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<br /> - �`JS -.� __ .. . . . ' , � �''"'' ��gg��yy �y�� . ---' —_
<br /> T3� 4 tazn 1�:t��i�_ .. � ' . . . � - i � ��A ���AW�F � � _ � -�_- ---�
<br /> _ —- _- . . . - . . i< . - . fr ��_��_�____-_.__-.
<br />-;_��-- Z�3E�W�I'�3U t�IC�OVG�ffi'�S E20�v 0i hei€BR�f FIBCiC�Qfl thB`gi8jleily.�;Q16'CA6Siii.�itCt,ep�BILBfl81tCCS.
<br />:W: _ `a,��ar��aw or�ce�after o pFUa.af t�a pra��rry. ��It replac�eats aud additions RhFtll�tl�,6�s oa�u�se�by this Sr:cutliy
<br /> in�-n+�-^-? Aii'of tRe fa;egantg it►r�t'p�d ta in tbLa.S�iuity Ins�rnment as t9�°Ptopesty." , ---- —
<br /> Y" H�ItROWSEtC�i►ENANT3=ttwt;8�per ig tawfully§eise�l�o�the estnte 6ere�Y canvay�$and has the dghl ta�nt
<br />--�? - --� attd canv�y th¢Prap�nj aad d�at the Fropeity is anenwmbend.excePt for�eues�Dtauces'of.tecarQ. 8arrnwer wa�ants attd ------
<br /> ='-,<� +��=a w�I defeud�ener�lIy tba 6tle tu the Prop�4y a�unst aii eisims and de�nds.subj2ct co er�y enceuabrances+�f r�rd: =
<br /> t.� _
<br />`'� 'i`HIS.SECtJRiTY 1NSTRU�T eom6im unifmm�oveasu►ta Eor«atiunal use end aona�nifaraa caveaams aIth
<br /> � �-� -
<br />_ ��'��f�� limited:vmrnatiuus by juriscl3cdan to canstitute a anifoiat seauiry insuu�eat eovedag�al pmp�cay:. � �'��,�,^... _- ---
<br /> . x . t ,�y .. - iJNl�OItM COi�EINA1�iT5. E.�irower an�1.ead�r coveaaat and ag�ee as�foliows: �'" � , .� .� -
<br /> r:_±,a �1 4
<br /> : ���;�,�� :' L. �q�meutoi�3ttc4put au8�mLet�st;Pt�agmemt a�Late�. Eo�owerdtull�IrmmPtiy ttay svhen due the �����,��..��
<br />_ t�``�� 13,s , : F�n c i p a f a f a a d n s t e�s t a n t t t a d e h t e v i d e a ce d b y t h�N o t e a a d�9 P n R a y i n e n t a a d l a t e c E�a r g e s d u s u t r d e r t P t e N a i c. � �� � -_
<br /> � 2. �inds far 7k�s und tta�wana� 5ubjeot to agglicabie taw ar w a wziuen waiver by Lender.��aower shall psy to �� --
<br /> �`�"�'y��'�:.� L�Mer an tHc duy ueaatTSIy paqments are due under�e Note.untII ths Nate is pa'sd in futt.a stua("Arncls°)far.(a)yearly ��� �
<br /> ��F_]64 Je�r 1. _
<br />- .� '.r.,•,"- .:- maes a�td�s�a„ents which muy attain paimity over this Sequity Ios�um�nt a4 a liea oathe FmPeRY:(b?Y�Y Ipasehold ��+ �*.�,�:.�,��--_
<br /> • :. ,• t
<br /> � ' .:�" ._ . : paymeuts ar gmund nents un ths Fmpe�ty,if any; (c)Yearly haaard�or prapeity instua�tce premiums: (�)Y�Y Q� 1 ���',�e���i��. -
<br />_ ��r :,.,..- -:4. ,•...::_� inc�,.anrp p��IDS.if any,(e)y¢aoriY mortgdge insttrance ptemit�s,if an}r:mtd:(!1�t�t►y sums Q2rya1?Ie by Bouow�tn •"�-��`°°`�"��`X `= �"_
<br /> ::, :f., Lender,in aa;otdance cvidi the grovisions of paragapb�,in Geu af the paymPatiof mortgnge insuraaoe pieauums., 7'hese L �. ---
<br /> " '��'.�.;,,,.. �:; `-- ifeems�e caAed°Esceatv Items.° I.ender may.ai any time.eoliect and�old Cqtnds ih•an aututmt uot to exc�eed ttte ma�um � :�- �== -
<br /> i
<br /> �' �� �� r� r�.x amaunt a lender far a�e�tal�y ielated mortgage Ioan may Rguue for Bormw�`s es�acatv aeanant uader ttie fed�al Rca2 `T - --
<br /> Yt.��,. ;'; ` �'�� Fstate Seut�nent�oies Act of 1974 as am�nded fcoru time ta.time,l2 U S.0§�601 etseq:("RESPA`�uniess�atU�c ��'��- --
<br /> ��` law that Les to the Plunds sets a Iesset auwtmi If sv,Lert�er
<br /> �' �e at aay�coAect and Iso2d F�uds in an amount Aatto, . �.'� ':" -
<br /> , • ;��:'s'�;��.a�;"•'.',� � '''�'� �'_ -
<br /> �r�,;. ,-; ,:-;4r�,::h;- execed We lesset arnnunt. Lender may estimata die amousu�af Fuads due on the basis of�at d�.^ta and r�onable _ -
<br /> ti ,F, '` t estimatea of expen�mes of futur�Escrow Items or aiherwise in ac�ordauce witb applicabIs law , y ,�-�
<br /> . ° , .; heI mstituti Os� talI enU �� -
<br /> ' ,, d m • ' ' . ; -
<br /> � � The Fmnds sh�il be an an w?� " deposits are iasUmA by a fedezal agency wsmmtea' ty or �tY � �'.
<br /> �,.-,,,.,,,..:a`".-y�ti;`_.,�_.. .----�:..._ �ucl�iag I.gnder„if.I�nder.. ...._. �n iustitnuon�.or in any.Fede�al - - - - - - - strall apn2J!the Tma_ tn Pa�r ..._. ._._ .._ y,j^';�-.- _:
<br />:.. ( is sucb n. ". _ 'HoTae Loan Bank. Ixnd�r ds
<br /> .,. . _ _ ... _ .... ... ,� ,�
<br /> .;;-:,,�.; . ,++��f,_ tPte Fscmw Items: Lender may not charge Boiiuwer for holding and apptying the l�imils..anniiatly anatyzing�die escrow ; �r,,����'
<br /> �;;�����; ` acoo�t,ar verifyring the F�ssmw Icems, anless Leader pays Balmwer intetest ua�tite Fands aud applicable Iaw permits { `'�7 r'�"�'•Q � -
<br /> �'!r,�t�;,...-
<br /> :`�.. I.ender to make sach a chazge. Ifacvever.I.ender may nequire Borrower to pay,-a�pne-time charge for an independent ceai :�� ""�,h'"__.-"�"�
<br /> ... �� ��.�.�y
<br /> ��, .r,;� estate taa repnrdng se�re used by Lender in co�ecbion with this loan,untess applicabie law provides otheiwise. Unless an . ; '�;�`
<br /> _ _.. � _' _ �<t '�-•"'�:,_
<br /> ;,, agmeme�is made or. �.�cable law reguues inte�est to be paid.I.ender shall etat�iie iegutted to pay Bo�iawer any intezest ar {
<br /> eaznings on�he Fund's:��ormarer and�.ender may agee in writin,�.bawever,thai i�eiest shall be pa'►d on the E�uds. Lender .
<br /> . shall gi6e to Boim�vier;:without charg�an annual accounting af idte Fi�ds.shoxring credits and de6iu to ttte Funds and,tra �':. .��;
<br /> .�. . ., P�Pase far�v�icb e�¢ebit to the�.mds was made..The Fun�&are pledged as addition�al sscnrity far all s�ms sec�i by ,<<. .. , r -
<br /> ,�" ,,, ., t6is Secuzity Iastram�is.'•: ' � `" , `
<br /> { ,:` ,• If the Pands h��-1s�,:.Laider exr,eed the�nmmts perm�tted m be hel¢,b<<applica6la ltiw.I.endes e�aU account•Co�. '" =;; s
<br />_ � `� . .. � '� •" Bor�ower for the exc�s���nds in accordance wi�u�requirements of appli�abl�lew Jf'the amount of��ds hetd by . ', � ,
<br /> ;�:,.
<br /> �``:; `,`. .,.,.i: 1
<br /> .•� F� : � {�' L e n d e r a t a n y t i m e i s-z r a;�s�f G c i e n i�p a y t h e E s t�u w I t e m s w h e n d u e.L e n d e r m n y.s a n m i f v�o c r o w e r•i�i w ri t i n g,a n d,'in `,',< .
<br /> 'r.'4,:� , fH ti�<<r.> SuCh CBSe BOI1vw2T'ShrS� IO T� ��?�r the amount n w make a the deficien �rnmwer shall make the � �:
<br /> f,;•�,.. �%,�; �'�`�: �y_ � �azY p �J': UP , ,5;..:
<br /> - ,� �f ,Y ' deficiency ui no muie t�an iweJve r�a�cdilY Payments,at Leaders so2e discretion. G�,4s �rc;
<br /> �`•Ls. fr ''� �4,V�.,�
<br /> f;�'�'!• '.: � _ .,,..,; Upo�r payment��i11 of all sams securEd by this Security Instnunent,Leader shall P�P�Y refund w Brnrower any :>:" '4`�' -:� ± �
<br /> ' .�f�j�.:�� ;.-•` '--� � i: .. Funds 6eld by Y.enB�.:�uader paiaagraPti 21,Lender shall acqmle or scll the Pr�uperty,Leader,prior ta the acquisition or ,•';',:��,�;�;�;,; ,�'� �.% .
<br /> pa
<br /> �? t;�#i • � ' ' sale of the Pmperty,;���ll apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisi6on or sate as a credit against the sums ;�;'•.� ,,, •
<br /> .;
<br /> !: .. � _ ,'. . � � secuted�,�dus Security InstrumenL .,,, , . � �..i. .
<br /> . • 3 '�A�ipliwtlon oi�yiaents. Unless applicable law prpvides otherw+ise.all payme:p�-received by,Leader��� - • ; •'!t� ;�+ ,�
<br /> '� ,`,. paragraph§1 and 2 shall be applied:fust,to any p}epaymem cH�es due under the Note:sec:.��to amounts payabte a��...�: `..�:�';;`. .•�,:. .�..', �` �;`,'- `�
<br />'�, �� . pazagraph 2;third,to intesYSt due:fourth.to principttkdue:and las1.to any late charges due undes tt�e Noie. '' ' ''' �,'�; �Q�=
<br /> ��' ;JE � �: ... : 4. Chatgcs; Ltens. Borrower shall pay�.t�l.:s+xes,assessments.chsuges, fines and impositions�utable to the ���
<br /> >'!' • Property which may attair►priority over tlus Sec�uety Inswmen�and leasehold p�yments or ground rents,if any. Bonower 'i���. �:` ,�;`:�� �:�
<br /> ��_' __ -
<br /> '.'��{�� .ro��,.��....1 ��:::� '-
<br /> ' '•:..f. ` shall pay these obligattons in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if noi paid In that mann�r.Borrower sha11 pay titem on �'; . . ��l�k�;.:;.::.;..• -
<br /> i:." : ;;;�;�j�'x��; :, time direcdy to the person owed paymen� Bomower sha11 promptly fumish to ixnder all•�•u,��of amaants.to be paiA onder ...:�- .`%�;{5;. ,,, ,,. .• -
<br /> : � ;;��Ct'�at.�. this P�P�Ph. 1f Borrower makes these payrttents directly,Bosrower shall pro�ziy:�i�4a Lender receipts evideacing '.r.•' , :,����u-,, . ,;o
<br /> '`. � � thepaymeats. . �.�.,• �. �•r.:,....:�. . . -
<br /> : �.'f .,.... ` l . '�4 ,. ... ; .,
<br /> ��if;: �' '. Bom�wer shall prompUy discharge any lien.�s}rich has priority over this S•aa�n,iw�.�Krument uniess Borrower.(a)agrees �I �sY, �.
<br /> ri
<br /> �� , in writing to the payment of the obligation securea3 la�.�r3►e lien in a manner aca���+�e to Lender.(b)wmests in gaod faith the , �_
<br /> • . • liert by.or defends against enforcement of the lien�K 1�ga1 proceedings whici�rra��:'ie Lendet s opinion operate to prevent the ,;';";, ,�''�' �a ..�;.,` . =
<br /> � � � � • eofosa�at of the lien:or(c)secums from the ho�of the S�aos u�-�agreemeni.saasfactort��to L.ender subordinating the!i�s�.. -���: ';";;'�;;�6� �
<br /> w this aaa�tri I ns tr umen� J i L en der de t e r mines d:i���� �r',c�1z G'�e Pro e is sub'ect t�,�?ien which ma attain ri '1. �.'. ,::�;���,• '. . ,
<br /> ,, ' ��.. ��.' . '';: over this Sec�u Insuument,Lender ma �ve Bar�-r:�.r a n U�identi ln�.�.t►..�'tien j Bosria�i't�r shall sat���e lien or t�ak ��' 'yuryt�.�' :`.``'i}4"�,.:• ' .
<br /> ty Y g fY� 8 , � :. �,<' ��:t'. .
<br /> � '.• .:� one or more of the ac6ons set fonh above a+ithin I t�sa�ys of the giving of notir�. ,� � . � � ' , :��.}:.�`, .;.'.; :• '. -
<br /> .'� �.�� '• � � ' . S. Ha�rd or PropeQ.y Iasuraace. Borrower shall keep the improvem�rtts rtow ezi.�z�z;or her��c etecceA on the � r;., ��., ;`. ,, :".•'
<br /> Ha
<br /> : x'fs:':,•:`. ,:;7',�J;r�'�:�;,.•'. P�operty insured against loss by fite.ttazards inciuded within the term"eatended coverage"a�ul;any other hazards.inclading ��,+.,'.., .•�,i'�� .
<br /> - :� •{ �����,;s.f . f�aods or ttooding.for which t.crcdet requims insurance. 77iis inswance shall be mair,tas:m�i in the amounu and for the . :;��1iYs;��!:',.
<br />, : - .,:E,; �`�n , . - .i,�:��g�Si; .. .
<br /> • .�7�c , .
<br /> .,� : ' .. .`4
<br /> ,'��(��, • 'Form 3018 9J90.Ipage I oJb pngnl �(�j`'� • !. .
<br /> .� .f���: , � . . . . � � -��}c ' - '. .
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