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<br /> t �°: ���:<,A�icIe�EM"�.Q�L��e1�E5::U�seeti,i.cp�rr`�rc"q±��sc,�i�vi!er,�h�llZ.��ri :cs ta�tder°�!�i,p��Sr� ;`�. -
<br />_ � ` .�y�i��1i'go�prit�:dtpcaeits disde rn Co�sifeetioa�t�ith tt.asCat a$`titn�ipp�tt�.��at�il�s'��hn9eint, i.pst�r� � � -
<br /> ` . ` ,�,,9hal1 F.aveY��ht.ta moaity;4xteud oi tbt�ntn�ta sF,e ext�r�g,1e��f'tn�eritcuto r�w.k�.ln l.r�(tiftc`s io�a �. .:��,
<br /> .,ifi!s�etonp:��s used in thfs par��,ri�s t#;thc.warQ t`ltast",s�ii rs�a A's�bte�se'°tt t��urety ti�trurrxrtt`�an:. °::�r .
<br /> � .., a!h is�fiotd. � - .. <� • �, _ '..
<br /> . . , � • �:H.',lSS'iGi�lr"� QF'R�N'TS. .4PiW3IYi�TIVl�i�'�'. d1B Q��."�1'VF:R, L�wi3t.:lE�1tY 1'ilt5t�3�';�.�}[U!1�., . i;; ��
<br /> ,-- --_�.� f, EprrQwer absniut��±aud,unc�nditiQ��riy;�s3�ns.�i[rungfpr�.to,E;e���n9i�ha rx�Es ai�icvrnura t"HentA"3�.t' .° -_ , .
<br /> .. _. . _. . �,
<br /> � � , t�e Fr�sp�cy. n��rdi�ss af t�wts��m the Renis`o�:tF�•�raperiy air+a p�Y�1�. �rCfc►.vtr auElE�fi�a5-Litb�;Ct.i:�t�
<br /> `_ � ' � . -��.e�der�s a�e�w�irlt��t��Rer�ts.and sgsees that e�.�i tc�ans a�f tlir�8rapo�,�halt p�yr�lte Itrnt�t�t,c�xkr oi , � .:�:,;�:
<br /> ; � . . Lsa�der's.�g�::Raaac�vcr.8ana�res shall�eaeiva eho Rent�untiLti)�c�tr 1��ive�Barrowtr�33c��iPdefautt �` . :_
<br /> r.:; �� � lwisuac'�tit�a���1 of r�tt�Seettrity Ifistrumer.t aad(i3)1L�nde�has given.notiit'to Sl10 tifE�llt�Y�t�'lt t11C 1{�CIiEY ` `: .��s�
<br /> ` . • . . � �ane so.�p�id tg�or�#.�rxi�'s agent.�'tY�is a�slgnaivat of Rc�►ts ca�tttut�e���soiute assigamept attA rsot ,
<br /> � �. , � au.asslgg�sai�for addittonal sec¢iiry only. . �; .< .. .. .. '� � �
<br /> ,� . : if�ei�der gtves nat�re�f 6rcactx to Banmwer. (i}att Re�is reaeive6 by�Bnrr�ow�t¢ta�s�,b�l�eld bgr 8arrowcr _ Y` '
<br /> ��� as uustfe for the b�iiefit of Lender oniy.w 62 applied ta thes snma secxue3 iry�iie'Se�ffe�i'Instn�m�t:(ii)i.�ndcr '
<br /> . � . , slfa2J be entivattu�Ilect and receive atl of the Rmes of tha Pt�p�rty:(iii)Borrow�e a �,gi�estNat cac7i tcnaat pY thct= . . : .
<br />°;��� � Prape�t9�shfill pay alt Rent�due aud unpaid to i»ender or I.cr�d2`s's agenta upon�Geuder's wdtter�demand tu tl�. - :
<br /> r� - . tenant; (iv}untess ap�tiic�bte taw provides utherw�so.all Raits ralt�cted by,Lender pr l,�nder's�gents etta�t ba ' � -
<br />=`=s'� ` }�ed fissc the oosts of rakin oorztc of and n tAe Pro �rld oolfecti thc Rents.i�iudln ��t `
<br /> $PP� . � $ 44 � 8 F�9 ng B.
<br /> ~�;r� .� ' not limited to..attora�ys' fees;reeeiver's fes.s:premiums on roceiver°s 6oisds. repaie art4,maia�t�r�poe e4s4s,
<br />..:s.' �lnsurance premium�::tax;�+,assesSments and atha�char�s on Yhe Propeety.ancl�then t�the suths secared,.by ther ` .
<br /> ;:;�. . Security Inst�amenr,.(v�Lender,Lender's agents ar�ry jadi«aliy appointe�ercciver shafl bc.t�Dte to acoouM fc�r .
<br />_,;�: "'.. ' onty thns� Rents actualfy received: and (vi) Leader-�hall be entitled to•have a �eiver apRointcd to tuke
<br /> po'sse'ssiori of and manage t�e Property and coltect the Rents and profits derived from the�+aperty wtthaut any . �
<br />. ' . showirtg as to tha inadequacy of the Prnperty as s�rity: .
<br /> �. ' tf the Rems nf die Pr�nperty are not suf�ecieau�ta cover the costs of f�lcin$cantrol of and'man�gtng tho
<br /> � �raperty am�of wllectirtig the Re�ts any funds expecided by.lxnder for such purposes stuil!6eqott�.ind�btcdaess �
<br /> ' . � of Bomqw�x to Lender secured by�the Secuiaty lnstrument pursuant to�Inifom�Covenant 7. ' �
<br /> Boirower iepresenu and warrants Wat 8orrower has not executed uny prior stssignment of thc��Rsetiu rsnd itas
<br /> s'` ' not and wii!aot perfatm any act that woutd prevent Lertder from excrcis�ng its H�ttt's�uider tkis paragroph.
<br /> • Lender. or l�drx's agents oi a judicially apyuinted receiver. shali not 6e required to enter upan. tulce
<br />.��, ,, _ �controt of o�maintairr the Propert� 6efore or after giving notice�f default to Borrpwer. However. L.ender.or
<br /> ''�• ' � Lead�r's agents or a judicially appointed reoeivcr.may do sa at any�tlme when a default accurs.Any uyplieatian '
<br />'�,{ti�;..
<br />,<;s,, of Reats shall not cure or wa9ve any default or invalidate any othev ri�t►1 or.remedy of Lender.This ttssignmenl af
<br /> -• Rents of the Property shap terminate when all the sums secured 6y the Security Instrunn�r}t are paid in full.
<br /> � I.CROSS�DEFAULT gROVISIOt�. Borro�ver's default or breach under any note ar agreentent in wi�ich _
<br /> Lender l�as an interest shall be a breach under the Security Instrument and i.ender may invoke any af the�cmedit�
<br />