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<br /> �r�f�� . 5� :t�f `. f`i y r f• . �.
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<br /> . '::i ... ^. _ _ w_ __a_....� �
<br />-i:� <" " . :-� � . .. .- ._ __. _. - � .
<br />_ _ " " ,�^ , �. . �,Zy.t;._...ii� ..:.'�. .-..... �.`.d;--- .�•.5;f �
<br /> . . . .,,�,. ;;� . � . . . . . . . c}�- '„4r���;...
<br /> ��--- �y .._�,r� � � ` . F r ' .r _ � ' .< ` C� . �``;� ``'� . j`( . _ '� . `.J . _ ___"_" ' if�� ��''S __.._
<br /> � ..
<br /> .
<br /> , ,. �
<br /> � —�p�
<br /> .��MfPL�YF.eN a ��'I�l[� . �: . ' . ' .. ' ' , � ' .`�� .
<br /> _ e . �. ._ .. `, ' _ _�/—���. ' .. . :���� ,{.
<br /> _ ..s�sa.r.dim�i - ' . �: • `�r ' � � (' •,.�� • � :`. ��,':, .` . �y - , -' �.Ry-e • ..
<br />�al�T . � . .. . ,.. � ,. ''• v - T; �`�W�i^��i.�i .�' :
<br /> - ; � Y. f'ayaxnt Qf I�ciasipsl,In�rssE�t@ Lxt�,t-�rga:.Boircwer sh�lt Pag when due rh�,�inc�pak o��.�ad,=ati��.4i�ti+�� c°�
<br /> ��: t�e de8t cvtdauo�d#y ti�e�TOte anQ�te r�a�es dne uader th�Nate.- � . :;��.,� ::
<br />==- _ _-=-=- 2. 16Santh#�,gaymeuf�uf�ar�,�tasvsaace anQ t�er�es. Boao�rer�all inclu Lo eachr�anth ��� �:=� , .
<br /> �� �A.�r_ '�:},;F;s-
<br />-_ _----- �, . �to,ga4hss wittt the�rincip�l aa�yate�st as set fassh ia ftas Niot,�8a eng taix charges.en ins�;�t of any,,s��c�i.r�:a�:i,F;,k�.. �. .
<br />==- ��'. spe�ial asSess�ESentg ievied at to bc Ievied$gainst t3�.Ptapetty.f 6?Iea..�flnld.pay�menis os�+at�[G�ets.aa ths+. �.��;��<��,��• ., -
<br /> ._ �` ' (c)pr�eraiums far ias�zce nequiz�by Faragapb 4. � , : .
<br /> t. .,�..,,,, �
<br /> a-� ,. '�':�4; ' � .�atoniply incr t�rmem for iicros` g}.(p)aud(ca skaII ec�ual aue=iwelft�of thr�anriia�al.acac�uni��.s.r��.'r�s,��jsi,%r`
<br />=�� ���� � rstimated by I.e�r,pius an amous�° an mainrain an additdom2 baIance of not x�t6ar�:aarasiatts:� trs�ii;,_ , . �..
<br /> }��_ estiri�aced ammmts, 7i��ful�aanuat amm�t for e�h iiem shal!ire accwn�by L.emder�+r�itd�'.�a a perio�l;e�;e�g,g�zi- '
<br /> --- -._..,,_ _s�.•°,' , . munrh t�f�aa it�nt.E�c�I�ome r3e�i�. L�d�r�9aIlha��e�s coll�t�iri t�x;t to�ay Iter��ia�,'�4��t�i�f:{�",: --
<br /> � �� � � •:',__ (c)6xfore ti�ey be�ume delinquent . � � ' � :>; ;:':;�',: ` ----
<br /> . •,"" ;..`:�,x;� If ai any time the total of the payiitents 6eld 6y:Leader fas i�ms(a),f,b)and�(c),toget�r v�ish th�fvt�tra,suu�tii��!l;�;�:;:"`t' .
<br /> _ ' ���=.zy::.i�� . pa1ment�for such iterns payable to.Lender piior to the due da�s of such items.exceeds R�Y more t�on�sixtia,f�1�;=�:'`" .� ,
<br /> F. '�����. est�mated�nQUnt of p�ymeats required w pa such items when dus.ead if�on tt►e N�te ase curce�t,tYtt�t�I�ett�Aifir
<br /> — _ Y'�-.�!gr=...::_ y .r,,;;
<br /> ,ti,� .:... .-�,:�:• shaU ei3ker tefuad tt�e excess over oue-s'sxtb of the es�iaea�ed pa�or tlse excess av�ane�sixtb af thR��.,�.
<br /> .- � . �:�:�: ` ! - ' FaYments w st�tssequ�t payme�ts by Bomower.az the option o Bmmwer. if the toral of the��m�,�Ie�y�.&i�tuu��:�,;:r". . < •
<br /> v � �::�y_�:�=,: ' f0�lieIIt(8),(b�oa(c)is insbfficient t+o gay the itera when due,thea Bo�mwer shall�ray to Lea�sr aay,turtount ne�essat,��,D:t;>,;:•
<br /> ,%;. .'•_ ;:r�� � i make die defrciea on or befare the.date t6e item b�eeumes due. ` � r . "''s;_
<br /> :�<.. 1��4j' uP cJ+
<br /> :;;.; �;� ° ; As used in tflis Sec�uity I��,"S�etary"m�aas the Secretary of Housing and Urb�dloevei�smsut or hi.R�3r ttc�;�::=�;�, .
<br /> , . : , , � • desij�ee. 7n any year ia v�6ich the Leader must pay a martgage insQraace pm�inm to the Sec�atp,each maathiy.pay�U��.,%::_' �
<br /> :�-' `` � �shall atso ii}clnde either: •(7 aa �staUment of the.annuak mortgaSe P� P� Y• �
<br />� .,,r: y:�";:�a ins�ance cq�be. b I.e�edc ta,�.'�i�r::,;`'�
<br /> ;i�;t� - . : . • ; Seciet�y,ar(ri)a moatbly chaige mssead of�mortgage insutaace piemium if ti�is Sr.curig}�Ins(�,zmeat is t;�lrl;bry!�4i�p:�,i;;�;. .
<br /> � Seccet�y.,F.acb monthly installment'of tJ�ivartgage insuEance precnium shall ine in aa amouniisuffcir.at W�ltebp,'t�t�,��?�:`r::.;;t.4 .
<br /> - ;� fiili annual mortgage ins-�uance pre�niwa��;4eader one montls prior to the date the fuit����ij.�uortgzy,ee uisu�r�;,;_.,`' ::
<br /> :. �i i�l'� � ---
<br />- --- = - -' - - - �ptemium is due w the Secmta�y;or if tbis S�eaiit�+Inst�ameat is 3�,PId by the Secretary.each n�nt�33r a#arge shatl he an.�,�:a+.:��,••;�; .
<br /> - . �,. . i:., � —�`+i:., amflumt eqaal to one-twelfth of ane-Galf peirent af the burstanding principal baiance dus on theii�Ioc�..� .� ;;.:, •
<br /> -w. ;,:;s_..�_:: • • ' � If Borrower tendeis w Leuder the p�ymeat,of all sums secuied by,�this Secnrity Instiument,Hairow��.�v±a�li,,i<..:� , .
<br /> " ,;� ,� �-----------��---shsll-ba cretlited-with-ttte-balaace-rea�:for�all-mstallments-for-items�la),-(b)and (c)�-apd aay:.mort�°e�+3E��:>f,.;;�..;.•
<br /> + �, i piemium installment ttiat Lendei hfls not b�ue obli' ta pay w the Sec�etary,and Lend�r sha1� m
<br /> s gated ne Pm ptly�ftultl:�i�e,°,`„',.i,, .
<br /> r �.; I .excess fimds to Borrower. Immediately priartb a fonecIosane sale of the Property or its acqui�itia�n Isy Lendes,�flmrnnt��¢?� � �:i<:,�s:.
<br /> 1
<br /> � - :.. � aocoimt shall isE cnedited with anjr balance temaining for all.instaIlmenu for items(a),(b)and(�)- ••',?:,','.,
<br /> . ... .
<br /> .� '• � _.,. 3 App�oa of P9 uccder�a hs 1 azcd 2 shall be Led I.ender as foAarvss
<br /> < � irtetents.All PaYu?ents graP aPP� bJ►` .
<br /> _ - . . , ,: . ,
<br />_ -:-..�.�..-___�..;, � _ ��w.t9e mostga�e id.,.�ura�ce Pmruum fo bepazd_by_Leaderto the Secietary or to thtt�tnon!h1Y chaQge,b3i'�a�n . �: • '
<br /> � .�CCIEt2TS/I11S�2d O'f L�'Lfi�lA1�y IIlO1t�6 inc�rran�p��; ; _ . _
<br /> � '� S�COND.ta any taxes.special assessss�r�s.leasehold payrneats or ground rents,and fue::fl�d aad athEe�azar�t��;• .
<br /> � �. t�. ' insuzance premimns,as�q uired; . _. • ,' --
<br /> :,.,;-
<br /> " { _ .-.._ � RD to tntemst due under the DTot� � . ,...,"`'_
<br /> t ,. ,. .
<br /> 4' .�r�� : PDIi�fH.to atnorti�atian of the priacipal of the Nat� �''w;t:•.;.:;,;�t.
<br /> F�f ,�,to late charges due under the Note. ,: •":' .'�, •• •�::�• —
<br /> t ��. ,.....;}. .:;.:,
<br /> , ;�. 4. �'�Flood aad Qtf�c Havard lnsvsanc� Barmwer shall insure ap impmvements on the Properiy.s,�littiltAt#ui+����:: :�-:?;;�`'• _
<br /> r� � in e�ristence or sa�sequentty.erected.against any hazard�s.casualaes.ansl contingeacies.includiag.�.for c+�is�.t�itisUts::•.. :. :'.
<br /> ;�: . ' requit�es insuranc�:..'tl�is insurance shall be maintained in the amounts 3ad for the periods that I.ender.c�uires. Baftutift�6.;.:: :.; :��.:, _
<br />_' t- � ' � shall also iasure�3Y u''nprovements on the Property,whether now in exi�nce or subsequendY c�ected.rigainst loss bp fiIuz�s:��::;:�:'�,;:'
<br /> . . . . .� .
<br /> • :.
<br /> :. �j�__.::--._:•.:A<-�-- � � m the exttait tequue�by the Secletary. AII inswance shail be catried'with companies appmved by Lendxr. 'Ibe nnsuiau���•:'����°.
<br /> `s' ��' � '�: policies aad any renewals shall be held by.Lender and shall include loss payable clauses in favor of.aad.�a f�um��„.
<br /> � �i acceptabte to.I.ender. ' ' �T.;__
<br /> :,�• _
<br /> ':��',. � �� ' � In the event of loss,Borrower sfiall give I.ender immediate notice by mail. Lender tnay matas proof of loss�f�ot _.::_:
<br /> _ .�: � ' made prompdy by Borrawer. Each insurance compaay concemed is hereby authorized and.di�ct�d:eo tnakepaymM.tiS�for !�•==-
<br /> �� f �ri,. � such loss direcdy to Lender,instead of to Boirower and to Lender jointly. All or any part of tite insutauce p�eeds mz�y be ' �+� _
<br /> `�: ' applied hy Lender.at iu option,either(a)to the reduction of the indebtedness under the Nota.�nd Qris Secunn�instrumYnt, ��
<br /> � � +�' � fizst to any delinqaent amounts applied in the order in Paragraph 3,and[hen to ptepaymcat of princiQal.or(b��w:the
<br /> � {��•_. restoradon or tepair of the daznaged ProPerty. My applicatian of�the proceeds to the principal shal!Bot exter,jd�r Po,�t�qae., �':'i,_ =
<br /> '�'" the dae date o£the monthl a ents which ar�e wferred to in Pars h 2,or chan e the amoant of such a � �,, _ -
<br /> % Y P Ym S�P S P Y��� p+�1+!�
<br /> ;. i_ .....�-�"�-• excess insarance pm¢eeds over an amount required to pay all outstanding iadebtedness �nderthe Note and this�Secu,anai.�,.'.•.' -
<br /> {f Instrument shall be paid to the entity legally entitled thereto. �' , �.'_'�.
<br /> _� -'�- � � � In the event of foreclosum of this Securi Instrument or oiher tr.�ufer of tiQe to the Pr thaz oarin �ishes�tha::�.. .;. � "
<br /> t; - tY �'AenY �', , :r,.,�;;3;•;-.
<br /> � �; � �� • indebtedness.all rig,ht,title and interest of Borrower in and to insurance palicies in force shall pass to the purch3sser.=;. ---
<br />- ,. .�� -. �. �• `�� , 5. Occupancy, Preservation, Maintenartce and �rotectton aP the Property; Borrower's Loaa.Apj�licition; . � '"}'�"=
<br /> � . �,•:,; �F' ��" � Leaseholda Borrower sball•accupy,establish,and use fhe Property as Borrower's principal residence within�szcy�days, � � � __
<br /> . '• �<- �-•-� ._:�;�" . -. after the eaecuuan of this Securiry Instrurnent and shali continuc to otcupy the Property as Borrow�es,*,principal�residectce ' '��' `��
<br /> ' >�-yF=.- .f•._ . . _, _-. -
<br /> �; . for at least one year after the date of occupancy,unless the Secretary detennines this requirement wi11 aiuse�rntvr.•hardshi��_�•
<br /> ' �t�_ for Bomower, or untess extenuating cir�curristances exis[which are beyond Borrower:s control. .Borrower shnfh,do3ify��; •
<br /> `?� � Lendeis of any extenuating circumstances. Borrower shall not commit waste or destroy.damage.vr substtu'�t��idN'ef�attg:
<br /> ' �; • � :� �he Property or allow Ihe Properry to deteriorate,teasonable wear and teas excepted. Lender may iospect the 1Pra�rrty if'the � ,,�,`. .+ '
<br /> . �; �.: ;, Ah�perty is vacani or abandorted or the loan is in default. Lender may take reasonable action to proiect and pr�serve,such .
<br /> cacara or abandoned Ptoperty. Borrower sttaU also be in defaalt if Borrower.during tha:loan upplicatian prasess;:�ave
<br /> �''� , � materially fal_e or inaccurate information or statements to Lender (or failed to provide Lend�r witl�;any�,P►truetial • _ ,
<br /> r .��: infoanatton)in cnnnection with the loan evidenced by the Note,including.6ut not limited to.reprc�Yntatian�cancemin� � ..
<br /> : � $atrower§occnpancy of the i�ropeny as a principal residence. If this 5ecunry Instrurnent is on�leasehold;Ratma�er shaU� � ,. �
<br /> , � �. cair,�Iy with the pravisions of Il3e lease. If Borrower acyuires fee title to the Property,cirg leasehoid and�fce dtl�shail not "
<br /> �}� �� ` t�e nerged unless Lender a�.�to the mer�er in writing. • ' .
<br /> '�': . 6. Charges w Borrower and Profectton oY Lender's Rights in��ke Property. Borrower shA11 p�y ali�a�•eir,men[al . : .
<br /> . ' or municipal charges,fines and impcfsitians ti�at are not included in Paragraph 2. Sorrower shall pay the»�obligations on ' � �
<br />"- - - ' "•' time directly to the entity which is owed the payment. If failure te�.pa} would adversety affect Lenderb Interest in Ihe • ' •
<br /> �. :: .,:;, ,
<br /> _ t.. • � f�ro p erty.upon Lender's request Borrower shall promptly fumish to LenCer receipss evider�ing thea�e payrtents,� . .
<br /> � ?'�. ;jf :; If Borrower fails to makc these payments or the,�ryyments required by Paragraph 2,or fails¢o�pErt'ottn any othet
<br /> - ;;. � , cu�'enants and agreements contained in this$ecuriry Insrcumen�or there is a legal praceeding that may.wgn,ificahtly affect . ' .
<br /> •' ' • [.u�der's rip,h!s in the Property(such as a proceeding in"bantwptty.for condemnation or to enfarce.tavea bt t�eguTatians). '
<br /> _ .;�' _ . .
<br /> 1:`: ��� :i�` �. .�, i?:en 1.enQec�nit�/do and'pay whatever is nec�ssary to protect che vaI4e of�he Prop�rty and Lenderk•righr�in the Fmpercy. -- - '
<br /> �;!.� • . � :,,�^cluding pa}ttn.°nt of taxes,hazard insurznGL artd other items mentioned in Paragraph 2. > � ' •
<br /> ��� @�� �• My ar���nts disbursed by Lender c:der this Parapraph shall become an additional debt of Bu�tm�varand t�5ecured ' ,
<br /> �;;u.� :1�. . , Isra this Securiry Instrument These amounu shall bear�nterest from the date of disbursement,at the�Nat�r uatr°.,aiu3 ai the •
<br /> . �,;� ,�i. �rr�t�on nf Lender,shall be immediately due and payable. �
<br /> ' ,!',;. �:• •�• 7. Condemnation. The praceeds of any a�vard or claim for damages,direct or consequantial.in connedtion with any ' '
<br /> � � � � candemnation ot other taking of any part of the Property,or for conveyance in piace of eondemraado�c.ara�:ereby assigned ' �
<br /> � ' " x • • and shall he paid to Lender ro the extent af the full amount of the ittdebtedness that rema"sns unpaid cuiderthe�Note and this , -
<br /> • . �
<br /> ;�, . .
<br /> -.• : ' �` � • Securiry Instrument. Lender shall apply s;i:,h proceeds to the reduction of the indebtedness undar the�Nat�uad this Security �
<br /> ` ' Instiument; fint to an delin uent amounts a l�ed in the order rovided in Para h 3. su�d�thcn to� ent of, t
<br /> � � � �: ;;' '. : •. ., . . . Y 9 PP� P 8�P P Ym •
<br /> °- ---�� ptuicfpaf. Any applicstic�ri of the pracceds ta the pcinc�al sha13 not ekicnd nr postpono�ha,�duo��lafu;a��ts�tt�Sy E-----•_-_='
<br /> µ��-=-_----
<br /> '=� � � � . ; .
<br /> _�;;` - - � . .
<br /> . IpaRe2oj4pagesl � � .
<br /> • i�• ' . . ; . . . .
<br /> .
<br /> t '
<br /> . .
<br /> . .
<br /> . "
<br /> ' }}:�i �. . ' - ----1"_._ — .
<br />