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<br /> -,�. G'. .v., G ' .. . C , .. ; '.._ .i. r _-._. .�:-'y. ._ . k f' ,�, .
<br /> ' d �� (y . , . . . : ,C ��.; �`'' l�� • ` ' C'{t: . •-<- . .r� �.� �, C i(,
<br /> _._w�bvla.�i.dec.r.L�Y1���.y.r.'..:.1 ' �F� . C.�. . ` • .• _ .., t
<br /> � _ i �� �� �+, � . `� `t : `` ..c �;� � o. .� '�.�o � . tI ° <<_ �-
<br /> , t... . .: .� . . �,., �E_ .."' "' 'Y " �. ` _
<br /> . '� � :. 8�. �fi�tl.4�C1 s[IA!$��`IkSG �lA�1iQ��1't1�nt.�`t1Cr1'CXilt�htiCdllA������a��t<i�� � 4
<br /> _ - Petii�t�ix�c��uns�ft!�:�+t�t�I�ir,�ii�,wst�a t�fr�i�."�x���e':.��}t.�'��sa�r�'�=�" �,
<br /> _ � `floods�;tiati,din�.fcrt a+'tx�sif C.r�drr�pu.�ii�ur.•nrri.'�,•'�i�s�r}�i�ct s�(l i� .z�� ��`�:�i�
<br /> . � .QBst I,strlt�t t�ilE�.T�fe ir�t's��rrieF`�vic�isrg t�r..�psur;�ns:��D.tk c�a�e�a 6y•��risa�rr�uD,�trt�i,[�r's,�i�t .
<br /> .. • v�i�cie�sis�ll�nc�C6e un�y wlSht�ct�f..t€.�ar�nK���'�Itu:�.�iaint�in�cotieta�ti clac�Efr•d abiav�,.,�:eir�r:ms►�r;;�i.�Er�dk.�t'� � � .
<br /> • �.vp�iun::a�sf�fn oo�ssr�e ta�a.�t�'s r�g,�tr iti ahc F�r�rt�r�a�ooldi�nce wit�t�c�t�pbi 7. . �. ` " . ' . . '
<br /> � A�t�itts��pat'ss3es��c�vr,�s�slsaI4 be�n:tpf�I��c�.�cr aasd stsall itxlude�a'sttceC�n!mn�t$�e cf�usr. L�i�ci�r
<br /> ahail i�va t�c rig�s ta hold ttie po�f�ics amD rer�,.AwaFs.LF l.�er�+.�r�tc�stir�;Baiscrw ex s�l pr�a�dY.��iv�e tR I�tx3�r a1�rc�Cip�s s� ""
<br /> — P�F�umsacsd r�swa�notIxs:Ic�tf�e ev�it af lass.B�r���st}all give�maipR�r.otice t�ch��nsl�rark�e'k��r�1.�.
<br /> L�ter�:ay maf�e �f of LosS���oE tnad�pr�.*apRiy�Scsr���+s��: . . �� �� ` _
<br /> � '- . t�o �� � . . .
<br /> . --_.-
<br /> Uni�F��r�8oir�o�rer ot1�e��ag�u►.c►nt�:.-�;r���nec�rbceeds sUat[�Ese�tpplied.�.�^P�t�t�o€i�r i�ftf�-
<br /> - - -- Propertyr daabs�ect.if r�ie restma�tian ar r�pair is ecar�s�icaldy f�t�3bt�F aix�I�ev�r's secarity is t�Df'Eas&e4�:.�-f�te testor�t€oat a� --
<br /> rs�a.ir is uot eooa�pcicaiiy feasi6le oz Lender's sewaity wor.:..'d#�e f�ened.ihe insuasncfl pra�eds shall6��n��i to tbc sums
<br /> secut�d isy.t�is Securit�r Instr3�t,whether or me3�.e�d��w�th auy exsss Razd tn$om��:i£$ascaw,er a�bRm4t►ii3�.tT�R
<br /> ProgErty.ar daes uat aaswer witi�tm 3U days e cotice froaa L��cg ti�at the insu�ra�sicr 6as offe�md to sa�t?�u:�ti¢`it��.tl�rm, .
<br />- �.et�der mzry soltect t8�inESUranct pmceeds. L:eiv�ea�m.zy use�pmcoeda to�r a�r�st�e the Pm�esty,os to p�y,-.�ms
<br /> secvr�d 6y th�s S�ty insttut�ent,w1x,�r aa nut tbeg d�e.'F�3�day�riatta;}t begiu wl�ri tt�e t�sio3�s�gi�.etr. " .
<br />- � tlatess Leria3er and Burmwea otherwise ag�aaee i�wei�a�=;airy a�Plic3tiun af�pmceeds to p�inei�±:..f�i;Ii aat e��td�s
<br /> posi�,ome:tSte dtte date of We�tnntl3BF FaY��Afs referc�d tv.itt�eg�aphs t agd 2 or c�tange dte�t of ths paymeats.,I� .
<br /> � 'ut1d�ga�g&ph 21 ttl8 Pmperty i5 BC�u€sed lby Iea�er.Bo�[oWe�'s tighi tu,aIIy incnrar�ppjjcies:erid pmCC�ds[ESUItiII$f� ' ,
<br /> --. dam�e tb the Propesty priar m t�e srq�sition sLall pau to�r w tbe eat�t of tIie bvms seau�b7►�his S�an�tY Ins�m�t .
<br /> �iat�iy grior w th$acquidtion. ` � .
<br /> '� 6.Ocwpancy.�es�toa.Maic�twa�e an��oi ttie Piv�p;Riuirowe�s�.ma Ap�ttan*L�atds-
<br /> --� Bamsweir s4�all occupy�:blisli,arat uss t�s Praperty as Borrawer's pr�acipal resfdeaoe,withip sisty days after We m�astaribtt cf
<br /> .�� , this SecarIty�nm�ttt aa�shatl cx�x�ne to_oocuPY i�c Pmpenq as Bomswer's prn�cip�l�sdeuoe for�teast onA y�car� � �•
<br /> the date of accupanry,tmiess Leader at�tervise a�tees in cvriti�,which aonseat sh�ll�t be�uaeasana6fy cvith4eldJ'�►r un4esS
<br /> � extemtatiag ri'rwsnsqaoes exist wb�c� are beyor�Bomnwer's caatmt. Bonowzr shall not ,desttoy, damaae or.i�ttp�r.tite �.
<br /> -- Propetty. allaw the Property to deteriQrate, or commit waste on the Property. Barcower sLafl be in defanit if suy forfeimte ` �' -
<br /> action or�racxeding.wh��civil or criminat,is begun tLat i�Leader's goad faith judgment eould ie�,vit in fmfeiwre of she
<br /> . prape�ty or othe�wise materially impair the 11�cr�aie�by this Se�ity Insnvraent or L�der's s�waty Euterest.Banmver m�y; .
<br /> aue su�h a defauit aadtieinstate.as provided in paTagtaph l8.bY causing tiie aetio�or pmo�ding to be di�niss�w�l�u cnling
<br /> �� that,in Lender's gan�:f.aith determination, pracfi.td�s farfeitu�of the Sorm�er's-interest ia the Pmperty or o�eir mat�ial `
<br /> imgaimient of the li�'�eatat by this SecuricY T?�roment.or Lende�s senis��.inte�est. Borrower shail atso 6B in d�fanit if
<br />- '��`:;°?'`? Bormwer,dnri the�ii liption moess,ga;c+�.materially false oi is��infommtion or state�i�ri�I�nd�r(o�faled
<br /> �c:it:.�:•� nS � aPP P
<br />_ . � ta provide Leader with aRy��te�inform�ation)ii�oonne�tion witb the loan evidenced by tls��Votc.�i�ag,but not limited
<br /> i•:
<br /> - "!• :� ' to,representations conaern�Bnisp�rer's accupancy of the Pro�ty as a principat rrsiden�i„�"L•�this 8e�v;ity Ynstcumem is on a
<br />-, , leasehoid, Hmrower,�ll:'.comgl',�•i?rith al} the p�visions of ti.e teass. If�'esecawcr aci�r�,feE tisl�;r�s the Anperty. tLe
<br /> =� l�schold aAd the fee tit�'s shall not merge untess I.ender agrees w the merger in+msiang: � ;_`..
<br />- . f. 7.Plrot�eHan of Lendei's Rights in the Property.If Borro�ver fails to perform the cavenants and agr�camairted in
<br /> 'Y��'��':�"� t6is Securi Instrument.or there is a 1 al roceedin that ms si ficantl affect Lender's ri ts in the Pru e (such as a
<br /> '' :�+1 • tY � P g y b'� Y P� P rtY
<br /> 4
<br /> � �'.:,:��� ptooeedin�in 6anlwptcy.pmbai�:fnr condemnation or forfeitz�ra or to enforce laws or regulatians),then Lender may�do and
<br /> '.�"'S�,'.''Y .,.�i:
<br /> _ ;" ��a f�`,,�;�• pay for whatever is necessary to�r.uG.'rt the value of the Propecig and ixnder's righu in the Property.;I.ender's actions may .:: '
<br /> ? �`"'�• inc[ade in .an• sums secnred i� a lien which has nori over fIuS:Secnri Instrument, i� in canrt, �
<br /> :rx� PAY $ Y . � P tY t3+ I� PaS'�g . ,
<br /> .,.,.. �;; a��..
<br /> • •�� : r.���;�r. . . t�eaSOnable attome s'fecs and enterin on the Pro . to make r aus.�in�'r,� I.ender may take act�an,'wider this h �.',,;.'..
<br /> ;,�-,d.••s;.�.t Y � PenY � � P�S�P
<br /> -:;° '' .t� 7.Lcnder does noi have to do so. . � � �=°
<br />_ "�� ,�°.�°: . . . .. .. ...,,;:: _
<br /> An amoonu disbursed b �.�� er under this �T s�all becume additional debt of Boirower secazed b this
<br /> Y 3.:� P��.'�. Y
<br /> `��; ��:�:-'. Securiry Insdviuent.YTnles��uKituc�r.and I.ender agree to oth���inc�f�a'¢�inent. these amauras sl�aIE:S+=,ear interest fivm We ' ---_
<br /> ' ��;�l_ ��� • "`-. date o f di s b u�s e men t a t t h e N o t e r a t e an d s h a l l b e p ay a b l e. w i t h i n t e r e�:.;r�i.n n o ti c e f r o m L e n d e r t t i�:�4 n r ro w e r r e�ry e s t i n g . _
<br /> ^��.�.... .. �::�� ., ;.: ` --- -
<br /> ,.:
<br /> •'�� . . Pal+ment. •:. ,. ,. .... , '.,<.r °_
<br /> _ :�,_:=.c_', '� 8.Mortgage lnsuranoe.If I.ender required mortgage insurance as a ca�dition of maldng the Ioan.s�G�t�by this Secvrity �'
<br /> - µ':'?•�°��,�• '`. ;; instrument. Horrawer shall pay th�premiums reguired to maintain the mortgage insurance in effest. If. for airy reason. the � f�l.?,.
<br /> .. mortga$e insurance ooverage required by Lertder la�ses or cea5r�to be in effect.Borrower shall pay the premiums requimd to � �c-.;
<br /> .*�� .:. �:, obtain coverage substantially eqaivalent to the r�r�C[r3ge insurance previou�lu iL�effe�h.at a cost substantic�lly equivafent to the :` �'��;, -
<br /> � ;'r'..,� ::. , ... . Sag F,,, Y � S S �P� Y �'.
<br /> � � � - --c,'r � .. _ . oost to Borrower of the mort e insurance ri:�li�ust m effect, fram ari:�lt�'nate mort a e iasurer� roved b Ixnder. If
<br /> , ....: ,... ,. , . ..
<br /> �"� ' �•' ' •�' substantiall uivalent mort a e insurance coz'� e is not available.Borm�er shall a to Lender each'rnonth a sum ual to.
<br /> �,�:: �• . .. Y e4 S S � P Y e9
<br /> �����,+::,
<br /> ;+;t�,;�'•�' one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage in,5urance premium bein�paid by Borrower when the inssrance aoverage lapsed or ceased to ..
<br /> -- ` '��'`�;•:�'t'��� •�' .. .
<br /> _ ,�t„���i �,�,, , be in effect.l.ender w�ll acrept.u,.�-:��td relain ihese payments as a loss reserve in licu vf rnortgage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> : § ,t:�;4.; , „ . ,
<br /> =;y �.-�.., : Fottn3�28 9190
<br /> ''�.:''.:i,i`!",•� '•'•'�' - . ' C�a3cf6 � .
<br /> �•' .`��.��.4��t�ti'�','j'. •. � . -.� ' ..
<br /> ,IF��t��. t ..
<br /> `'a\+�,t`f ' • •.h�3 I-i;• ' - � ��hJ�t�i�''` i'�• n. . ;;bt'P��.;: , , ' _ j. , . , r;. _ �.�T� . . . .. , .. • I -
<br /> �� ���' . . o • '� �� " . ,�:•y� .
<br /> � _. . �1 . '1�`i�•"•''.'� . p:..,� . �Y�, . Y 1:�`. .
<br />- T' ;'.�' ' . . '� �.1'.�,- .i, �'i� . . , . . . . •�:d. � ; ,
<br /> ' .� � • . . ' . � : - ', •��, . . � ;. . . . � - . 1..., .� � .�. • � . � � r:. .
<br /> _ 4: , . " ,y . , ' , , .-- . ' � , ' ` , .. .. . - ! ' . ., � ' ' ' . '�� . �+;''' ' .
<br />. . � ; �� ' . ., . ' , �. . • . .. - � � � : - , .,. .. � . _
<br />-- i,■.. . - i� � � ' �- . - --,•- •--�--- : -�- � -- - -- -� � : " ,. � . ,. '. . - --- - -. - �� - - .- — . —. .. � . ' �� ' .
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