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<br /> i� � ;f���, D9.�'eahsfs oY tEt:II°�c���e 6�dn3�t dn B���vr�r.��11 or any part of the Frope�tY cr any interesr fln it . :��
<br /> :;�-- � . _._ .--
<br /> _._,.:�,.,� ,.u t�r.; as so2d or aansferred(or if a�ate6ci3t int�rest ia�3orrozver is so2d or trvnsfesr�d and Boftawer is nut�.ttutssctet perso�wId�aut . . . �._ ----�---- -
<br /> .�.�'•`f;;•:;`:` �. � ' _Lea�er's pridr wciot�en wsu�a. Le�er m�r. at ics option, m9uire�n�te P3Yment in tuU o�a3.E ss�s s� by this
<br /> � ; ��: Ss�iry Listrusac�sf.How�ver,this aptiota sball noY 6e exencised by Lender�If eae�ise is pratribitei��r f.'OdeFa1 t�.w as of 1h�daSe . . , _ ------
<br /> ,� ��N of this S�riry��. ' � �� � ___ --
<br /> �v` ° , � .. ��* [t Iasder exeresses t�is oprtion.I�ader sGal!�giv��ormwer notice nf aoaete�ation.'IYte raotice$hal�pr�ide a period of.trol ��=
<br /> . <� .. "'.`` `� , tess.thzn 30 days frorn tne_date the ro8ce is detivere�or aaailed wiahin which Borrower must pay s11 s�rrs satirred by this --_=___--
<br /> �:L,� f ��•`� Sractity Instruar.�at.If�arrozver`faits to pay ii�ese.sums prior to the e.qivaxion of ilus period.l.et�er may inva&e arsy remesltes � � .� � -
<br /> �,`�t G-���< "' permitted by dst.s�3y Lu�nimeat witi�aut fwtIcier notioe or demand o�'Borroir•er. � �"��= M,.:.,�:z
<br /> � . :� ,: , wt -
<br /> _ :���}�:t-'_ � 18. 8otroAe�'s Rt,�¢3�to R�ttstata If Banawe= meeis certaeae coaditions. Sarrower s4a1! have ih+e ri t to trave w `,x 'y`g'�p� .--.-=
<br /> • 1��:'!M(;� � . `a',( .� � -�i��..!YS�a^�.-,"
<br /> �, , � enforaeoaEai aY this sewr�ry�sm►�aeac disflonbaued at any.dme prior to the earlies of: la)S days(flr sc�cb other�riod as < i;���,
<br /> � � _ -,.�- ` . ��!a«r may sg�Cify fas.�i�t}hefoie_�e of the Pra�erty puasw�+tnt w an�}.pawe�af salc c�ntained in dus .-.,�1-��, --4�
<br /> ? �r.��«. Seauity In�s:�@}eatry of a jud�a¢erit euforeiug ti�is Sec�rity Insavacea6.T�nse eondircaits aae that BQim�ver:(a)PaYS . . -
<br /> . ; r iu
<br /> � � " � IRader a11 sums a�ish then aonld be d�le enader shis Secvrity Ins�meat aad the l�Lflte�s if no aooet�ration t�om�rned:(8) °; �'t `r�' :s�.',��:
<br /> _ r r � cures.azry d�fanit of any other oovenams or a�eemeais: (c)FaYs all expeases inasted in enfoaciag tbis Securiry Instrmneat. �` i,4 � � ''`
<br /> "�.. . iacIading.6ut aei tiauted to.�asoaable atwrneys'fee.s-a�(d)takes such a�on�s I�ender may reavocrabiy neqwre,to ass�are 4 ;�`a,,,'+��.,�'�,'
<br /> �:� � - t�at the lien of ti�is Seauiry iast�uu�t,l.e�der's rights in ti�Praperty and Borrower s obligation to pay the sums secuted Dy 'f �.�r�,��'�;�� �
<br />_ •v 4 ,_` �,.. �, thia Serurity I�t �hhalL aonliaue undtanged. Upon rei�ir�ent by Botrouw. this Se��riry �iut�ument � ttte �. '::�,;�•.;;..� - . _
<br /> . .:a�_` '. � obligatiams secµred he�fiy�'shall.mmain fulty effecfive as if Qo aooeteaatioa h�A oaum�d.Hon�ever,this righE�to reiauate shaU °��' fY ����� y -
<br />_'. .::-"` .<<,.s:� ' aot apply itt:Yh�caGe:gf amder�t3on.nnder paragtaph 1,T.. .. ��"� X: �`_�,�,.L;:' :�,
<br /> {v ,U ' ,;. :" 19::S�e a[I�ot� �a�.l.oan.�vlcec:.TAe:Note or a partial intenst in the Note(wg�her with t�ic Serutity _ . ,i`tr ` �,:
<br /> ti�ttrvmef�tJ prdy.:6e;sbtd oneor mone.titnes witfioul prior.notice to Borrov��et.A sale may�esuit in a change in tFse erttity(&ao�vn�� � ��� , . � �
<br /> ar
<br /> ' �4'�'{ ` ' es IHe'taan 5enniieer"j tfiat.colleds a�bnthly Pa}��rnents due.urider the Note and this�ecunty Iastiamea�.'Ft:ere aiso may be one '._ `��yfF�;�� , -
<br /> i
<br /> . ' ar murc changes of the Lo�.�r.�eavicer umElated tn;a sale afdte Narte.If there is a d�ge of:�Uie i:oan Servioer.Borto�er will 6e �i �`. ����?`.,a� .
<br /> �`/�3�'7+"r:;%i`.;`� r�,�;:, ' j0; �-.`°(Q�i)fF'�c
<br /> ,� given avrittea notice of the�ge in ancorda�nce with paragcaph t4 abave and applicablelaw.Z1te notice will state the a-am�aad � �;�; �{ ;��i, � -
<br /> . ,' �. ,S'`, addr�i4 of the new Loan Servicer a�d the address to wbich payments should be made.The notice wiil.aLso cont�n any other • � �' ;E�.f�s r�� ::
<br /> a�� t _
<br /> . �.., iuCEicimaiion�ai�d hl+aPPlicabte law. '�{,fz.'y:+ r�;i:�`. :_.-� _
<br /> in ---
<br /> .� �lA �uns Sabstaaoes.Borrower sbalt ant cinse ar pemtit the presence,use,dispos�i.stor.�ge,trr reieate of any ��S�r�`�.j�� sy�y�y Jr.��e-�
<br /> .� ' Haa�ndoas Su6stances on ar m the Property_ Baaoarec�s6a11 not do. nor altow anyores else ta do: affecting the s,. ,,.r„ ._ � ?.ti
<br /> -�- -•---u—'--- ITro�tiy i�iae is in violation of a�ry �in�ironmauaY Z:aw. 'i'fie pr�ereding two senteaces shall not appty ib��rcc�.ase,or � �:��: .i',"` ' ' ��:':
<br /> ' -• ' _ s�ntages�a,c�e Property of small quan6ues of H a z a t d nns.S u l sstances that are generally recognized w be appcopriade w normal �t��<' _ :..-%,�. —
<br /> '.i::,; cesidedt�al`ars�.aad to arsinte�sanceaf thei3mpertY• �. . ,. �16��Y�� (� '�- ___
<br /> - . Iioriower�iiitl3 PromptlY S�Ye I.a#dr�'wiauen rtotice of any invesiigation,ciaim.d e m a�x i, l a.�vsuit or. a t hec actian by any �}�ti` ``��,' .. ^-
<br /> • t,,,;�.: . . gavermmental i�x;ikgutatory a�tcY or privai�p�arty involving tl�e Pcapeii�and any Haiar�dous Substanra�or;Envipunme�al.Z.aws �;{�,. •t � .
<br /> ;•.''F�i;'• - - ,- of w-hich Horfrir)e�has�txt�1 t�awtedge. If Bo�wer t�m.s.or is naufied h an ovemmentaS or iato aut�ori ttsat•.. , ." :�15,1;'1�;. _ _'._ ��_;�
<br /> ' a�iy�ientavat or a�ther�emedia�i"t�»hf any Hazardous Substauce affecting the Property u necessa�.Borr�aer s1iaU prnmp y take ,���'; � �
<br /> , Y em, .
<br /> :., ,9•� all.ti�eccessazy ceiaediat acttnris�ii imnrdaace with Environnseatal Law. ' .�
<br /> i �' ri":
<br /> '�'`•'•�'��•'• � JIs"�u�ed.in��his paiagra�s@,'r:.�.1',!i�pl3a,.�t�,�acs Substances' are those substanoes defined as touc or halardous svifstances by ""
<br /> - �. .r.�:,;•�-...�. . : :.: d Cs@ . . .. y..,;'P'
<br />- '•'•�� '�;��'' J- Eniriromneriial i:aw and the fo�i�vci�:�s;,n,ces: gasoline. kecosene. oci►er flammable or toxec bretrateam piaducts, coxic _ -•1;�?� '
<br /> � :•;-3`r r �
<br />- . .,'j Festicides and her6icides.valatile so1v�,i,~,ialf�ials oontaining asbestos or formaldehyde.and radiacr�t.it�e�atc:sials.As used in ���; : v.',��!. �i'.:.
<br /> .� ,`, '%'fj e •I'';
<br /> this paragaph 20. "Envimnme.ntaf Lat►"+i,�,.�s federal taws and laws of t2te juris�iction where cfie-i�*iopemr is tocated that : ;�.,� e�;tf` '
<br /> '•�� , retate w health.safety or enc��mrntal�-�+t c:ion. �� �� a,� s:
<br /> ;< ?:'' ;;,:` ::�� NON-UNIFORM CO�'�W;;�.'sTS.Bor•.�iir�r and I.erc�3:cr futther covenant and aa@ra�as follotics: �;`����r. �a�
<br /> , , , .. ;:�._� , •.. }.�''....,.::��,v�..
<br />";;�_ ;.- � , .; 21.Acoe�eration;Reme�u�s.��.ead���h`fu71 gife notire to Bomow-er prinr to�meferatioa foftoRiag Borio��+r's brcach . ' �yc��„' * .�
<br /> j - '��,i. `. �'� � ot an �oveat�eat or rzait�is '�`�+t Intitrument (Iwt n�►a rior to aooeterat�on aader b 17 un�e�c'�:..
<br />_��. . y aSrean ? P P�P u -� . �,�.
<br />��.��i .. ,:(� : � applicable tn�'prnvides otdera-ise).7't�r;et�ta�a�e sda11 specifj: (a)the'�lefadt,@)the action required to cure the defaWt;' : 1:` :
<br /> �;� x .�rr,;i,.� (c)a date,noi tesc than 30�af�otta��`�'ate the notice is gi�•en to Borrotiser,�k«�hlch ttse default must be cured:and.�, ';' • .:�: =:
<br /> �.•,. ,
<br /> !.;,::``�;l�"; (�t6at tailure to care the aQ��i4�ar�ar before the dute spccificd in the noticw iaap}resaR in aooeleistaon oP the snms ,', . • .
<br /> '=,����ty�rh�S�i:S�...; :, r .. . . ` .
<br /> sPCUSed 6y this Security Ittsi�v�+�t�Q sate of the Property.The natlee sl�a11 S�cBd�er inform Borroerr of tfie rig6t.to �. � ,-'•'��.
<br /> '�':��'',;,.:,���:;,' reirutate a4'ter avceleration and the r's�2iL.cm brir�a court adion to asseai the non�xLstence of a default or any other ��� �'
<br /> � � •-�;Yl dete�se o!Borroner to acce[eraBon a�:��4e. If the detauit is not c�ured on or 6efom tt��speciitted in tAe nfltio� . • '''�� ��'`
<br /> ' . ' • I.eadcr, at Its option,may rc�uire imrii�3'��Ce payrrsent in fuil of a!1 simis sscured by th'rs�gliy IastPUment «ithout � �!' ' �-=
<br /> : , ' ',�� purther demand and may irtroke ihe pow:s�Y�sate and au}�•other remedtes permitted b�ap '�;.s�Y�4'e la�v.I.euder shall be -;, . •• ...:r'.�:�;�;'.�:'':
<br /> � � � � � � �ttfi�le�to collect all expeases incurced in�w3'suing 1��rus�edies pro�Ide�d in thts paragraph 2l;�ctuding, bvt not Iimtted ,'�;�uV
<br /> �`i.:: . . �,r% . ' h I fU.
<br /> , , f rq�,s�r�onabte atto�Efs [crs and casts oY ta.2�.ev��pQe. � ;<<�`�;�Y�
<br /> , �,.; i ,,,,.,. � � ��� . ,
<br /> ti . �tAe paH•cr of sale is Imokcd, Ttsw.ute�shai�'rsne:�d a notice QY default in cac6 coun4�c ip.,�shirb any part of tt�e �r}�t!;�;�,�.�;:; ..•� .•
<br />�;�. . `� .:;;tj i , property�S�u�s:�rted and shail mait oopfi�'a+6:.��ch noUce in the maavaa�.r'�re+cribed b}�appltcat�7¢•��to Bor�n•er antl to . :.•��'��•.:;` ' .�`';(Y';:1 '
<br />�;;� . , t6e other pe�cus`�rescribed br appltcabfe Yai�. ARer the time req�¢y�i Ny applicable la«.Trus�e shall gi��e pubfic aotioe.�. ':`. •,"'�,�_r
<br /> • '�••'`.: of sale to the prtsnnc and in the manner prescribed b}•applicabte���r.?rustee. ��•ithout demand on Barro�rer,sha11 sdl . • •� • - �
<br /> � � .. the Property at public auct�on to tite hi�;hest bqdder at the time and place and under the tern�s designated in the notice of � _• _
<br /> ' safe in one or more parcets and in am asder Tn�stee determiaes.Trustee ma} pu�ctpone saie af nIl or any parcel af tise . � .
<br /> �. ;,.,����! '-.� • � Property by public anaounce�aeni at the.!vane and place of arm•pre�iouSl�• sctsedWc+d sale. Le�der or it�g designee mav � � �.�;�',,;`".
<br /> _ �f` . purcbase the Properts at am sa1e. . ;iv � ,
<br /> ��i��.,
<br /> . . ' .�y �f_,
<br /> .. , •<<,ri;t;
<br /> . . �,,.. , . • . . ' .
<br /> - ,i� . C. . ,
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