. .S. y.�_�s, � _�_' _ ,. �.. . _—
<br /> ��;t � t j F' �� . . _ . ._
<br /> '� ^�- y4 �' h r f Y�r
<br /> y'•s�t t "t� `o° -� - . . C...:y w`: _
<br /> w
<br /> . . 'T . yf. _'�'',�`k' f:� .f. �'_ � l " - . � . ; . � � •-t . J__'__.
<br /> � � t . .._ .,�_
<br /> 4+�s��r -a-C� • , .__ . ' ' " c . . ` ` ` _ t i ` . . �- ' ` . .� ' . ` . �k, �' �p' _ '—_ .—_
<br /> __ --�S�r.�-%?'x�. . � .. . . . , . . . ' _—___— -
<br />—__ E:2:�� .. . . . . . . . . � .� �
<br /> �������i . . � . � ' . _ . . . . � .. ^ . ` .
<br />;tiY:�—--- �_ _ � . � ,a. p�ymQnt of[�e'IaciPal,tm4erest aad Late Ct�arg� �omoaf�i tshhalt pay wtteZfd�u�e!he Q�cTp���st`an. � ,_
<br /> _ _ --— _ --_ . tt�debt evidei�ed by tlie Noie aad�cTiaiges das under the I+iot�. � . ` • � , .
<br /> ---_ — 2. 1Liaaithly Pagmenfs aY'lhaea,I�suraIICe and Ot�ter C ea. Somuwer sivalt include in each monthly traYmont, �
<br /> ,��-= wgether wit�tlie"priacfpal and interest as set farth in the riTote��y tate charges.an instslI�rtent of��(o)Isuces and �
<br />_=�' <.;�,.;::=�.,y. . , spec�al assessment4 Levied or w be tetrted against the Pragerty.(G}leasehold payinent's ar gaus�reat�o�t tT�i'�operiy,uad � . _-------
<br /> ' .(c)Pieminms far insurance regiiiie+d by Paragaph 4 � ` ■�
<br /> `:. �� '"��':�1'�. . Sach mont2ily instaliment for it�ns (a).(6)add fc)sha]!eqnal.one-tweifth of ttie annu a l amounts,us i�o n a b ly ' . ---_— ._--
<br /> ��.�..�,� ` _�`= es�ed by Lender, Plus am m�aumt sufficieai w maintain an addiiiorial batance of nat matc,tl�an ane-s'vct1� of the ---
<br /> —� �`• estuaated amo�mrs. 'I1ie fe�l annual amo�uu 4'or e�fi itera shaU be acc'amulated[ry I.ender v�n'thia a period�nd�g ane . _ -- ---
<br /> ; momh be8ore sn item woaId 6ecome detiuq�ent :xnder shali @old the amwmts co3�ected in uust to pay items(af.(t►)and - -
<br /> _ ��>s:�*;"'°;-` �� �::,� � " (c)before they be�ome deliuqueni. ��� . . �-�--�------_
<br /> .�?i.y.;»�.:_.`.,_:,in:.,,... ___--___ —
<br /> = :p z':::,�r y� _��`..;;:.::r : If at an p time the total of the pa y n�n t s held b y Lender for ioems taA(6)and(c).to g e t fier.with the future mantitl y . _----
<br /> ��='"�.w.- ,�-�:" PaYments far sach items payabte to Lender priur,tu tin:due dates of sacii,itemc,exceeds by mms titan one,�sexth tite , °_-�"
<br /> �''����•.`;!`-' . ,'�`�.` est�mat$d amopnt af PaY���1��PaY sactc iieras ar�du�.and if payments on the Nots aie cumat.•then,Lender =--_-_- -
<br /> •`�.'. ;� , shall either nefand the exoess wer one-si�sh of the� or cn�dit the excess ovet oav-s�of the estAaated� --_---
<br /> ' : ':fi�: AaYmeats _:__�.
<br />- �,:. '�' � � �.. • payments ta suEjsaN�t PaYmeats i�Y Ba�ovrer,at�e dg�on of Bomower., IFthe total of the paym�ts made by Bonower =_-=-`---=- ---
<br />- ��:y` ' "'� ''� for rtem(a}a(irl��,vr(c)is insu�icient to g��t�ie item ivhea dae.then�taeower�Cea]I pay to Lendxr ar+y amonnt necessary to =-- ---——-
<br /> �s: ;. � �F��i make nP t�.��iency on orbefos+e thedax die item 6ecomes due. 6 g ° -- -
<br /> ` ts` ';`'; As use�,�'tbis Seauity Tnsmuaent,"Secmtary°meaas ehe Secrc�y of Housing and Urbaa D�.walopment or h�s or her =
<br /> �,.i" v :�-` designee. In 2ny year in whfch tfie Lender mnst pay a mvrtgage insuiance premium to the Secretar�t.each mondily�aymeat tr.+:==__--
<br /> . `� ``l.,', : .;:. . shali atso inclu�te either. C) an u�staUmeru o€the�nual mortgage inscuance pc�miutn w be paid by Lend�r to the '_`-
<br />_ >"�:-�"'�°`�.�`' ` • � Secretary.or(ii)a montlily charge instead of a mortgag�insurauce premiwn if t�is Secwity Tnstrumeat is beld by the =_-- ----
<br /> � r - gec�etary. �manthly installwent of the gage ms�ance gremiiu»shall be in an amaunt sufficient to ascumulate the =� �-"�
<br /> y U. _. ' full annual:moitgage �„�,*�nce premium wi�Leader one month prio�to the date the fWi atu�ual mortgage inswance '.r� __
<br /> _ -' � �_� :• �� ium.is due to the S ,or if this Seaui Insdmment is 6eld b the Setre each montlil c e s htill be in an -�'� __
<br /> -...
<br /> a.,.; - . } ,=_
<br /> ..<<: . . isiY. , ,.f,:.�
<br /> ..: :::_.....�_..._�,�:•:.�,::.. c,wt.�stan � ��:._-.
<br /> : : r �. ' v,�'ry.�`..�
<br /> ;� . ... `,•; ..,•.;. •. . ---- ---.....:=�aill2w�t .. - - -- -— �-�;-G`�swns$��by th'is��eciarity�Iristrumen�Bo�wes'§accaunt---�----;._._.., ��;�;�..;.°:"==-_
<br /> - -e.qua�eo oxe-tw�lf�h.of�Ae-l�.sif perrenc o� _ _ _
<br />-- � Tf Bmrower tenders w Lender the fult Paym
<br /> .::; ;� ..�i�:at�be.ciedited with the 6alance temaining for aTF���Cunents for items(a).(b}and fC)and�any mortgage insurance ,,;�t. '":�
<br /> ' ',,:-�-: Prem'wm;�Timent that l.ender has not becoiue obli�'�PaY w the Secretary,and I.euder shaU protnpUy iefund any '� - �
<br /> .:.,, ,exo�ss,�3�t�Bomnwer. Immediately prior to a foicclos�,.�sIe of the Ptaperty or its acquisition by Leader,Borrower's • �� ��� -
<br /> �cae?�"�t�c�edited with any 6alance remaining for ail i�altm e for ioems(a�,(bl and(c?:�. _ '�.''i� , , _.,t =�
<br /> .+��� ` 3"i;! Ban of Pgyments. All paymeats under Paragraphs 1-and Z shali be�ed by Lenderas fo!lows: F� .�fl`'� �_
<br /> f �f, to the mortgage insurance piemium tabe paid by Lender to tfte Sccreta�y or m the rnontnly charge by th:, ' ,�„
<br /> . �;���•.
<br /> , �Sei�s�i instead of the monthiy mortgage insusaeee�premium: :. . �''�- ; �,<
<br /> . :� ' F�. ,,w any taxes.special asse,��rrenu,leasehold paymenu or ground ients,and fue,�'a,'�and other hazard :`•:,�•;r_ .
<br /> .".=r, � ins�a��piemiums,as�qaired;,, �, . . + , �;
<br /> � • �
<br /> . . ' . . . '� �YO wetest dae under the Ke[r,.:., . - . . . �''"; -,• `.
<br /> �• �•�_�• � `� ,.
<br /> to amortization of the pr':�+c5pa1 of the�at� •...�' .'�;,,°�
<br /> . . . �E �,to late charges due under the Note. �. �T` �,,;,,, :°
<br /> � • . . 4. Fir�Fload aad Oiher H�zasd€s�svranc� i�+mawer shal}insu�all impmvert►enu on the Pmpgrty�w�nether now ' �,���;;y,�<� �;
<br />_ - .. : • .: � in existence,or subsequently erected.a,�,�st any hazards,casualtiey.:.�d contingencies,includissg fua,for,which Lender .:';,.;, _.� -
<br /> - - " - tequues in..�ance. Tt�is insurance sha1l.fx:maintained in the amouat5�.�-►d for the periods that L�e�requitas. Borrower < ` �' °� ;�
<br /> ;::,.«;:;-
<br /> , 't��;� .� . i shall also insure all impmvemenu an the L�roperty,whether now in er,i�t:�.nce or subsequ�►ily eree��.against loss by floads ' •r,• �.� 7,� `
<br /> � to the extent required by the Secxetary. All insurance shall be carried with campaa�s._app{oved by l.ender. TAe insurartce • � � ���.
<br />- �'�� - " policies and any renewals shall be he18 by l.ender and shall include loss payaL&z iIabses in favor of. and in a fosm ��� ;�r�-.:": :�'''�.:� .',,
<br /> .,:':.'. ' tableto, .,.:, .,..,-
<br /> Lender. . �k•;, r.
<br /> , �� .:.....:..::....:-� ', . . _ _ �p �,�:�.,- :�:: ;�.. ,
<br /> � • In the event of loss.Bomnwer shalt.give Lender immediate notice by maii. .Lender mav make p�oof of loss if not :_._:.� •: -�s • �
<br />_ ,��; : 1�;•..::`. • . • : �:� �: .:
<br /> -• made promptly by Borrower. Each in�rrce�ompany concemed is hereby authorized and�....^�C ta make payment for :... _,,.�=,.z. �
<br /> ` ?' �� sach loss dim.ctly to Lender,instead o€Crt�I���nower and to l.ender jointly. AII or any part of tFs in.a.-�noe pmceeds may be � : �%f'�
<br /> � ' _ • applied by Lender.at its option.either q�;��J the reduction of the indebtedness under the 1Vote a�aJ Jus Secunty•Instrument, .�����`
<br /> � ���' ' fE"u;st to any delinquent anmunts applied in the order in�aragraph 3.and then to prepayment o"s��rincipaJ.ma s?�)to the , ' . .���`;;;::'•
<br /> ,. .. . . ,
<br /> • � `' � � ' cc�toration or repau of the dama ed ro e An a Li�:ation of the roceeds to the nnci al sP.al1 not extei� �s s ne '"rt���`' �
<br />-- . 8 P P �l!• Y FL� P P P �h ,.�� ����:{'�;�'':.:.::' . '
<br /> .� •. � �ie due date of the monthly payments which are mfened to in Paragraph 2,or change the amei:r.�af such payments. Any '
<br /> -.���'� ' � ' � eacess insurance proceeds over an amoLZCt requirr.d to pay all outstanding indebtedness under d�e Notc and this Security , • . ', '
<br /> -"'''`' • . Instrument shall be paid to the entity leg�ll�entitled thereto. • , t�<:.� '.
<br /> • ,:._ . . ,
<br /> . � • In the event of foreciosure of this S�:curity inswment or other transfer of iitle to the Property that exr'c;�a�shes the �. ' '
<br /> " . indebtedrtess,all right,6de and interest of Bonower in and to insurance policies in fxW�ahaU pass to the puroh;cy.�: �,r . .; '`��:��s-��
<br /> . _ :. � . �_' , 5. Oecupancy, Pee�•allon, Maintenance and Protertion of the Pra�i:y; Borrower's Loan Appl�ration; . ';;�,, . � - -
<br /> ' � , • ' � I.easeholds. Borrower s��E accupy�e�`rablish,and use the Properry as Borrower���nncipal residence within s�xty days . ` �-'�'+;s>�;`; • '''"' ' �•�:
<br /> . �• after the exe��ion of this�ecurity ins�-�:ent and shaQ cominue to occupy 1he Property ar Borrower's principal nsidence ; . ;,`^•:. . �
<br /> "`%` for at least a� ear after the date cf o 3ne unless the Secre determines this re u�rcment wiQ cause undae hardshi •
<br />,;.,';,.: i ... Y � Y• �Y 8 � p . . ,.
<br /> :':•;� � . • for Borrow�c,:or unless ext:^vatin;r;:cumstances exist which are beyond Borruwer's control. Barrower shall notify � •_ � ,
<br /> � i . lxnders of any eatenue:i�r.�ciscumstances. Borrower shall not commit waste or destroy,damage or substantially change ';;`ts:'' ' �
<br /> '` � ilse Pto or allow the F�tv�_ rt to deteriorate.reasonable wear and tear exce ted L.ender ma ins t the Piro �f the � �'����'-• ' •
<br /> - � . PropeRy�s i�acant or nba4�ned or the loan is in default. Lender may take rea�.�n;:t�.�:action to prot�e�ct and preperve such . � �f��•
<br />`•'''�"' �:-��.' • ' vacar�t or��oned Property. Borrcav,r shall alsa be in default if Barrower,during the loan application process,gave. ' ��•���;
<br /> �1':'"; t:�'. � . �i:��;� ;
<br /> :..� � � materialpy f��:y�.or inaccumte info-cr:iis:� or statements to Len�r (or fai►ed to provid� L.�!der with any materi�I; `;r�;•�;;-,..
<br /> . , .,„�.:�
<br />��'�'r infomratio�,l�uv connection with the�r�:��Lidenced by the Note,inclua:ng,but not timitod to;teptvsentalions cona�eming . • ' •�� • '�'<<�'�.;�•
<br /> , � , Borrowe�'s r.x�twpancy o€rh:Yroperty��,�� ncipal residence. If�his�curity[n.�tn:m:nt�is an a leasehuld.Bn�rn»wer sh911�� �.�:'`'""''�� ''(�%•'��t'1''
<br /> � pn ,:�:.:��.;�.�,, ..
<br /> � ` ��;:. camply wia�►the ptov�sa�n�+a�the tea�. If Borrower Acquires fee title to the Pn���:►:xr;�:,th�leasehald and fee ta[�sh�ll�hot ,'� '�:-�;:'`:, ��:� �:
<br /> • ; � 1�'.��.: . ' . be merged�s�ess LendeYa�e:s to tL�:�:c�er in writing. .;4''`�:�,.: ' ..,;;;;�.
<br />-,,;:.; . .. . ,,,f� 6. C�to Borro�ver attQ l��stton o�Lender's Bip,hts in t(te Pia�csrs Htltro��er sh�ll�pay all govemmental .,;��:
<br />°_Y�,t,. �' ', • ,;��, , or mutdc97�t1 ci:arges.fines and imposiii��rd�that are not included in Paragraph 2. Boaower sh:ll�pay these obligations on � .
<br /> ;"' `� '�`•'•' dme directJ.jr tn the entiry which is oai�i�he paymem. lf iailurc to pay woutd adversely affect Lertder's interest in the '���'�
<br /> .:.;. .
<br /> '�� ' ' ' Property,uport Lender's request Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lenderreceipts evidencing these payments.
<br /> '"# � • If Borrower faiLs to make these payments or the payments required by Paragraph 2.or fails to pedoan any other • _ • _
<br /> _ : ;�--::;:,-,-= --__ covenants and agreements contained in this Security Instrument,or there is a legal proceeding ihat may signifecantly affect , -;-; �;-_
<br /> •,.,'� " ,. , Lendera rights in the PropeRy(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,for condemnation or to enforce laws or regulations). .
<br /> • �` ;.�, � . � �. then Lender may do and pay whatever is necessary to pmtect the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. . •
<br /> � :; including paymeni of taxes.hazard insurancc and othcr items menriurted in Paragraph 2. � , '
<br /> � '��-': = :.:�• •• My amounts disbUrsed by Lender nnder this Pgragraph shall become an additional debt of Bortower and be secured
<br /> ;.i. •� 6y this Security InstrumsnL These amounts shali 6ear intercst from the date of dis6nrsement.at the Note rate.and at the
<br /> ::. option of l.ender.shall be immediateiy due and payable. � . � �
<br /> " 7. Condcmna�lon. The proceeds of any award or claim far dama�es.direct or consequential,in connecdon with any • •
<br /> ' ,��.. ` . � eandemnation or othAr taking of any purt of tAe Piropeny.or for conveyance in place of condemnatian,are hereby acsigned l. :
<br /> � ' r:: and shall be paid ta Lender to the extent of the full amount of the indebtedness that remains unpaid under the Note and th�s l
<br />__ __ .�.—.-._� Secutity inslrumenL•�l.ender sha}1 apply such pmceeds m the reductian nf Ihe indehtednecc under the Note and this Security !__:._,.,-__.__._.-_. , _.
<br /> � �� . . Ittstrumen�fitst ta nny delinquent amounts applied in the order provided in Paragraph 3. and then to pmpayment of ' � • •
<br /> ;, : ' principal. My applieation of the proceeds to the prirtcipal shall not extend or pastpone the due date of the monihly •
<br /> ,f ,' . , .
<br /> ' � IpaRe 2 oj4 N.¢es)
<br /> � � . . .
<br /> .. ; '� ' . ' ;_' �. .
<br /> :Y,' - �
<br /> _, f . �_ ;'' �. .. '. „ .. _ ._
<br />