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<br /> — ` •�z5��ea"cww�ar l�t�xftr� a pagt �f 3fle.#*age�ty��<kft r�_�ccn�^;�� u8d:tians'�:shalt �o;fs���sti •i�y._ti�.�irit�;�.�.. �'�
<br /> - � :f�satr�.l4�11i+of t�te fai+egolsi��t�cfctre�tr�ia.i�t3s�S�curity I�aeng�tli.e'•"Pirbq�er�.R. . .'< < .: . ° . ;; .' ".�_,
<br /> �' '. �� A�F�IiQW�R�V�IANFS it�t�rsnwer i�lavet�llg�c�of ti�t rs�.�y Conv�ye�.at�d 1�is thc i�gfie t�.grsut��td-`�
<br /> c,�pir�+tjx Pimperty and ttutt thc 1�raptr�y��s ucet�r�b�.�Rt�t fort�rn�nccs of recaid. Bo�;�r�s warr�ts addt wii��. —
<br /> � 'c�efetsd 8�lY tbe tittc to t�a�rapct►Y a�air�t aIl ciai�and deaiaqds.swbyc�to a�r tnr�br,mces of��r�i. . .� ` .
<br /> .:4,:�THIS'SEQt1Ri'fY.INS1�tUM�N'fi.�c�s.aniform ravenanfs for natfonat usc aud.aa�uni£arQi cavenat�is.avish,li�nited ;,_ ' �
<br /> <�ai�atloit�by jur�sd�stion to i�t�tut�e a ns'dfarts�scc�riry insft�crtat oavtring re�i puast�rty.. • . ` � . � ;` .. .
<br /> UNI�ARY�3 t}OVLNAN7'S.B�roRCS a�x4 l.e�d�r ease�nt�9�gree�s foltows: . � �` . - .: .� -', ` . -
<br /> - . .�:.p�y�t ni Prin�l�a1�l iatu�;1P��D�3'�+�a�d ff.u.nfie Ci�t�ges. �3o;rower st�atl pr�nptiY�sY wAea�duo ttto
<br /> - -.--..grit�i�a#'�_Inir„rest Qn tt�deb��ide_�od by;4he I�ote,an��Y.pmP3ym�t aud ta:e r��tiue arndcr th�N$te. - _ -_
<br /> u . — �. . Z.�atx�far Taue9 sud I�Subject,to agp�icab2e[aw ni ta�►wratfea wafver by Leu,de�.8as�oive��s�atl��ay t9.- --
<br /> - — - - - rendes�oa tht�day rnuntbty gaydieut.s sie due�er the Note.mtd'I tTi�I�Tate is gaitl In�f"iiU,a sum(`�ur��a')far:{al Y���
<br /> and assessmems w�icY�may ausio p�ority aver this Sacutity In.�as a liea oa tf►e Pro�rty:([��Ye�rly tc�ct�nid paYm�a�ts
<br /> � at gtaund r�on��perty,if any;(c?Yeaziy t�a�d or.pnop�ty insur�oe prr�au�ss:Ea)Y�tr13�IIoal insntxutc�p�s�tms:. .
<br /> � ��1:(eD Y�Y�T��S�iruatuase gsemitums,i€any;aa�t�}any sums paya�ie�y somoWea co�aer..m.a�co�aanca.w�e�
<br /> ���avistoms of paragrap�8.ia li�of.the payme�t of uwrtgage insulaaee praaiums_Ttiese items are calE�"F.�row Ytems.'
<br /> � � lr,�dPr map,at airy time,coHect aad�otct�unds ia an amowu aot to�ceed tt�ma�tmum aR►nutu,a l�nder for a foderally
<br /> rels2ed aiort�ge Ioam aray requira for Bmmwer's esaow acaaunt u�der the.federal Real Estate Se�dam.ui.Pt�aa�urs klst of . �
<br /> i9'!4 as ameande�t frqm t�m ti�.12.U.S.C. �sdon 26i}�et seq.t°RESI'A°},aates`s enother ta�r thas app{ics ta the Fan�s
<br /> s�ts a les�am�nt If so. I.eadez aray.at ar►�r ti�ae.ooltect end t�oW Fimds in an amouzct ant w exeeed d�e[ess�aa�onai.
<br /> Lekder may estimare tt�ura�nnt af Funds dae on the 6asis of cuneat dt�and ceawnable�tim�es af e�ittt�of futut�
<br /> �Caw It�`ar at6eawise'tax�oordaace with applirable law. -
<br /> - � 'ilie��ra11:ise he�d in an instimtion s�ase deposits.ar�iasured by a.f�era! ag�yr.•inSt�umentati , os cQti¢y,.
<br /> , � .,,Cf�ct��diUg L�der,if leadear is siich an in�itufi-an)ar ia any Fedeaai Hame I�an Bank.L�dee s#�Rll�uPPjY the F�tn pay t�-
<br /> : ;:,;�ow,�tems.Leader.may.rt�i charge$orrower for.hq.[�Eing aad apPhru!g the Fands,�Iy_aazlY_�iag�e esarow�,or
<br /> ----- — ' _;�;;�:.K�Sping tIie Escmw Items.aNess Leadet pays Borrower iaterest oa the Fua�s and applica6te law geriniis[.ender to m�1ce snch
<br /> .�`���`c�argc. HoWever,Lender may requine Borrow�w pay a one-time charge for an ind��1 estate tax r�epnrting SeNioe
<br /> .�— �..• used bq Lender in aonaection arith t�toan. unless 2ippHcable law pmvides otherwise_ UBlrss an agreement is m�de or .
<br /> -- . ,:..,applirabte law mqaires�t tv be paid,Lwiter sdall.ctot be required ta pay.Barrower azry inteaest or eamings on tbe��s. -
<br /> --__ -- ;�. �orro�rer aad Leader may ag►�e in writing,however:that interest shafl 6e paid on the Fur�c. Lender shail give ta Borrower. _ —
<br /> - �:,�� � a�out charge,an annua! ,�wuming af the Fands,showing credits aad debits w the Fauds aad the purpose for wbid�each .
<br /> —__ - - debit ta the Funds was a�'���Funds are piedged as additiona!secarity for all sums secared by this Secarity Insdvment. °
<br /> ------ -=-�:��' If the Fuuds held by�E��,.°z exceec�.the ammmts penniuEd to 8�hdd by applicable law.i�ender shall aocount ta Bamawer -
<br /> ___---=;��;�;� fos the excess Funds in accotdanoe wi'sIa`die tequirements of applita,�'sl�7aw. If the amount af the Funds hetd by Lender at aay
<br /> .— �;
<br /> - .?�,a�'�r q,¢ne is not sufficieat to pay t3�e Fscrow Itetns when du�.�xnder ma�s-��ao6fy Borrower in writing.and,in s¢�t�se Borrawer
<br /> �'�" .�:t.,„,,�;' ; :�.s3't�U pay w Lender the amount nec�essary to m�.ke u�x dze defiaency. Borro��er shall make up tfie deficienry irs q�o more than
<br /> _ � � ` �:{iv�ieivemflnthly payments,ai Lender's sa�e�iscr�tian. . � � '
<br /> - � � Upon paymeqt in fiil! of all sau�:�sc�r.wred by this Security.��cuaent, Lender sha�l promptly refund to Bomower any
<br /> ------";I, .
<br /> - . .�• •' Funds hetd by I.ender.If,under paragr°..�its 2t.Lender shall acquir�'ci��sell the Property.Lender,D�ior to the acquisition or sale
<br /> '��' �`���'�'i• of the Pro Funds held b Lender az the time o€aoguisition or,sale as a credit a nst the sums secured `
<br /> (yJ�W�;,�`F�.;,,;'•�� �}�� p perty.shall applY�Y., Y , 8� bY
<br /> .ySN3N/'KR�JJ LJY -. � . YLJ J�III�I �Eiui• - ' � ' . �,
<br /> !}p�4g Nt'L,EI•`I(r� � � . ' � ]'a'l
<br /> �•ris�rax►r��rSx y 3.AppfieatEon of&�q�i�UnI�s applicabte law provides o,t�.eswise.all payments received by I.endes under paragraphs � _
<br /> -��.��h�y�r���'�` t and 2 sBal�•�t�Plied:.f�,�z�m��ayment charges dae un�r�Y Note:second.to amounts payable under paragrapB 2; �c6��'
<br /> x ����.�;p.1�"��_ .. • �� .... � f r�:��-
<br /> tivrd.w inteti�d►ie:�oui�#<:'�i princ�r,�,�i;;r',at,�d.�st.to any late:�:�es due under the Nate. + k ___
<br /> -�-�!<<+��` � ��. �„„ � r . _ , __
<br /> �r,r��^ ' '�.;• 4.Churgt�;Liea�.li+u#�utiwer sha:���-y����.•�B��.�sessmeats,`charges. firees and impositions attributable to the Prop�ctf � �
<br /> .C�te�r�`r__.
<br /> `��,ar;,'� 'ry�hich may attain priarity�over this Securhy instrr'.�i:+3t.and leaseAotd payments or ground renu, if any. �at�'swer shail p�� - •
<br /> 1` � .•�' •, m � J'ye�`�-,.___--
<br /> ��,�y� °`�. ,_ ' �ese obiigations in the mamter provided ia patagraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay tl�titc rsrx time ditectt,y: ��
<br /> , �,*, �:.•; •' to the pa�soR�wed payment_8orrower.s8ii[9•promptly fumish ro Ler.der all notices of amounts cci�i:�aid tirr�3er ihis paragrapTs:: ;, � �*r � _--
<br /> .... . � �;.. .,..�. {y.�.} •
<br /> . If Borrower makes these paymeau dimctl},Borrower shall promptly fumish to l.ender receipts c�rr"di�sicing the payments. , ,r,: ��'-
<br /> - � �� , Borrower shall prompdy discharge any lien which has priarity aver this Security instrumerrt unless Boaawer:(a>agrcxs in � � ��
<br /> � ; '��:_�`
<br /> - �.��` • .�. '�. '"��� �-�:
<br /> �r,,;j �.�-, writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptabte to Leader,(b)contesu in good faith the lien. ::•','��`��.;-,
<br /> ' b . or defends nst enforcement of 4'�e lien in, le 1 rocee�fin s which in the I.ender's o inion o emte to revent t�e .�{,� '`' ` �'� r'�' �..
<br /> ' :: " Y � Sa P � P D P .. ' .�..�t�';,y;.- -
<br /> _ �;..,;.;,•;.,: :: s�., ,:'..:�;�?; `r _. .. .
<br /> • .Y������, enforcecnent'r�ti che lien:or(c)secures tin�the hol�er of the licn an agrrernent satisfactory to Lender su6ordinating the�ias�i�t:• �, t,;;;�_� ti;-,:;�„ ':
<br />_ "�' � ;;s�.:s��.. this Security Cn4:ument. If Lender dete,rnriries that any pa»of the Ptogerty is subjeet to a lien�khich may attain priority'syvr�: • 'r;,!,, '
<br />- 'i,4�,';,"'' . r. �, • ;� %'r.`r;
<br /> . � �'�-:�•... ..
<br /> .��;•k��.;�. this Securiry Irts�trumem.Lender may give Borrower a natice identifying the lien. Hbrrower shali satisfy the fien or take one or _ , . ;.,;. . ,,; ;.
<br /> rtmre of the actions sei forth above within 10 days of the g+ving of notice. ' • , •��"."' ' •�
<br /> ��^ • �arm s028 9190 � .;• :
<br /> � , Vaflelet6 .����r1��,R(z''�' .
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