_ a. j. Rt , ���� �ol :��r :.,`���'�,.� i+ S. .' -_ �. . f�f i; �n� . � .. '�y''� ' . { `�� . � . ct� __
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<br />. n�ic t � . : . � . � e �V�tls4Y � .. . . •
<br /> �,' ��',iL Y�`'1 i t`�' " , ` ' . � �"Q'� ' , _ —
<br /> r�"'` r �OP Ft0 It�sursQOe. Bcfrroever shE11 the i�pmvements now existing or hereafter erected on the. , --
<br /> f <
<br /> .•f. '�_�L4w��� T^•4_ �� � . . � __ '--
<br />= z •...:. �;�,°.`";, P,rapertY insur�d.agaiast tass by fue,ttazards.inctaded wit��in the term°e�endai coverage"and eny!�other�ds.inehtdia$ �. --
<br /> � ��� � fiaods ar ftaud�ng.for which Lender requires i�ssvranoe.This insuraace shall be cnaintained in 4he amaunts a�d for t�e�riods --.
<br /> � ��- �-�t •, � �
<br /> .�. �. C. . .1.:'. . �
<br />'<: �' ' .�` " that Lender re�aires.`itie insurance ca�rier provi¢ing the insurance s3�all 6e cl�osen hy Barrower subject to.Lender's appmval =.—.,,.-_
<br />- �: ��'.�sjo-;:.f�(3: -h',`.,'i•
<br /> . , .�;,,�,• �'..;�- evhic@.stu�lf not be u�sona6ly withheld. If Bom�cver fails to mainiain ooverage described aiwve, Lendei may, at,Lender's
<br /> ,; ,��'{��WS '�-�a `� ` apYion.ol�tain o�verage w proiect lauc�r's dghts u!the Propetiy in aceorda��+itG parag�aph 7. �� • � ` .. , �
<br /> �,; , ,,, `�;:.� A1i insurance paliaes and renewals shatl 6$acoe�table to Lende�.and_si�ali inrlude a standard mortgage daus� Leader ,�-_ - __..__.
<br /> ',i�"V+t � �r:; shall h�ve the right�w hold the policies and rette�vals.If Lender requiras.Borivwer shall promptJy give m Leuder all t�reipRS of. ��--`
<br /> ' � , s`' `<i• paid premiums and renewal notices.tn the ev�nt of loss.Borrower sriall give prompt aodce to the insuians�e carrier and Leader. �,'s�<S'�}'�i��,1&�x�=�-;w
<br /> " ' ``.-,` t�arder may make pra�f uf foss if noi mada pron►ptiy by gorrawer. • �x`,, �_
<br /> . � Untess lxnder and Borro�ver othenarise agree in writing.ins�raace pmcaeds sl�all be applied to restoration or reQair of thc ,, ° :, � ._`
<br /> ' � ` �'�' � Pcap�rty damaged.if the restorarion or repair is ecoaatrucally feasible and I.ender's seairity is not te�sened.If che restaratioa or =,:�i:���;�:-
<br /> � �` � ` repair is not eoonamically feasi�le or Lendei s seauity woutd be lessened.tRe insurance praceeds shuli be applied to the sums � �"��-'�`:
<br />...}.�- . , ' �f -4},, �:,
<br /> �i" `.t�.�i..r.i.,.`4 1� �TES']'���..
<br />-� - secvred by this S¢�vrity Insdument, �vhether or aot thQn du+e, with any exoess paid to Borrower. If 6arrower abandons the , ,�_ :
<br /> ;;� , > ' : ` Pcoperty,or does aot answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance carri�r has offem+d to•settla a.tlaim.then " - m �: -
<br /> �+"'>' Leealei may collect the insurance proceeds. Lender rnay use the praoeecfs to repair or restore the Property or to pay snms �rY - - - 4�'-,
<br /> � �<< �•�� secural by this Secvrity instrument,whether or not then due.The 30�day period wi!!.begin when the norice is given. ���.:_;,._���_�-
<br /> '=:; , c �n-i-=.._- -
<br /> `' Uniess I.enQer and Borrower othenvise agme in writing. anY application of p�s to prnncipal shall not exteud or j;,.:�;�,;�-'°"�""'--
<br /> �.:��.a. ',..c'',.-r. 4 '�•�, .x,�5'��LV--�.'.
<br /> .,,,,,.. , ,,,f';:-,. postpone the due.date of the monthly paytnents referred to in paragcaphs i and 2 or change the aanount of the payments. if � � �� =
<br /> ,.,, °� —
<br /> �± -' ;:;s; under paragmph 21 the Pmperty is acquired by i.ender.Bomower's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting from ��: --�
<br /> ,{,::_. �. ;� dmmage to the Property prior to the aoquisitian shafl pass to Lender to the extent of the sums seaued by this Securiry Instmment ` ?� �
<br /> . . :`,�;= - immediately prior to the acqnisitian. , •r� F����-
<br /> - i+�:• 6.OccnQaaey.PreSes��at�on,Mainteinaace aad Prptei�on of the Properly;Borro�ver's Loun Appffratton;Leasehoids. ' � f,�,�;� _
<br /> � ''�;` . Bnrrower a�all occvpy.establish.and use the Property as 8orrotiver's principa!residenee withjn sixty days after the execvtion.of �`•-�--- -
<br /> - ---"' ,,�. �thi&S�catity�insmurreat and ahuii-rnntinue tcs occapy the Fropecqr�Barrawer�principal-residence forat��least-oneyearafter. .. .._ . `;;s���f����:=-�-,_..
<br /> t,+;--�----�- C?'.=1i itu�+�ew�_
<br /> ,,� the date of occupancy,unless Len�er otherwise agrees in writing. which wnsent shall not 6e unreasonably withheld,.or unless � -
<br /> .- .,�'i�`�:;`.•,., '. ` ,�ss i
<br /> extenuabing cir+cumstances exist which are beyond Borrower s contcoi. Borrower shall nat destroy, damage or"imQair the ,;-s�, . -
<br /> , . .�:.,.��
<br />