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<br /> —_—_--__ � ` Payr�er�,whicb aK r�efer�d M fin P�ragrayh 2.or ch�ge t�e amozmt o�,sac6 gayments: Any�exsess procxsds aver mt
<br /> ---_-- ° am,�uat�equiied to�ay alt outstenQing I�deb�aess under the Nose aaud d�is 3ecuricy IASmuccenc shail bc pai�l eo�s e�ttt�� -- - —
<br />� ----— __- ; legaqy taHttedthem.tv. . . � .. �
<br />=a— --- � � !1. Fees l.ends�`may.00lfect fas snd�hatges suth�6y tfie Secretar�r.
<br />,f,� . � ��;; �: Gemeaads[��Acoei�rattoa�BebL . � • —.�---_-----
<br /> r; '� '� .. , (�)Detau�8. l��sr msy.excegi sis limited by.zeputations issued i�y tiie Seaetar�r in 4pc�.case of paymeai def�l�s. ��:
<br /> a.,; - -�, �., • mquire';mmediaze payateni in falj of ali sums secui+ed by thls Sec�uity Insnvment if. � , ..,�,��,.
<br /> t,r.':'-fi. 14.L�`�.` � f�Bflr�aarer defaWts 6y ftsiting to Qay in full any snontbSy payate�t required by tAi�Secsrity dnswment p3ior _,- —.
<br /> '�"°"'--"�'r , � tu ar a�i tBe due d�a of the neat�con�itY PaSmtent.ar � � _-
<br /> �,�{=�,. '�r' � .. � (u)�aet�uer deC�uit�by fai7'mg�for a gettod uf ttut�tty days,w perForm any other obligatians conFaiaed�4his .- �= -
<br /> . _� ���•�:.;; Secunry Inss�'tant�►t: y (N�._:;-..-----_---
<br /> `:�—. �
<br />,:'�' `,�w�;x�:-�-' (6)Sa►e{�ot�t�il�A��sov� Lender shai�:if pezmiued 6y appW�ble Iaw and with the prior apprnve!of the ° =_� --°——°—--
<br /> .{.. o
<br /> � '�'ti;=.�'- � � .re4uiie immcdiate puyptent 6»fialt o€�ihe swns secured by this See�rity IrastrIIU►eat� _=—_------—
<br /> �'»''�''�.'`�'� �ar part o�the .or a benefc�at intetesc ia a tnrst ownin a!t� art of the =- -=- - - -
<br /> ' z;�, ��:�,�. � �P��► � P �P�Y.is so2�or ----- - —_—_ __
<br /> :; �-'..�� otherwise transfetced(othct by davise osdessent)by tbe Bomnwer,aad -' -
<br /> :.�- =- .; (ii)T�e Psoperty is not o�:ug�ed 6y the puic6user or grantee as hbs or her pri�cipaE resi�aoe,or the gumd�ser �`.,�� _
<br /> - -�'f''��' � r.�.. . � or grantee dnes so occupy the Fta�etty�6ut his or her coedit has no� been appmved ia accorG�race v�rdt°""`
<br /> ,s� • . • Wi1�1 tbC ICQIlIIEJIIBIILS Of 1�18$CCICYSYf1. `�;r �f
<br />- (c}l�To�a�ves ff ci�unseances occ�thaE woWd 't Lender to uue immediate a t ia fiill,bn��Ler�der �x``:�FS��'-"'_
<br /> �'"���� '� daes notc�quue sus6 payat�nrs,Lender does not wa�pve�'�s rights with i�esgect to subseque.nt�ev�ents. �r� —
<br /> j''�'`'�F` �.x� `` (d)RegatatIoas a�HOD Secretary. In mauy ci�umstances reguIations issued by the Secxetary a+i@ limit Leas7c��s �=-°== --
<br /> .:� -. ti. HO . %3z�:.-�_=_—:-.
<br />-� ,:s'> � �''•'. T rights,�the case of payment defanits.io requue immediate�ayment in fiill und fosec�ose if aot pafd. �6is � ,;;�,p
<br /> ^} ` � . Sec�uity In.4triunent8oesnotauthorize ''-�';�� ` �"`�_"'.
<br /> �' . aa�eleiatian vr fateclosurc'dr aet permitted by regWati�ns af We Secretary: : ��_
<br /> ;•'::'���,' (e)Nfae�Not Insure�. Bomuvrar agrees Wat shoukl this S��nsaument and the note se�sa�d therehy not ` , .s'' . __--—
<br /> �F::��.. . � . ic�.i':'�.,'i[-."—
<br /> _ �'_.,.y..:;__.e�.�c.. 6e eligi'b1e for insurance�cder the Natronal Housing Act vvithin 90 OAYS from the
<br /> : � � :. •�°. . ,:�..�_�_
<br /> ` :�,.,';,;��. . ----=-�---.__ . .---- date�fnereof,-L-ender�way.arits apuon-andnotwithstand'mg�anythingiirParagrap3r�reqirir�iieme�iiat�paymen�in--�- -----� --- ,,<�.--==::=•-
<br /> � ,.°. � full of all sums secured by this Security Instrumen� A wriuen statem�nt of anq,�thorize�a�t.of thB Secretary . `',=.•.....-> _==----=�
<br /> � . �. .
<br /> , ,. .. . ... . ..
<br /> . . ; .,• ;, �.; .`�..�: .': dated suiss eat to g from ihe date hereof,declinin ¢0 utisura this S ' -.;. ��••`�;-_
<br /> � 0 DAYS g ��
<br /> ' Inshvmeat aad the note secured theceby.shall be deemed conclusive proof of sucb�eligib�.rty. Notarit�stand�ng �-=—
<br /> �, o.......
<br /> `.'•,_ .. the fo�cgoing.this ogtion�may nat 6e exercised by Leader whea We.unavaitabitiry,of insutance is sotely due to `. `- _-
<br /> . , . ' Leader's failuie to remit a mortgage insurance pmmium to the Secretary. , � ���_
<br /> - • � 10 Iteiastatemen� Bo�rower tias a right to be remstated if Lender has�equired immediate payment in fn116ecauso ��'�e�_
<br /> •,.,', ..:; :': �` of Borrower's fa�m�to pay an amuunt due cucd�r the-Ndte�z this Secm�iry Instrament 'Ihis nght applies even after �` ��• .i'���.•
<br />-_ ,,Y�. •,,.;,;� :�'.. foreclosure pioceed�s are instituted. 1b rea�snxe the S�cs�rity Insa�t, Borrower shall tender im:a Iump sum aJi �`: �fi��'
<br /> ��^,!..;�';,;;•� amounts tequir�ta:l�ing Bormwer's account�ent#ncluding,to the ext�at they ace obligatioas of B�ower under this .;'!'�. -
<br /> . s�',:° '' :%:_..::,� Security ListrUmea��0reclosure wsts and reasonable and cusLomary attomeys'fees and expenses prupei:y associated with �� ,;�k�
<br /> :��'�'�'f�''`;Y"'�'%'` •� � We forecIos� U n ceinstatement b Bonower,this Security Instrument and the obli atcons that it secuaes �� ��,�.
<br /> • � ;'•.i�a7i..,, F��g• F� Y S
<br /> �. "� �•�. ' shall c�nain in effect as if Leader fiud noi required immediate payment in�uU. However,Lender is not required to permit a td„��?�"
<br /> ` ' , � teinstatement it (i2 I.endet hits accepted rei�statement aftcr the commencement of foreclasute proeeed3ngs with�ce two f r•,'•.
<br />- - �:'�`-' �•,�' � f _ yeazs immediately p�cedeng the commencea�ea►t of a current foreclosurG prnceeding, (ii) reinstatemeai will preclude �!`.;s>'r'' . '•�
<br /> - f"`" _ .. "' —
<br /> ;�� ••�:'� '• � forecIosm�e an diffe�nt gnoands in the futucr.-or(iii)reinstatement will ad�ersely affect the priarir,�of the lien�reatet!by ;t.�•:';. � .
<br /> e,
<br /> I',,:aJ:;'. �' !.
<br /> ' 11115.S��y U15tr11fILCilt. '� �� .E�
<br /> f..1:.i; � h �
<br /> i��•�:• 11. �orrower Not Reieased; For6easance b� Lender Not a Waives �xtension of the ame of Qayment or •i.;;.;1; : •.!„
<br /> �� • modificarion of amortizauon of the sums sec�red b ttua Secnri Instrument ted b Lender to an successar un�nte�st �•�`�`%� •�� �:�-
<br /> Y tY 8� Y Y , i.•�;,�,
<br /> ; �-��� . � of Bor�awer shall not operate to release the lia�?ity of th�origmai Borrower or Borrower's sttccessor m iutetes� Lender ,;..:.;•"
<br /> {�% •�� • •� �: shall not be requued to commence proce�C"ri��s: aainst an successar in interest or refuse to extend a�r�e for a r"
<br /> .;i r.� � � � � Y F Yment or �,.,;: , ,�_'
<br /> . �r;,,, •. . :��'�
<br /> othenvise mo d i f y.a t aoitizario n of t h e s�.q.s e�s�3 b y.t h i s S e c u ri ty I n s u u m e n t b y r e a�o n o f an y d e a�.�d m a d e b y t I t e �•::�` ' �"�==
<br /> •,;�►.• .:, :: ��,. �, :�' , . ��-�.
<br /> • , . , original Borrower or Borrower's successors��1;*2st. Any fosbearanr,e by Lender in exercising any rigt,�ot s�errxdy,shall �j��:.,' ; ; ����
<br /> _ _ • ,, • not be a waiver of oc�mclude the eaercise of 2r.y iight or re�:.��3y • t' ` �• j�'"� "�`
<br /> . � . ,;;:;..:..:�-'r` t�
<br /> �' � � '�?% �:�xeoessors and Assiges Bound;Joint and Seve�s�£�l,�abllity;Co-Signers. `�it�.:uvenants and agreements of t>::'�`:`�.'<"�.rti'",.�.,,a•
<br /> •�::�•,;.. • �� �
<br /> `:r.:�,�.z,. , --� �r.r.. . -r:'r�,;�x ,}
<br /> •:. ,�.. . ,�..l �# t h is��i n g t n�men t s h a l l bin d an d b e ne fic s:`e successors a i r d assigns o f L en der an d B�r!•�wer.su E��t�to t he provisions ��•.:-�• ,.; : .���� �
<br /> ;: •.�,?i f,,, ..: of it 9 �D :� �' ' �'
<br /> ° ;i:`.;�:.�;;,;,sy +� ��"v b.,:Borrower's covenanu ar. �rxments shall be joint attd several. Any BorroQ;�w�ho co-signs this :,..;_, . :'q�- • : .
<br /> � y<<.�;,� : :;��;��':�;' •__. Secnriry Ins�-��e���tut does not eaecute the:Q:��;:: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument onty ta ar�rtgage,gxaz►t and . ',�',. ;;: ,:;..
<br /> . t Iyk��__,,,��.'.�`;;;X y,;,'r : � _ convey that P,csn:l�r�er's lnterest in the P�+operty'mnder the terms of this Security Instrument;(b)is no2 pessonally obligated to . ��r� . ��; . • �
<br /> ' ,;, ,�.4 :,�I.. pay-the sums seru:..d by this Se:.�.r•.y Instrnment;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrowet may ag�e w extenQ � • � `��`'
<br /> . . �.,,,. a ; .+; .,:.
<br /> �' •�t;•.r��, �
<br /> . ,:� ' ��.•,r;:u.y%. . ' c n¢d i f y.,f�r s e a r d r m a k e a n y a::c o r.°.i r a d a tions wi t h regar d to t he terms o f t his Securi ry I n s�umen t or t he Note wi t�out t l�at - '-��
<br /> ,i �,:.. . r.. . Ba�n�cc�`s co�se,.,u: � � . --- •,,' . -- --
<br /> ���; �. � £�3i. .ls�e�.. R�.y notice t��orrower�xded for in this Security Insutsment sha;v'�be given by delivering it or by �°' - �;.'i� `•` �
<br /> �""' ' ' mailin�s b fa�s;��:;'ass mail uniess a pli�!41i::L�tV uireF use of anothec rt�ethod. The notice shati be directed to the ' " ' �
<br /> �;;. . ... . . d Y P re9 't .._ . ,.' ' ,
<br /> - ,,:�- Property Address a*Any other addmss Borrc:���designates by notice to Ler.der. Any notice to i.er,d'c�s!�a11 be given �
<br /> ,�: _ �� � firs[class mai!to Lender's ad�.-�;s-y stated hereln or any address Lender designates b�• c,:�;ice to Bc'r�awer. Any notice r.. �
<br /> - • provEde;for in this Security L-��L��ma.:nt shall be deemed to have been given to Boaowe�e�F:er:der a�;n givea as pmvided �. ' , �
<br /> �...
<br /> .: _ : . in this�aragraph. � ',. .
<br /> . „ 14. Governdtg].aw;$ever�Lility. T°��i,<_•S�ecurity Insuument shal!be f�vemed by Federal:S��r�d the law of the . ' •
<br /> ��L ' , jurisdiction in wr.ic�:..�'.e Property is tocaies�.. fur.�?n�event that any provis7�,.�e�r clause of this Se.�:}��stnunent or the �
<br /> � � . _ Note conflicts wa�:;��ficable 6aw.such co+.��f:":e:t.shall not affect other protit:ions of this Security' �.^,ir:m�:ent or tha Note ' _ � , '��;''
<br /> , .' whlch cumbe given ef3ect witheiat�fiae'canf.i:.ti*���tovision. To thia end the provisions of this Securiry 7r,strumant and the ' �� 'i"
<br /> ; .. Note a�d�clared tabe severa�e, . :�:�r.�i��.• .
<br /> �' IlS:BOerowePs Copy. Bcar.sir,er shull be given one con�armed copy of this Security I�strument: ' ��'3i' � �•
<br /> " ' ' .. � • - 'r':
<br /> �- � � I6. Assignaee�t of Qtent� Borrower uncund�honally assigns end trar,sfrrs to l,ender all the rents sutd revenaes a{ct^.e . �
<br /> • '` ';'.a . Ptope�ty. Borrowera�thbrizes L.ender or L,ender�agents to collec!the rents and revenues and hereby dincts each tenant of • ' '
<br /> •;;; , .
<br /> ;�,y,�,.; .. the Pmperry to pay thv nent�to Lender or Lercder s agenis. However.prior to Lertder's notice to Botrower of Batsower's �
<br /> � `�'`• `' . breach of any covenant or agreement in the Securiry Instrument.Boitower shall collect and moeive ail rents and reaeinces of -
<br /> _ ��' � � , the Ptopetty as nvst�for the benefit of Lender and Bomower. This assignment of rents constitutes an absolute assi�sment '
<br /> __ ��_,..:'_._. �._..-� .;, '.-, and not an assignment for additional securiry only. . � ' • .
<br /> ;�" !'��_; : . � If Lertder g�ves nbtiCe of bteSL'fl to Borrower. (a)all rents received by Bozrower shail6e hetd by Botrower as dustee ;' :'
<br /> •�; �. . .. , for benefit of Lertder onJy,to be applied to ttse sums secured by the Securiry Instr�ment;(b)Lender shWi be entitled to '
<br /> _ � � �� coltect and receive ali of the rents of the Property:and�c)rath tenant of the Praperty shal!pay ali rents due sutd uttpaid to � '
<br /> - Lender or Lender's agent on Lender's written demand to the tenant. �. �
<br /> �-,'��----' �°, � �, Botrower has not executed an tibr assi ent of ehe rents and as a' •
<br /> .. . . y p gnm h nnt and v�U not perfaim any act thut would .
<br /> • � a• pievent LeRder from exercising its nghts under this Parsgraph 16. •
<br /> _ �� ' , • Lender shall not be requined to enter upon.take control of ar maimain the Ptnperty 6efore or after giving notice of E • •
<br /> • , � . 6leach to Borrower. However,lxndet or a judicially ap�ointed receiver may do so at any time there i�a bm�ch. Any . _ .
<br /> .� .� application of rcnts shall rtot c�ue or waive any default or�nvalidate any other nght or remedy af Lender. 'i'h!s assignment �'
<br /> . of rratts of the Property shall terminate when the debt secured by the Security Inswment is paid�n full.�
<br /> .. .
<br /> , � �� . .
<br /> . . .
<br /> � . .
<br /> � - - —_ . ,_.:--�-�- -- — - -
<br /> � ; . ' . . � , .
<br /> - , . .,... .
<br /> . . .'. • ��+.e�3, a • i . ,
<br /> .. �•�`T : . I in+Rn! i"
<br /> . i
<br /> 1 • ' . . :
<br /> ' _. , ,' _ • � . �
<br /> , F'� .. � � , ,
<br />