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<br /> - �� �3ymE�s cc3�!�o tangcr�e�u3ied,at sS�e apti�nof��i�a�o�e in�vtaase coverage(in tt�a�,.�,'�"?u[,��or f�w ptntod � ---
<br /> -_.. -.3 �1.._ ; . ., < ,- -__ .� ---
<br />°�: � ' � ` ,th�L�,��r c�irs)p�cvided by an insumr eg�raved by Le�dr�i�i��xs aqaifrab4a�ad js a$�;��'tii�o!xer.s�t� �---
<br /> -- ; - th�prC�w�.�c�.aic�tp snsiatain�sp�ge�ensa�a�ae In e�feci:`�,ar c�provlde a lass re�ve.�61 th��m for. ..`.rr.u��,ige _
<br />- - • insu�s�c�ta r�rrdaace with.aay,writtere a�n3 bztweeia�'caca�ra m�i�eader�r�pRl�cabte t�vi. . . :�: .
<br /> d oe
<br />"- � re�son3bte e��tes �1. .aas of t�e .�l.ender shall�ivr, .
<br />- � . 6r iu t mn mr�ke � � , �Y . .'::�;:::`
<br /> - 9� [aes�* a� m y <,
<br /> - Bom�we�aotioe at the�e of or prfor taan finsgecti�on sg�ciFyiag reasoar,ble caus��fot the iasgerti�n. . � ` , �;,:�
<br />-. - �, ' � �. ' IIf��:'itse prooeeds of eny atvard ur.st�fn�fo:dainages.di�eix or ooaseQuential,in moi�aection.w-�th as�v� �.� -
<br /> -,�.;.�-..'`.��;=t.=:.�'": : . � -----
<br /> ��. `:}'�?sr�, caQdemnatin�or at�.r t�kiag`af any part of�he Pr�rrty.or fur oonveyunoe in fc�of oo�on,are hemby assig�d aad ' , -- —
<br /> a
<br /> :.�:�:�. � �,,>,,.
<br /> .: '��-`-�-�'. '� sh�l1 be p3Id to te�tsIer. ; : --= _-_---
<br /> L ' �i-., in Y�e event of a t�ta!taking af ttce Pmpeny.cdze praoeads s�afl be appii�d to t�e sums sec�tr�6��t5ss�eeugity r�cr:,,mm,�,: _
<br /> - � - whet�er or sut th�dae.irith a�eaoess paid to 14onr.B�er.In t�e e�ent of a partial takin$o1't�e��qr in B�icta tts�faa : s -== �--
<br /> `" ' � � m�u8�vaiue of the Presgeny�dnacelS►befo:e t6e caSciay is eqvai to or g�ar tban th$a�wu oF tDe sums seaued by t�;s � _-"�"-�_-_-
<br /> t � ' S�auity Za�t�er,�i�iatd�r i�fo�e t�tafigg.unless Barroa,�r aad t.eader otP�erv+ise a�ae in wtiting.th.e saams sea►ted�y =-�.�.°�._--
<br /> - -t�� �- . = �:` ,�.:=,t;' ; th£s Seauity t�s4tall 6e re�rao�by t�e smoans of t�Qr�s ffiu1ti�4ied dy t4�faltosriqg fiacxion�a)tJna taiat --
<br /> - �` •�' " ; :,;;k.; amaunt of the sums secu�ad imunad'aa�ty.6efore th�ta�ing.d��d DY(b}tEe fair masbc�t r�ae oF the Properiy;m�•edf2'Psy ___----
<br /> � . . .. ..,. . .
<br /> �#.' ;�r�: : . tieSore tHe mkin�:=AriX�bataaae s4aD be paid m Bonug�r. in t�e event of a partiaf iak+ng af tP�Prop�ty in whicfi tI�fair -- --------
<br /> ` . i ,. �s . .
<br />:,, � . :'� ,?`. t mar�et valu�Qf.tbe•Pra�et�tSr i�eiy beyfine the tainng is Iess tban the anmam of t�su�s sea��d'm�mediately 6efaae tYte ,, :• - -
<br /> � ��x 1 �, ' taking,unle�Bor.naw�r i�nd Le»tl�r�othe�wise agree in vrritin$•or ua�ess applicable taur ar�ise pravides.We piao�eds sLall . �,. �_ ___
<br /> ' ���!L ���i�x 6e.a�U�d.tn the�ms�Caied i�Y�tbis:SeauitY Tt�sUUmcaii.tvhc,lher:ornrst.tbe s�ms aze t�adue_ -_ _ . tx'>"'�` — _
<br /> � '.'::��«��f�Lrfi� � n� / G � _ — "
<br /> � I f.t h e P is:a b a n d u n e d b y B o n o�.o r'i'!-';a f t e r.�c t r; t,�{,,n.,�d t�:t a B o m�}n nw�e t t t s�t�pt��,�o o n�je a r m o�r wo ff e rs w m a k e a n -�
<br /> � t!� , � Uli1{ll��l7Llb��' L8J{!���Ji7 �$611�G!�4a�tllG.����$O'V� - pfg- r- _..
<br /> � __;:-, awand.or.sr,t�e�A.claim for�, respand'� da3 -
<br /> .� - GaidCr is.�ailtuiii�t to ceitect aud appIy ti�e proaeads.�t�s ag�oa.either tu restor^.1ivn or zepair af�Ptopc�ty or m tHe sums l�-��-=� - __
<br /> " � . , � ----
<br /> : y= . . . • , . . = _-_-
<br /> ' s�vied,by tttis Secvriiy I�.cvhetIter ot not ttc�Qu� ; . , . . �i'r '�-
<br />:3; ,t ��, .,. ,s.
<br /> ;• . Uniess i�dea a�BarrQwer othera+isf agrec ia�vriting. any applicatinn of prnoceds to principaY shall�ot e�cic�nd or. . �,
<br /> � : �, ::. ' : �; -
<br /> .. :t .: -_ ..' . ppsipame.tite�tae da.�of the momhlY PaS!meau r�eferred co in.Fara�F�s 1 amd 2 ar change the amnunt of such pa�i ,...
<br /> � ��7 �
<br />_' ,,� `�.;• ' .,.. Il.Ba�aeu�er Rla!Ret�ed.'Forbearance By i.�d�hnt a Wai��Eat�ion of tbe time for paymedt or modi8ra�fon. ���_._.
<br /> Y �•''. '`,:;'r�� of amor�atiun of tb�e 9�ms se�vred by this Sewriiy inctmmer.t��by le�2r to any st�oee.ssor ist inleces[af Botcuwer shall '.iF-'`�i'u_,-,-
<br /> nai opeiate tfl reGease the liab�lity of 1lne origina!Bomowa os Borro�ver's�ors in inte�e,st.L�erWer sLall aot Ee�iied to �.;��-
<br /> r;::. . � ooa��rooeedings agai�st any s�sso�9n_intecpst or r��se to eactEnd time for paymeAt or otherwise mndify aaa�-t�asion _ ''.v -
<br /> �'r: _ of tt�s�s secuied b this Secvri Instrument b r�ason of demand�nade 6 the�O Bor�ower or Boxrawer's ."�,,��
<br /> ,:��. `' Y 1Y Y �Y Y ;►5� `'� .�:.-
<br /> , , .' `. sQ�zs i,�interest.My fo�bearaixe by[.em�r�in'e.Rercisirsg any right or�mady shall not be a araivc�r��•arpreciude the .�;;��
<br /> -<Y.�-: r�' erc �
<br />- � ` .:;`;�'? :; ea�sr of any right osm�edy ,'s'
<br /> . .r, ���,����t�'';F�;i! 1�:�$saooes�as�nd A�Bo�d;�oi�i attd 5eseza!Liabllity:Cti-siSnets. The covenants a��agn�ern�s:ts mf this �'�:•.. -�
<br /> ,, . ...-- ;-�,:�i•�'� - ����: � ?,,. ;,�
<br /> • Secur4�-;��umeat s5a11 birotl and beaefit the sutuess�o�s amd ti�signs of L,ender and Borrower, subjoct [a tha prova.�oPts of r';'"'�• "'��-
<br /> :,• '� v .. . .' _':" ' .
<br /> ;1..,:.
<br /> ;': paragrap�4� 17. Borro��r's oovenaat� and ag�is shall be,��ina a�nd s�eral. My Bariower who co-sigRS th'ss�aarrry ; �::�,�;� :
<br /> •� �; ':� U�at but daes n�t execute the Note:(a)is co-signin;ihis Securty iB.+tr�menf only[o raortgage,grant and conve��i .,, � -
<br /> '��: . BorroRer's iraerest in tb�Pruperty under the t�of tfi�is Securit���nsaim��;�(6)is aat personally o5ligated co pay the su'r�s. ���,:-�:: '���
<br /> . f.� . . -- ----"rs
<br /> . � _ seru�ed by this Secarity tasuament:and(c)a�tt�at l.e�:s�eev6;:�tjy other Bmro��er may agrce to extend.madify.forbeat:ar•. , ��:.t.' ;�;�,-�:
<br /> - - .-.--. _.. ;- - �e ai►y acminurodatio�s witf�regard to thz termt of this S�;rs`yv-�'truinent or ihe Note�;itlaoart that Borrdwes s¢aa�u�r , , . ��'��
<br /> � . . 13.�oan Cda�ges.If the toan socured hy tbis S�ca►rccc.:�r�,sisii�ens is subject to a!�w':�},)s�i�:5:�maximam to�c��s. :�.,. •,;�}��'•
<br /> �r;• �=
<br /> . ' . ; � atnd that!an is finally interpreted so that th�inze�.�G Ur�a���i��in charges collected or to 6e co:hrc��im�oonnection a�ith the ;;,�:'�� ���": ';�:
<br /> 1.q.r.:�:T. „J:t.',I..S.1'—cz
<br /> '. . .. laan exceed t1�permitted limits.ih�n:(a)any sacln;T�nan,ctas;�,shalf be rednc�ai by the amount neoe�:y��eo aeduoe the ci�arge �?.;!.,. �. . :.r;�"_�__
<br /> � „�'c,,�' to ttoe Qeimitted limit:and(b)any sums atr�ead}�eoiDected frca���rrower w•hich exceeded permitted lim.i�ts ttiil 6e refuwded to � • ����
<br /> • ' :,,x`t .,�_ Bo��J�r. Lender may choost to La21:e this retund by redu`��ehe principal owed under the Note or by making;�ifiract ��'_ �:
<br /> �::;•�,.,:,: ,; ��t. W Bonower. If a refuai� i�.f�oes principal. the rtd��ion aill be treated as a partial prepayment �vit�xc,u.t•�uY _ . . '•:f.:�•.-..
<br /> .: "�� . �: . .�,, . , _
<br /> .,f, �.,': . . �: prepag?�i;t charge underthe Na:a;;•:: ,.... . :.;;.:
<br /> ::�' ` -` •� • ':I; �• .�.,' Id.Notices.4���rrxi:z¢��iu�wer provided for in this Security ln.ataui�nt shal!be given by delir•ering it or by rjiai?�.sg ';. .� �
<br /> '..�,7 j�1. ' - ;�I� ! nr_,�i.% . x�. . , . ..�
<br /> t` .. . , �.�4,,, . ! i�by fi!r�t class ma�l crn�:�s ay�:�nw:�S�.iaw requires use of another method.7'tfe nouce shall be directed to the Propeny��,dw"*;�s.� .. , � ...•,.-.,: ,. .
<br /> �` ��;�'� �•' • � or z^�;��:��ier address�Borrawet '�d�tes by notice to Len�aF::4ny notice to Ixnder s'hfl1P be given by firct c}as.� iscaiA 30 .•�� ,? �t; ,. �
<br /> • : L�:��•;dress statod herein or�sy.�a¢fier address Lendtr�:�i�.^r+�tes by ru�ticc to Bortau�:r. Any notioe provided f��% a�*iiis • ' 't 4 :1::�r
<br /> _ ' �{�, .
<br /> � ' . � Sect:�:�TLStrument shall be deemed So have been given to B orrcyaer ar Le n�e a v�•hen given as provi d e d in t�i s paragrnp l t:' ; . :,:;..,,5`
<br /> ° -- . ' ;1� 15.Cov�ning taw; Se�-erability. T1iis Security Instrument shali bc govemed hy federal lacv and the law af the , .. . . ::�
<br /> urisdiction in wbish the Pto �s[�cated.in the event tha3 an rovision or clause af this Securi Irsstrutn�nt or the Note • ��:.�`
<br /> . `. � - ,'. ' , . J Fe*tS�. . Y P �3' . ..
<br /> ; �� '� •,�_;,:�... ., wnflic[s with applicable law,such 4xia11ice shall not affect otl�.�p:avisians of this Security Instrument or�he Note which can be ' .
<br /> ':.:;�Y<::' given effect without the oonflicting�imvi5ion.,'A'o this ead the p�a��i�ions��f this Seeurity Inscrumem and the Note are declared .
<br /> ;,� :; . . . to be severable. "'�`'` , .
<br /> •z.,
<br /> ;•'�r' �'�'i'�� � � 16.Borro�er's Co�y.Bormwer sfiatl be give�i�me conformed ropy nf ihe tiute and o!this Sreurity/nstrument. � ''
<br /> .,�t I.�t.
<br />_`.. t , � . � Form 3028 9J84 . :; : ' �-
<br /> � � - . va�ye 4�!6 . . . , , ..
<br /> ' • ' ;!4
<br /> � ' ,
<br /> { ' i � .
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<br /> _ '` .,,�'','f`a,���! ,,; ., ;'. .•'':� �.,: is�v��;� � �., . . . . .
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