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<br /> �� c' " �cri�t6at Lead�r�quires. 9I4a insurauc��azrier gmvtdiag thc'snsttr,tace shall be i�o�en tr�r�armwex sabje.cE to Lesid�i� , �
<br />_���.�:-�_ — , appmvat which sha4l.noi�unrzas�anabty wirhheld..�f�ormwer f�iis to tr�aintaVn cov¢ra�e de.,�ed abmva.L,endei may.� '.� . - --
<br />-st___��_�°_. �� .,� .. �. � . . �� � �
<br /> � I:dltdBt$l�bll.0�28d11 CQVBl�LO pIbTCCt�°A�Cl�fE�11S Ill t'�fC�[6,�Cltit:�E18CClYtd$AGE Wlth�8P8gtdpll�7.
<br />�'� —„ ;`�`, , �r .
<br /> AI}ius�ce policies aad renewats shali be accrp3abie to i:end�r end shall iu�iude a staadard mortgage cIause. Lender
<br />��_ ,�i'�.°� �` Bmrowerst�ail m i v pts. .. .
<br /> _ sY�aalt tiav�e t1Etp righi.W hald the pclIcies ead f�newais. If Le�eder ceqiun:s�. P� Pt Y� 4 to Len�r a�t recei _
<br />_ . �,�.:x:.,���:;�f_�. . . of paid psem:uans and�n�wa1�m�ces. Li Egta.euent of Ioss,.8ormtver st�ali give gmmpt euttce W the insurart�carrier"urd - - _--___---
<br />` j '' ��;�> . . Leiisier._Leadeq may matce prqof of ioss if no;,made prompt[jK 6y�orrower. . "�'� •. . �
<br />��,. Y, �, ��; F� .� .. ' Untess E.ender and BoROwer othen�ise ag[er in,writing.iasurastce prooeeds shari he applied ta r�storasion cr tepair of _ - --
<br /> �� 1�"�'s��`"5 , the..PropertY clamaSed. if tbe cestaration or repair is eoonamIcally►feasibte an0 LendEr�secvriry is not lesseaed if the ` �'����~
<br /> — T - �sturaria�t or iegair.is�i eeonomically�`ean'bte os Lenderh security wautd be Iesseaed.tbe insw�ance pro�eed�shaB'�be �{�{�'��.=...r?�rT -_
<br /> w 4YS� r � .
<br /> ■ak� Y�H.i.�}j.�n�'r�.
<br /> :� `-��,!' -. applied to tt�sums secured by this Security instr�teart,whether or aut then due.with an}r.eaoess paid to Born►wer.-If� ,.���: �:.�.�-
<br /> - ��:�°,`- . . .. � Haauwer ub3adons the Praperty.or daes not a�veY within 3U days a notice from Ixnder that the insnranre�cArrier,tias, ' ��.A;�-_�..-__-'-
<br /> + „�,�,�'i��` �o�'ered ta s�ule a claitu,t6en I.sadeR rtsay coltect the'iasur�ee proceeds. I.�nder mag use the proceeds to m.p��ti.rt.or resmre m _ _— --
<br /> = - '��: .;,� , ' tbe Pcogerty or to pay sums sa�aued by tlris Security Insttument,�+hdher or not t6en due. 7he 30day pe�iod wilt begin wtzen, - _
<br /> �;�-:i-. the aatioe is giverk• - , _ _ ��
<br /> -'`;;','r� ' Onless L�tder aud Borcower otherwise agcee m writinS•�Y aPP�on of procceds w pri�:ipal shall not extend or , =
<br /> -�..:,"....::.; ` t, -
<br /> , P{►stp�ne tha dua date of.ttte manth.hf paym�ents�eferred to in paragcaptrs 1 and 2 or c6ange the amo:mt of the payments. If
<br /> ' � . under�grapB 21 ttte F�+opxrty is acquiredby Lender,Hotrawer�s ri�ttt to aay iastu€t►ce policies and pmceeds resulting °`�°��,�,;��;�:.�.Q
<br /> y . : foom.daaaage to the Pmperty priac to the acq�isidan�a}t��ss to Leader to the extent.of the sums sec�ued by ttits Security = � --
<br /> •� ��. . ,:r-.• ,yr,�'j� � "�SbfUAlentifintedia2eiypTiotWlhe,acqwsi.4i�.. • � �n�-��=_ -
<br /> ._ •`;.;'��`'r;'`•= . 6..� t?cco a�t P�seseevutfoa '` ' �" ' ' " tectton.oY the Fro Bo.raxtc�a's Laan Appl3catton. � =-
<br />_ �,.::.`, i •e����•, p �'� r �� ��:1�D Pert9�
<br /> �� ' ..~` ,� Leasebal�s: Borrnwer sha11 occuPY,esti�&�?:•and us�c.the Pro�ny as Borrower�s principal residetcse,�viihin sixry days after � ---
<br /> �,. ^�>v;-,�,. :�� �.
<br /> ,sr ,.�;
<br /> the ex.cuiion of tl�s Secauiry Ins�uument ar�d sha11 conpnue to accupy the Ptnperty as Borrower�piirccipal residence for at �' �U �_
<br /> " ?� F�� �� .,; i least one year afteF the date of ucacparicy. anless #�ader otherwise agrees in,writing, which consent s1fa�1 nat be ,�:.;�,.`.t�' � �,., --
<br />-.� .� nnceasonably withheld,or�mIess extennaring cinumstzotes eust wluch aie beyond Bomoaer's contml. Boirower shall uat � ; t. � `
<br />_,: ., .� -
<br /> yu��" �� "J.`�.`."`.`-�,3 .....__.._.desu°y'----,. e°r .. the PYopert�,_altow We Ptapeiry to deteriorate,or comfnit waste on the Froperty. Borrower shail . . ff�x..� � - -
<br /> '.y�: `. . .° 'o; � �: ---- - wTiet�ier civil or�al,isbegun-tfiaTin"L;en�e�s go6d�faitU jirdgni�7�1.. ... ..__.._ `�.=._�___---
<br /> , 6e in dafa4lt�..any�t�ue aetian or pm�eeding, �� �� ;., ""
<br /> ��� t ;« ,C�. . �t,. �_—_-
<br /> eould resitliE;ir�:�orfeitare of the Ptopertg;ar otherwise materially ius}�.�''r the lien created.by,this.Security Instrument as,~� M, ;r -
<br /> , �' . '�:y, iU;�.��;; �der�s s�ue�i:y interest. B�rower may ctiue suc6 a defaWt and�i'trs"#tt.�,�s pmvided in pa�agraph-18.by causing the action ' • ---
<br /> '``��:' • , r f `.:y � � .,, d'a:�uceed'iisg io be dismissed�ivith a mling that;'in��S good faith detenninatiotr, recludes�feinue of.the Borrower's ' '' � �...�=-
<br /> �� ....
<br /> ..
<br /> •.:.;..;., -
<br />-; ;,;,..:�...,,..:-,-.`� _•;, �;.;�``;," - P�npaty o �mgaim�ew� by ttu $ec�rity�n r L,entj��,s security
<br /> • '�*:�es!in the s other material ' W�s�ie lien created 's_ � � t o t�. ���"'
<br /> ° �•�•� " � ' � �3r�a�t+� Bniiower stiall also be in defat.:t�f B�'''�,�a+,�r. diuing the Loan appIicatibn pmces,�•�ve matCt%�s1ly false or., - .-:�
<br /> , .
<br /> ' �' ��� inaccmate info�mauon or statements to Le�dfs��arf�;..'�3 to provlde Lender wit�any material unf mtrut�n?in coiin�ction witti�- : ��c• - ;:-°
<br /> - ` �' � ' � �'`� �` the laan evidenced b the Note. includiisg,.Fs���`imited to, re r�sentarions conceming B�rr's occu an of the: , � � ' '
<br />_ y � P P �Y :r.,-�
<br /> ' '. � '�>. P t operty as a princip a l resi denoe. I f t h is S�7�:,��ent is on a leasehol d,�orro�ver shall c a s n-';y with a41 the p rovisions . .; K....:
<br /> _" �;«f`• '"` '• of the lease. If Borm�rer acquires fee title to���:,�.'�e leasehbld and the fee�i'c:st�all not merge nntess Lender agrees '�f��:
<br /> ,�.t i���r�4�'�:� ,-n,'�,,,.�, tothemergerinwriting. ' .'• '. ..�`..: : , ...•�" . , �rf.'� ��
<br /> ��� �. , ,` '"� ' r 4�f$y. 7. Peotection of L2nders Righfs�.�:�roperty. If Bo�rower fails ca pe�orm the covenants and agreemenis F��r•:'
<br />-,;y '.,,;;:• i. contained in:this 3ecwity Instrument,o���e is a legal Proceedic`"t�at may si��cantiy a�ect l.ender�s rights in the.�_ ;' � r4
<br /> _.-�., �,; .,. +. ; , r, i:,:
<br /> '.,:±�?,���.• , Prope�tY(��'aw a pmceeding in banktuPr�-^�r.�c4bate.for condemns,��r�orfeitaite o;to gri�'ara:Fiws or reguladons),then�:: :. : � .;;;. .
<br />=:t;a • ��•��, r . ' "
<br /> -+� . • •`_.,:'' Lertd�r ma��.and a for whatever i�.�e�n�s�.��t to rciect the v-c`,bur�:��b � and ,d��rs ri ts in the Pro . "''- � ' .
<br /> :., ',�:. � P Y P �i�t �.�i!'r i� Pe�.. �,.• �a;.
<br /> � r•, .
<br />_._..,' �% y ' - ; Y P Y ffi Y'' '"` ;� .�' r':.'P tY PP • '. • +'
<br /> .•, � -'. �dxr�s actiaus ma inctude a in an �i�a�;..:ie�f�y� 1Ien v�..�t�:.� riarit�-aker this Se�: Insuumen�a earing�;•_;; "� � r�..
<br /> ''"; �',:"rti..:. .'.;� ,• :�..; ' . �.*i conrt,paying reasonable attomeys'fees��e�te'r�.c�g vn.the Pr�i%�:n make re�irs.Aithongh Lender may take acrion . '�1`'� ',.,�. .
<br /> y; ,., � under this paragraph 7.Lender does not h�.� '-�;do so. ' • '; �• � ' + , .
<br /> qny a�wunts disbursed by Lender s�..�r.this paragraph 7 si�.st�l?��me additional debt af fi'orrower secuted by thi�. �' s ;
<br /> `� ',�' . .` .,:`; ',I Security Inss�imr�en� Unless Borrower a,:�C.�der agsee to other tea^s.v�y�ayment.these amounts sT�all bear interest fram it�� .; �`r;+: ..�
<br /> ''r ',� % ` '' da t e o f d is h�;�.nen i n t t he No te r a t e an�sLall 6e pa yabte.wtth iritere s�t.u pon nodce from ixnder to Borrower r e questirt� , ��'��
<br /> '�'• '�i , � � paymenL , Y�7;� ��
<br /> ��� �,�.,:�. � 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender requind mortgage insurance as a cos��s►of making the loan secured by this � ��'?;f' �' ��
<br />- '.;� ,D�'.•.:•�� : '. �_ �r�,���`�...,.f . .�r�A. .,. ��-�
<br /> . Security(nsWment,Borrowet shall pap t�ae pzemiums required to maintsiin the�.ax-',�age insurance in effect. If,for az�y�.% • r` ��t;�;;rt�,:;:;;•�,t:.�;...
<br /> int
<br /> . . ,,;,,,i; ;,, stason,�he er..ortgage insurance coverag:r'�uiced by Lender laps�s.,es cea5es't�be in effe�ct. Borrower shall pay tfte ' �,�� •. t+� f _
<br /> ; �y? ? remiums �ailed to obtain cuvera s.3�s�,antiall uivalent ta d��r.*.�rt a e,insurance ieiiai 1 in effect, ac a cosi • • � '�` `��� -
<br /> ,,,v , p 1e'�, S� Y e9 S 8 P .�Y :
<br /> � t � . substanfiall��uivatent to the cost to Bo:t!awee of the mortgage m��.�previvu�'.}:in effect;�m an altemate mortgagi �,
<br /> � - � t insurer roved b I,ender. If substantiail' uwa!�r,t mort a e insuraace cove:.��:'��not available,Borrower shall a ic�•:.,�'` ' ""' � �' '.' •-���=�•"�=�
<br /> • • .•• , aPP Y Y e9 � S S P Y �"it���f` ; : .•.�:,i:
<br /> ,_� .. . � ' • . i.ertder each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of th�}�::.nly mongage insurance��:��n heing paid by Borrower when the . . •;.
<br /> '� insurance coverage fapsed or ce�ed to be 3;,�effect. f er:3er will acce�,use arrd re'�.La:�ese paymenu as a loss reserve in lieu ' .• �„'�:~�:.' `
<br /> �,` .
<br /> •�..• .,L��....._...'...%'� ' P . . 1���, 4
<br /> >;} ' ....� . o f mo rtgage insu r a n ce. 'L,o s s re s e r v e p a;'r r��.i�t s m a y n o lon g e r b e raa,cired.at C:�±,;�ption of Lertder,if mort ga ge insuranrx- "� - , •. •,,���k�„. '•. .
<br /> ���r,' � �.�'.�. ' �`�4kty�r�.• coverage(in the amount and for the peri�l�ti',:t l.ender reyuires)pruti i,�'ed by an w4,urer approved by Lender again becomes � `,:,f�����`' ,'
<br /> u ;
<br />'��';` ;":,";•j� � • . �� �:t', :'" availa6le and is obtained.Borrower shall}s�the premiums required to maintain t,Tr�$age insurance in effec�or to provide a` :.�� �` ' , ' �'?'' � , .
<br /> � '� • loss reserve.until the requirement for mprtgage insuracsee ends in accordance wirh�ay written agreement between Borrowet " %:��w�; ' �� • ' ' • ..
<br /> .� ' :;�::,`:• ,. and Lender or applicable law. ' . ,... • . .
<br />� ,�. .� ,,: 9. InspecNon. Lender as its a�:�.x may make reasonable entries upon and inspections oE the Property. Lender qhaJl , ..�:�
<br /> • • •����,• give Borrowes ttotice at the time of or pn�ai!to an inspection specifying reationable cause for the inspection. � � ` �5�;',•s:�'' '�
<br /> `•�.� � � -.�tti�'�'�; 10 Condemnalloa. 'Itie procea�s�uf an�award or claim for damanes,direct or conseyuentinl.in connection�vitb any �,S . ,�,":j sc�c;�=���f,°
<br /> � �, . , ,-�.e.•. �
<br /> +� • ..�'�`��i�};���'�•��.
<br /> . Su:�Jr Famity-Fannic blae/FYeddte 6fac IJNiIFORN IYSTRq�fE1aT•-Unifoan Covcnancs 9l90 lpngc 3 oJd pogpsl , �, .� .
<br /> . � � . .. , ,.. C:eat IatesBu�Iaes�Fam9.tna 0 �'•<`•,CY'�. . .
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