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<br /> . �ELi�.x'..A F� :srs{�°ii v�,'1,i��t liLS4S"tiYc�'�3h5 iiV�i1 Vt�k`_a.a,, s'�r�."'�i ai:r trsq .y f s,� c � _-.
<br /> _ � � _ `�xt��:e�v�t.'Qr`3ter�a�tcr a.,�a�t �f the ptc�et�y .�A�#1,x�i3��e�.v and a6di,�os�stia�f.aLa t�c covered�-,t>j�t�s�s.:��ti�i,'ty � .
<br /> ' �141I a�ttie f'��gain,g i�cefecra3 to;i$tbis'��i�i�ssra�as i�e��•" : �`° '. , � . F.
<br /> � H6R1tOWE1�.COV�NA.�3TS;that�orr�u+a is I�i�ii'!��cised`mf tAa�staEe l�tt6Y cq�ieyoct am�:has ttse ri+t'�it�.�c+$�� �� • �
<br /> c,nnYEy.t�e Psrvp�Ctty_an�ti i�at�ttu 4�ZOpe�y is u�er�ur�tredt t�cept�ot e�bra�cs o f t�d r d:,&a6ravrtc r�+,&stte�s,�w i t l. .
<br /> : ite€en��cmralt�t�sc 6tte�ts the F�?speaty sguinst nll�aicrs¢€�dc�d's.�sub�t`�co•any c�br.tac��f�.�, . . : � < . .
<br /> ' �HLS SE�URI�Y YN�U�T f�]tt3DGS i1�g4iIIS COYC�i�LS{�iL14IQIL9j tII���E1�T.-�lfQTi�f41��tfr�StS W1CIt��,Il��t�I �` .;
<br /> vaFiare���y;jur'rsdiction ta�:onsti�uc:a iia�fnr�t�i{y in�a�:at cover+ng rex�t grop�rty- ` ` � '��'
<br /> f.YNI'�RM C�D�'�N�t�`!`S:�tiiiawez�E.eudc-�r cove�aut a�l a��fa4�ows� ; ' ' •'�:�.�.�'�°,. �ti� . . � � : .
<br /> 1. P�yt�sttE�f QiEudgs!s�b�;�'reP�yma�t a�`L�Y���ar�e�.B�aa�w�r sha34_pre�F�1�Y v�en due t2� �_� `
<br /> �_�.— priuci�al a�and in�.re�on tt�de'ssc evide�ced by[$e Not�and aug.p�paymans aisd iate ctr�iges d►.'e.upd�r tfie Aint�. � • , .
<br /> "" ---_ - - � ��As'f�t�.�Y�m�SaisieeCto�gplicaGlt�aw,or to a tv�:tte€t�er by t�xlcc�Ec�sr�se�tr-�=��;_;tt=`�.--�� :
<br /> . .-_-- : T.e�+iEr cm t�daY��PaY�'='�� „ ��n�'r th�Not�amit du�N�.is paid ia tulf.a s�<°Fuods°)far E��yeaat�sa�c�:.. __ :. _
<br /> a�ad asse�whish ea�y attada priarity over this S�curity I�smuu�e�t as u lien,on th�e Propp�;.(b)YsarIg let3seAoi�pay�euts . ' " .
<br /> or gmund rents oa th�.l�mperiy,if anY:(c}.YearlY haza�or pmgerty insuiance p�it€%sas;(d).yiesriy Sc�nd insu�pr�ami�rus: � � .
<br /> � �ffiY�(e)�Y�Y�rt��F��•if any;mu!(�anX�BaY��e bY Borm�w�to I.c�der,in aac�idatice wa�t� �
<br /> • the pmvisions of Parag�apY+S.ia:�itu of t�gaya�et�i af martgage.�e�ps�i�s..31re�e�.it�as are called.'Fscrow It�ms." ' :
<br /> I.e�der tnaY,.at pnY ti�calt�ct aud hut�.�unds in azt amanrit'.tr3.��.t+Q.tiatc?eed:ti�e;m�m'�munt u tendea fox.a fed�txlDy , . .
<br /> ------� relate�mo�e loan may ieqaire far Sna+a�srer's e�crow a000ai�t it�ister 1��.C�a1 Reat EStaYe Seulement Pmcedures Act of
<br /> ------= 1974 as aa�de�fra�6ms tQ time.IZ U:S.C.Secoion 2601 rt����b�E.SPA"�,unless annt�r law that ap�lies to t�e Fu�s
<br /> -Y�— se�s a tess��'oa�it.If s4,�Leader aray�ax airy aa�caSlec3 aar�}�d'Foisds in aa amount�sst to e�ioeed t�e tesser�a�t.
<br /> --— i.e�der Tnay�the a�ount of Fwsds dus on the basL�of an`r�ii data an��easonabte esiimates of expenditures�f fnsr�e � . .
<br /> --_-- 1�5cta�ar Items oz affieiw�se in aa;ardance witD agp}�p�law. ": ` -
<br /> ---- ___. ` Tt�e Fu�s shaU�6e Iidd,iit an�institntioa wl�•depasits are �sar�d Er�,a f�dera} agency,,inst�ntalitY, or ecttisy •
<br /> —===--_ ' fincluding I.ender,.if Leader ls�ch aa i�tidsfion?cr�si aay,Federal Nome f.oan Ba�Ic.I.ettdet:s�,a11 aPPtY tke Fw�ds[a pay t� _
<br /> _ ��,- -,�
<br /> —� F.scr+a�v Rams,,Le�det may.nof diaige:. ".�� •r�e�fqr lioldiag aad applyin�the Funds annaalT�t-�;l.yzm che escrow ' �;
<br /> ,' ' g �sconIIt�(�.�•s :
<br /> - �= � ----�-� - • '
<br /> — = varifyinig ths Escro�v Items,-uriless L�it{��`�yrs Bbrio�+er int�r on tlie Triuids and appl�s�e�g�Permits Le�er w sis�mc�h ,.:
<br /> _ . `:�charS�Nowever,I�uder may'cequire`BorlowPa'it���ay a onertime charge for�a�t•�d, „ei3'�'i+ea!estate tax r�portira�seavi�e Y ,
<br /> - � :��et!by Lender in connection with ti�is,loan, u�='applicabte laq� provida���t�;YTnless an agr�eat is.mad'e.ot � .-
<br /> _. �".� 'aPPlicable taw reguims inteiest to be paid,Lender§�uot be reqnired to PaY��'pa��.'`'��r�nterest os eatnings on the Fu�s.� . ',,�.
<br /> .,1 c
<br /> � � Borrow�r and[.eader may agr+ee in z+�iting,hoaever..that interesC�sTia�t be��tb��:�•��.'#:�dea shall give to Ba�rv�t. . ..
<br /> '�{���r :,a_ without charge,an annual acxaunting'aftithe Funds. showing credits and deb��s<�:t��gu�=riitd the purpose for which eaeh'
<br /> *",;�'�'' . debit to the Faads vras�.The Funds arc ptedged as additioaal securiry foF a�i:�,secum;�i'�this Securiry Instr�ment. ',=���"
<br /> � i �^���r•�, {y ��,.�,n p �� ':.�.:.
<br /> / If the Funds he�d 6 =�'33der ea the amaunts rmitte�l w 6e hetd b �� '1 law.'I.ehder shall accow�t to Bu�'rower� "
<br /> --l:jtr'�?!�^t ':.' 3�, � � y 9'Wi�"°"T i::�,-,`.
<br /> �'�x�,�� r�:... for the exc�ss Funds in�a�ance�i;¢he reqaimmenu of applicable taw.If:�`'t�°unt'of'�Funds held by Lender ai aay `;�4<<
<br /> �� 't;t ����;'�S',, time is not suffreient to pay 4�ie F.�ap�?1`�ms when due.Lender may so notify�`r,�wer in.w�i.�ti�,:and,in sueh c�se Btirm�rec � ���,�:-
<br /> "��� '` ' �,`3��;' +;', shall paY to Lender the anaunt neo�ss�iy to make up the deficiency. Borrower'�ll maEce u�1i�;-�cteficiency in no mor�t#�`t•' � r ', •
<br /> ,,��t�,..:�`;�,��;,����_: twelve monthlY PaYmemts.�:Lender's sole discmiion. :",,. . ,: - .
<br />••=4`..,1;::. :�'', UPon PaFmem in fu�l of alt sums secured liy this Sewrity Iastrument,i'.s��r shall prompdy refund.:m$orrower auy� t
<br /> �:.?..:,• ;...:-.�":... FuMs heid by Lender.If.uRder para�aPh 21.I.ettder shal!acquire or seU thc Pt+apzrty.Lender.prior to thC acquisitioa or sale ,
<br /> �� of the Property.shall appiy any Fvnds held by l.ender at the time of acquisidon ai sale as a credit against the sums secured by �
<br /> � � ' ` ttus Security Instrument. .
<br /> . ,,.�r:.::;
<br /> • . 3.AppUeatioa of Pgyments.Unless applicable law provides otherwise.all payments received by Lender nnder paragraphs,
<br /> t"''r•...... . . -
<br /> �•.;{�••••;. ' 1 and Z shall be applied:first.to any preQayment charges due under thc Note;seoot�d,to amounu payable under paragraph 2: �
<br /> ,
<br />;;x���'.�.;�� :°.;;,.,�r•_'.; ,:' third.to interest due;fourth,to principal due;and last,ro any late charges due uzsrJnr the Nate.
<br /> ' 4.Ct�rges;Lieus.Borrower shall pay all taxes,assessments,charges.fir�;:nd impositions attributable to the Pc+operty
<br /> ��•�'•��s'`� which may attain priority over this Sea�rity Inswment.and teasehold paymenu Qr ground teAfs.if any. Borrower shall pay
<br /> :•.s;;+.:�}:�"f,;•��f
<br /> :'.::i. ,.,�s��,;, these obligations in the manner provided i�paragra�h 2,or if not paid in that manner.Borm�er.�izail pay them on time directty
<br /> �,. : -, ;, - to the person o�ved payment.Borrower shall pron�ptly fumish to Lender all noti�:er:•zi amaurfs t�t�e paid unrlL"r this paiagraph.
<br /> �' If 8orrower makes these�yments directiy,Borrower shall promptiy fumish to L��eiir�;teceipts evidencing cfsr'�;3yments.
<br /> `�.'' ��1 � ' ' � Borro�is�shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Sewaii��,Snstrumant.unless Borr�v+er:(a)agees in
<br /> - �� wriqng toti���yment of the obtigution secuied by the lien in a manneracceptab!vt•a l.ender:(b)contesu in good faith the:ien
<br /> � � ' � � bq, or def�iid against enforcement ot the lien in, tegal prnceedings which in.'die Lender's opinton operate to prevent the
<br /> ''`'`�,�� ` ,;:_,,:,�� enforcernent of the lien:er�!e)secures from the haidar of the lien an agreemem�-�izsfactory to Lender subor�inating the lien to •
<br /> _ ' . this Security lnstrumerii. tf.`EEnder determines that any part of the Property is w�iijjgct to a lien which may uttain priority over � .
<br /> , ;Ir;,' ' this Security lnstrumerstr!!�Qer may givc Borrowcr a notice idcntifying th�tii�;,.Dimower shall satisfy the lien or take ane or •��
<br />'.�s .•: ,<,..; '�; . ' more of the actians set forth above withn� t0 days oi the giving of notice. .
<br /> e, . ...:.• , , ,
<br /> � ; . ... • , , Form 3028 fll!!0
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