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<br /> - ":`L` ` :`'`�.:_ � sa�bF°.t�4Fuliy�.�ivei.s�crtu�o��En�i�e�ccsv�is noi�v�taisie,BaPiro�rer si�aup�y to er�amfl�t�m sum t�u�l tQ _
<br /> `� -` :i $ one�taR1�34�i3 a ttSY ye�s ��tci��.fa�tsa�,�ce�I�an��ity��ai6�y,3la�rawcr tvh�n the it�YC�nce oove�ag�ia��d or'e�ed to .; ,�, -, _ .--
<br /> =: , ��s .. .
<br /> :.._�;:�;��; !�In et��sa.�:�kv�fi aci:��tt,u:�ar�tt rctnin tD�r�aya�nt���e[e�� �ecyr�in�lieu of�zoatgage uuur�r,se..l�s� ar�sarva �:,��� �.•.3=. -__-
<br /> .._.^':��:',•_;.,��� POyi�it�+Sk 1333�F fitl IU33}��'If�II t�qule�d;at iiis�ps�o�t o�t�d�,°r:if arort��iiu�taaiiee oaverage.(ii�t3��mount�ad for t�+a�od, � �
<br /> sa m
<br />_ ... . �,, . �iut��en�r•�t�lt��Prawidc�t�+y an insurer appe�ved by 4e�der e�.t�r.s�sute�evaitabte aad is abta!�..�asrosrer si�pa�+ � �.j.
<br /> .. ' "''�. , 1he gtrc�luraf�c��iri�ta t�7a3nutln ma�t�tge tasuranoe i�t effs�.or ta.grav.ide:t��toss reserve,antil th�cequir�mea�for monguge : . ---
<br /> �� r:i �,�-4v;-. . < Ili4!lYQRSiy.(�13LL'�I2?ACCl3f1f 9fti�{.`V�I�F3f1y f7/tli1C[1$g[�I£!lIE'DL�)6�lYP�«T2 P�01'((3t(ICf'AOtI;�C!!�i OF A��6�31V. ' � �— --- --
<br /> 'h�°r'�.. � A t�s�taa, �dcr o�ito agent cnay rsiake r�sonoble cmpic�upan.and�it�spec�toAs of the�ropertsi.Leader shall give. �
<br />- . .�x�'``���::"••".=� � Qf�rrotcce�mtirc at�tte tk�e uf c�� Inr ta an Q an : � . . ___--
<br /> _ .�, 9a in,�i �xifYin�rr��ortatsle caa44 for the inspecaion. ��___ �_�
<br /> . `.. . ' tfl.�rtdS�rte��� �.prvtt�tts ctf any awtuG or cteliu far Qama�es. dii�t.or cons�ueatt�i.in ronnccrdo� wath aap , =��:-�--__
<br /> �14�IMtiVFw-�y-N,°���-.-_._ -._
<br /> �. ' catxlc�si��ita�t ur ati�t ts�kkittF#oY any pati of the[�ro�erty.or foi conveyanc�s in lleu of sondemaacFon.�re hereby assigned and -�;�°�'�°�_�_-=--__ _
<br /> � • • s
<br /> •� ;. 6ttltl!IJe�a��t ht 1.�ct1d4'i. . "�„'y�`��?�}�,�` ,�F� ��.,
<br /> � ��pT. 1.���]ry7� _
<br /> IIE 4�¢tiCt3t O�A hSlli�tfl��II$O�l�PfO�L'ft}�.ctte procr�d�shatl be applied.ro,the�ums ser,ured Ay dus Sec�i�y t�nt, "' ,
<br /> . ( . _ . >.1 JJ S.atY,l LL4Yl
<br /> . - �t�hctt�rr��r rnrt tl�ni duc.wfth ony c�se�a p�fd w�otrower. In�e evem af�.partia!takiag of the�rup�ty in rvhia�tiAe feir �+ ;° �j �,4 x �_-
<br /> � � • � nu�rkcl vnlue nF tAe t�u{fe�ty invn�Gi�tety hefore the tolclng Is equai w or gmater t�aa ths a�o�nt a=f ttez sscr►s s�cured by t�is . �. � _ # ,
<br /> & unie�s Borrower mnd L.eudcr otfierv,nse agrae ia writiag.t�e sums�r�b ' ,•,:. _
<br /> Sd�iurloy{stn�t�tts3�nt tn�mt�diatefy bcforc t e ts�ing, Y 5- �x � {„ '-
<br /> ti�is �urtty Inatruj��ciH ulu�it 6c reQuced 6y the amaunt of the prac�ds muItiplied by rhe foliovring fracxioa:(a) che total , �. t �� _
<br /> - m r u n�t i t a!1 h s a�i t�e c��t�r e d(m m�i�s e i y b e f a r e t h e h�1 d n A. d i v i d e d l s y+(b)t h e f a i r marfet value of:die Pro pe r t y ima+ediatel y , . r�.::;,�:,��__�
<br /> �>.;.:i:T'_iur_.
<br /> � DcPuro the laltnp�. Any batance shall be pafd to Harrower. Tn the evetst of e partia!tahing o€.the Praperty in wfuch the fair ����f t�'�`
<br />� inark�t vdtuc uY the[�tsnpe�ty inun�iatrty ti�fore the wTcing i�less tha�Q10 amonnt of the ssims secur�immediatcly before the � Y'��� �..
<br /> � � takittg,'unt��e tiurtat�cr attd t.�ndr►otherwis�agnee in wdting or unicss apgficabte taw atheravise provides.the pmceeds sdal} •
<br /> �� . be appltr�to�he yuni��e►�ured by this Sccurity instrument witether ar nac the sums are then due. ..�""��� =
<br /> li'tttc Pniperty io a0amtoncd by Borrower.or if.efter notice by I.cnder m Bormvrer that the�ndemnor offeas to make an � '
<br /> ���,.
<br /> ,,..,
<br /> . .. . .. . td or kcttlo a elaim fur da es. �onawer fails to ms ond ta�cnder viithin 3(f�days after th�date the aotice is given, �::.:�..--='--=_----
<br /> :: , acvu �3 ~�:;:�-:�_�- -
<br /> �"� . I.endcr is auihnsi�eQ tn�v�lIcct and eppiy che pracce�ls.at ita aption.clther w cestoration o��epair of tha Property or to the sums . r ,,
<br /> ,. srcure�hy thfw Security lnsuumen�t,whether�r not then due. ' �` � f� —
<br /> Ujfliss lrndcr n�x1 Boarov.cr oaBctwise t�tee in wrUing, arry epplicaSon af proceeds to principa! shall aot�xtend or - �t�
<br /> �f p�stp►me thc d�ae date�yf Ific montht payment�s refe.rnd ta!nparagtaphs 1 and 2 or draage the amount of suci�payrtKnts. k;�t�'�� � .W-
<br /> - '_' � 11.(iuerow�er Not 6tet�a.sc-d;�orBem�f3y I.ettder Y+Iot a Wuiver.Extensioa of die time for payment or modifrcatian ;:,:fz` ,��_o�
<br /> t;�.': .. . . , . - . ���`+--- —
<br /> _ ,._, . •
<br /> of amoniration of�flr eums i�ecun,d hy this Sc;curity inxuvmeni graated by I.ectder to any s�xessor in interest of Somower shail. ..-:��� � �T`=�--°-
<br /> .:
<br /> . �"'..��:--.- "-,---. - noT opciaCc t�i�1C5se ttrt�tiai�ilic�rsfti�e n�ig[rral8orrower urBornawer's�suaessorsin-interest:-L-e�er�shall-rmt-be�equireA ta --..---- `�!� �.-�- -
<br /> � . � ' rnmmence pmccedings aga3nst nny successot in Intcrest nr rcfirsc to extead tlnte for payment or othe�rwise modify amortizarion t..
<br /> � —
<br /> � � �if the Rums s¢cured 8y th3s Sccudry [nsirurnens by rramn of any d�mand made by the original Borrower or Barrovrer's ::.,;;: ;;;"'-'�
<br /> ' � . • succcssnrs in intxrest. Any finficasanre by l.ender in cxercisin�any right ar remedy shall not be a waiver of or prectude the • '`��' -�=--
<br /> ' . _ ;:;r ,,., cxe[clse of any rigbt nr re�nedy. ' _ ,�—.-� -
<br /> - IY. �4a¢cc�.sors nmd Asgdg�I�at�nd;dolnt attd Severa! Uabllityi Co-stgners. The covena�ts_and agreements of this. ,�';��•;� - ;:�;:
<br /> ' , ' Securlty Instrument +hatl bind und beneGt the�successotx a��d assibms of Lender and Borrower. subjea to the provisions of �Y�.:d '
<br /> .. '<<�•,.
<br /> ' paragraph t7. Hprmwcr'ti �r�vc�nms and agrccmcnta t�hell bo]aint t+nd several. Any Borrower who eo-signs this Securiry �.r.�;,,;4...,;; •
<br />- - '. � . � tnstcument 6ut d�xw nut r,c��utc Uie Notc:(a) is co•signing Ih1K Seturity Instnunent only to mortgage,grant atsd oonvey that -
<br /> - 8orrower's intercsl in Itte Pcuperty undcc ihe tetrns oP thi�Security[nstnunent:(b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums .,;�';��,�%5::'.':
<br /> ;;:;.; .. .. . 5,.,;, ..�;..
<br /> � ' � . �,..;,;�,°:. secured by this 5c�urity Inrtrumc��t;a�d(c>a�rccs lhat Lcnder enA any other Borrower may agree to extend,modify.for6earor 's`,;� ,;��;;;���: .
<br /> -> , :,
<br /> :• ,;, , . makc any ncu�mntadc�tiuns�vitt�regard tn thc tem�ti af�bis Security Instrument or the Note w�thout that Bonower s cansent. � . �� z
<br /> � � t I�.I.onn Chur'qtw.If�hc t�r►n�ccured hy this Serurity lnstrumeat is subject to a lasv whicfi sets maicimum loan charges, ,� ��- • ` �
<br /> � � '� �'�%'"'r` and�hat law is finally intcrpccted �o th�t the interetit or other loan char���s coflectec!or to 6e oollected in coruiection with the �.•� �' �
<br /> �:� 'f�',,��.:.7� -�� .a�;r,.-.. �;:ft�,� �$�`'
<br /> loan exeeod the pemiictui limits.�f�en: (al m�y nuch lu,in cttarge,halt be reduced by the amaunt neeessa�y to reduce the charge ���"'�` '/:11�4��':
<br /> � to the pertnitted limit:and tb)any�ums already rnllecteet from Borrow�K.which exceedrd permitted limits will be refunded to �� ''��'°' �. � _
<br /> ':`:°: ':�.x_:..;:..,-�,=
<br /> ,"i,�,� ., Borrower. L en�er may c hou+e tu ma he dii� re lu�td hy reducing t he prin c ip a l aw e d u n d e s t h e N o t e o r b y m a k i n g a d i r e c t .,� ,. ;,:;- .,
<br /> :: :`;. pa}�n�ent tc► Bc�rro�ver. li' u rcfuuJ rcJucc+ principal. the rcduction w�ill be treated as a panial prepayment without any : '�NKw..r.
<br /> �":;`�t;:.4`:,,� :;;�;�<<Y: ,_. ,.
<br /> ;, f-:;:. . • Pn�yrrocnt chargc und.r ti�c N�itc. �}��t�»Y: .,. :
<br /> ` • '��� 14.11ioiices.Any notice t+�I3om�acr pr��vided fi►r in thiti Security [nstrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing . <<�`%,�����„�t'`, ��.'%r+�. u '1�
<br /> •�n�:�r;� ..;
<br /> ' .I„''�;;f�,,s�c� ` �)!�
<br /> it by first class ret�il unlc„applicahle law rcyuires u+e uf another mcllind.'f'he noticc shail be directed to the Property Address ���;�;;��,«�
<br /> ,, - � or an ather uddre�. Burrower dctii•nate�h n��tice to l.ender. An natice to Lender shalt be ve�b ftrst class mail to �,. :":'�`
<br /> Y b Y Y � Y ' � t i�i�>=:
<br /> • ;, ' .. . Lender's addrc�+stated hcrcin or any othcr addrr�ti IanJcr dc�i�naicw by natice to Banower. Any rtotice providod for in this ;�;�;;�:��;��...-.• �, �v%,•��w,_.•.
<br /> �' ..�,�• �;..:�'.
<br /> .�-:;,;',,, ,. Security Instrument�hall Ne dccmcd to tia�•c bccn gi�ci�a►F3�+rrowcr�ir l.cndcr whcn givea as provide�in this parabaaph. . �-' `:'�'�';i'�;""�"
<br /> ��.,, ,'ti`;��Tf������%:`�,;;.`'I':`.;
<br /> . � ,,,,,,, . 15.GoYeming I.nti�; SeveraUiltty. Ti�i, Srcurity Imtrumcm tihall be gmemed by federal law and c�e 4aw of the ,;,���x� 9��
<br /> ���� • urirdictioa in�vhicb the Prn rt ic I�Mate+t. 1n�he eccnt that an rovi+ion�+r rlau.e of this Securit Instrument or the Note ` a`''y��'s,� ` "!
<br /> 1 (� Y Y 1� Y � �..�', $;:�;:.:'-: ,... �: .
<br /> • eonfliMx with Applic3ble law.+unc�unllict shull n��i ailert��tiier pruvi.iun�of thi.Srcuriry Instrument or the Note n1�ic�ean be ���=�,Y,;�•: .:;�.�: '
<br /> ; . . givcn effcct with�iut Ihe a►nlliciing provi�ion. Tu thi.cnd Qic pnwi,iunti�►!Ihis 5ccurity In.trument artci the Note are declar� ' ''� .� � ''� .
<br /> �.� '��
<br /> _ to hc ecverablc. • ';::�. : .��.
<br /> '. , !b.I3urro�cer'�CupS.Ii�►rrnNCr,hall hr Encn un�wuti�rnu.l�u�iy of ihe Nutc aad nf�his Security Instrument. �. � r.. .-..
<br /> . 19.Trnnsfcr of Ihc f'ropert�nr u Rcnetlrlul In[��r�wt ia i�nrroacr.lf all��r ar�y pan of the Property ar any ia2erest in it • `,: ,�
<br /> • � is sald�r tramfcrrcd(or il'a hcnelict:A imerr�s in 1l���r����rr i.+uld��r tr.mtiferrcd and[iurruwcr i+nrn a nawral person)a•ithout °"`��_ �
<br /> ' • , . Lender's prinr written r�m.ent. 1 xnticr m;iy- +�� u, u��uun. rc�1u�rc umncdi�te p:►y�ment in full of all aumc sewred by this � - .
<br /> ' Serurity In�wmcm. HuNr�rr. �hi.nrti�m,h;�tl a���hc cfrr.��c�t by Ixrulcr it cxcrc�,c iti pr��6ihitai hy fcdcral law ac of the date "�- .
<br /> �►f this Security In.trumem. •'S; ,
<br /> • If Lcndcr cxcrci,c.�hi,up�i�m,1�wlrr�h,dl��ne Hnu��arr n�4�►�ul u��c�ler;uiun. Thc noticc shall pmvidc a period af not
<br /> ��,; . less than 30 day�fu+m �hc datr �I�c n��t�e�c i• drinc�e�l��r nr.ulyd ai�l�i�� al�ich Nurcuuer mu�t pay all tiums secured by this ,
<br /> T ' 5ecurity Intitrumcnt. If'tiurru►�cr t:�d�u��,.q �h��,e rum.p►u�r t��dir crp�r;�uun uf�hi.periuJ. I.cnder may invuke any remedieti �
<br /> • � permittcd by�fiiti Sccuriiy In�uuuicm anh��u� �wihrr iu,tue��r dco�,md un Narun«r.
<br /> �y ; • lil. Rumn�er'�► lti�;M to llrinNuh. 11 li,au�arr n�rrh .ru:��u rnndiliu�i.. 1lnrru+cer tihaq have �he right to have " -.
<br /> cnfoncmcnt oi'thi� ticrun�y In��en�o��m di:,��uuuurd.,1 .o�� ��nir p�u+r tn tl�r a�rher ut': la� S Ja}+lur wch�.thcr peri�d a� . '�';:
<br /> � .. .• �..,.al.s,:,
<br /> aPAlicablc luw IpJy' ��ll'�'IIy (tti talll�l,itrmru�i hrl��a� ..d. „1 ili. {'r��a�rny� ��unu;mt t�� :u►y poacr �ri"�alc containcd in i6i�: ,:; . • � . ;;.;;
<br /> Security In,trunicnG��t I�tl�'lllt��'+�f1 111i�F'l14't�l�'ll���f�ill��Ilil���NItII) �1l�lfltlll�'m. "fhu�r cunditiun�are that Burr<«ticr:W►p�}� }''�",�(:i ; . ., �"i;``r�('!
<br /> l hr ' .;:V'i�"-
<br /> I.ertd�:r a11 wmr «1ucD�hrn a�,��t�f 1:�•dttd�in:d��r �hi,Sr�w�l} ln.trutnrnt:m�l die Nu�c:i.il nu ar�eleru{iun h1d�k�utr�•d:Ib► ;���.,.,�?�:�.;•, ••�:i;.��.,i�,,
<br /> curc�any dc(ault o!'auy ��thcr .r.�cu:uu, ui .��:ir�m;it:,. ��� p.�}. ,dl rKp►n.�.tn�urrc�l il►cnfi�rcing thi. tirrurit��(n.trumcnt. ;�.;;%?:;� � :;�:'`;,'','"".;�',,`-
<br /> � � including. hUl tu�l�1t�tl[Cd lu, tce�+rn�ih��' all��twt�� Ici*. .tud (dl l:�kt•� �ttth:t►Gu11:i+(.audcr ttwy �c,��uua�tly f�yUtf�io a»u(� ':;r`;;;�i`,:' .,.�.' .`;.':��'.';�'`'
<br /> S � ' 1 b I!�!' i�+,;:,:,:,,,.; �:r,�r•. �
<br /> '` ' thut Ihc ticit uf�hi.!ic.uri� In.numcnl, I c���trt`.��thi4 m�lir 1����rit} :md li,�rruucr'���hli•ati�m t�� �• thc.u�ti.tic�ur�til h�� :.;'"•+;;-::;.;�'r` ,.:.�,�,�;:,,.
<br /> � �;' • . ' this Sccuriry I��,trui►i�nt ,liall ..�u��i�ur uu:i,.�n,�cd l'p�m �r�u��,itru�ru� h� (iutr����cr. �t►i. ti�curUy� In.trumcctt and tB�: � '�. . ..•,��, •-
<br /> "C;�'•ri�' . ,
<br /> . nbliguti�mti�ccurcJ hcrrh} J�eti i�:m,�u►lulh �II.•�i��c,n�t n��.n�elrr,,n��u I�.�d ur.unrd. Ilowc�cr. Ihi.rigltt ta reimt;uc shal) , .
<br /> � ' .�,, n„t apply in tt�c raw uf a�::f:t.atc��nu�ad.�� p,u.ifi�ipfi 11 : "
<br /> '" 19. tiutc of>atet ('hurtytc ef I�wn�rr�tc�r. Ihr ti,���� ur ,� ��.nu,il nncrr,� rn Ihc hutr �a��;c�hcr ��•ith thi� Scrurity :',,•�.�
<br /> ` � Instrunienu ni�y he u�IQ�m���r nw�i���uur�«eih�uu pu��r n�����4•►�,Ih�u�n,rr A tiel:n►.�}re.utt in a changr in thc cntily Iknuwn
<br /> . �R- � ���hc"I�ran Scn�iccr"�ih:�t���ticti u m���i�hl� �.i�n�.nt�+tr�;un,tc��h�ti��te:U1�I�Ilt�4C�UtH}' �tl�ltUtlti111. TIt�1C�I�U fl1Jy hC OIIC
<br /> � , t� ' � Ilf fl10fC Cli:lllbl'S Ilf Illl'IAiJIi SC14iCf/ Illq�'IJIC��b��1��I�t'+��1���'1��1�' ��I�IC�I'1�;1��Idllj!4'���I�IC�At;lll�l`f�'ll'Cf, li��rraa�cr«•i!1 h� • • .
<br /> . , �, , given wtiucn uo�icc uf thr chru�r ii�.�..orJ.in�.a i�l►p.��,��:�.i��h!I,du��r�a�J.�p��l��.;�hlc IJ�� 'Tltr n�,ticr�till.tatc ti�c namc anJ . ,
<br />- aJJrc�.ol"Ihe nca lar,in tirr���rr uu�l It���,ubli�:, 1��«lu�h (+.��mt�n1. .D��ul�l hc niaJr. "Ihc nntuc ���II al.0 coutain uuy uthcr .
<br /> � �`' • infi�m�atiun rcyuircd b•apptirahlc t,�« .
<br /> . 20. tWrnrdnos�uh�tartccv. If���r�nti��r oh,dt il��t �,�uv� nr ���•�m�� �h�p�e�cnar. u•r. d�.p���:d. �[��ra�r. ur rdra,r uf any �
<br /> HatarJt►w Sub+tance� ou ��r ��i �hc Pruprih Huu��w�•r .ti,�ll iu�� d�• r,�,r ,�ii��« .�uyunr chc �u du. an)�lung al'frcuag thr ,
<br /> -.. -__- - - _=_= P:�:�,;c�y�6a�i�#n tu►tatss:s:s�t;;::y l�stut:,:u:a�t;taE 1�.:. !!»-iu...�luo� ::.s:-�;ut�s:�.e•.��t:s!!s::�!upi�t} [a!!u �Ke+rtssY.(xte.e�r _ _.
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