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<br /> . ., < ai�fi is:utcos�rafe¢intQ,aaid shalI 6e dE�naed.to:aim�end�i.sr�QPlein�,nt the.&iartgag'�.D�af-Ttest dr S��tY<, ;" � .
<br /> — � . ` '�ee.� {2h�"S�curity'insEtum�at"� of.the sau�e"iY�Ir given by tl�e u�tsigtFec!`(rhe "8orro�aer"j to�ec�ris� , _� -
<br /> ° ` r�Rwer's Na2e to ' ' ° � � . ..� ' ' _
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<br /> ' ' T�i�i •Eqtt�tab�B $u�ld7lt� tiQid.�l.08t1 AS30C38t�Ott.Of.��ti1^BYMd Is�attf.is �t � :: .
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<br /> ------- �.�. ,. . . ` . Nebcaska,., A �aclec^al Ssvings Ba�k � . ,
<br /> , ;t�..�r,•�. . .
<br /> _ �, of th�sacne dats erW sovering ttie-Properfy descn'be�ia ti�Se�u�itp In,-dnamera aud torate�#a��. � .
<br /> 1803-1808 :N��LAFAYETT�, .GR�1NE? .ISLAND, NEBAASfCtL�. 68�E#3�2B53-
<br /> . c .
<br /> ' ' I�PtnY Addtess2.
<br /> — :�;:~`; .
<br /> � . `.��1�-4�ANlILY COVENAN�S.In additi0n t�'��coyenanis and agreements msd����Security�trandent;:. : .
<br /> , .Ii�tP�sv�:et and Lend�r fnrUter rovenant and agree at:fo1l4�'�:!° ����;;::,
<br /> ':;;•��::i�;:ADDYjZONAL 1°ROPF.RTY StTBJECT ���SCURITX�1�IST��...'�'QT.'in•addition to tt�
<br /> •�+ ��. � ,....,,," .
<br /> -__ . . `�� descabs�zq tice Securiry t�lstntmeni.the foltowi��;lems ara a��the�t��elty descript�on,�and sball � • , .
<br /> --- __--- ' =:•• �--�"�4��i��;�coveted by the Sc�#`�jty iastminent:bnilding���3ats,.$ppliances and$oods otevery' � - '
<br /> --_--- �µ`� � iir�f�:�vhatsoe4�;=;#�nv or hemafter locat�•,%is�i�a�r.ar,used, oi inten�� to�1�.us�d ia canaearos with ttte ,.
<br /> �J. .
<br /> - __ ---= :�t..'.<4,.inc[uding;bnt no6.timited to. thos��fet t�.•purpos�,s of sttpplying or,�a�tsting heating, 000ling;::;i;';,, . . .
<br /> <•::.. .:•..:...
<br /> -- e1:°�:�ry.•gas;water, air ar�d light, fue pzeveaaon anQ eatinS��B aP.P,����nity and eaeess eonti�;�i;:}:;.`• ; -
<br /> _ ' . apgatatus,P�usn6ing, 6ath tubs,water heatefs. water cIosets, sinks, ranges, stov�;refiigerato�s�yt��s�.washers�;`:;' . .
<br /> � disposal`s.,washe�dryets,awnings,atortn windows,siarm donrs,s .�k.61u�tids, shades,wrtaii4�;i�a�iv�Ctin. _
<br /> -- tods.�ttac6ed Qut�ors,cabinets.Panelting an�attached f[uar coverings�i'�or hbreafter attached fd t�e'�rdperty. .
<br /> . . �all:��:;�s!hich, Eaciuding repiaaements aai��d addidons ther�;;shall.be'de�med to:be.,and remain a pan of�;.,�
<br /> _= pro�t�r:,wver�d by the Se�uriry Instrumeni. AI! of.the'�qing:tdgeiher witt►_t�;�c+npeny described in�,`;?;.,ti
<br /> -- - . Seca�i'ty Instniment(or the leasehold esiate if tke Sec�aitaY�rs�'�:ment i�;,���f4asel�c8�l�'sie referced to in thks'1=�.•1°�;;'': � '
<br /> - _ Family Rider aar3tttcv Security Instrument as th�`.`Froper�:",''' ' �"."'��'`•.; �.`.'�' - ,.:�f., �
<br /> - '� B.iJSE OtF';(pROPF1tTY;CONII'LTA1��:.�'vl�u,�.'LAW. $a?iiit�i�'s�sha}t ttm?,seek;agree ta�ar malce a .
<br /> -_ -;-- -`�'''�� chan�e in the use of the Property or its zoni,�:+�:�s��c�.arce.unless Lerrder has ag�in wriring�to the cfiange. -
<br /> --_
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