� _..x t _ , ��, � �' : -�.
<br /> „ -- y. �2r+'�{�- r t� -, , . . ,�, .—_ —
<br /> ,i ii, i�`�— ' #}�" - —
<br />_ . `�,� � ' �"#`-�t ` , E . - � . ��_ — —_
<br /> ,� ""' .�, "y''•�,�'.�if` n"-�G"'p `!(�� _
<br /> ,� '
<br /> .,. • - '� � . •
<br /> > . .c•,^ . „ . -- __.
<br /> . . � �
<br /> , , "` � T'�,ti��' .,'�,y�=` �.a-:�iJ,��'i"� E4�� �'i�__ ' — —.�...�. __...__ :__. '�l � __ � �° . ..__ —
<br /> , i . _ _ � ' . .. , _ ""I y . t • ` ` . ' . 1� ~�../ •��� � ���•�.��� _ -__ -- .-_-- - __
<br /> �,�_ , ;�; �ati�- *'=�•9 et�p�a4�t ruo�a�t ims�raa�c�ve�is.nat avail�b�e,B�tnra�e+t s1�11pay tc���easf��ionsh a suru�qaat.to. —
<br /> � � �.i�� :t ono-taret a€tfi�c y�azly,p�artga,ge� ., pr�msuro being�aid hy 8mrsa�rer�a$en�h�iasuriucce caverage tugsed or aeased to -- - - -
<br /> . Ere iqeSf�Iande�vdl!�ce�t.use aad�n these paya�.nts a's a,los� rrse�+e in {ieu of ar.�rtgage �iasur�st` Loss reserve
<br />_:._.- �9-�-;��: - � ��ts may�nn Ionper.ts� ,.at ti�op�iaa og Lende4.if�nrtgage insurancv covcr�e fin the�ma�nt u�for the psri4td --- --
<br /> � ♦�.
<br /> �; �� .ry:�=':`'�'`.' . ,�. t�tat�i.�n�er. requires).p�'id�aP insurer appmved tiy I�r i�ain R�bmes avai[�t�nad Is obtnia�.Bo�r�er sh�!pa3E • -� - -_
<br /> .:�, . �:.• t tlie pre�n.'s��t.��in aaart g a g e iasura`no�iui effect:ar ta provldr a loss re,�eeti+e,�zniit ths acµuu�e.m�si4 for r�rtgag�
<br />_ �''�..,.�,-�'�- :� ins�at�stsds,ntt abOarc�anoe with afly aritCen sgQeement E�et�aeen Boimwer and Lc�er o��pp l i�a b Se i t tar: :;„
<br /> _ �:�b �? 4.�pectlan.L�er ar it�e�eat may�rake�eas�ab2e entr�es u Prape�aY.L'end�s shalt give .�.
<br /> Y � gpa arki�inspa�ions'of tPte
<br /> ,Ear.�xcr t�atE+ce at�t:e tcros of ar priai to en fnspe�troA spesifyIrzg eeasonabte c�se fvr the iasgc�ihn. ' �� -
<br /> ��� . • a<��. � 4 ln. Co�et�snAtla�'FII�procc�eds nf�ny eK+aid or claim f9r dsunag�s,direct or tans�quential.in+aonneaIon with nny .'.� ��� T -
<br /> '; :� �ndem�on or�er mScing of any part of the Pmper�y.o�[vr canvey�ace dn liea af wndea�nation..m�e hereby ussignad unsf � �
<br /> -�-
<br /> =�,_ - - �a!!1��d ttt t.�e... . . • _ . ' ,. . - ��. ` A '�"�'�
<br /> -:. �.. "°`Y
<br /> �,.. �: In th�eveat of a tatal ca�iag of the Pr�gErty.the procceds�hali be ap$l�eci to We sums secur�!by this S�dty insuume,�, ' t N
<br /> � :� .wbeiker ar nai then Que,with any e�:�esspacd W Sonowar. In the event of a patial tal�n$af the Fcopettgr in whica thr fair � � � �
<br /> Q � � .`-,: m�ket va[ue of the Pt6pe�iy imm ,�Piy 6efon tfle taking is equat to or greatgt d�an the amanat of the sums secum�d by this - �..
<br /> .- . t. Secarity�eat imffiediatety befare the taIdng,unless Bomoaet aad Leader otherwise agcee in writiag.the s�ms s�by '�y'-'�','-��:.;-
<br /> � tBis Sewriry Ins�umae,nt shai! be reduoed 6y the a�unt of the�irooeeds muItigtied Dy the foltowing f�ioa: (a)die totai ��- '_�` ' ` =_
<br /> � � au�mmt of the snms sewred��;�*p�y 6efnre the ta�ing,divided QY @)the fais market vatue of tLe�?ruperty immediateSy r�-`':=`"��� _
<br /> ;�,. before tit�taking..Any balanse�hall be pazd to Botrower.,Ia the eve,nt of a�pattial ta�cing of the Fmpe�y in wiuch the fair .: �.�. "�- = .-_�
<br /> �.'�♦PI t.J: Y.�+eC�"
<br />- • m�value o€the Property i}+ y before thc taking is tess tlsan the amnunt of the sums secured immsdiately btfore the �:;�,,.;�-.;..�..,�.:�• _
<br /> f� � .� �: taking,nn[e�s Bonower aad Lender othemrise agree m wnting or un2ess applirable law oiberwis$pmvides.tae pma�ds shal! `�''-._ � '�� • =-
<br /> '�` - ;�� �� be applied tv;he�secu�+ed by tAi�S�urity Inst�ument whe�r or aot the sums aze theadtrc. � < .r , w :ois�� -
<br /> � . If tise Property is abandoaad by Borrower.or if.aRer.iwuae try L,ender ta Borrower si�at tAe condemnor offers to mske aa , . . - --==
<br /> en =_�
<br /> - '• . . � .�;'=-�. award or s�tte a claiu�,for dam�ages, Bormwet fails to respond to Lender a+it6in 30 days after the date the rtotice is giv�a. ,. `:�^':�.�-
<br /> �..
<br /> � ` ;- . ;'' ;: leuder is aathurized tn coltect and IIpply the pmceeds,ai its aption,eith�r to restoration or cepair,of the Propeity or W the sums '• ; ._ - -_-_
<br /> � '% �;
<br /> -��: >:T:� � ;. . ; se�by tfis Seauity Insuuu�eat.whether or not Wen due. . i�; . ��� :T,-.
<br /> '.��,.�:,.:;�.. Unt�Lender and Bmrower otheiwise eg�ee in wriaag.any application of pmo�eds to priacigal shall aot extend or _.r�.a
<br /> _ , ; , ,{:- : postpane t#�iiue date of the monthiy payraeats referred w in pua hs 1 und 2 or chan�;e the araount of sud�paymeats. �; � �� --
<br /> gra� cha
<br /> . � ` .: .._� _..,. • • U.Sartuvrer No!Reiea�d:Forbearaaae Bp I.e�der Not a Watver.Extension of the tuae for paymeat or m�ficatian ,� �_ --
<br /> , � �= _.�_ � __
<br /> grap
<br /> -- � .:------- � � of amomration o�tbe sums secvre3Tiv 1�us Secdnty Instr�ilsenrgtao�tt�l�6y i�tuiertarany suo�essorin-inter�rof Borrowet shalt- ...- - --- �.-. ���•_ :
<br /> ! .` '•.��:t _ � ; not apetaie to reIease the liability oftir��iriguiai:8tm�oR'rer or Borrower s suoaessots ia inLenst.Leader shall not be required to '� �, �.`��._
<br /> ;� �} ' , oommeace Pao�din8g a�inst anY�S�r ia'i1il�iPSt or refiue to extend wne for payment or otherwise modify amortizatian ; J;
<br /> " ;� ; of the swns secured 6y.t�xas Sea�rity`•f�hm�,b5+ ceawn of any deroand made by the original Bomunrer or Borrower's :; ___f_� ���
<br /> +•. .; successo�in;interest:_Au}r forheararit�G,g:I�e�xn'exercising an9 riSht or remedy shal!aot be a waiver of or prrciade the . � . _
<br /> _' O' ts _ ; exercise afaFt�rigkt ot r�m�rdy. •� ,�.••' . : • • - -
<br /> :, � . 12:.:�ors at�Assi�us Soimd;doiut�td 5everal Liabflity;Co-sigaas. The covenants and agreements of this r �,. `�
<br /> , _� .�ecvrity �.mnent slr�ll::l�;�d artd beaefit the'suo�sois and assigns of l.ender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of . i �;
<br /> .. .. .��� t:��,'i:;�;�:�8orro�'�::covenant� and agreeat�:sltall 6�joint and several. My Borrower who co-sigr�s this Security> r, t =;
<br /> _. ._--.--.. . :`'�°;.:i�t��doe§�i:�iecute the Nrte: (a)is c�gning ttis Security Instrument only to mortgage,g�ani and oanvey that�:: ��_ : , <?� . .
<br /> :��" _ ;'. '�ri�`3.c�'�r:(�rest in the Property uudct�e terms of this Security Instnunent:(6)is not personally obligated to pay the sutns. , '` . ���%`•'�
<br /> :: s�ured[i�!�s Security instrument;aini.(c)agm,es that Lender atid auy other Borrower may agcee to eMend.modify.forbear or� ��,. . .
<br /> u
<br /> - � '' ���ake any accommodations with mga�Gi-°iite terms of this�eruriry instrument or the Note withaut that Borrower s consent. °'��
<br /> . . ,. . -:r; 13.Laan C6argeg.If the loan sewred by thi._�ffeCurity Instrument is subject to a la�uv whic8 sets maximum loan chatges,; ��;. ; .
<br /> � " ;; .�;�5 that law is finaUy ini�preted so that the intetc.-�:ar other loan charges oolled�or to be collecicd in wnnection with the_. ;;, '. • 4�'
<br /> .,. , ,
<br /> ' , .r.• . :..
<br /> ; �__:__..--_,--.._---;._... . .riiia�i:er•c.�ihe pemiitte�l.snits:then:(a)any suctr[oan charge shall be reduoed by the amount necessary to reduoe the charge�: '_ .., ...__ ` .
<br /> n �.. . � .
<br /> • • to the�rit�:,d limit;and(b)any su�s�already collected from Borrower which exceeQed permitted limits will be refunded to� � �'
<br /> Borro�Lc��f:i.�:der ma chaose to make this refnnd b reducin the nnci al owed under the Note or by making a dire�� �� ' '�
<br /> �. paymerC,t�i{3orrower if a refund reduces principaly the reductian Riwill be treated as a partial prepayment without any•i �.� �
<br /> - � • � P�Yrttet��arge undt�x'i�e Note. :,..: � j ' 4 ,
<br /> . 14.rptices.Acnf m:lt�ce to Borrower rovided.fisc in this Securit Inst�ument shall b°, wen b deliverin it or b mailin ��� �
<br /> P Y 8 Y 8 Y S' � :�� •
<br />_ �: ' it by first d�ss mail ant�>s�applicable taw,requires u:�:of another method.The notice shall be directed to the Pro�eRy Address:. �; =�y;,�
<br /> � ; , ar any otker address$otrower designa��.� by notire'to I.ender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class mait to•,� ��
<br /> . Ixnder's address stated herein or any.n.�:address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Aay notioe provided far ia this� ����I�`; •` �
<br /> ``� d T�: been iven to Borrowe►or Lender when iven as racided in this paragraph. ��'!�" '� ��
<br /> ; � Security Instrument shall be deemed t t� g g P �,
<br /> - '` �15.Govemin$ Law; Severability. This.S�tri.ry Insuument shall be govemed by federal law and the lativ of tha�� . �����'� �:-'_`
<br /> '�•'I�; . � jurisdiction in which the Property is located.Tn i}i:r:s�.nt that any provision ar clause of this Security Instmrnent or the Note=� r,
<br /> i �`!.'. ' Z .� .
<br /> , ��,�, . con fli c t s wi t h app li p b le l a w,s u c h c o n t l i c t s h a l l n i,±�il��-�;t o t h e r p r o v i s i o n s o f t h i s S e c u ri ty I n s t r u m e n t o r ch e A'at e which can be�• , '� ' �: �.''<�
<br /> ,:"' , . given efl'�nvithout the conilicting provision.T�i i�s..�M ead ihe pmvisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declare��� � ''��
<br /> � � ' to be serr_r.il�ie. `�� .. �;,.�- .�
<br /> .�
<br /> �"' ` 16.Borrower's Co y:Bonower shap be, ivc�s nn�,canform::�co of the Note and of this Securit ln�trument. ��
<br /> _ ' �'YSf':�� '� ., �! . 17.TrAnsPer o!the Property or a Benefc[al Latz�s�E'in Borrower.If all or any pazt of the Property or any interest in it�� ' �f,� ',�.` .''
<br /> ,. :*.:. ..'... __;
<br /> . ,ti ; ' is sold or transfened(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrotiver is not a nztur.�3.person)�itleout��
<br /> ' i'` . Lender's prior written consent. Lender may, at its option, reqaire immediate payment in fuU af all surr� secured bv thi5 {�,
<br /> , ' Security Instrument.However.this option shall nat be exerci�ed by Lender if exerc�se is prohibired by fede:al Faw as of�Iie date� �;� � . '.•
<br /> : ' � `:;'•'':..,; of this Security lnsttument. � . <. . .
<br /> � � '��`� `�� • If l.ender eaercises this option.l.ender shall give Borrower rtotice of acceleration.The m;ci,z shall provid�a period of not ""
<br /> ;�.,
<br /> " ' tess than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower n•�►•�s pay all sums secured by thix � ;� ,
<br /> Secvriry lnsfrument. (f Borrower fails to pay these sums priot to the expiration of this period.Lender may inr�ke any remedi� , t'
<br /> '! ...=' ! permitted by this Security Instrumertt:�iehaut further notice or demand on Botrower. • ' ' '
<br /> ���'t1�:;•;' . 1S. i3orrower's Rtght to [tefi�rate. If Borrower meett. �xrtain conditions. Rorrower shafl ha�e ahe righ� to have �� `�
<br /> , .�,,.,,a .
<br /> � .};�;s•i;'.;` enforcerii�rtE of this Security Instrumn:nt 3iscontinucd at any timL prnar.to the carlier of: (a) 5 days for sush aiher peciod ac � .
<br /> ; ; , '. apptiu�{�,I,:w may specify for rtiru:�:�uemcnt► bcfore sale of�lu:�'r.�pcny pursunnt to any puwer uf sale ccr�ir,�i in thi� . ;
<br /> , _ � ''S��it�•[n:tn�aeat:or{b1 entry of.�iy.Jgment rnforcing this�y�.ttt.,instrumwnt.7'huse canditions are that�orra>c�r:4a)payc �,
<br /> • ' � �ctdor,sif�ums v►fiich du�e would h�due under this Secutity krc.ir.:fient and thr; Note as if no aeceleration h:;rj�ecurred: (bi r� • .
<br /> ;,�•s.'::+`;�;;;•;�.� :vres an�def'aaTt of��T�a:her coverxr.^ns or agreements: (c)pa��:-;c 1 expenses'Sncuned in ertforcing this Seui��ty Instrument� ;• .
<br /> ' � �;�!'��i��1�%���i � inctudin�;t�ut not titni'ted to,rea<_onai±t�attomeys' fees: and(di t:3�:zs such action as Lender ntay r�on:�1} �c�quire to assuca ' s�
<br /> a.• •: :�.'�i{;;;j;j?'�j,t,' �� that the tie��rf this Secudty Insttunn�t.Lendei s rights irt tfle Pnsperty and Borrower s oblig;uir;�t to�ay the sums secured by ,' . '.
<br /> • �� ' .�t'::,,�.;. ' this Seaitft'� lnstrument shall canli�,�e unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the 4! ;. .
<br /> �i. ��- obligafions secured hereby shall rer.iain fuliy effective as if no acceleration had accurred. However,this nght to reinstate sh�!t .
<br /> =' �� �_ ,�,?� not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17. • (.
<br /> 14. Sate of Note; Chunge of Loan 5ervicer. The Nnte or a panial interest in the Note(together with this Security ' �
<br /> 1' ?.= _ �� {_
<br /> �.� Tnstrument)may be sotd ane or more times without prior notice ta Borra�ver.A sale may result in a ci�ange in the entiry(knoa�n�
<br /> '�� -�; �.: as the'Loan Servicer")that coltects monthty payments dae under the Note and this Secunty(nstrumenl.There also may be one � +{
<br /> ', :.;r or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.lf there�s a change of the L.aan Servicer.Bonower will ba� ;! ,�
<br /> �_� ;�, given written aotice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The notice will state the name anJ ;; ,'
<br /> ; �'; 2ddress of the new Laat�Servicer and the address to which payments shauld be made.The notice will also wntain uny oth:t �
<br /> '.;; - - ;�n� informatiun required by applicabte law. ;; ' '
<br /> Z0.Harardnus�ubstartces.Bono�ver shall not cause or permit the.presence. use, disposal, stor�ge, or rcleatie of any !
<br /> �; c�:7� ,, .
<br /> -- - ---•.�'`. H�ac�tdutn 5ubsten�es azs� ot in titc t'raperty. Boitasaer st�ali n�!do. no:s!!m: �nyone else to d4. �ythin�affc�tin�.ihe E!--.- - --- -. ._ _ _.
<br /> ��'-` Property that is in violation of any Environmental I:aw. The prece�ing avo sentences shall not appty to the presence, use,at '! :
<br /> • ;�•� storage on tht�Property of small quantities of Ha7ardous Substances that are generally recognized tn be uppn�priate tu nnmmf !� � �
<br /> i , resideniial uses and to maintet�ance of the Property. , � �� �
<br /> + . 1' .
<br /> : � , � � ' o,�,,0,4 , , Fomi 3628 stna� �
<br /> � � .1 ,i,,' .
<br /> , .. � .. — —� ---......._..�._.._. -- -- ...---�.......__.,,,......_....�._�_..�. � �
<br />