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<br /> �� . . ':.. . �. -, .... — ---_
<br /> - - ��.,.::,�. oaa�i�s+.+�i�athsr-taking of eng pra�'t of ihe Frope�ty,aT far con�ey!�taa i�.iieu.of candannatian.are homby asstpred and�'< ,(, -- ---
<br /> ' ,y;. • st�t�t:be p^�d 4a��4dav ;,<. .�-:, _ _- -
<br /> � Lt.tho.cv,�fi"�Y�a to�t+l cnidng of the Pcogerty.t�te pt�ttH sfia1L be.app�ied t�tho sums ssxwed by this.$ecurtry ---=_-
<br /> 4- . lnsuum�at;�'��st��r,�s€�mat tUea du�,with any.e�tcess�t�`st���otcower. In:the event of n part�ul takinB o�thm Pt��� rty in� .
<br /> �� art'
<br /> �' ��-� �v3�fr�:tfl�Yrair mttrY,�t;., of the Yropetty imm�di�`�ibef�ct titse wIdng is equn!ta ar greater Wan che amnant af thc svnis —
<br /> - , ,-,- . ' se�ar�.6�,t�i�.S��sarit�.;nstrumsat tmm�iately b��'a�¢�_th�tssl�in&ontess�Bornower�nd.txnder othanvis�egrce in aritiag: , ,�,.t--�, _ _
<br /> {�� �:: thv scrms sa�urt�d b}{,thisr.�urity ihstiumem shall�be mducetl by tha.amount of tha proce�ds muldpfied by the folloEVii� . ,� � �r '
<br /> �� ` frractipn: (A3�tha tab�l.t�s't1tY�'P�t of the s�ms.secured immediately b�f�the tsitcing,divided by(b?t�ta fair mvfcet value of.dte ��?��4e .
<br /> '. . '• xf
<br /> 7"
<br /> _. _�, __< .: PrQ�astY:immt�i�toilt�afCt�de the taking. Any 6alsuice shalI be pp{d:tm.B4mnver..tn ttte event of t►pattiul ts�tcing of�2 ' , •�;� `4 . ,s''�
<br /> � � Propzrt�in.�hE�h th�fr�r�t���tue of die Aaperty im�ned�a�ciy,8efur�#te tak�g�tess than the sntauni af tho stmis -- , ';�' � _
<br /> .�ti �. � soctuod'imr�ctliAtel�►,.6afari3:ihs,ta2�ag.w�ess:Borrower and L.ead�t,othetvvise agre� in writing or unless applicable taw � :�� �'-
<br /> �" " " o E h�w i s e p a a v E c�.t�t�p�r r�d s s h a l�b e u l l e d t o t h e s u m s s e c u n e d 6 t h t s S e c w�e t�r I n s s r u m�n t:w hether ar not the sums are. � �s� •- —
<br /> �;�.�.4:-.,;::: . � y" F �,��": ' t , ._
<br /> - � � thiat dtte. :
<br /> ;��`� ..,"•;.,''��, If�tha Pr+�peitl ' Y y
<br /> .;;'�",`' r,�.��tsaoned 6 .Boaovrer,or if,aRer notiCe b I�rtder w Borrower that the condemnor offers to muke �}� - A =� � '
<br /> � "� .: aa:awa�d os.seuia a�lanttt�fbr d a magss.Bo�roNer fai t a ta mspon d t�L e n d e r w i a f�3(�d u y s a ft e r i h�d a i a t h e n o t i c e i s g'r t e n. xF,',.: ` "° �_-
<br /> � ` Lendcr,i.a auth�i;»sl:ta•�s►129ct ac�d appip the Procexds,at its oppda,�:ither to mstotation ar�epuir of the Prog�aq►or to the � ,, y
<br /> x,�f4 ` • swtus.seemedb�,�t1i&9�latuit�rinst�timent,wkelEeero=patthendue. �! : r,."``x; .�
<br /> a�`�� l: .' ° Untes.c l�ntitn:�tllBmrotver othec�vise agrce it►write�tg:anyr appl�cution of praoe�ds to principal shull nat extend.or. ' •.,a
<br /> , `� post�o�a thadua deRfiiif�the monthty payatents mferred to ul ptyagzaphs 1 and Z or.chnnge the amount of such ps►ymenta �_'.' ', - +. _
<br /> v• � • - 11: Hutia+mr�n`i�t �teieased; Fbr6earaace By L�ader.Nat a R'aiver. F�tension of the tirae for payment or. �- -:
<br /> �':� modiH�atian af:at�i�on af the sums srrure�by chia SecuritX L�sbrument granted by Ixnder w any successor in interesE � �`�-�f'-��.�'
<br /> �-.�,,4:::`:�_ -- ��' of Bomnv�r sb�liiptyf;operate to ielease the lia6ility of the original Bonrower or Bormwer's successots in interest.Lendes .:,'_r�';__,',_;`;��,�jL��
<br /> ,��
<br />- 4�' s+ ••� � � • shall,nat:be nes;��to commeace proceedings a�inst any successor in interest or mfuse co extsnd ame for payment or -�- 3
<br /> . '• •<.:..:•. ,
<br /> . _ ' atbeiurisemodi F�martixatian of the svms secu�+ed by thEs Secwity Insaument by reasan af any demand made by the onpnal { � �:�� '�'-
<br /> � t,,. .,{'._ �l..� , . :r �, �
<br /> _ � ,s,�
<br /> . , �. . : Ba�m�ver.ar,�a!�arer�successors in inte�est. AnX forbear3nce 6y Lender in exencising any right or remedy shall not 6e a ,, : ,; Y k :; T � �
<br />�� � ' .
<br /> ,. ,. <:•� •. ....-°-:` • • waiver.of os�p�olude the exe�ise of any ri t or rem .
<br /> :..,��_.::.--�--��-� � . .._. _..- - -
<br /> � ....� . � �. ..,
<br /> 1 '.':,'; � -�I�:�i�:i,-a�or§anfi�Xs"sigas�8atl�d;droi�t�ttd�Severat�.ia631ity;easl�rte��The sovenants and ag�eements of-this ..�.�"..`���-�,'-`•.' `��.:_
<br />`��f .1.`,��� , �•`�'� ' � ent shall irind and benefit the sii9cessots and assigns of Lender and Bocrower,subject to the provisions of � � �_'�+� � .
<br /> .._ ... ` S0^uMY:ui6i[(!!itn :< 4� 1�:�".�,;,
<br />�_ ;,��,,�::,;.. ._ -;:-����;4.::,:. , �,. , 3 y �; �
<br /> ,.�...7i f.. .,:.•.,,;,?�'.;.�' .,.•::.:: P�P i�'��B o m a w e r�s c o v e n an t s a n d a g�t s s h u lt be oint and several.An Boirawer who co-signs this Seciuiry . ,•,. ,,..:,�
<br /> •,;�,;4sr,y ,.,£�. ��,?,• , Instnmtant��lut does not eaecute the Note: (a)is co-signinffi this Securiry Instrument only to mortgage.grant and wnvey that �;;::lr-�'`_�•,'�;��_
<br /> r ��,�� , gq���;y,�ncetest in the Ptoperty uttder the tecrns of this Securitg lnstiumenG (b)is not personally o b ligated to pay the sums ;;�'���.���.
<br /> z" t�, �, •
<br /> ,,',,�«;.��`:;;:;•���,,';.s'.:� /' s a c u i�t l t{�i�t h i s S�u t t p'i�s t n�m e n�an d(c)a g re e s t h u t l.e a d e r a n d a n y o t h e r B o r ro w e r m a y a g r e e to exten d ma�Y•forbeas ,_ ::�r �� �� —.
<br /> .�;:s;�•,.
<br /> '� `:�1,�;.,�:;�';�.'-" .� on my;�(any acca�,usi�l�t:ions with regard to the terms of th[s Security Insuument or the 1Votc without that Borrowers �.'�,` •.;•�,,��,:''!:
<br />__ .�.`'��'�:>;'^:r-": : " ,. .i C/7[i ISRi4� - � .' . I''�'' t':;.'�
<br /> i"' �",'';'�'�17./��'�.?f(��:�.`.� . '..' - •�� .c.:y.?"..;. ..
<br /> �l�f., ��. I,oan C�. If the Ioan sec�rod by this Security Insuumeat��ubject to a law which sets maximum loan ,;,..:::•,. �..•';��;f�`f
<br />- ..,•i3�`5��47�t C�:�',S. , . r;b.r,' s :
<br /> _ -,.:.,;`����.. � ���,iges,and ti�at law is finully intecpmted sa thut the inte�est or.ather laah.t�lssq;�colt�ted or to be coltected in conpestion ,";t ,:�;(A,`''�'�,.�:.
<br /> • .,.,.;,:
<br /> .�•>,:��,;�::��,�,•=, , .virith dm taan exee�d the permitted limits,then: (a)any such lc�ci�upe��?1Tba red�fiy the amount necessary to reduee � , :.�ti , F:�-
<br /> . �!.�•'�°;�.�<<t;:;�:;'`` I ' the c6�e to tha pem�itted limit;and(bJ any sums al�cady caiT,�r�:fiaaz:9��p�et wFi`�i cxr.eeded pennitted limiu wi�6e � .. •��� ..
<br /> ti = •�'��, � d-"
<br /> �,,. �••��'�� ?�-'..: ':•; `i '' ' refunded to Borrower. Lender muy choose to m�tce this sefund tsy re�ac�ag�r�rainci�a!a��ri"under the Note or by making s+ , . ' _,_- Y.�ti
<br /> � t'yf���t:°.' "�� , direst payment to Botrower. If a�efund reduces�iacipal.the n:duction fi�ls��rated a;apanitil prepaYment wethout any ?; � �=.
<br /> t t�y,� ,'.�� ; `, Arepaymeat charge under eha NotB. : ` .�° . t „ �'' 4
<br /> :�� , , :�`pI`�E���s}���` . 14. Notices. Any nodce to Botrower provided for in this Security 1r��i►iinent s�all`�given by delivering it or by A y``.`s:���'�1+•�,r :`�;
<br /> 1 1,�Y f��Y t i� ti 5 i..^
<br /> .,.,,�,�,1�� _ mailing it by fust class muil unless applicable law requires use of another method.T6e nctire shall be directed to the Property << ,,3!;���y�,��"„
<br /> • :.�;;1 1;,��� •., A d d n e s s o r a n y o t h e r a d d r e s s B o t r o�v e r d e s i g n A t e s b y n o t i ce t o L e n d e r. A n y n a d ce t o L e n d e r s h a l l be g i v e n b y fust class � .'-,'f;.;���;�';.,:.X±: _
<br /> � mail to Lender's addtess stated herein or any other addcess Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any nodce provided for :, • - '��•�;-� r
<br /> {r"ts� ,`"• . � ! � t in this 5ecurity Instiument shall be deemed to ht►ve been given to Borrower or L.ender when given as provided in this �. %�_`-� • �'" ' ,� `
<br /> �iY?``;: � a��_ . -:; .�,,,. f '�(��Ill�
<br /> ` � '• P��Ph• .: �, ;.'�
<br /> „<<:,,:1.... ;'..,'`•f�;�� , '" ::
<br /> .�,.��. �; �,: 15. Governing Law;Severab�lity. This Security Inswment shall be govemed by fedeml law and the law of the "; si�;,�"_ • '�.
<br /> �'�.��:�i,, ' '"R�r,e
<br /> jurisdiction in�vhich the Property is tocated. In tho event that any provision or clause of this Security Instmment or the Note ..:;r;j z,?s��� `:
<br /> - t"-'� "�` � � � conflicts with applicable taw,such conflict shaU nat uffect ot&i�nrovisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can :
<br /> ��i . .. .. be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instmment and the Note are • , , .;;''.`�
<br /> �'' ,ti� � �:�`,, � ' declared to be severable. � ` . ` ��•� 'i�°s��`.
<br /> ' " �' � ��:�'� � � � ' 16. Borrower's Copy. Bomowe�r shull be gi���i one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Er;stniment. �• . `r�"��,k fs� :
<br /> . . , ...,�� ,;., . . . . .. ���.��,r,••�:�3>_.
<br /> " •� �:, ,�,':;;t,,jafi�i��,.�,':�•. '�' ly. 71rar�sfer of the Propertq or a Neae�c�ab Interest in Borrower. If all or any parl of the Propertyr or any interest in .; •�;.Y�r-:
<br /> 1' , . `5�f�S��f};%`;';,��� ' �without Lend�sf n'�or�writt n consentc�Lendet e�yn Bo�p�n S�uire imm diate payment n full of all s ms secu ed by ' . I,� • ..��-.
<br /> �� ',,, ,
<br /> ". ,. :...•� -
<br /> ` •• " ''���"'''�'� r� �-, • this Security Instrurisaat. However.this opticrr.JLSiI not be exercised by f.ender if exercise is prohibited by federa!law as of •
<br /> ,.- -,..:..,,- . , .. .
<br /> � �`' • ' the date af this Sea.��.?�.Inswment. : . .. .
<br /> , ` . ' , � If Lender ex�e:�.��this option.Lender stialt give Bofrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a period of • . .
<br /> ; i . ,� � � . nat less than 30 days from the dat�tit:notice is delivered ormai"ed within which Borrower mu�t pay all sums secuced by this • . .
<br /> ., . Sea�.rtr..7 3nstrument. lf Borrowes faits to pay these st:tx��•m:�jc to the eapitauon of this period, Lender may invoke any • .
<br /> �' � Q
<br /> �: _ ' , re�^�{:l�es permitttrd by this Secnrity lnstrumem W:�h�ut funi�r�:r rnaiice or demand on Borrower. • � • ,
<br /> ! '��.'Borrower's Right to Reinstate." EP F;�rr���.er'mi�:s'certain conditions. Borrower shall have the right to 6ave
<br /> �:�' �;i,l � � � � � ' enfoicement of thzs��ecurity Instrument disca�cumr�l at.;n,t.u�re pr.or ta sh+:earlier of: (a)5 days(or such other period as • . .� :,,;;�;,
<br />°�'� � • , 1 � . , Singie F�nily•-FSnale!:dt�ffn,�dGt�9il2ts r.'�t&l)6V��i'tT£C;1�fEhT•-Unifom�CovertanGv Stf90 IpaRe 4 nf 6 pagesl � . . )','.''
<br /> :h• ,re.: • .•''. . . - . - . . ;.;: .
<br /> �1f� {.i 'f;}� ' .
<br />-'1-i �.n�� � � ,. . . . . . . ' . , . .
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