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<br /> ._... �:ti8€�{1���41IISdiCL[[7It ti1 C�L41jItC E IID1faSjIL�6CCL'TdL�1(�t5{I�IDC�.Q11V�ftIl� 'Yt.B�,'�QSO,QCY�• . . , ... " .
<br /> � � UN��O�dd��YE1�ANt�:&iYrower ar�Lendes iovenayt�i a��fa�.vs: ' ; ' � - �,� :: -• • - ,
<br /> � � • �I>'�*aynqent s�i�Prt�,clPa�?+nd'Inteie�3 ���a3 I.�s���es':8��wer shail.ProsriPtty QraY.�xrc cCug.t�ie <4 � :
<br /> ' ' �L'�+ �4tf���.t�.a�at��.�t�yide't'��y_the.DTflt�r.+n�an., ._. _ auii.�,it���due:ti�r.�:l�Ic�.�: `
<br /> __ r �+ � Y P-''�a��-_. ,. :
<br /> _ '� Z:Fiwd�s�o�aa�es�r�d T�.Sub��i.tar 3pp�cttbte iasv:��p ra;tvttitec�ws�ver by�ender, Boa�xer�.iE pa,v tu:.-. -
<br /> . L��aii c�e duy moazhly p�aynaeut4are dae.ur��ti�Idc�,ur�il t31e Note is�a'sd imfu�l.�a�uin("Fu�as."�fO:t:.(e)9�'ta�; .
<br /> -- and T°==�^'ynts�h:�may ait�ita pri�rii��s�ih#s S�ariYy i�mtu�ent a���iea c�l�::�;fb)Y�x'r`f �Q t����� L
<br /> Qr.�rotu��t.s on tt�Pcaperty,i€any;{c3 Y�Y�ard or prc�erty}t�ancx�pransmnss:#d}.yearZ�t fftou�3 ia�.e�rnnce Pr�a+nms:� �:.�
<br /> '�'�:t�)Y�Y�8�:�T'�Pc+enii�sns..if ar�r:and(t}ar�t sn�.s gaynb�,6g Bom�wer to Lcnder.ir�aococdanc�wit�� . .j,. .:
<br /> the gmvisioas of p�aiag�ap�t 8,in tiw of the paytn�t of.m�sRg�ge insursacs.p�.'X4►ese items,ue c�.tlac!°Escr�r Itams.' ' :
<br /> Lender maY.ax any t� ooIIect an��hNd Fund�:ir#�aaramxsBat not to eai�sd th�cna�cimum amaflnf;��Ter_far a fakrali}!..,�` ;:;`: >
<br /> . rela�edmastgge ta�sri�nay�s toi�prmwe�s e�crow.acoount under tbr.€�ral Real Eswte�Proa�d�sies Act-.o�. ,_ .' z
<br /> — - 1974 a9�ta�eaded frora tia�to time�12 3T.S.C:S:�ioa Zb0l..�seg.('R�SPA").an2�ss another taw t�}f•2i�plzes to tlr 3�hnds. i,�
<br /> �a tessar amonat.If so, Lenter may,�auy time,co �:iqir�t�id�Ads.ia an amount�t to exa�ti�e tes�er:aisaauat... . ,
<br /> �...,.
<br /> , I,ender may�t�te td�e amount of Pan�dcs due on the basis�i�t+eai data aed ieasunabte�tes o£:��s,n�futiue .
<br /> , . :.,�-,. : .
<br /> ' Esem�r I2ems or othei��vise in aoo�idance vrith applic�➢ile lac`v:'�a:y�; , . . . .• � . �. . .
<br /> � •'i7� Fu�ds shall [+e held 'ia an iastitution w�osg dep�ts are insunod by a federa] ageni.y. ms�fitY, or��Atity,�` ..
<br /> E'mcitsdia�L�ter,i�l,ender is sa�lraa insHaution)�ar in any'Fed�al Home Ioan F�ank-i�qder sbaU sFp1g thc Flwds`to pay t�e• . .,
<br /> -- Bsc�+aw It�ns.I.snd+er may aoi e�arge Borrower fpt ha4ding aad egQlYiag the Punds.aBnu��an�lyiiqg.the essmw accoun�.or
<br /> -- ----- —
<br /> v@rify3ng the Escmw Items,untess Leader pays Bormwer�nt�est on the Fnnds and applicu�Iaw perauts Len+der to make such -
<br /> . , a charge. However,Ix�r may requue.Bomnwer 4fl PaY:a o�cLarge for aa independ�nt�eat�.�t..tax QeportinS S��oe `
<br /> .used'6y�Lender in ca�eaion with this loan, motess applicable !aw provides otheiwise.,Unless'�;l��eementi ls made or. ,
<br /> y,�,.,_._.� � applicabte taw requines inierest to be paid,Lender stiall aot be required w pay Bonawer a�r.r�ttei�st,�iz:�niIIgs oa the Funds.
<br /> --� Bottawea arrd I.eadar may a8me in writing,however.tbat int�rest shall be gaid en t�e l�rt,ii�i�s+-�ldee.shall&ive to Borrower. ,
<br /> ----_------- , tvithaut chaige,aa anm�al araouuting of fl�ee FiuWs.showing�ta�edits anA de6its�W the�1�.�sarid'th���spo�for wlueh each
<br /> -- --- -_-- deiiit to tha Fands sva�s�e.'Ihe Funds are ptedged as addit"sanal secdrity for a11 sums sec�red.by tlti� '`Sa�rity Iasm�nt. ' ' -,:°-,
<br />- -_- ---- - :.:;:: ,:
<br /> --- - - - -— <,^:,.
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