�_ r �` Y[,;"'.__ ��.�: . .- . . � • .<•� . - -� - f� �e .
<br /> ' - - - �t ��' �� � `�' . . .. .`� . . -'- - a_ . �' f --
<br /> \ -e x a .�,+�t��� �d,'�rr'.�'�.� . ' ' . '�_�t' _ e;' .. -
<br /> . . -��� ' .�i� .•.icii.u�...'� _ .- . _.. . .�.�.-L..',. _
<br /> _� _ . .'_ C _ f` . . . . -_._. . . - ; ( , . , � r � � ` . � � , }{ .
<br /> ��°= S. H8732�OY ��i((DDj121`�g1 III�"�'9i1Ce.."SOP1'OW�i $�1Li��{C�."th�.'LID�j1ii1YCIL127�1s,�D�l'8�Oi����r3 i�IG ,
<br /> . prog�ty,inst.�ecl.agains4 Ioss tiy f�ite,tiar�d��i�clvded within t�tecm7°esi,te,ad�d cov�rage°and�anyi o$t�r It�i�fs�Id�iudietg °' ., ..
<br /> tiamds ar.�andi�g,far whirh Leader zeqnir�i�saraac,e.7�is inrnrn�c���a116e�3in 't3tn�d�u tlt�e�im�s at�d�fo[th�perivas.
<br />- --- — 35at Leader:req�ire�. �'ha instua�carciei prav'�cdang 3uG ipsut�toe st�ll be cltasen by tiamawe�r subject to Lender's appmval ` ,
<br /> _ -- � wirich�aU nat be vnreasona62y withheld if Bonisw�fa�7s co usaintain,�ov��.des�i6ed atioye. [�nder rosy:at trender's ., :
<br /> --- -- option.abtaia aoveiage m protest�e�acter's tights in the�rope�ty in s�ordance w�th pa;agraph 7.-. `. , • .
<br /> - _ — � , Ali insuranre polisies and•renewats s@all 6e aoe�ptabte to[.ender"and shatI inctarIe a standurd moit�ae`claurse. Len�e� .� .
<br />�_� � �'s6ai1 have tita rigJ�t�a hald.Uis poiities and r�tewats.If I.e�der res�uires,Bormwe,�sbatl pmaagtty give to Leader all receipts af .
<br />-' ?'� paid pzemiub�aad renewal nutices.In the event of toss,Bomnwer shall give prompt notisx to the iasura�e czurier aad L�►dor. ;
<br /> ` ___-, I.ender ma}��prnnf�o�lass if not m�de.promguy by Bnrrower. _ . _ <
<br /> f.�.� . . .. _ _ _ _ ..
<br /> — � . i�nless Le.nder a�d Bw�apvier othervlis�.a�in cy:itin;,in..�tt�pr_�sls shall.�aggl�te r+es�otatiot!oF.�r_af t.�e. �--
<br /> � , P7+opertY damaged,if s���restara�ion or repair is eoonamlcaily feas�te and Lender's security is uut less�ned.if the resmiatioa or
<br /> . � repair is aot economically.feasible5 oc Lendct's security woutd be lessened,rhe insazanse pzur�eds shatl6e agglied ta the suta�
<br /> secured by this 5ecurity Iastrument:.whcther or not then due, with airy excess paid to Bolrower.If�orEawer abaudons tite
<br /> .praperty,or dnes aot answer arithin 30 Qays a notice from Lender that the ins�;ce carrier 6ss offeted w seit[e a cIaim,tben 1
<br />- L'ender may rollec�the insuiauce pmc�cls: I�may.as�e the procxeds ta:;:�os resto�+e t6e Prapertg or w pay s��*++a
<br /> secuied by t6is Sewrity Insnvment,w��Qi�oti�3cen due.Tde 3Q�da.y peric��';y%rl�.�m+�+!h�n•the noSce is gtven.
<br /> �..��� . Untess Leader and B�rro.wer�e ageee in wiiting. anY aPP��4�t�. .�'�;,f{�.piinciPai sball not extend ar
<br /> n
<br /> � .:..
<br /> '' ° . , Pnstpnae the d�ce date of the montl�I�<:��neats referred w in paragra;�hs 1 atttd��i�,�X�r.amaunt af the payments. If
<br /> �=� , �`' under paragraph 21 the Pro is ,.', ec.Borrawer's ri t to ,cnsurance� �iCs and ceEds resultin from :
<br /> ' ,_";:�. P�Y �3��Y� � �3+,`� � � g �
<br />�,�� <•�• ,'�- , �`` .d�mage to the ProPertY Prior to t1�e acqy�i�izon�:�ass to Lender,to the exte�pf ttfe syms s�cured by�is Securify Iasmrment `
<br /> Y '.-,f�'�,:�'� i�nm�ia�lY Prior w the acquisition. �-`-.: , ``��": • L
<br /> r �' . -. ' ,..� .. , : � ;. ' •:
<br />�.���',, hr'•�f>� 6.Occmpancy,Pteservation,M.rt�{?�'�Prbte�fstn,��e PivFesty;�Borro�'�:oan Apgttcat�on;L�sehotds. z
<br /> --- Borrower shall occugy.establssh,aru�����::��9erly as Borr:��`�'s•principal msid�ace wl�r�$iaty daJ+s after the eaec�ttf,tii�.�f.�=,�;�`.,.�`.
<br /> , .
<br /> �.. .; ••
<br /> . . . . =:N`�. _
<br /> .. -------- � ,:-,_
<br /> '�'�`: -'. , . ....; _.__.__......_�his.Se�vrity.lnstrument.and-shalL.ra�r�:;3m�arcz�u.the Prog�=�as-Borrowec's..principat�idence-for-at-tgasi.orie��:1 �v:;s;',:�.�;�;i;
<br /> .�.,.. ,�: ,:i
<br />�: ��` ' . the dat�of oxupaacy.unless Iknder'otlief�jai�r�s in writuy�; which oonsent shall wt ke unreasonably arithheld,or •�'�`�`=h..... __ --
<br /> -�. ,.,::.-t ' , extenuatin cii+cumstances exist whic6,are .�e�'f3orrower..,�;is'v,�nuol. Bornower shall�n t destroy. d a m a ge ar ir�a�r,'the� ' -__ -
<br /> , . P �``�.� 4
<br /> _ ' _ . l�perty, allow the Property to deteriorate, or soaimit waste':��rr:��iie Property. Borro�+er.cfssill�6e in default if arry•#'�tuse —� --
<br /> ,.. . . :. . . ,
<br /> . �,'.: .�<. � . . . . �
<br />- ----,.---.-�•-=��-=: acnon or praoee��ng. wheiher ci�til os enminal,is begun th2t��3f:�nder's good faith ju ��dg�it��coutd result in foif"�`af the
<br />_ . ,.
<br /> - - - --- --
<br />_ �. :` ,. °;. , � Pmperty or othermse matenally irr►paiT the lien ce�6y GH�w8cunty instr�,r.,�or Lender's seeuriiy iiVi�t��omsd+er may -- -- -
<br /> �• '' y� cure s�rch a defautt aad reinstate.as provided in��-+;^ppb:18;�y causing'the'a�bi�n or proteeding io be�.��sed with a nt]ing
<br /> .' . • that, in Leader's good faith determination, pce�l'.�'forfeitut_.qf,th.3 Bor�+�ey;;z'•s,interrst in the Propc.r��'or other material
<br /> - •. ���`; impairmcnt;of the liyn created by tflis Security,�r•_timenC or'Gztsier's sece��:inte�est. Borrower shall atso he in def,ault if
<br /> ' " . . :Borrow�.;:sd�ring the loan applicatioa�ocess.gave matenatly f�fs;�or inaccurate information or stateaients to Leniler(ax failed —
<br /> ��� .:. ` • ta pmvid�'I:ender with ai}X matetia}'i�toimation)in connection a+ith the loan evIdenced by the Note,inc�udsi�g;but noY�iimited ___
<br /> _ '�7 � . ' �' to,representations co:i�znr3ng BorroweYs occup2¢s.�y of the Progerty as a prir�i��~,!•resideme.If this S�itc Instrument is on a ==
<br /> •- , •. -�•..�� '•'�,i leasehold. Borrawer s�;�ti oompty with all the provisions of the lease. If Srsiir�yrer acquires fee tit��'tri the Froperty. tttc —
<br />- � •• �� teasehald and the fee title shall aot�e untess l.ender agrees to the merger in v�mting. • _.
<br /> � " _ 7.FrofectIon of Lender's Ri�l.�.�°in thP Property.If Borrower fails to perforns the covenants and agreements cantained in
<br /> , this Security lnstmment.or there is a legal pmceeiiing that may signifcantly affect Ixnder s rights in the Pmperty (such a�a �"
<br /> .. '. ' proceeding in bankruptcy.probate. for coademnation or fodeiture or tu enforca taws or regulatinns).thcn I.ender may do and ' •
<br /> � - . � pay for whatever is nec�csary to praiect the valut�,of the Property and Lender's rights in the Pcoperty.,j:�atdet's ac6ons may ------ _
<br /> � „ ; . . inclade paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over ihis Security Instrument, appeanf�3n wurt. payiqg �.a�_-
<br /> ' , . reasonable,attomeys' fees and enterir�on the Praperty ta muke r�epairs.Althaugh l.ender may take action under this pur�uph• .:�...' �:�_-^_- -
<br /> . <r•:.: ` ,,:,� . f:�_._.
<br /> ;�.,;. T.l.en���ues not have to do sa. , . • �;��
<br /> •�•.•�,i`�,f(,a,�.� . . „ �;e�9
<br /> •• �, i',;�;.�=;t..r •� , • Any�am oun ts dis Y r v r s e d b y L e n d e r u n de x h'.i�p a r a g r a p h 7 s h a l l b e c o m o a d d i t i o n a l d e b t o f B o r r a w e r s e c u r e d b y t h i s � , .�-��
<br /> - -.� ; - '"�t` ' Security Instrumem. C�i�s Borrower artd Lert�:�.esree to other terms af paymarit;these amounts shall hear ittterest from the ""i ��_�;;.;_:
<br /> '� ��<< �' ' . ` date of disbursement at the Note rzte,xnd shall tie payable, with interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting '• '••'���;;::.�
<br /> �, :-..�,;:v4;,. -_
<br /> ' '. •�s�<.:;;k;; '� payment. „ " �x =_ �.�
<br /> -- �-� ` '��'?�-"• S.Mor�guge Insarance.If Le,:S:i�rr reyuireil mortgage insurance as a condition of mal;ing the foan secured by this Security ~= ::*''-:��_°J�
<br /> ...�i .. ,•-�.,,.r,;.,,
<br /> : ..,- ;•ti':?.,,;.
<br /> ��' Instrument. Borrower shall pay the premiums requircd ta maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If,.for any reason.the
<br /> ; �:,;:�. ' : �.'" mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender;i�es or ceases to be in effect.Borro�ver shall pay the pniniums required to � • • .f:�;�,,_.
<br /> '` "� ' obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the n:��:z;�age insurance previousty in effect.at a cost substanti�tly equivatent to the � ' r ;..•
<br /> ;�,i�,;, .
<br /> . , .�,��,.;�, ,._ . cost to Borrower aP the martgage insurancc prcviously ira effu:l,.from an attemate mongage insurer ap�rot•ed by Lender. If . '�"�
<br /> .f�• ..
<br /> ' �� �;:!s�<�`'!'i';'• substantially equivalent mortgage i��urance coverage is nat ar:iil;�fe.Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to • <.-:
<br /> �;.;t.�... .�/'.� _..
<br /> t .� . f��;'-�;i;": one-twelfth of the yearly mert��.•c���urance premium being paid Dy Bnrrawer a•hen the insursnce coverag�lapsed or ceased to • ' � .�:.
<br /> �-.,• , ' .,::.
<br /> ;;;b . � � ' be in effect.Lender wif!;;ki�c::::r�:��:,-cd retain these payments as a toss resen•e in lieu of mongage insurance. Loss reserve . • - ,';'r.,4;.%":;
<br /> � _. , • ' . . , Fo�soas 9/90 ' ';i1�y;�.,,•i54�r4f,":'
<br /> ' '•lyry? 1� - 3 6 , , 51�'���.�,,:f'!'t� A.i._
<br /> .. .. � ,�.fJ, 7age o} � .. ;�;•t�'yt�i'.i';•�l�����I:i:7��'�
<br /> `...r.
<br /> � :li�';;'„, rl?,;,.;;'r����1?Ji.i"_'
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