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<br /> �t . ' _c' , ,�v,> 'F�; . - � c - . . . , _ .. .. , : -�t.�. r.. _ _ 9 ._ -�:' ' 'z�; :;.a�;+�i.. _--
<br /> ` � . . _ G - . ._ •� �' � $ . _ . {� Q i' 4 t�!
<br /> ---.... • _--___--_ .. � -� . . � . . . . -� .. `,. ```. .. '- ��;. ,.
<br /> �� . ' . ��` �� ..' ' . ' '.�. "*� .. � .< , .. . � � . '. r C'. '� , l �. �`l� *. ` - ` —
<br /> _ ---- �, ' 3�`���Pf`�a}�a+t�°�i�u�a�t�•�n��v�i"sh�ii��e�tE�i2rs�,rmt��s nc�v3 r.�g"�r� .�i��;���'j° ,n'y,
<br /> - --_- �' ,.�`k�i�rty�i�u'tod,qg�a�t:loss by�ii�:,�r65 ii�:3�within itiG tcrm °tx�csr�etl:zov�rage"6nlf yrrybThq'.�, itsFt�i�'`� ' . ,
<br /> . , , 'ftnpds oT�laodt�g,f�r wt�a.ai�a.�eq�Ire���tr�i�ac.TFu�i�izrance s,��i�6c`ri'raiatai3�.d irt.tht ar��`s�p�d far i�e,ptik�s;. `
<br /> tlsua�nd��rcc�uirss.'E�ia.wr�al'cc�rr€er pmei�i'sfs�t�c fflsttraaac°sh�If 6e cfiosea b�Bardower sahjc�.st�a Ger�3�r'g apprav,ai . ;
<br /> • :, �ihisti`shaii nat�ba uns��or�sty witt�hsfd. i�Bdrrower fa�is�:a mya�tairi ooveiega�ibod�bove; E,ctxier r�ay��tt l�nder'e• `
<br /> - —. _--- . �€m�obtai�rica�rcrcgr fn��Lsridr�'s`rig9�s'sif`tli�Prc�pea;ty itt eccoss�t�re.with,�uagraph 7.� ��: . -- �--�. -' ' : :. � .
<br />- ---- - � �. " AII '�ns�.�a�,prlIc€��a:ed ser.ew�ts s�all he�acx�cptabt�.t��ei�d€r and sI�9D e�etrt�ie�starei�id nxirtg��c?Ia�..`�ttd�r .. � _
<br />- _ . shal�have the ei�8t to hold'ahhe,pol�cfes a�d c+encw�?s.tf Lender c�qulres:Barso+�er s!�g�ronr�xntp�.'ve ta�tar.aii��ceipts of �
<br />— - . 1�1id�remiums a�id t�ne�eat natIcaes.Ia nhe evetst of toss,Boirower sfial�p,iae�a��'aati�.tfl ttee Insurau�ra�rier r�d 1Lcs�r. .
<br /> - --- ` �. �w��y�g�i�ra€cr��ts�i€,i��si m�ttrc?mp�3:.is�t Eirscr�*;.� �
<br /> --.-. • --.... - --- � ._ ___. - - - - - - - _ _ _.________
<br /> — ��Ualess Y.eenider and�p3rawer atT�envise 8giee iA��iing.i,nsure�ce gmoeeds.�b�ll h:�+li�ta rPSioraiea�'os r�p.�ii af t�a
<br /> � -- Ftaperty�autage�;if tt��c�stafration os rapair is�r.��i?saiJy feasi62e�d�eader's�trurity is not tCssauu�.lf t3�t repMar^���.�ur
<br /> - ce�air is not econar�is�ISy fe�i�or i�der's�raaity waatd be tessencd;t�c insniance proceeds sEraii be apQfi�}to t�xt stts�
<br />-_ secule�by t#�is Security Iastrt�ment.whetIIer or dot li#�n d�e.with any exoess pai'�!to.�orrowar. Yf Born3ccer ai�aQa�as tL3
<br /> .Prapzrty,.or doES mot ansdver withia 3R days e nntice frum Let�er ihat tb�i�ssurance ca¢tier uas offer�Q to seule a clr�ia�ih�Q .
<br />-- — , LeruEer may oolle�the insurancc praceeds. I�fer may use the pmceeds.to m�air op cestore the Pragsrty or to pay st� .
<br />- aec�ired by this Sec�lrity Inst�simeai.whetl�or not thea due.The 30�day peridd will begin wiF�thc c�atiCe Is given. ' , • ,
<br />_ �1�Iess l.cader end Baaower osh2iwise agcee in wtitiag,ang applicafioa of pruoee�ds to princigal skai!not exund oT. .
<br /> - postpone the due date of tl�e momhly puya�tts Y+effelted w iu paragro�s I aad 2 or change the a�at of tbe lraYns+�►ts. if . . `
<br />- _ ' �nder gaiagapL 21 t6e Pi+aperty•is acquir�!tty�nder,Bomow�r's ri�i to any insurassce polic�es an�d�Sncoeeds tBSUitit�from '. .
<br />_ . _ � damage to the Prapetty ptior to thc aoquisiti�an s6u!!pass m L•ende�to t1�exteat of the snms s�nreA by this Sec+srics+Itt�ntrnerii ' .
<br /> ��Y Prio�[w tY�e arquisi�on. . , r. . , ,
<br /> - 6.Occupancy,P�eservstf�ur Mainteaance and Proteetion'of,�l�Fraperty:Bo�we�s Loatt Appli��ttQO�;Leasel�o'lds. ,
<br /> . Bomnwe=.sbat!�y,esta6lish,and use the Pmperty as Bomowq.'���i�,cipai resideaoe withiu siatY d�Ys�aRer the eaecutioa of~ .
<br />_ . . tbis.Secnr�tY Tn##simeat;a�¢d sS�ail oontuiue m o�ciipy the P�perty 3s�giorrower's griacipal resideao�f4r at Eeast one year afisr
<br />_ -�I�- - - -- ,� _the date b£�+-`�cy„�T.�I�nder athernise agiees in writin$,which cansent sha}l not 6e anteasortabty�ttitNte[d,or ualess .
<br /> I� ...;;{�¢en�s�'t�mstanaES'�adst whic6 are 6eyoad Bormwer's control. Boirnwer sh�1! aoi desscoy. damaSe or imp2ir the
<br /> -;�` .�kxj�.+�aty;'riT�`xyv�Property to detedorate,ar commit waste on the Property.Eormwer shall he in defm�It if any for�'eitune'
<br /> �, . r�'�'taor�ng,whesher civil ar crianrral,is began that in f.ead�'s goaa faigh jadgmeat'wnld resWtin fodeitur�of the
<br /> - �' ' ,'���in�tieity or odrenvise materially impair the lien created by this SecuTity En.mum.�,pr Leader's security interest.Borrower may
<br /> f:i'{r.-:r �
<br />- z�, �� .;,��sucfi a def�ult and re��are,as provided in parap�l8,by causing the a�ci�i��i:�irpraoeeduig to 4e dismissed iviih a ruling
<br /> e ul
<br /> `�"� �.'` ::�.;t�a�, in Lend�r's ood 'detzrmiaatio �ecia ta�of ths Eorrai�`tet'�i.interest in the or ather material •
<br />- ` ��%�x��'� '�,. ` g f�x1r� n, p �:�,li� �' �rt3►
<br /> '; �--� _. '�,';�'�ts�adrment�of the lieo er�ited by this Se�urity ��'s securifisf;�hst. Bomower shall atso be is defautt jf .
<br />: ��;��g; T" �' .
<br /> ' '1" '� Borrower,dnring the loan applicarion process,Save mateini[�y.��cirwacuuate.f�rif�rmation ar.etaiem�nts to Lender{or faitod
<br /> ` =,• �r.,:•,:"•:•,� ,
<br />_ �; *d�.��`L,�„•,?r�� t� to provlde Lr„irt3,�r with any material information)in canaeRiasn i�is#�:th�loan evidencxd by tite'H11�te,incitiding,but not limited
<br /> ��'. .-;��:.;�,�s'�;'�'�''' to.repr��5�r4��onceraing Borrower's acrupancy of tti�Properiy 2s a principal resideuce.If this Security Iasaument is oa a
<br /> :.�; .,.,;:.wn', 1;�� tessehold, .' ;�,i',�`�:�.};:u3mptp witb all the provis"iir,�of the leass. If Borro�vec acquires fee titie to th�Property. th8
<br /> `��'�1��•r'��"`.;�•.` ' . ;tc�.seho��s��2i�`t3��11'not merge uatess Lender;�rees w the merger in writing.
<br /> •<-:� - c �
<br /> � �,,��
<br /> °r:;;! , ..'� 7.�Araii�iiir,f of T:er�s;Rig�fs in the Property.If Boaower fails to perform the covenants and agreemeats oontaine,d in -
<br /> �. ,„
<br /> ; ,r;�,; • �� :'; this Securit��ii�ment,os there is a le��proceeding that may signifcantly affect Lender's rigi►ts in the Pcaperty(sacb as a
<br /> ._;�1r.',.�:. : .``;!;`;;,�"�';. -- _
<br /> _,� ..��,4 , , , , ptnceett�rt��li�ii�Cruptcy,probate, for ci�mnation�vr forfeiture or to enforce taws or regulations),then Lender may do anQ � __
<br />_ ,�'�, . pay for wflai`$veF is neaessary ta protect the vatae QY{he Property and Lender's rights in the Propeity. Lender's aaions may �� _
<br />- ', ..: •`s . inclade pafing any sums secured by a lien whicli'ti:r.�priority over this Security Instrument, appearing in.czourt, paying =-__
<br /> . ' � `� � reasanub;e z�f�a�neys'fees and entering.on.the Property�tt�'make repairs. Although Lender may tak�action und�r this paragraph =__�"_ -
<br />_ .�,=F"�.;� � �•� � 7.Lender d��:;�nnt have to do so. :� . • : •:. . !
<br />- -' ��-���� � s" ��s My �a7:uits disbutsed 6y Lender under this paragr,�h�:7�.�p�ii•become additional delnC af•8arrower secured by this
<br />_ ``'.•.��:J• _
<br /> �. 1��::��.:. ,r ••��; � Securi �Ir�scniment.Un1�:.�orrower and Lender a ea.o..Iter,t�r,�pf a ment, these amo
<br /> > tS+ , r 8�=.. . � P Y uiils's4�a11 bc�xnterest from the � _-
<br /> ' ; i+��,`� � � date of disbtcrsement at �a:c f!vote rate and shall be{�:�.;�1i%:,���i�i.u:i�.st, upon nodce from[:cndeT to'I�ntmwer requesting ��-:--�
<br /> ;_:���+`• : ' � `� ' payment. r.',;. •`;'•, �.;:;;. . , � � .;, . ,, . ,,, ,;,...,, •,. ,
<br /> , t,� , , S.Ma�r1;�;e Insuraase.tf Lender required mo�t$a;e insur.:�,s�s,.K,�co�duu��r i��malc�n�dn>lartn secured 6y this Se�.vrity ' ���-
<br /> � ` r�t:�� ' Instrument. 13'isEZOwer sfial) pay tAe premlums requir�.s�q mainia's�r.tize mart�,.��= i.,,,�cance in�.��".E+at�..[f, fnr any rqson. the f�
<br />� 'I�� `'''"�• • '�'t!�:,. mort�a e insat�'ence cove �}y+/�uired b Lender la ���,�r�eases to be in effect:'l�isrmwer sliiyfn pi�:ttr.��s�r3iums r =�+'�`��`:s�-
<br /> �y}�:. �� ..C,� . CS . � i,^� • Y P � . equira�dto :`:;:,:�;:u;.�,� :�
<br /> ti �'�!�.':�.': � '" obfain coverage substantiai.i"p er;uivatent to the mortg�:iivsurance previously in effect,at a ciai�.�:�,tantialiy��.tjuiva1ent to the ,� �•�� " �`°'���"�.�
<br /> . �� "."�`'•',����. %�-.��: oost to Borrower of the vr,.., a e insurance reviou°:iLt,"sn effect, from an altematc mort ir�ui:.r a ra4ed b Lender. If �`�" ��'�'�'��
<br /> � 8 P fi�� PP Y �.; ..7 _
<br /> :?�4�ti�' ' � �
<br /> . � .��;;�,• substantially'c�esivaleni marr;age insurance coverage is not avaifabte.Borrower shall pay to Lardi:�t�ch montb a sum equal ta �": `
<br /> ' , '`���n!; • ,
<br /> one-twelfth uCdte yearly mc�t�age insutan�ce premium h.eing paid by Borrower when the insur.�t�coverage tapse�or ceased to , _
<br /> �Z��}w;• .;.• � �E in eFfect:�nder will�e.use and r�'ain these pa�•ments as a tass reserve in lieu of mcii�L,age insurance. Loss reserve � .
<br /> - �c '�' .r� , ' � , � f�arr»3028 9/:E0 r� �•
<br /> ���� . .
<br /> _ .. . .:fti'j , ,� cese3of6 �
<br /> ,. . , ;)Pi�';�!{ , . . � �. .
<br /> . . r�/Dy�'�``'� � ' . . .
<br /> '�n: .":�:i. � , � . .
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<br /> _ q.
<br /> ���.' ' . � . � '�...' ., . .•'. ' . . . . . i=�til' , . . • .. .. ' • .. . '
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