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<br /> •�i=i:.::�r;::�` . � < , . .. ' . .,:. r. � . . . � t.. � ' . — ——
<br />-- - .�.,�;r..'-�� � � B. Moaa�B•or Fm�r�Ensu�nse. Boiro�ver sfial} lis�p ttts i�prrnernent� �oi�exist��ar ��a�#`the . .. _ -- - -- — -
<br />-� _;.;:,- Pmperty insuted against loss bjr flr�8�r4s fmctuded wtttiln tls�tcrtr►°c�tended eaveraga"ittsQ any otti�s ti�ds, lnc3ud�ng
<br />==��;n Raods ar f3aadln�.f�r wh�¢fi.Lender requires Irsuruns�:.7'hia iasumhFc estnll b�m�3utainc�ia tlia n�auats an�fo3 ilte iiertats. •
<br />_z_ �._�—s„�
<br /> th�LcaQcr requfres.'t�re insuraace c�reier�tovtQin}�th�Is�urnncC�hall,�e cEtoseti by 8ortt3wer subjest tai�t's apFro��f �
<br />-- �irAlcS�shuit aat be unr�samsbfy witflh�cl. IP Bomawer fuita to�tntafo covetngu d�ti6�Q t��,�.et�der m�y.at t�ender's
<br /> -,
<br /> , . � , . :.
<br />�, ,:�. ; .«'��.. � optian.abtb'in covera��o prs�i�ct Latder's rigius in tI�Prapt�y in ats�ordanoe tivitit�Pa;aF,r�f�9.''�: • , . ' .
<br /> ���.�` ':;:'`: ..� :;, Aii insurance palir��s�Qnd�ne�vmis shnl!be acce�saDle to Lender uutt shal!i�ttctctdo a�tAnAntd fuoit�age�c�au�.,�.cnder� - __=--
<br /> '�'! ' ' shall6uve the d to lrotd the liciea s�d Yeaet�mis.If Leade� uires,8orroveer sh�ll nn tt ve to L:t�der it�)rie�i s of
<br /> , �� 'r1 B� pa �I P �P Y8� Pd . _--- ---
<br /> �. _ � gaid premn►ms und rene�val noiiees.In tha eveat of loss.Sorrov�er sbaQ give pmmpl noitce ta the insumno�surrier n►id trenQer, ---- --
<br /> ;`: '�; :k Lender may make proof of loss if not msde prompdy by 8oavtiver. _ __ --- - �-___
<br />-_ ., r , , UNess Leader and Bnmower oihPawiss agrce in vriiting,insurar►ce prnoe�ds shall b�upplied to restonation or repair of the =
<br /> '� Prnperty damaged.if the�estoiatton or cepair is eootromfcally feasible and E.ender's s�curity is nc►t lessEAed. if the t�storation or
<br /> �f'i:i;�< _ _�.� - �__-- --- - ------- ----� -
<br /> ;�: ..:.. . : I.. repair is not eoonamically feas�b�e or Lender's seairity weutd b�lessened,the insuranoe pmoeeds shall bE uPPlied to_ihe sums
<br /> ,_�.-
<br />_ �--� ° s�cured by this Sawrity inmument.zvhether or not then due,�vith uny excess paid to B�nrrower. If Borrorrer abaadans the
<br /> _ ;�;:`�`:�.. ,' V Pmparty.ar daxs ttot aas�ver within 30 da'ys a notiea from Lender that the tus�ance carri�s has affered w ssitle a claiue.thsn
<br /> �� ` '- I.�nder may c�otfect t�e�nntranc�gFac�ads. LenBer map er�t�e Pc�oe�ds eo cega�r or resYOre the Propsrty or ao�a� sums —
<br /> , .. .; .�
<br /> � -� � `' secured by c�is��it�+E�vm�at.c��et6es or Qat cfxea due.TAe,3Q-day�Se�iod w�t t�e�,in�&e�t3�e a�tics ns 'veu:.
<br /> �' � • �� '�` ` Ylatess l.eades a�dl IIuna�arer achenarise in .. _ . . a€ e�aSs cca ' ' al 4ftaLE ccat e.��ar � ---
<br /> �- ;.,., . �--�-- ----
<br />- -- -- _-- �8� ���-� � A�P
<br /> �;,',� � past�une the dae daee of t�e ma�ebEY FaY�aesus refeaed r�r��agr-aphs 1 aud 2 QF dpa���4e a�aunY ai t�e paymeu�s. Lf ----
<br />-%• anc�r ptaaagr�ph�1 c$�H"capesi�i:qs,ace�uired by Eee�r,�e¢o�s�a�'s�ight to a�y insatatt�e pp�➢�sz�s�pc�ma:aeds e�uLtSag�,iam
<br /> �'. , dam��to r3ce�pe¢tg��Saiui tp:F'{�;:uF9�itian�lhalf�ass co IIr-�ea�the eAteat oF tke se�uas seaun�C�n�i�Saz�ri.�r rcc�s.c,mc�,� . � '--
<br /> :. ; ' � . _
<br /> �,t����,�� r: Unmediaie6y prior to tFt��qaisiti��y i. . .� _ _
<br />� < •
<br /> _ � � "�����h�,� 6.O�cupancgr,lF�S-ava8on.t������cB l�t+a3�n aft�Hne��¢g;�n��'s���an;L¢�afs��. , �---~—
<br /> ���,�'�.�n.;. .. , ",BomaArer.sha11 acc�pyi:�'s.i�tis�,and.us�e.tfce ff�,�as Horrav�er's�tiucipa9�.vii�it��.c�'st�i[tit��xe+cdlt?na_Q� , ,K,t ;�,
<br /> .f���y r� � this Security Insuu.�-^�rit om�$.�ha114a�ntinue,�o a,�y��,/.����ihe Rngec�y as Borra��e�:"s.�'r�,il�eF t�side�e,�c����le�ist an�e yeat-.,oi�er� t � . �.- �
<br /> Y. _ Se" "S.. l 4 <t � _
<br /> '�` _ �;: tRe date of occupan'r�;iugl��k i�a;h�nur��,ris ia wtf���'.c�hitb consc-�u�i�,f�`iuireasoi'sably iNitT�tield,.�i�'tr#i�exs � --
<br /> ��; ' '�..` �• extenua�ng circums�c�s ex�st wtux��-;s�,s,���: SnrmF�`'� .'�iiqoi:Eaccd����atl��:��i�3est�aY, damage'or U' . �-�e � -_
<br /> '„�� . ��. ; PI6pC[[St.3�U�t/tFLC.�Ltl rJ , �' ( U'YSv.�C�1}TCI'G� '�bIFUWLI'.�:,QC.tA,�'�lf�.�'�'t�p1iC ,, -
<br /> �.� '��6�
<br /> :��`�. � �w—.--°'—
<br />- '� '� �;�'�action or prace�d�n��i�er�ivyl�3�c�i�; ��I��,h•�t��x�nder's goad'�aiih jitdgili�i�utd`,�aif�:i�forfet,t�*ze of�he .�,�_�.,, :``- •:
<br /> ' ;;;�ropertvc�cQtheswisrsn��i3:riallyunprst��teiierea��byi��ra�aritylnstrumeniorLea�'sse,wa��tr�sG.Sois�:?'d�may 4 ,� ��
<br /> s3i � .
<br /> " t,. �. ,'�q�tilE a�r�efau[t zir,��'eins�re.as i�v-ided in h 18.m r.ausin the action or ` t+S;� r�v5�cn?`s�ed wa:fi ic�� � � 'K���:
<br /> � t ::,. F.- P�S�P 3'' 8 Pmod��l� �. . S�
<br /> ``'`; ''�,jt �� �4,�,. s �':s:`�i'�%�t;.`••;�-�.��ds��er's gaad�fi3itii�termination. precludes fort'eiture of the Barrower's inte��tjr...ir:e�t� ' :..,.;G`::cri bther�mrterlal ' �?
<br /> _ .i�{ ,. ����:,. ;ti't � ..,..; .
<br /> i it
<br /> },� , ,�5�«<{ 4 n ..t. �t�°iet�of the Eien created by this Security lnstrument or l.ender s secvrity interest:Evar�u�Er s�tat�:a�tso'be in def�uit if �s±�;�.���.,
<br /> -,;. ,��t���� '• '° F p� `r. •�:�<�orrowei.during the foan application process.gave materially false or inaccurate informadon or stateme�t.c tao I.ender(or fa�7ed ,;'�`. n;� ''
<br />_;.v, ��,,(�; ',,",��,.,��:•�'-r . ��•to provide I.ender Nith any material infarmation)in connectian witfi the loan evidenoeci by the Note,inclu�ing.but not limited �-.•. �`� ,� _.
<br /> � to.repmsentations conceming Borrower's oocupancy of the Propeny as a prirrripal residenoe.If this Security Instrument is on a �4,��,�,,-
<br /> '�'• � °',��l�t�...� ''�'
<br /> teasehold. Borrower s6a11 comply with all the prc�visions of tRe tease. It Borrowet acquires fee qtle to the Property, the - .� ,���
<br /> - - �•:`-c''fx:,'tc:�_�d:.' . . . . . . ..' rS:. -
<br /> ,. : � . 3:� leasehold and the fe�title shal{not mer�e untess I.ender agrees m the merser in writing.
<br /> . 7.ProtectIon of Lender's Rtg6ts in the P�roperty.[f Borr�nvcr fails to perform the oo�enants and agreements contairted in •� .;.;,,'
<br /> ; ': this Security lnstrument. or there is a legal pmceeding that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the Property(such as a �;
<br /> • proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condcmnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),then Letndev may do and • ' `� ._-
<br /> ; � ' �• . . ..,
<br /> - � pay far whatever is necessary to protect the vatue at'�he Pmperty and Ler�der's rights in the Property.l.ender's actior�s may . �`��„°= -
<br /> t� irtcfude n an sums sa:�red b a lien wi�ich has riarit over this Sccuri lnstrument, n in oourt. a �n � �� ��'•�'�'
<br /> : S•�.;'f'v;;`:-5; ". ' . PaY� S Y Y P Y lY �n S P Y� 8 .:.:'.�'s�:._,�_—
<br /> °'.'.� , reawnabte attomeys'fees and entering on thr Property to make repairs.Althnngh I.enQer may take action utadet shis paragraph ' ',^„•;; ;..��..��..n:m��-
<br /> �; � . � . �` 7.Lender does not have to do so. . �;�{,a�S i'�� i�"�1
<br /> ; • ' ;� ;, Any amoums dishurs�d by l.cnder undtr this paragrapb 7 shall 6eour�additianal debt of Borrac�er secUrad by this t� . ,.,;'�j,��, . ;;��,�
<br /> � �" . '� " •'�: 5ecurity insttutttent. Un4xss BorroKCr.and Lettdcr agree to other tcrms of payrtn�nt.th�e amounts shall bear interest from the � '�� ''=����� -
<br /> � �,l,•�;, ,., .;.•' ,,,..(`t' �
<br /> ���;:,;�f;��f`��;;r i�'4�,',s�+ date of disbursement at thz lVote raie and shall be payable, with interesf,upon rtmioe frnm L,ender to Borrower requesting ��+� } ,' �._ _
<br /> ,. ., i,�; �� .�-
<br /> ;} ;��'� �;•rf��, payment. . ,�.�,.
<br /> �, • , • 8.Mortgage Instim��ce.ff Lender required rro�,rtg�ge iasurance a�a rondiaion of making the loan secumd by this Seeurity � ��,i, , ,
<br /> :'� �9 � . , . '""�•�s;;tmn:et�t. Bnrrower shall a the remiums r �ued to maintain the mort e insuta►tce in effect. If, for an maton. the - •�•�t'�;� �
<br /> .. P Y P �`� �3 Y
<br /> `5. �'� ' , �' rr�c�r.,;�ge insurance coverage reyvired by Lender lapces nr ceases to be in effect.Barrou,�t sh�ll pay the pzemiums rc�quited to - ., ...-
<br /> �� � ' ' obta�n.aoverage substantially equivalent to the mongage insutartce pteviously in effece.at a�qast substantially equivatent to the ' 1 ��
<br /> . ,..
<br /> ?' ': -' :' . .. � . •;:,; ;�,;,t•�;.�::
<br /> _�. L�,; ;',}�.:�;• � -; � cost����rrewer of the mortgage insurance pre•�ica��y in effect, iram an al��mate mart�s;��nsure�approve�by l.ender. ti •�� ' • '�
<br /> --,1;,,�,; .,.
<br /> _ , ••••�•,,,
<br />�' subst�at�iall uivat�-�iZ rrfa� e insurance cor•er• e@:;rtot a��ailable.Borra��ea shafl � Larder each manth a sum va1 to
<br /> `' �;;:':, ,>,,,�,: �+' Y 04 �8 � �'a �.�;:� . � � .:;i. '�;;',�, " •
<br />_'�q �,�.�"� • ' ',,,�::::::.:::... one-tHelfth of the yrac�y,rui�ngage insurance premf��t beina paid by Bonoaca w1r:n t:��i.act�iv.e coverage lapsed or c�e3itd M ,, ����'�;3�, •
<br /> f'�,: , �,., , ,�tc,,.,
<br /> ' ' � be in ef�o�t.Lender wiiP rac 1.us�a�d aRtain�h�se a men�.s�:, a�lMS�c re�n�e iur Oi:u �c maRSt a e incusanee. Lass tcserve �r�"'•�^'f<'
<br /> _ ;`4:, � "���'';;� reP D Y S � �,
<br /> �:��; ��`:�i:�. � . �'�',�.'
<br /> ` Form 3028 81�0
<br /> >; ;"Y � _
<br /> .°f ;`. �age 3 oe 6 ' + .. •.
<br /> e :
<br /> .� �
<br /> �`' ,
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