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<br />—�� �' �,ISf."4Y':_�33.�� . . � . . .. . . F.' <. .c r _— _—..__. ._.___
<br />--_-==�a�""�� � paYmenis�y ao tolrggr b�t�quired.�t the�dan aF�Bea.i��ort�c�ge Inswnaoe cu�t�go tda llre�unaunt��!fop tYu��Sr�od � _
<br /> - -_ - , �tlaat taenGer �s�utres}p�uvided by an insu�s a�psc�ve�by L�n�t a�.ei�becuns�s hvmilnble��usd is ubtathad.�brebiarer shall p��+ ; _
<br />���_-__.-��, the premi�atns tequir�ct to maintutc►�rdortgag�insur�se in cf�act.or ro pmvid�a[oss r�serv�.uueil thc t�quir�u���€CSr�awrt��. �.� ,
<br />���� ` ip.sunnnce cnds fr�nceasdastce witt►any wdttgn'¢$roe�ent betw�cn Borro�►�er akd�,.�nd�r i�r appfi�c�tala Iaw. `
<br />_�� � g.IQSrpcciEa�.�Le�cr or its c�ent c�y make re�saccabl�entites upan and inspect�Ons n�t�c t�rogerty.LfitNItP 6�iAII$IY0
<br /> ��:�T;,:::� ' 'EWrsnwce aotice at ths.time ator pitar to nn�nspzctian sp�cifyit�teasonabte cuuseYor tnc lnspeciMn.. . . , . . `
<br /> ;�'�"�',<::.s::-':;'.; fi!' � • I@.�oadem�tta�:7'hc pmoeculs of any ativard orel�sm for dsm�ges,direct or aonseq�euEiat.in oon�cttan wFlb nny. ; . --_- -
<br /> ma
<br /> "��'�'� f��`�� � - oondemnation e�otlter talcing of uny part of the Property.�or for conveyeitoe in licu af von�tetunutiop.'ut�e t�sehy��d an�
<br /> ; ;�. ;_: �' .shall6e Qaid to Lende�.' ` � � . � . =- -
<br /> a . : ` In the e�e�of a tutal tnssing of:tha�ProPerty+.the pmoeeds s�ttdl Be upplied to t7is Suriis seqaied 6y this Secutity tn�tn�m�++: =, .
<br /> "�- --'---_-
<br />- - whethet or not then due.witb any excess paid to Boirower.In the event of a pariial taKing of the P[apetty in wit�ch t�t�frun� °-_-__--- -
<br /> ` . market value of the Pmperty immediateIy bsfare the taIang is equal w or greater tvann the amount of the sut�s secn�red by dtls+_ _==_=--
<br /> - -:;'.,• .;,--:. Security lnsuume�ni immediately befo�the taking.untess Boma�ver and l.endet othe�Ise agre�in�vriting,the suats secuned by _
<br /> �� ., - - this Securiry Inst�meat shall be reduced by the a�nount of t6e pcoeeeds multiplied 6y the folloning fraction: (a)the mtat _��—
<br /> _ `r.:<:.;k. "` ,.:•;': amount of the s�nms senued immediateiy bsfere the taYing,divided by N)the fair market value of tfie.Propertyr immredIately
<br /> = �-• `:';;,`;"!� `� � 6efore the raking. Any balauce shall 6e paid to Borrower.In the event of a partial taking of the Pmper�y in afiich the fair
<br /> ,..;.�...
<br /> . �.. ,n�..:.• : :,:. .
<br /> `'` 1 warT£et value of the�u�rty imme3iatety before the tafdng is[ess than the amonnt of the s�ms secvred.immediately begare the -----___---- -
<br /> :�., -,,:��x�'�;''� - ---
<br />�;.•�. ,� ._. . L. taking.unTess Borrower aad I.ender othecvrise agtee in writing ar autess a�oticabie iaw otherwise provides.the pra�ecis shali , _ _-__
<br />�i`-''- `,' :�.�: � ` be agplied to tfie swns secured by this 3ecurity t�osn�u�at whei@es or uot ttee�ms are t�xen dUe. ----- —
<br /> �; : ' ` If die Property'is abandoaed 6q Bo�wer,or if,after.auu�try i.ender to Earnavver t6at the oondemnor of�e►s to mt�se an ._--
<br /> :;�°. award or settie a claim for damages,Bomnwer ta�s to respond to I.ender gzt�fln 30 days aRer the da't�tbe Qotice is givta. t
<br />-,e t Lender is authorizec!ta aoflect agd apply the pma�ds.at its option.eithe,r to�storation or�a,ir of the Pra�aty or to the sums � ��'• ^ -----.- --
<br /> �:.... . ,, :;.;{.. .. , secuted b this Secutity Ins�u svhetber or rxM then dae. . _ 4�_--
<br /> .. . �----
<br /> .—.:_ , r:, Y � --�•--
<br /> ,.._.,,�•<:. _ .. �_._ - -
<br /> =� �,,,..,t, �`,t'''� Qn[ess Lcmder aad Bmrower oths�nse a�cee in_. aa lication of _ruoaads to _rina shaU aot ex¢ead o: ,�:.�-_
<br />�. � --, ._ . .. .. _._ �$�.. Y aPP P _�_...�P�....._..-�------�-�------�-----�=�-
<br /> - - � ---..... _.. ._..--�---. _ _.. ....._...
<br /> . .
<br />�,_ �,,;ir�,�`-;L ���. posqsans the due dat�vf the mo�i�FaYments mf�rred to in par�gzaphs 1 and 2 or change cire amow�t of sueh paym�ats- . �'�:,� -
<br /> }_,j,,���,,�, �fl:tforso�,��;�•Relea�d;&'orbearance Sy Lend�s PIe�a Waieer.Extension of u'�e timx for paymeat or mod'�fration _ -
<br />� ; , � of amortiiarion of i�s,�:�;:;ms•secured by this Security Tnstrument granted 6y H�uder to any suacessor in interest of Eorroarer shall •` �� ,�
<br /> f�..
<br />�- :--`;:�� a��r.:._ not opera�,ta rde�se d`.�liability,pf the originat Borrower_or Bom�wer's sccooessors in interest. Lender shall not be cequired to �" -.;
<br /> = �:A� ��`� �, commeaae Pmoee��;.2�nst ian,��isuccessor.in interest or refiue to extend ame for payme�or othcrwise madify amflrtiza�on _� ;'� � `.,'"
<br /> � �r,•� r,3 , - �J ,
<br />�, %�''��r���`'u � 4 ,of the stuns s a e i a�t�,%t�.Ss:sa�.IhCtrument by reastn►�f any d e m a n d m a d e by i�e origi n a l B orrower or B orrawer's -<.
<br /> ��;��'����;: sucoes'sers in'� >,-•:�'�d������x�in exercisin e��cem s1�a11 not be a waiver of or predude the , .;., , �
<br /> _i�7Aicl �k .. ' g�'�� , �Y '�f i '.
<br />�v�e47�*r_����i; � exercise m�2ny�'ac+arr��:�._ . . . • � '
<br />��;���!�.� s;... �- . ... . . . , .``.+ ,� � �
<br />�_=,�``!, t� ' t.,� _..:r: l�,;���.d'�s•fd'r�1�.�auct.and Severa� Llalta'!'eS�;��a�ss�,:,'17�e oovenants and a�nts of this �;;., ': „; , ;}'
<br /> s
<br /> i 'r•?`'`�'}��t,,� ,:'�'�„ Secvri:iy�T�rstrument shall bind�L�nefit the successois and�assigns of Lender artc1�•8ctrauwer. subject to the pmvisons of ;�..;�:''�f,�,�r�;
<br /> ` .��' `'�`�'.' � paragiaj's{i 17. Borrower's cove�ats and agreements shall he joint and several. My Sorrower who co-signs this Sawriry : �'' �� '
<br /> ,. Instrument but docs not exeeute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instniment oniy to mortgage.grant and eonvey that ?
<br />- % � • • Bomawer's interest in the Property ander the terms of this Security Instrument:(b)is not personally obligated to pay the swns �j� � "
<br /> - --- ��-�---` - secuied by this Secarify Instrument:arid(c)agcees ttiat Lender and any other Boirower may agree to extend.madify.forbear ot �
<br /> `� '� • �• make any accommodations with regarA to lhe tertns of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Bonower's canseni. •
<br /> • ' `� • 13.Loan Charges.If the loan secured by this Secarity Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges. �
<br /> ' �. and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest ar other loan charges collectod or to be collected in connection wilh the ' .�����' , _�
<br /> _ ;�•'' • toan exceed the pertnitted limits.then: (a)any such loan charge shali be reduced by the amaunt necessary to reduce the charge � , � �-��,�
<br /> �. . to the permittod limit:and(b)any sums already collected from Borraw•er which caceeded permitted limits will be refunded to • `''• � _�_�_`�--"
<br /> ...;,.r.;:�:,;� ��v=__
<br /> •- Borrawer. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note os by making a direct � . ��•;;?�{~�a-__:
<br /> �, - .r,°,��'. � payment ta Boaower. If a refund reduces principal, tha reduction wii� be treated as a partial prepayment without ar�y • `��,��_
<br /> --� � P�P�J�t charge under the Nai�. , tt�.•, e ;-
<br /> � A�,Notices.Any notice to fl.mower pravided for in this Security Instrument shalt be given by delivering it or by mailing . , , � +j�;
<br /> r � . � it by fnt class maii antess app{iczble law requires use of another method. The aotice sF�ll be directed to the Propeny Address =_ ` �"-
<br /> : • �` �--
<br /> �' �.:.: . • nr an•'t+titer addr��ss B rrouer iies: nates b notice to Lender. An natice to Len�'�rail be rven b first class mail to '�:�•ti"'S,;`:':.�'. '•".""��i::-
<br /> :.�- } R S Y Y g Y ; ,:.��,r� :,,.w .
<br /> .. ;'j;.;:•. . , .�:..;s•% � .
<br /> 'I� f :��- . : Lend��r"�:�dress<c�ed hereCn•�:�c':�.:�j other address Lender�i�.•signates by noiice to Bui�ru�Y�:-r. Any notice pro��ideci for in this :,,„���; r.�"•`'.
<br /> ,'''4:� _;`: .. _ ,. . � fftf�f t. . _�a;�,•a. .
<br /> �� �,'':,:.f�.S�::,.c:� • Securti;S«5lrumetit�fr.:.1 be d��:i;�have been given to Burr�wer or L.en3er when ui�eri.;LS provided in this paragtuph. Y-
<br />- ,.»,;i ,; .
<br /> _:;"r: ._ ,_ � �r. -. •:i�,. �•
<br /> ''a '•'.5:�2,;z�'��•:,, :. 15.Go�ernft� IGa�v; Se�'et',�f6ty. 'f'hi�.5ecunty Itntrument sh�I1�:1ie.�c;�cxs�tS by federal law and the law of the , .
<br /> !�; t;r;;`S`�;�•�� • �: , ' . . .
<br /> --r.. , .. :�;.{•� • , jurisdiction in which�.�e Prop�;t�;s tocated.ta the evertt�h;�t ans pro�l�iz3n nr c!�u��,��f this Security instrument or the Note •' � ,
<br /> ,: . ,,>-« � _ . �
<br /> .��',••�,4i•" canflicts with applicable law.�if�1i�a�nflict shail not aft'ect od�ra-rrovisions i;t'�itis Siicu,rin Lnstrument or the Note which can be ;•;;���� � .
<br /> ' �,:;(.c'r�Yii'�� •. • ,�E�. . .. ��.. .
<br /> �- '':.j�Y��{`;�N��•. given effect+vithout the contti,:tiiig�rovision.To this end ti�r-�;rovisions of this Security�fi�trument and Ihe Note ai'�declared ':;:�;ty;l;�.',.. � ,. �•. • •
<br /> a,A;�;l � :��r,f•��}" : . .�
<br /> � :., :':<.; ,. , to be severable. �'�.:� � . � t �]� • ,
<br />-;;> �-�, � 16.Bortoirer's;4"..ugy.Burrower shall6e given one conformed copy ot'.rtte Note and oi this Security lastrument. . . � ...,�fi�� ,;
<br /> :ir, � �;j j..
<br /> - Fortn 3028 9f90 ' ',. ��;`<
<br /> � ' � FA.c�:co!6 � ,.1, . . . . .,
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