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<br />':� � periods t�t�c€er�. '8t�i�sur�ns�e cazriEr pmvi�ing tl�e fmsur�.�se r�16e c�taseA by Bormwer snbjes��n da,a�t�z�
<br />=- . apprava!��ali�8e�E�t.v�Id. If Bo$ower fafls t��oc�cerage`descdbs�abore.Le�sa r�k.�t =--
<br />__ >"'•� ` ' � L�ade�t����oprera$e to gra"�e&H�er's,rights i�the Amgetty iu s�oe nritb Para�mPA 7. `.�;, _.-___-__-_-
<br /> :'. AD�podicies ats.�racew��1�e acoeptabTe to�Sideraad d3salt istri�8e a standard mort�age clas�. i.ea�s =- -
<br />--�`' � - �y� ahat!have a��a toi�2d t�e p�lides aiad r�ais. If I�cader tec�dtes.Barxower shall�rOmPt�Y give to L�cnde�aIl r�ei�ts ` - -^�._ -
<br /> ; "�"" � . of paid gs�rsaivms ar�d�xaewsY aotices. Int tlte eveat a€t�s�.Bnmmwer`sball giv�prumpt nd�to 1�inst�a�,e�iti�.�e t�id _ -
<br /> , .. ��,,�
<br /> ' ;_ , . . � Lender. E.eudeP e�4ay muke proof of toss if aot aEade p�iy by BfeYower. .
<br /> � , ,�rt c u .'r,' � � � . -.- . .-�-
<br /> � ' Untess Lea�arc�Boa�wer othe�a�ee us�,msserrane�QQisceeds shall be applied to rescaradon ac zrprtir of , � 4, �
<br />-�� e � :r.�u.`L,, - � ,�,�'} �„e. -..
<br /> ,.,� _ __,r_� -� the Pta�teaQY dama8ed. � the msco:atfon or re�air is e�onoauca�}r feasib2e and i.eade.r's seciuiry is am Iessea�l. If the . �� _
<br /> , ,� °�,'° � restoratia�i or reprair is not ecnaomicai�y feasi6le os i.e�des�s securicgi,wautd tre lesseae�,the insur�ce p�caeds shait be r ����,,,�,�-QR ,��,
<br /> i �y :,� � . `'- ' agpfied.to tfre s�c sec�d by tivs Sectuit�r t��whether�aoE tiaea dii�witS aay excess paid ta�t►anwer. If �: -
<br /> �'' �' `w=. ' �azmwer abandu�s ttce Pmpecty;or�es etot ams�rer witbin 30 days a IIotice fram B.e�sder titat ehe insvrar►oe-ra.°riec h.as � - +.`�,+� �-z�°'=
<br /> � .. � ,� a nrc ._,--
<br /> ii<;,•�; '` ,a offered to s�tte a ctai�n.t�an F:.�er may coUeat tite insurance pnnceeds, f�e�mnay as�the praoe�ds to repasa op resmre : :�y ;- -
<br /> ;��'t F -'`� 'j,�,: tte prageity orto.Qay s�s sec�c�c3 6g tGis Secarity Insaument.wHerher.oc eot d�d�e.'Iine 3�day peno�ariII be�wtien "-`" -=
<br /> t � s i i�'��-�° i�z��"
<br /> ,1:,.;•.,,..`..:.•^. tlle II4tLCi'iS gjYCm. . ;1�Y•,>i_,-���_;�
<br /> . r. 4.:, r
<br /> _ '�:•. :: ., tintes�L�cader aad Barr�ower a�agree in writiag,aaY aF81�om of pmoeeds bo-prieceqal shall aot exr�d ac 1N�:i���_
<br />- ��,� Bostpane tffte due date of dte mtom3tIg payments zefec[ed to•in paia�tapbs t a►nd 2 or dtan�e t3te a�ount of the puyae�. Iir ��'��"-'=ss=��"`-''`
<br /> '� uadsr pa�ag�aph Zt d�P�Cty is acquued by Leader,Bonvwer's ci;Lt to azry�ue po�cies aad prace�ds c�ntaiea�• t �,X '"„*f
<br /> y��' � frum damage ro t�se Fto�aty prio'r w the acquisi6on shall pass m I.eader m the eateas oP tbce s�ms secured bg tiiis Secc��rriitg .�� -
<br /> � _ , �;`2 I�s�e�un�n�i�ely p�iar to tbe acquisition: � � �T �{��t.�S�Z'�
<br />- 'F; 6. .Sl�cu�aetcy4 Y�rescrvatia� Matntenance aad �at�n mf t4ee PeogertY; �mrcuwer's Laan A.p�Stf�Sam; '€�J,� _ —-
<br /> - ,;:� I.�asehoPda. Baimwer shal!occupy,establish.and use the Fco�erty as BormwerTS principal tesidence within sixty days a�- �y�"� , � __ -
<br /> - - ---= We e�af this Securis}+LutiumEat and sf�all rontivae to ascupy the Property,as Bo�rower's priacipal c�sidestce fvr ar _ -- -
<br /> ,.. .�
<br /> ' :' �y1_� �y*._l�-�-:
<br /> ; ^ ' • .. least one year aRer th� date of occupancy. unless.l.eader otbetwise ag►Ees,i�writing, �vhich con.�nE s1�.aII eot be {;,%f, h , �
<br /> `, ,4 � ° unreasomabiy aith�eld,or unless extenuatutg cir�umstances exist whic6 a�z bel��3mm�wer's control. Ba��ve�r sTmli aoi �, .� � y' _
<br /> ,r„,. ,
<br /> ' " ` , � � desua damage ar impaa dte Ihoperty,allaw tHe Raperty to deteriara2e,or ca�waste on the Roperty. So�x�wer shalt '~`` -
<br /> �::_ ... .,, r.
<br />__ ' .:.. � f_? .._.. . .. - - y' - -- -- _ . . _...--- ��,�.
<br /> .•. • • �� � . be m aeFanJf if any forfe-i�iue aehan�or proceed'uig;wliethei civ�7�oi er�mii�;is tiegon�ttial in T.enid�i s�good i�h�l�ldg[a�rt[-- - ,, , � _-
<br /> . ` ;s �� caWd result in forfeinu�e of the Ptoperty ar otherwise materially tpipuir the lien created by this Secauity Instruarent ar � ,' � --
<br /> , .', ',��- � l.ender�security,interest Bmmwer may cpte such a defswtt and�instate.as pmvided in paragraph 18,by causing.4�e action � .„' -----
<br />= or pmceeding w be discnissed with a ruling tha�ar I.ender'�gaod faith detem�inurion,Preclades farfeiwre of thc�ormaer� . ,'.,°�,.:� _--
<br />__ ::,,::�:�,.:.-.�.:. ...��:.�. •-. inte�est in the Praperty or other marerial impairment uf the fien cceaned by this Security lnstnuneni or l.eaderls securiry --- - --_- ��-_�-
<br /> - - inte�st Bnnowec sha[1 alsa be in default if B�r�awer, during dce toan application pmeess. gave mazerialiy false or - _ ,: •'��
<br /> .. � inaccunate iufnmiation ot statements to Lender(or fa�ed to pmvide F.eader with any material informa6on).in comtection with . �' ,' .' _ `'
<br /> �. �.. �- �. ; the ban cvidatced by the Note. inciuding,6ut aot limited to, cepiesentatioas eonceming Borrower�s oecupancy of the `• .:.. ,,,�'' -
<br /> � ; . ,*! ' -,J,. �. .. 4..•..,.• .
<br /> : `.�:,zj.ii�,. ,, , ' .: Aroperly as a principal�esidence: If this Security Instnmeent is oa a leasehold Bouower shall camply with aU the provisions . �<,
<br /> ' ;:`;'•�.`'��;�yfj;:�,�;:.:.':`�`� of the lease. If B�nuiver acqui�es fee titte to the Pmp�Ry.the ieasehold and the#'ee 6tte shall not merge w�ess Lender agrees �-'�'",'
<br /> �.:1•':'� ��.. � r
<br /> ''< ; ,s'�r� . .:. to the merger in writing. � :
<br /> �,�,;;f;ir`�: �^�;.'�,. �. 'e ` ;'.
<br /> , r.�,> 7. Pratediop of d.ender's Rig6ts in the Praperty. If Bor?�r_r fails to pedomn the covenants and a�roeements `�a ; � ,.;.t.
<br /> ��:•. «. .• . f;�. y
<br /> � .�. � tY g P �'r-. Y B� Y 'b� . r,,�,.:.� �. • .
<br /> ; . - . �= contained "m ttds Securi Insttumen�or thece is a le n[ tn ,�-t�i.�t ma si ificanti affect Lender's ri m the,... ,;, ; , �. .
<br /> =:':�,:�;;.•�` Pmperty(suc6 as a praceedtng in 6ankruptcy.pr�obate,for•condsmrc�ir�t�+�forfeiture ar to enfoace laws or regulations),.then` :`:";!,.. . ' �,:, ' ' �.
<br /> � ` : •�":;S Lender may do and pay far whatever is necessary to gmtect the vziS},�=�f the Pr�gerty and Lcnder's rights in ttie�t�bpetty. :��;� ;��. ' . •�� '� .
<br /> . � , .,
<br /> . i_`.,...:__. .,._.`.'. � ♦ ' �� ��i'! . q .
<br /> - - L.ender s actians may include paying any sums secuied'fiy a�iian which'has priority over t1�is Security Irtsuvmenti:ap�teariug ',' . ,�, ,� ��'
<br /> `% ' ' � in court;puying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering am the Pnape�y to mA1ce iepairs.Although l.ender may�ttik�acbian ' ; F g �`"' w`
<br /> '"` � under this pArap,�aph 7,Lender daes not have to do so. - :`•`'l: `'��^'. ,
<br /> t .,',,`.,;�, , Any amounts disbursed by L.ender under this paragraph?sh�,�aaDme additional debt of Boirower secured by this ./1 : ,,:' � �;'i'•:•_'�' �..��''' -��
<br /> "�•� '•`�>,'.:�: •' -• ' - Security Instc�menl. Unless Borrower and Lender agre�to oiher terms W S=�a;rment,these amounu shall bear interest from the � , � •`�-��r��
<br /> �,�,:.,,.,r . :_-
<br /> .:; ;:• - ;ti:r�,:.'.'. , date of disbutsement at tha T}ote rate and shall be payable.with interes�upan ctcrx fmm Lender to Borrower requesting �'' : .`��-�-�
<br /> ' i �:( : ,u..,. ��k:;�� •• . "_-
<br /> :',;;; +;�:^i�,:� payment � ... �;��'.;:. ..f���v
<br /> �,-°'t?�Y�54,%� I1 ' 4. ,,_. _T;-
<br />- .�.«�;.r:• ,� , �_; �. S. 1blortgage Ittsnrapce. If Lender reqvired mongage irisurance as a candition of making the loan secured by this ' ��;9'�•: ,. °;��;�`:�
<br /> ' • Seciui Insuumen�Bvrrower shall a the remiums uired to maintain the mort e insurance in effe,ct. If.for an ���.•���•�. '' '*�_'
<br /> ; ,,. . .. �Y P Y P �9 �S Y . :,�, .. ,�',:�i.:,,_:='.
<br />-_ ' ' ' t�ason,th��ic�nRgage insutance coverage requimA 6y Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect. Bomower shall pay the,';��:�• •:" �` :: '`�'"''
<br />_"��� i_":•..:� __ - premiur►is���tired to obtain coveri►ge substantially equivalent to rJte mortgage insurance previously in effec� at a ca� , • ,�� �`? ��•';�`. ���'�l--
<br /> ''S'+� ,substanti�;ih:tqu�valent to the cost to Borrower of the pno�tgage iny..rance pr�eviously in effect,from an altematc.mortgage:�� , .� �fti 'p; ' � •` •" • . '.'
<br /> ti . �;lx��s .'; ' . ..f;,...,.
<br /> . �;unsurer appe'oved by Lender. If substantialiy equivalertr'vt:��ngage insurance coverage is not available.Borrowe��i:�t,�pay co� ti,,., ; _��;s{,r_�,r
<br /> Lender ea.^.h month a sum equal to one-iwelfth of the y�r:y mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrov.�,�-�•hen thc . . `'::r=
<br /> . • ` insurance�?��'iage lapsed or ceased to be in effecti. lxndcr will ac.:e��,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu ' `„� '• � :' �
<br /> � � -- - ' >F� of moit��::itcsarance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be!,-�uired,at the option of Lender,if mortgage insurdnee' , „ " .
<br /> ,--•;,�;� , coverage i.i:c t�:amount and for the period that Lender requires)p•:+��nded by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes.,....�� •. , .. .
<br /> �' ��� `� ��• �� . availab2s�i;�is obtained:Borrower shall pay the premiums requiret;iz maintain mortgage insurance in effect,or to provide a • ' � � -
<br /> . �:���' �,: � 2oss reseive until the . . . .
<br /> : f.,,;�ii����• ., . , rec�u�ment for mortgage insurance ends in accordance with any written agreement between Borrower •
<br /> ;,;r�,�`,, . . �',,, ;��d Lender arapplicable t'�r. , . , . .
<br /> '• _ ' 9'�,�sf�.��ection. Lender or its agent may make masoi�abte�tr�.1 upon and inspections of the Property. L.ender shall
<br /> '' ' • ''- ve Barn��a�t:r.notice at the dme of or nor to an ins ion s ea,'�' ���rr:�sonable cau.se for the ins ction. � � �
<br /> , 8i P� Pecf � '���• � Pe , . •
<br /> : � � , , �iQ. 4TiSrn�emnaHon. 'Ihe proceeds of any award Qr ctaim fcr��ges,dimct or consequential,in connection with any . •
<br /> � . . . .
<br /> , ' Single Family--Fannie 1Mae/Frc�dSre 4Sa¢UNtpbASllf`S7RU�t61T••ltmtotm Coirnancs 9ND ��cu•3 oj6 pa�rs) . . --
<br /> .� - � � ;�.:' .,: ,�� . . . Gtatit�es&uOCmYots,rfµ'■ � ' .' � ' •
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