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<br />_ ��'� � ' . � Yast�umeat.!�af the foregoing ls refertc8 to fn this Securily In.�*trun�nt as thc•�operty.' �. � , . -----
<br /> .::_�_:,._._ . � �ARRObVER COVENAN'i'S that BQStower is[o�vftilty seised af t[ie estnte hereby conveyNf ar`is!h�.v t€:c°eigl�E tQ grartt;and
<br /> - 'wnvey ihe P�op�tty and that the Pnopeny is unenLumbered.cx�pt for eneumbtartees of[�ernrQ:Esorr�wc�tvnrmms cux!�vil1 .
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<br /> '`� ```° vari�tioas 6y josisdictioA to oonsdtute a nniform security lasttvm:nt envetinQ real prapert�. � � --
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<br /> ��:�, Z.�utds tor 3'mses�nd Ias�z.Sab ject to a p plicable law or to a wrttten waiver by Geuder,�flrrower sliatl pay to �°_� _ ---
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<br />" = =�• � _:..��•::_,:�_;:: Lender on the day monthlY paymsnts are due us�der the Note.until the Note is paid�n fuU>a sum('Funds°)for.(a)Y�Y�
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<br /> �::�<<'.;,�;;:�:;. .. _ or cents on the Pro if an ,(c ' Bazard ar m iusivanoe remiums• d eaFi �nasl ins�aaancc t�emiums. ___--_---
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<br /> <� ;1�!�Y<r -„;:<�.:.• '�� `r visions of parag►aph 8,in lieu of fhe crF�au�e�n�aa� �.�6ese itc-u�ao¢��Tad"'lasecow[tems.'
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<br /> -��;;� -= ��::_: reiated marc�ag�:Ioan.ma�ceq�ire for Eorcower's est�uw aeoatmt u�c the federal Real Fstnte Scix����Ac6 af �.�_.�— -- -
<br />_ �.� , ' `>. 1974 as ameas�ell�nam.ti.�e on G�. I2 tI.S.C.Seaion 2601 et&eQ.Q"hYESPA°).unless another Favr t[iat aggEies tn ttse ffr� _
<br /> 's �. .. ''''� sets a l �..'�scr.�i,ectder may,'�t any time.ooYYecE Enc!ha[cE•Funds in an amount aot to eaoead tF�i�ser aru�m2.
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