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<br /> . .r.::. . — `� ., . �, ` • �` � ` t. � .. ,���', ������ r ` rr .
<br /> .- , �,;#�b'aY t�Ptri�at� �. Hort�Re.t.S�a11 �c�CQ tfit��itnpt"s1Vt�riCt�t3 zuls�rt�ei�st3�at l.�ri�r� `�,` - - _
<br /> e��ir�-t�i�'
<br /> - ---_ � . , P�p,;rry t�st��d ii�ainst[�s�b�t'fire� ��i�'I�itIG�W�D[I1{;C¢jTI1_°c�aien�casreroge'and�a�at�er �h�9s�.itteliulittg. . `
<br /> . ftaioiIss or IIood��g,fat'ahactt Lendzr ri�uires in'sur�i�ce.'1�3is insU�xascz st�ll @��aiutaln�od i:a t5e"�au�uuaidd for.iti��eritids ` � �.'----
<br /> � t�L�4HI82 k�ILi[C9.`Ihe insura�cs casrier prnvidi�g the,insaratice s�alt bc ctiasei�bp�amr�er s�t�e�t W.�er�r'��PA��'� `� �
<br /> _ , � . wtei�h sliait�at.t�e anre�saaahip withh$Id:F�Earruwer E�iIS Eo[uainTaiD oove�n�e deSca�itiefl.�oove.�cn�r an�y, at B.ender'� .
<br /> � . ,�pYio�.otitain cov�ia�e to pr�et Lender's�ights�in the dttc�e(ty in d�cordaiioe aitt��ar�seap��. , , �- �° � ; � `
<br />---- _ - ' AIl ias►�c��1►����+ats shall be aa�it�i�;tq.I.endter and shat!i�cfnQe g siandatd �rartpge-e1�"�es ��
<br /> _.-_-_-__-_=== `� sRaEJ�raae td�right to i�ofd tit�p�liries�ma�wais.Yf In�xtee�sires,.�armvrec sBalt prom�ity give ta E.eader,aI�reoei�-af� : -
<br /> -- pa:d premflucns and ienewal natioes:�tlr�event af to�.Iiamawer at�a[!give pramyat natice co the insurance carries;u�d;L�er. '
<br /> - = = lxnder m�y mak�pi�aaf o€�oss if�nt m4de p�o�ptiy by Ho�mwer.. �
<br /> ----__� •� ' ' !lnl�s�t�a�E�xiar:�o��vise�ree:iit+aeiteng.i�de��rctsee�s�ll�e�g�i�ts�r�.or�i�n.ext:rggstlr�t�tt�
<br /> _ - ____- Praperry damaged.if the re�toratinn or r�a�r is eooaqmirally feasibie a�dt E�r's security is not I�.If the reMa�.tion or.
<br /> ��W
<br /> -� . �`�• - repai�is nat eonnoaudty feasibI�or I.endet;s s$curity�arautd he t�env�.,tlr�inrn+���prnce�ds s�i 6e�ppli��o t�s�
<br /> F.��.�. � secttced by.tnis 3ecuriry insmunem, wheiher or�aat then due.witdt:a�� exoess paid ta�orcawer. If Bom�wer¢isa�dct�t�
<br /> _ . Pr+operty.ar does not�aswer wit�iu 3U�s a natice fra►m Lender tbai th�iu�uuarsce carrier has o�co ssule a�daian,tha►- -
<br /> ---- l�nder may oollect sbe i��;*���p:nceeds. I.ender may us�tiie.praoe�ds tar.rqrair:ar restore the Property or to pay sua2s
<br /> - . sei,vrrd by this Se�rity t��_�*..whether or aot then dae.'[9�e 3�day�serivd will begi�x wi�eu the ac�tice is given.
<br /> EJNc.ss I.ender and�Barrower athervvise agn�in'svriti�: aaY BPPlicati�of prooeeds ta p�iaripa! shall aat e��nd or .
<br /> ------= pastpoae the dne date of the mauthIy payments•refem�d w in paragraphs 1`amd 2 or�hange the at�[unnt,of the payments,.If:;:�;.-.
<br /> _�__� __ ����121 fhe Pmperty is ac�uiRed by I�ndEr,Bo�Ner's right ta�y insarance policies ead praseeds resulting ftQrtf:;;:;'_` .
<br /> __-=-- - ` - dsmage w the Property priar tatfie�nisitton sha11 pass w Lender co the eatent of ihe suno�s setii[ea by this Ser�tfiry Insirtm�nf�:�:'` ��
<br /> ---=-�:'�� immediatelY Prior.to the arqnisitivn. . • .
<br /> ___. :=�°�`�°;� • ���aee�ane9,�atian,Mainlenanae sud'Prutf�eOFoa o!the Ptsoperty,�orrowee's i.ot�e Agpl�iatFon;I.eas�bids�. �
<br /> _�.�;,�;..;,���=�r_� $asro'w�er sfk111 acatpy,esiablisb,and'use t�te Preperty as Barrower's principat residence�vfWin su�.y B,�Ys a8ei the eaecario�a af•, '
<br /> - -�--=�-�.� this Secvrity k�s-sitsment aad shall eantinue to occvpy the Property as Borrower's principa!resf�e�;'�'or�as teast oae year aftex�; ;'
<br />�;���""��`�� �--- -----thedateo��. nntess-I.eadcr-othenviss in�wri
<br /> ��:� -;r . " �Y:� ag�s- , ting,-afiich ooaseat-sl�al!aai 6e nnt�sonabiy ivithheftl.or as�Iess � -
<br />_y�:;� i f.:�:` -._:..�, .
<br /> .='�_m�; �;:•sf�;...<� exte�ating c�mstanses.e�rist wluch a� beyond Horrawer's control. Borrower.shall not deshoy; dama8e or imp�ir the•.
<br /> =�f� `�;�'"�,aC,a �
<br />._,�",,�,�r':;:::. Perty,allow the�'coperty to deteriorate, or commii waste on the Pra�serty. Bormwer shall be in default if arry forfeitnre
<br /> :� .;; �, ,• action or proc�ding, wlm,ther civil or criminal.is begun that in Ixnder's gaod faith judgment canld restilt.in forfeiture of the �
<br /> . . ,
<br /> .... . . .
<br /> ..:...... ........:..
<br /> .......__..�._
<br /> .,�•.;. . � •J,.�.� _ PropeRy_ar ot�uise materialiy imp�r tl�e lien crea�d by dus Secmity�eat ar I.eader's sac�(ity interest.Bomawer muy_�,,.. .
<br /> ,.�.:. -
<br /> - - --.. . - - - - __ ... .
<br /> � `-'. � ,�;"i�_ cute s¢ch a defaui[and reinstate.as rnvided in
<br /> P paragraph 18.by causing the action or proceeding W be dismissed with a iuliirg;:,
<br /> :�� � � ��`��ry thsE,in�i.ender's�good faith�deiennina6on, pr�ciudes farFjeiture of the Borrower s iateirst in the Property or othee materiaf�r.
<br /> "' • •'��'` �- ` � uc�s'v,iaent of the lien cre�tt�,by this Securiry Inst�;or Lender's security interest. Borrower shall also be in defauJt i€ :
<br /> •�t.,"� � � 6actower,duri�g the l�apFiication praoess.gave materially false or inacc�rate infomratioa o:statemems to�.euder(or failed•�:�:� �
<br /> -r v':
<br /> . .'lr+,��y . . . -
<br /> `��F�}f�� � to'provide I.e�der wit�any material inforruation)in connection�vith tix¢lu3n evidenced by the Note,inciuding.but not limite�� �:'
<br /> .. �ar��:i��,.'�.',A:� �-. .
<br /> ..�'��• .; .. . ; z ,.� . to.represent�tiu�{�:i��ceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence.Tf thi.4-Sewrity Instrument is oa c�::,; —
<br />'.:,ti�,�:'';�. ',' �,-�? '• . le�t�td.'Bor��s.�;���St�all o:ts,�,r4y with ali the provisio.ns of the lease. if Borrower acquires fee 6RIe to the Praperty. tke"
<br /> Yc� •,. - . . . .
<br /> :.��•:;�� '� {.• : l e�s�n�l d an d t h e�l�e u t le s:r:i;i.rv,�t merge vn less L en deragrees to t he merger in wri t ing_
<br /> >�Srf., •• .,,, .
<br />;':r��...�•;< ;:.•`•.•�' � 7:Pe+o�c�Fo�oY•Lender's�Rights in t8e Proper4y.If Borro�ver faiis to perform the oovenanis and agreemenis contaia�in .
<br /> •. this Security Insttoment,or there is a legal proc,eed'eng that may signific�ntly affeCt Lender's rights,in the Property (such as.a:•
<br /> proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation or forfeiture or to eaforce taws or regulatians), then I.eMer may dq.�;i��,..-.� _
<br /> � ' pay for whatever is necessary ta protect the valne of the Property and Lender's righ��in the Property. I.ender's actions ms�.���� ______
<br /> � �,..,. . inclnde paying any sumc secu�ed by a tien which has �ority over this Security�itv-trument. appearing in oour�. paying =
<br /> "����'`. reasonabla attomeys'fees and entering on the,Property cv m�ke repairs.Although Lxnder may take action under this patagra�h. . - -
<br /> • . '. '7, Lender daes rr�_tiave to do s6. .. . � . -----
<br /> �� � ''" �,; Any amc�.:;3isbursed'by I.ertder t;.:,��this paragraph 7 s�xl:![.ta�ome additional 8ebt g��a�awer secured try,:lisl�:,:
<br />,�'�I.'. � ��.� " 'F�'� �� Secvrity lnstn�:,'Unless Eaprower and[.ersder agree S�,-other terlr.�s,aL��yment,these amouals•��I bear interest fmm tfa►r`"� --_
<br /> ��f'�;��k;n�:`-` - •��`�'' �' daie of dis6urse::ent at Ihe�:�.�:rate and sha11 be pay�s�'s::.with interest. upon nati�e fcpm Lender to Borrower requesring ' �--
<br /> '}���� . .,' .. , , = _-_=--
<br /> ��4c (�'s�tT�r:t. ' ::�" :..
<br /> , �','y, `�c � , ' 8.Mort�r��r Tnsurance.If Lender required mortgage insurance�s a condition of making the 1�an secured by this Secuti� .. _-
<br /> ��i
<br /> • i ?•,{,� .• �nstnunent,L�in�-vzr shall pay the precniu�'ti tequired to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any reason, tin..: . • 5
<br /> ` '' ' :;��`�� .;• , r.:c�r-�,�c in:�.u--��verage required by i.;s?�3�:r lapses ar ceases to be in effect.Borrawer shall pay the premiunu mquirect,f�: . ' ��; A,,
<br /> ``�`'�j ti ra:,��i,:w vet�,^�;S_�stantiali�•��:.ivatent to t�e mortgage insurance previously in effec�,.at a cost substarttially eqµit�ient to t::e
<br /> fE�;` � � � .��;z ns Borrow��T of the me�ct_::�-i�insurance previously in effect, from an altemate�r.tortgage insurer appmved:ily L�it�.i�cti'.,.1f -�
<br /> � sWt�s�i:tiatiy�J;tii:��lent mor:b�e insurance coverage is not available,Borrower shall pay to Lender each mantir',��sdm.etjti,n!i,r . '. �
<br /> •... ,,. • .. orz�twelfth cf i;�z,:;ararly mcr:�age insurance premium being paid by Bom�wer when the insurance rn�z�age lap§e:t or cea�trs , .� •
<br /> '_ be.i!i effect.l.csti:-r witl xes:a�t,,,�se and retain these payments as a la�s. n��erve in lieu of mortg�;,,�:.insurance. I..ass�r�'�: , .
<br /> �. ',`.l'�_. .. , . .. � ��aza �,eo ' .
<br /> � .. . • . , -�����6 . . . ',, .. . . .
<br /> „ � . .;; � . ..
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