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<br /> :£':, �xy��.-�.'�.__. . -. , . , . , =_--_ -___--
<br /> ':`== '��.�-:" � . 17.T(ensfer ef t4�e.6�rut�i`y�'e B�tcStcisl f�i�st ta�mrro�vcr.Xf�ll or any re�,.u..,� ,or un interest i�!t -
<br /> tv F�f..�.._._'�� Y
<br />��._ � is sa4d�r transferred(or if a"bttnef�eta9.interc�t in,8ori8mr is soid or�ttartsferred und F�ona�ver�Ts�a nasural per�ona withaut
<br /> t� }�s: f.etider's Qrfoi wdtten ca�sent. Lendcr may. 4f �ts OpYlOA. uire immedinte pa�ntent in fu11 ot c111'sWns srrut�0 t�y tttls
<br /> !
<br /> =. ._�.. �:: n y.:�'.. . 3e�t�4�stnunent.Hotvevcr.this ogstiun shall nn16e eRercis�d�y a.endcr iF e�ercig�is proffibited by fadeta)[av+as flY th�aut� � _
<br />��`;, of this 5ecu�ity�n3tnacnrnt. : , -
<br /> � . ' ' If 1.ender eaeercises this optian..LeaQer sl�Fl give 8orrower no�loe of ut�oeleiation.The n�ttc�shall psavi�e a perFod of not -
<br /> � -��� ,r.: , �tes�eiian 30 Qays ftom thc ci�te the nostc�e fs daiivered or malted witMn wWch Bonov�er must pay u11 sicros ssrurcd by this =-
<br />_ :.. �.���_.::._,�_,. . � �rity Inst�nt.If Borm�rer faits ta pay tirese swns prior to the expiratton of this perlod.Lertdrr m�y irtvuka uny remodtes °--- - - -
<br /> . {� ,
<br /> fi r `', ;'"� permiued by thls�ec+�rity Instiument�vithout further not�ce or dematW on Borcobyer. � �
<br /> �, , , ,w � 18: B�rmc�er's �ht.!o�detasQ�Be. If Bmmtiver meeta cerfuin sondinons; Burruw�r shsll 0ave the ri�ht to have �''��
<br /> __ -�- � • enfarr�nt af tltis See�rity I�ni disel�tin�d�x ariy tir�pfes►r to i�e e�riier af• (a)g days{or gsc2t�other period� . - - _: -.
<br /> ,� �. applicable law may speEify for rei�rat�msnty before sale of�tte Propmy pursuan�to su�y pawer of sale odninir�ed�io this �t���� '_ _-
<br /> � t.+ Seasrity Instrument;or(b)edtry of a judgraent eafordng Wis SPCUrity Iasuument.�hose madttions are that Boaower.(a)Pays �- � -- --
<br /> `` ' ` " ' E.eader all swns wiucd thea wonld be dne aader this Security Instrument aad the Note as if no acceteratton had oecucred:(b) ------ -
<br /> Y.'J....� Y' -_ _-
<br /> --- - - .. . cunes any defaWt of aay ather rnvenants or agrcements:(c)paYs sU expens�ina�rred in eaforcing ti�iis Sesurity Iasuument, =-=-__--
<br />_. • . .. _ including,but aflt 1lmited to.reasonable attomeys'fees;and(d)takes sach actioa as Lender may rcasonably require to assure --_6 -
<br /> � • ` thsit the lien of t6is Sxurity instrument.Ixnder's rights in the Froperty and Homower's obligation to pay the sums secured�y ==-
<br />- � this Sec:urity lnstniment shall vontinue uttchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Secaziry Instrument andrthe =-__- _
<br /> : �. �� -_ '=% obligations sea►red hereby shall remain ftiliy effective as if no aeceleration had occumed.However,this right to reinstate shall �-`�����`
<br /> ,:,,' not apply in the rase of aceeleration under pazag�s�ph 19. ��"�'�"�"�"y = __-__-.
<br /> dS
<br /> i� ..:.,;:•.. •;.s 1�.Sate�f Notc;, Cmange of Loan Servtcer.The Note or a partia! interest in the Note(together with this Securiry ��,______ -
<br /> �°. �:,:;=: :•° Iasmiment)may be sold arce or moYe times without prior noucx to Borrower.A sale may resutt ia a chang�iu the entity(I�owa - ___-
<br /> ` : ;�`.r � ; :`��. as tlie"Loan Servicer'y that coltects mnntWy paycnents due under the Note and tius Seeunry Instrument There also may be oae =-__
<br /> � ,�� `�: ��R or more changes of the Loan Servicra unrelated to a sale of die Note.If there is a change of the Loan Senricer,Borrower will be �T:�
<br /> .-=.•>t.r•�: given written notice of the change in a000rdance wit5 paragraph 14 above a�applica6le law.The rwtice wili state the name and •�-•,- :•:--_-
<br />