;;.± make any accommodations with tegard to tlie tem�of this Setvrit}°ffti�-tNment or the Note wit$aut that Borrower's coasent�,:< . �------
<br />�.�:�:;:'.,. " ''• . ..; � o - --_
<br />= � • t3.Loan Chat�es.If the toan sacz:red by this Security Instn�znent is subject to:�sdau;•which sets maximum loan charges, __
<br /> : ';,��.. ' ;';, � and that!aw is finally interpreted so�!�at the intecest or other loan�harges colle�a�crr to be collected in connection with the ��
<br /> ��;G;���` loan exoeed the pertnitted liavts.then: (a)any such(oan cRarge shalt be reducod�y s�:3.amoant necessary to reduce the charge ��.�;�,
<br />,,�:::i��;---:.,..�_, .�,�.�
<br /> —_-c;�.s,>�;�;;: , ,..::�::,.:.�, to the pemritted limit;aad tb)any sums already caltecced from Borrower which :zc�cted pern�itted limi4s will be refunded to ���--
<br /> `•„`� 'i�;' gorrower. Lender may choose to m�tcc this refund 6y .*�ucir.g d:e prirtcipal owed urtCea-'t�� Note or by making a direct t�-
<br /> :%��� _.:.r�. r iLhr�,• . -_ . --
<br /> — �'��' ' ` • '•''i�^'��%' a ment•to Borrower. If a refund reir,:e'es principal, che redaction will be treated a4 3 �tial 'prePapment without any . _
<br /> •.•.'r,, :. .:,:..l;�«��:u��,:�. P Y . , • , �
<br /> ;";%f ri,.:. . .�. -;:y�,+r�• �rePayment charge under ti�Natc. _.�
<br /> :�;�,•` � 14.NotiCes.Any ry.�::�to Bortower provided f�sn this Security Instrument�Fa11 be.given by deliveti�.it or by mailing. _�- _
<br /> � • � ` . , '�`f it by first class mail uniess,�ppiicable law requires use af anather method.The notice shall be directed to th�Property Address � ,-
<br /> � .'. • - '{' ' � or any other address Borrower designates by nolice to L.ender. Any notice to Lender shall be given 6y first class c�.r`.l.to
<br /> _ �• ��� � j ' � I .Lender's address stated herein ar an other address Lender desi :.tes b notice to Borrower. An notice rovided for r,a r�^is, _ _
<br /> �-.,=�' =- -.:• �,w::.r; Y �` Y Y P ' ...'. r.��.� .
<br /> ` ` �`'` Security lnstrument shall be deemed to have 6een given ta Borrowe;or l.ender when given as provided in this paragraph. ~ ,;.' •=
<br /> '.., ., . ':,,:.
<br /> ��:.-'��� - - -- i5.Governing law; Severabtlity. This Secur+ty Instrument shall be �ovemed by.federal law and the law ofthe �� '•: '•,' .:;,�"�°
<br /> ,';uai�t•,.,.. `,, � • ��.
<br /> ��.a•�- jurisdiction in which the Property is located.ln the event that any provisiop cr�I�:.,se of,this Security Instrumeat or the Note ��;.-•.,.��;{'" '��,'�_
<br /> ',�:;;���`� ` ' `�•%�>�,;, ;. contlicts with applicable law,such conf'�shaU not affect other provisions o f�;�Sa.�rity In�rumen t or t he No te w hic fi c a n b e �...�'7;;�,;;:,;;`��''"
<br /> %i:•;i'i:.,.F, . ��::at�-If��I4;�: .
<br /> — ����•'• � ?�r;•i;�,r,:'���:. given effect without the conflicting prc:i:i��.Ta this end the provisions of this�curiry lituruz7ent and the Note are declared . �.f ,�.��j,,.;,,••.
<br /> ����t '`
<br /> '`` �,,� �; to be severable. ��'`^t
<br /> ,�� ��� '.:•;).: � t , . , .
<br /> —�j:r?�!-r"'',;;:'�� •' •. � 16.Borrower's Co�y.Horrower shall be given one canformed wpy of the Note and of ti�is Securiry In�ttument. t< .:
<br /> '"l• �a. t•, �;�r . _•' ,.,; .
<br /> �;(, S Form 3028 9l90 v ''�
<br /> ;'�i�l,I�,i..rr. ��;�f;. vagaia-E, . . ' ��;'�fiy,f�;�S?_!� -
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