1?Y• ' ' . l
<br /> � �i, .._j__ 1 ! l 1 4� 7�.t 5� i
<br /> i�7� ._j �i ..:_3r .i�` -� ;� • "�� a. ._ oY. ` � - . .. ; � . �f-. S.J o s � -2 _-—_
<br /> � y �. .
<br /> ' t,• _. . .�,... �..� k i. .Y Ff L:e")_5 _ • ' ._....._.....�_.._,.._ ._ ,,, �4. /�.,,x - J,.lk�'r.. ,.- _—,
<br /> � .. t• . . .. � � . . ` , . —.
<br /> .: � T'�STi�i'71 ` � � ` , . ' .� , . ' '� � I `.� . . . e��._-___._'—_ ..
<br /> u���}"ti5.�c�r3'}� " . . . M1c � � � ... ' ' ' . , _ ___ __ . �'`�� �V�/il�� '` ___—' --
<br /> _�£ --- ---- , -payat�ntt����t�ch rue rEferre,�to in�arag�npb 2.or�Se the ewnunt aY suctj payme�3s. Ady�exces��r�ceds oVeF�� ' .
<br /> r::4 . amous►t ar�wrzd ao pay.all autstanding.�adehsednrs�urtder she Nete aad tAis Securfry�st�uaznt s5a1I be��3d cm the en�y
<br />-����' : " [e e�tf�ed thereto , . . . �
<br />_ — — - '��.F`e� �.en�t may co9t�ct ffee¢ant!�►asges suihorized by tlie Sermtary. . , . ;
<br />_- � 9 Grouad4 for Actsieration of iTe�t ' '
<br />-_' Wa (a)•TkfiWL Lender may,except es ttm�ted l�y regulations issued by the Secneaqry in the case af paym�nt defauIts:� .
<br />:.E,�� ,�:. fi:� � . �� . cxqui�immedIate payatent in full of e11 swns s�by this 3ecurity 1asm�meat if: . - � -_--_ -
<br /> �-�;�;� '�`�° (�)Bormwer defaultc by fai'ting to p ert fi�aap moulbly�PaY���i��Y this Secusisy Ltsuumeat psior.: � _=
<br /> Y�S L±. 1��5 � ' � . '
<br /> !k.,, �- .`F �� } � ; to nr an.tfle due dato of tbs uext ma�y paymett«or � — N ___
<br /> xt
<br /> :'���.-�--r � �� . C�$�o�teF def�►ult�.by failmg,far a periocl o�tbi�Y,days,to p�dorm any,adier obii�ations canutined In thLs
<br /> ���5��`1 G: t ` �. ,' , . . $ a��1�,„ . .. . �r.r�„�
<br /> ��; �4 t f , •;'�. (b)$��AA�it�°fPg=a►vst�. IxnII�'Saall,if g�rmitl�d isY aPDUrable taw aad wi31t�dts pri+oX appmva!of the _ _
<br /> ��: �,,,, � .�;;, . �Cretary.roci`a�i's,im�4tqdiat�Pa3�F�iA��af al3 tbe sums secured by dus Seauiry Insr�tameni ifr. —
<br /> - '��`=�``�'�-���°µ `'-t�f AIi o�gatt�t3�a,Prv �.or a bej�efrcial e�t�nn a tntst owaing a11 as�.+act of dae Ptmperty,is sotd ar --__�__.��-----
<br /> '!�vY.At... � -.� . ��.-____ _---
<br />_ �,�► .-:�,-,�_.'�",,�-.,ei�`�`.,�-,�;� . �t�rw�e u�amsfe�rred(o�h�r,�by dxvise or descent�by tHe Bomuwer.aad = - --
<br /> �t-�a_.��,��:;,:. C�)'Ibe Pmpeaty is naq oc�pie�.b jr,t$e,pu�hasrx or gc�amee as his ot her piincipal residQnc�,or the purchaser �': .._-------- --
<br /> � tE� � ��,� � � or giantee dnes so occupy the.Prop�acy,�kut Uis or �er credit tras not bee�.appr4ved.� aecardauee - -- -
<br /> �^' f t•.;�' • with ttiexequitements of the Sec�asy.,, ' -
<br />� ��' ;., �<<r:; (e)No Waiver. If cucams4ances occar thai�vrould,pe?mit.laender to reqtcite immediate paym,et�t in ful1.but�der � — --, --
<br /> � _:e.;,i::'. ��'•%.�:.:,� � dces not �u�ce suclt a ents.l.ender does rtot•wa"se�its xig�ts witA ect w su ���,�-'" -
<br /> pyut n r resp bsequ�ntevents.
<br /> . s ��'_�:.:�:c�.`.. ( �ts��il'at�. s o€�M S�retary. 1n many cusum�tsnaeS regulations issued�y the 5ecretaty urill limit Lettder's = -- ---
<br /> ��.:�:F..:;�:�:s.=�� n�its.;w the,case of payment defaults.to�uin.immadiatE Qayment in fall and forectose if nnt.pa�d. '[]iis --_--- -
<br /> _ ' :�,�z:f<:=j:,>.�,�r,�.: ' • Secomty Inshumant daes aot authorize aooeleiauon or forEClasuie if not pemtiued by regulations of tlte Sec�etary. �==--,-- --
<br /> ' t `F!�::r, • .., . ,
<br /> . ��..
<br /> - '_::T • (e�A�ort�tge PTot Ictsare�. Brnmwer agiees diat should th'ss Security Inst�ument and the note secured thereby not �'�;` __.
<br /> ` � ws
<br /> ,����,-_
<br /> 6�i�eli ble for :++�•�na•under ths National Hous' Act within frnm the �s `� �`-==-"_=
<br /> t.= .� .�: g; � 8 manths� f. ==��. _-
<br /> :; �,;; ;F 'w� da2�hereof,Lender�ay.at its optiost and aatwitbstanding enytfiing in Parag�h 9.�equire immediate payment in -..t. . '�=�_�-_-
<br /> .
<br /> .
<br /> � ..:
<br /> ..•.... -
<br /> - -. .. .. .:. . - —--
<br /> ,� ..�,w_�._..•::: fuil�af aU sams._etored. this Sec�ui fn-s�unent A writteo statement of an sudtoti.zed t of the Secretary ;���`�.r - -
<br /> . .
<br /> .. � „ ., --
<br /> . . .... . --.- ..... _................ ------ -�----� - --- --- �-�-----.._.. . _.. ..- -�- - - --- ...- - - - --- ---------- -��-�---�--- - -
<br /> , ..- �
<br /> _ :. : �.^�'';• ' dateds�b p�., t�� �`� fmm�the hereof,dec�iiiu� �nsuxe �' Securi �'f� _
<br /> bY �! .- - -�- T- „�•
<br /> °�tg��•�. ..date � &to tlUS ty ' � .
<br /> ��u�,�',;.: ' � . Instrumeat,antt�tdte�t►ut�s�un��ifienby�,��tlt�#e deemed wnclusive proof of such ineligibility. Notwithstanding ,,�;;�,,;�:_
<br /> ;�1•� `•�� ,',,,�,.<Y-
<br /> �� � • the foregoing„this.option.may.,Rot be,exeratr,c.d by Lender cvtien the unavailability of insurance is solety due te ;. ;,.,. -
<br /> - ��"�,•, .: " >`����'^. Lender�fa�ure to remit a ato�ge iaswance premium to the Secnetary. ' •=�
<br />=-+�-; <�'r',;' `'.' `h�' �� -10��tefnsdatemenL.Borinwerlias a right.m be reinstated'�f Lcnder.has requiied immediate papment.in fiill beca�e _ �;; :-��r:.`=, "
<br /> : 'u�`�t'�",.•:,.: '.,. �:� of Bomayiett's�faiJu:e to pay an amoimt fi ee un der t he•Note or t h is Security I n s t i v men� 'R tis n g 6t ap�lies even a f t er `";,;,-:." ;,._-�
<br /> sr�,, , foiecIosur��pmcecdings are institut�. '!b reinstate the Security Instrument,Bomower shall tender in a lump sum ail { ; - .;
<br /> . � i�`,.' :; amo�mts'.t�qw�ed to bring Borrowerk account current including,.W the extent they are bbligations of Borrower ander t�is e �•"�.,�,�,"r . •
<br /> • ' Seaui,ty��ttunen�,�areclosure costs and reasonabte aad cuswmat�?.attomeys fees and eape�ses properij+associated with,. ,.
<br /> ;�', . the fatr�tcisa,u�a,proceeding. ETpon ieinstatement by Bomnwer;this„Securiry[nstrument attei.�ta,obhgations that it secure� - . �`..�
<br /> - , �' shall remuin in effect as if Lender had not required immediate payment in full. However,Lxndat is ao3 require�w�t�tn3�:�� ,. � � :
<br />- , ' `�' '' ' ceinstatement iF (i)l.ender has accepted ceinstacement after the cominencemeni of foreclos�us proceedin� `hisl�two . '� +�, ;
<br />- � yeais immediately pre^.:eding the commencempqt�,Qf,a cwnent foreclosure,.proc�eding, (ii).reinstatemeat.tv►."Ii preclude ' :•'��'•
<br /> ;` " ' `;� '.' foceclosure on diffc�ncn urcds in the futu�+e..ar�ui ceinstatement will adversel affect the ori oE.tl��e Iies�create�b .'�° . ..' �� '
<br /> -. •.
<br /> . t:�t+u r. h� Y PR �Y Y ,;:s r,.
<br /> �` . � , • thisSec�uitylnsuumt�s�s:��� ,,��;;':•1 '' �,'
<br /> - • � .. 11: BorroweP Not Reteased; Forbearaace 6y I:ender Not a Watver. Eztension af the.ume,of payment or �` ',' - �
<br /> ': " modifcazion of amort'uation of the sums secuced by this Securiry Inshument ganted by l.ender to any successor in inierest ��:•."s;�.
<br /> _ � �t: of Borrower sliall not operate to release the liability of the originat Borrower or Borrower�s successor in im�test Lender ,;�<-;� ,. _ e., , ;.,
<br /> . �:".�..:... � . ;,.., ._
<br /> „,4;;•� shall not be requi�ed.to commence pro�ecdings agaanst any saccessor in interes!ur iefuse to extend tim��for,payment or `t . , :v . ____
<br /> _ �!1,z�1X;;.::,.'•:-� � oihe�wise modify amqtY.iaation of the surr+s secured,t+y•this Security 3nstrument fiy�reason of any demaAd�mado by the �� -'--
<br /> �•+�r� � • ori ' Borrower or�zower�successors in inieresc. An forbearance b lxnder�in exenisin an ri t ar remed shall •'tij�.��' ' ,* '"'=
<br /> :T�r:��•., � Y Y S Y Sh Y ;��°
<br /> ' • not be a waiver of or lude the eaercise of an n t or reme�l .��, F.- '�:• c���,�,� ..
<br /> . , . , 12.. Suocess�rs a�nd y � . � ' � �.
<br /> Asstgns Bound;Joint and Several��ability;.Co-Signers. The covenants and agreements of � �"'��
<br /> �Lt,
<br /> . • - � this SecwriL}r Insmiment shall 6ind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower.subject w the provisions �.<<:� :� Z
<br /> �'.<;i�.�;�., � " of Paza h 9.b. Barrower's covenar.ts and ±nents shal!be oint and several. An Boaower whp.ro-si s this �3`:,. ��,:�
<br /> ,�ti,�` �P a8�_ 1 Y 8� � ,�-: ..
<br /> . :�;;;.`�•:_� � �:� , - Seciuity Instrument bW iices not execute the Note.�.�`a)is co-signing this Security Inswment onty to mortg6ge.grant and ��"�� ��Y;=�:,�•.��
<br /> �•';`A'��'���� ' � ¢onvey tbat Bonower�s interest in the Property�d+�r+u'te�eans of this Security Inswmen�(b)is aot personally obl�gated to ,. r. �� �
<br /> � �L� '� � a the fuzns secured b this Secu ' im�tsument;and(c)a ees that Lender and an other Soaower ma a to extend. r
<br /> ��;�}i'; . . .���
<br /> - � •�'�' ,.:..,,. P Y Y �Jl� • P� Y Y � -.. ` '-r°,-,i
<br /> �:;;,�:.� modiFj,•fq-�ear or make any accom�nadations with mgard to the terms of this Secariry Inswmsnt or the Note without that� :��?J��. � _:.
<br /> , _ Bormµ��a consen� •'c�. -
<br /> - ;_ '�„`; � ' � ' 13. Nofices. Any notice to Borcower provided for in this Security Inswment shall be given by delivering it or hy � �. ....
<br /> •- 3;�,3H;.�,.;�-�` ��� mailing it by fust class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method. 71te notice shell be directed to th8 - �-� - •
<br /> - �'���Z'''„� , Praperty Addiess or any ather address Borrower designates by norice to Lender. Any notice to L.ender shall be given by . ' `^ ����:� • . .
<br /> `.4'�i�: ` ..` - , ' . .
<br /> ,:r�.:,:: •, f�rst class mail to Lender's address stated herein or any address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any noric� • � ,
<br /> • :;f:;�n;.: � rovida3 far in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to fiave b�m given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided � :<l.�:. �
<br /> ' :-:>.F'°; u►ttu�F's', Ph• ' . ` .
<br />_� t`';:: . .�',•��.?`��i`"� •' i�:�verning Law;Severa�r;`f�. This Security Insuument shaU be govemed by Fedesal law and the law of the ';. • • • .
<br />- '-.r;:,.'._-.::5 • - . ,
<br /> , {���;;..�•:; . � • juris�ct3on in which the Propetty�is(ocated. in tfi:event that any pro�ision or clause of th�s 5ecurity Instrument ot the �a� � ,
<br /> �'s,,,� •'..���;:�-� Note confliets with appiicable law,such conflicc•F•�1 not.affect other provisions of this Security Jnsuvment or the Nots .
<br /> �,:'iyr'�:_",, •• whictb ra.Z be given effect without ti�e conflicting,ps�vision. To this end the provisions of this Security Inswmeat and the � �. •�
<br /> ' `��'�'` Note ace r.'eclared to be severable. �
<br /> . ' ..`;4;�;y;'.� � , , �, . ...
<br /> `•�:;..,:, �� L.. L�mrrower s Copy. Borra�z er�hall be giv�one con.arrRa3 copy of this Security lnsuurnen� � •
<br /> ''�� '�;r,�;� •.I�'`i��'�"',` t(a ,�.ss�gtiment of Rents.Bc�rcwer uncond:�da�2�y ass;gn5 r:nd tn�nsfers to Lender all tlze rents and revenues of the • �'`ti-'�J'�
<br /> b•.n���:... : • ..
<br /> .;�::.�t��,�.,: . . .: Ptopert��. Botrower 2��arizes Lendar or LenderS o�:s to ocltec�ti�e rents and revenues and kere6y dir+ects each tenar,t af � , .
<br /> �'S`:':�?�: :•�:�,�,.� ' the Fro�ty tu psy 11�r�ctts to Lender ot Lender y a�ehu. fda�.��eves.prior to Lendei's norice to Botrawer af Bomau�"s � • . .
<br /> � •'�;`�'�a','"i:.%�:�,�.�•,. ' bteach cs any co��r�art flr agreement ln the Security Insuument,$or,ower shaJl caltect and receive all rer�ts and�ver.ues a� ` � '�
<br /> <.;�„�r. . . . . . •.
<br /> • a:�:t; �' ;.•.. '° the Y�ap�:y as ttustee for the 6enefi!of Lendet ttnd Borrower. 'iiri�.�ssignmers of rentc consdWtes an abse3�t�acsignment • � •
<br /> tn
<br /> _ "' ,.��•�.:.. ,'.:•�`.• and n�c�a��assignment for addidon�sccurity only. . . .�;
<br /> ��"'''� ���'"" If�.ender grves notice of b�ta Barrower: (a)all rents received by Botrower shall be held by Boaawet as trustee ' , :•'::1'`�:'�'��
<br /> ___ � .�'_ � " for benefit of Lender only.to be app�ied to�he sums secured by the Securiry Instrument;(b)Leader shaT3 6e en6tled to
<br /> •. ;i , .
<br /> � '��� � , coUect and ieceive a11 of fhe r�ents of the Ptoperty:and(c)esch tertaz�t of the Properry shall pay ail rents due ar�d unpaid to , ; '' ' � •
<br /> - �`''�� ' Lendt�or Lender�agent on Lender�wriaen demarad to the tenant. ' .
<br /> . �. . ,�.� . .,. Bortowas has not executed any prior assignment of the rents and has not and will not perform any act that would.
<br /> p�vent Lendst fcom exeaising its rights under this Paragraph 16. ,. ' ��'`;'
<br /> � �'�'=:-- --� - Let►det'shai!not be mquired to enter upon.take control of or maintain tfie Property b+efore or after giving notice oF .
<br /> ' breach tu Botrower. However.Lender or a judcnally appointed mceiver may do so at any fime there is a breach. Any �,�•, .' , �
<br /> ' applicatian of reatis ehal�not cure or waive sny default or mvalidate any other right or cemedy of Lender. 79�is assignmem .�'•
<br /> �' of rents of the Pmpeny s6a1!terminate when the debt secured by the Security lnstrument is paid in full. • f�+�'�' �. .
<br /> . : ,i;.'.,. :;:::r,' � .
<br /> �` • � ' ,� •'t�; i',�� .
<br />__— ��—=_ --„_ .. I➢oRe3oj4pageal � Ir- -_-___ ;,;,:�._.-_--- _
<br /> . ,
<br /> '�;� - , .. . . .
<br /> . ' ' . ��! • -
<br /> ' . • . .+:,. � —. _. — --- — - °_ _...._...___ _ -
<br />