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<br /> - -- ` `��Y���Y ua fun�er tie i+e�ir�,�t�e c�tian,of I�,i�mprtgage is�vr�cs�vera�e tfn the utn�u�t aad 4'or t�a�pesi�� � � -
<br />�AV� that i.eader �)ptmvide$by sn insurer ep�m�+�[�Sy+ [ern�er$gain becontes available��d is at�s$i�ted.�armwe�sh�T9 gr�+ .-
<br />�� i the premiums rr.�uii�d ro anaintain mortg�ga.inswx�ce ip e;FFect.ai co provlciee e(pss c�serve�urcW the reqiil��t far aiortg�ge
<br />-�� , insuraase etFds in��cot05n�with aay arritt�an e$r�eut�nt betw�en$�srawer¢nd i.ettd�r�r applica�iP�taw. : . � t .
<br />�� � 9.�Inspe�o�t.Leader or its agent auiy�ak+a re�.sqaabtc entries�apon s�ingpe�ans oR�u PmgertSr..�r siiall gtya .
<br /> Barmwer noi��e at the tiaie of or pr�or to an�iaspection'specifying reasQUable taus�for the insp�ctfot�. .• .
<br />--' y�`���' �;,-.�*'q� Y0.Condemaat4v�.The proceeds of any awaid or claim for damnges.dire�t ar co�equetroat, in cans�ectton with a�y .
<br /> ,
<br />_ ``: "'.{:�_- :�. ooademasrion ez.�er taicing of anyr part'of the Fruperty.ar for oanveyance in lia�of wrn�emnatian,are hereby assi�ecl ast� . _--
<br /> - ��;�:_r��...�.:_;�.L. :< . , _
<br />__-,—.,s�R_��„�z:_,�_ � sb�ll be paid�lt�nd$r. .� _
<br /> :".:`r'?;c." ' ;` ., �-• In the�ent:of a towl taking of fhe Prope�fiy,the prooeeds s6a11 ba appiied to the s�ms sc�vrea by this Sr,c�sity Insrrument. =_---
<br />- _'J_Y:��� ' . •v..'! . . '
<br /> � �'`'`:�,.�'�+�,'`�, r���.��;,F svhether or IIac ticr.n due,with�any excess paid to Baraawer.In the event of a partial taking of tt�+P�ecty in ndtich the fair � �. --- _
<br />�::f �`s;= .:: .-:-;:� —-----
<br /> ��,f�_T,x s-s,•.;��.-: - �a�ark�vatae of'sk�e Fcopertytiitiamediateiy before tue taisunQ is equ�to or greater than t�e amuunt of thc sum�sea�red 6y t�is
<br /> -� k,� K �ame
<br /> ��� �`4'-'"'-`'�� SecuritY,J�stnim��imraedi�telY before the takie�.untess Eorrower and Leuder atherwiss agc�In writi�g.the sums s�re8 6y
<br /> '��`�. �_:- ��:,� u
<br /> ' �::��-��'..f. this Seauity Instru�ent sha1l be�duced b tt�e a�rtaunt of tt�e multi I�ed the follovrino fia�xioa: (a)the tatal
<br /> � L�;i;r�,rt�..`:� Y g�� P. �Y tl 1Mf11PlItAtPI
<br /> w�...' _ra*.`Yi:':`:
<br /> :..,. . y�.� amonnt of the saans secared�'��t�rpty.b�fore tde tata�ag.divided isy(b?the fair market val�e af the Prapetty y
<br /> ��;; � :, �`;�-� ,,���',` 6efore tfie taging:Any balaace sEiall 6e p3id to Botmwear;Ia the eveat of a Qartiai tattin�of the P�+u�elty in wIuch the L�ir
<br />- �:•.�::-. :�.,�:���
<br /> 4�::-" �;`�" '�.. .;��� " �Cet value o�the Property ir�Ya�diarely 6�fore the tztiarIIg is tess tbaa the a�omnt af t4e sums ssaued imnuediately 6efar�the
<br /> - �..;,��:;,, ,.<, ;
<br /> - "�'�,;` as�g,unless Bomower an�Lend�othecwise agtiee i�'writin�or unless applicalste law athern�rise pmvidei,t�e proceeds s.ha11 --
<br /> �€;��,'�' `r, �.appli�to�tLe sums secaied by tlns Sewricy Instniment whether or not the sums are then d e. e_
<br /> ��c.,._;, T` .:�`•`=�' .PP
<br /> ��, �.�� ��•:;, •; � If the Ftcgertjj is�baadoaed by`�ormwer.or i f,a ft e r aotice b y I J en der to B arcower t h a i t he w n d�e m nor o ffers to m a k e aa
<br /> .�:�., .. ,.. .
<br />���4 'y ._•. 'c�vard or s�tIe a claim f�r damages, Bmrower fails w respond to I.ender witRin 30 days after the date the notize is given. �,�..�_
<br />_-.�,� ; • � -- -
<br /> _ .�-i�, �_ ,:•. ��:,t:'"�-r�` li�ader is autlwrized to ao�and apply the ptoceeds,at its optian,either t�reamrr�oa or neg�ir of the ProP�Y or W the sums ---
<br />— .'i;_. . .... . _ _._.:_
<br /> � 'y:.:.,. .�`,; . � , thCD�B.
<br /> . .,..��. • -..., ._',.:.
<br /> `secured by this Secvrity I�ent wh�her or not
<br /> '. ;.-�....Q..�.._ .r.._•,.._. . .
<br /> t; .-- .. � :: . �; ._._.. _.._.._ . Unless.I�nder and.-Bomnwec-uthecwiseagrec3n.wsiting.aayr.a�plicati.u�.of pm�sls_tc1..p�id�ipa�.�ha11_aot extea�l.or-.------ - _--
<br />`_- �r ' �"` postpone the due date of the mq�hly�i:n�sts refemed to in paiagrapbs 1 aad 2 or change the suwnnt of sact�payrnems. _
<br /> ','=. � Il.Bormwer Not Ret�;��auoe By Lendee Not a�iatver.Exteasian of the ti�for paymeae or modificatioa ' �
<br />. '�,; � , ;;,"%`•.�.f amortization of the�sums s�;r�dby this Security Instrument ganted by Lendec tce aay sacoessor in interest ca�$ormwer s6all �
<br /> �`��%�-��•:.; °�Y �pt operate to release the �.��.�:y of th�origival Bonuwer or Borrower's saccessors in inteiest.Leader suall�aa be�reqaired to ,
<br /> � �� , 5.,�� . . .. .a.�.�c. :_�_-
<br /> • •- ,,, �:5�e commenoe piaoeedings agai�ist any sttccessor in interest or refuse to ea�ead rii�e for p�yment ar oth�rwise modify•amartualiaa- ,
<br /> � " 'i'x,x'� • ' . of the sams sr.cured by this Security Inshument by reason of any demand made by the original Borrnwer or Borrower's �-_�— `=
<br /> t� `..:a�r.':':F};��. �. , . ,i.
<br /> ;^,•Y,, _,, ,: ',,;, . ssccessars r".s:z'�erest.A�y foibearance by Lender in eaercising aay right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or prectade the ;,e;:.„
<br /> �` � :�..s�cise of,a:iq iight or�*�y.: .
<br /> " � � 1Z. Successois zc�t�sigas Botmd;Joint and Several Liabitity; Co-sfi�sma�. The wvenanu and agueexncnis of this .
<br /> , , ' ..
<br /> , .� .;� � . �`�CUriry Instrument st�aiw or�il and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender�ai�Bonower, siebject to atie provisioas of ,. ��`i�
<br /> . �. . :1:,:t�,.r, .. .
<br /> ~ ; ��.�•.� patagraph 1'i: Borrower's wvenants �fi:agreements shall be joini and several. A:iy Bm'rower arho co-sigcs this Security •s�•;;�
<br /> . - .. `t;=r�,:.`. Insbument L�e�does not eaeCUte the Air�: (a)is casigning this Security Instrument only W muatgage,grant aad canvey that �;,t;'�; ' -
<br /> +8orrower's interest in the?�ksa�erty under the terms of t�;s Security[nstrument:{b)is not personally obligate�ta pay ihe sums �i;'r, ��'
<br /> - -- - - . -. �- — �,k.:��••-�;
<br /> • �-; .�rured by this Securiry Insa�ment;and(c)agrees tliut IILs�der and any other Sorn�.�.�may agree to extend,madrfy.for6ear or ��,{;rt;: ,.�;„
<br /> � � � ' inake any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or tP.�e Note without that Borrawe�'s conse�rt. r`��`' ~' :•_� •
<br /> �. " 13.Loan Chatges.If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which seu maximum toan c h a rges.. .
<br /> '� .. -�= and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges eollected or to be wllerted in connection witM.ifsr.� : u
<br /> . ° � toan excerd the permitted:8 rtits,then: (a)any such laan charge shall be reduceA by the amount necessary to reduce tRe cFsx�a � �s; �', � - -_
<br /> - ;..� ` ' . to the permitted limit:an�'•i��1 any sums already collected from Bonower whicb��ed Qermitted limiu witl be refunded to •�:•.�';,_ �.��`
<br /> '��''i� � ' Borrower. Lender ma �cvms•a to make this refund b redurin the nnci at����r1 under the Nate or b m�kin a direct ° •�F=��
<br /> '?:,,;,qf,� ...; ,,'. Y Y S P� P Y S .,_ ---
<br /> ' ? .''"'• -� " �'�• � payment to Borrower. If a refynd reduces principal. the reduction wil! be treated as a pa,stial prepayment without any • �.��`�:-.---�-.•,-
<br /> " $�"' :;:•, � ',.�'f?��� prepayment charge under the Noie. � ,'���'_
<br /> �.`i : .� ' •'.i.:'v`�:t;i, .. � ` �` +.2�'l�i�,:
<br /> . , ,.3�r���:5;...:, ;,,•:�r,��t•�;��'•; 14.Notices.Any notice to Bor����:r:�rovided for in this Securiry lasirument sI�.att be gi.��s I�r delivecing it or by mailing '�*4�., �•,.;."?�r�:�_.-__.
<br /> •t ; ��?�;,,,..• , ���st by fint class mail unles�.���}icabte law requires use of another methud:Tho naa�:5x�si�all be directed to the T�v�rerty Address ,1�,�;�,,: __
<br /> �`or any ather address Eaiz+�ver designates by notice ta Lender. Any notice t� �uasder shall be given by Cj�a:ctass maii to ` s�''•' '•�"�y., -
<br /> �, ,_ , . ' ;y:,..;..:�_
<br /> , " Ixnder s address stated herein or any other address Lendcr desi�nates by notice to Borrower. Any notice pyn:ided for in this `�•��'�.�'. ,� : . :.:��-�
<br /> - .: Security Inwa:ur.lent shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender w6en given as providcd in this paragraph. . , " �,. : .;:_�:���` '
<br /> '� �'� � � 1S.Gu�aierning La�v; Severability. This Security Inatrument shall be guvemed by federal law and the law c�£�i�. '. •,� -- -
<br /> . , �•''�j��"��. � jurisdiction in which the 9�operty is located. In ihe event thai any pmvision or ci,:lise of this Security Instrument or the:'�c�'c `,k;: � . •
<br /> . ��t�g.,Nt•� � �;. .. • °
<br /> ? <,}��;��;�� � conflicts with applicabte law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of thi�.Security Instrument or the Note wftich can be ' ., .
<br />- ' '�'�'� .. � given eifect without the conflicting provision.Ta this end tho provisions of thiz SeCUrity lnstrument and the Note are dec{:�zed :� '
<br /> ' • ', to be sever��,:,."!Y. • r . ;,;f���s,':;' '..
<br /> °y`"`'`"` 16.I�nn�+r��er's Co Borro�ver�:all be �ven ane C�nfa:�i u3 of tht Notc and of this Se��urit tnstrument. '•�f't;��r�i:°•
<br /> ' i: .,�f, ' • ������' �. � AY• S� PY , Y �• •, • �:R�'•),.
<br /> ,1 ;f:��J�r?� ., ''� ,,'. . C�ar.v�3028 9/90 ��'•'� ' •� . '
<br /> , .r� • •'�i . ., Pa,:e 6�'� l��'• . .
<br /> .. � ''�''
<br /> c'` � , � ' : • .
<br /> j"��.� �= . - . •�- - . .�-,- ;.rr,Tr -�--.- . . . •-- -, . ,.,._„ �.�-, -r;,'.. .. - _..-...�. .. ' �,
<br /> ��r, . - . . . . . . . . . . ,,'(�.' �
<br /> :� :j: ' .. .. . ' , . . . . - �- . . � • • _ _ .
<br /> �� t� . .• � . . . . - • . . �_ . . ' . . .. . . . . . . . , • ' _ . • .
<br /> ��.� • . .. .. . �
<br /> .!. . . . � . . . . . u . .
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<br /> ��. � . . . . . . • . . .. , � . . . � .
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