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<br /> �-� -- . cc�ec�.�adc�ar ather tak�ng oYa�r pastaf t1i�E't+e�erty.ar�or conveyancr in l.�.v o?r.��ts�:atie fi�ieb� .�i�d�std . .
<br /> �•_ sftallbe�aldtoi.ender. ,:.;>.� �• ' • . ; , , � . ,; .�,;-�:.. , • -
<br />—°—------ -- . ,..in !he event a�v t�,1�t�king of IFt�t1�'t�peal�•� eeds slual!6a a��9izd to t4te,� sc��8iy th'rs S��tSr�`_:.�. ,r _��'
<br /> �c t
<br />- — - Tnsireja+aet,�i+Ise�htz d�.ia�@�ec+l�e.with<Eny oxcc�p�ta Idom��mntr. I�t�eYCZ�c af n P� af v.a�ing a�t�P�t.€n
<br />- ; -- " . . w[itr�tPte fr�a�ar�CCt wa�e oY t�as Ft+a�etty immrdlat�S�r Defora e�taSc�g'ss e4u31 tfl or greater.th�as 6sr ur�a3 o8t2�se�s .
<br /> 3�,, - �;_:•a:° secure��"�(C�Eis Serurisy tns�u�enl imtr,edistPty before ehc t�ing>ciaf�s @oarmv��er s�ud[.en�ter otheniuise s�e in��si'tc�,�a, _=_.__-.
<br /> ¢� °��� k�� . �e samts s�:ted by�.is 5�iiy instrumenc sfitali De��y e�e umottttt o!tSt�prooeeds mvhipiied by Ei�Po�Iwara�g =_�.`.�� _
<br /> ,";`.��.�;;�;:.-< frac�io�a: (a)tiia ts�aal a��of tdie s�ns��a�..�cti�ety be��e n'�t�ia�,divi�ed by(b)the f�r rcz�sfces va2�8 of the '�T��---�--
<br /> ' � ` � �� y��/�,� -
<br /> J �R3 L 4 _t tt_� �'y��V t�t�iit1:f9�tit � _
<br /> x F�ape�tgr�n wbich � An-�r�s�ce��p�2 ta$�rowcr. L•���xat af a�!�t v ot� � �
<br /> �� ,��`��� `��; ,`;� �''�`� ic t�e fair�c,t vah�o�t�e 8to 0e1°orr t?se tokiQ is!e�P�S t�e�mouaE o�lgte atarr,s -_---
<br /> yf . m setu�d imtaed3affit�r Bsfot�tite�t�hiu��$ua�aad�l.ender ot�ise 8�ia vr�iting ar u�i�.as�p�cabYe Yaw �„ - -----
<br /> , . � ;`' ''c:�.''�.: . .' =__.,.--�,-=-------
<br /> ��.;a t aihetws-ze rovides.t�ue cuceeds s�ial��Se r�e�the s.�ms se�v�xd 6 tbi�S Inst�vmemt w�alet ar aat t6�ssuns are
<br />--:, :�;,?,;SFIa�e.,.r�'.>;� F P �P� Y ���Y -_ --- ------
<br /> -t;; �;t".',.�y.`�'__h-,: : � tt�eu du�: -__ -
<br />-Y;, ' ff tIle L�tv�is a�i.-zdwsed By�anower,o�if.a�er cnoiice hy t.eades to Bortasver tbaa tP+e aond�aaua�affas to r�e ==R-�=-
<br />=l;• ;'��,;�,°;;��`��:;., aa award ar seQtl�a cTaian for da�nges.Barnaurer feiLc to resgoad m E�der wittdo 3�days af�tBe da3e the nolic�is gi�. .�9:.-- -
<br /> �'4. a' ay, , . I.wtder is aathmize�to eoiiect arzd F the at irs on.eithet to restma�ion ar c�pair of t�PropErty a�to th�e .---_----------
<br /> z:,. .,,• ,.. '��;:._ �P W��- � -
<br /> �'i,�;���.tx,�;y �..r -- --
<br /> .� .Ys�T .i„ � s»�es6ec�r@d 6y th'ss SeCU[i[y L�W��I1Cr ot hOt theD dnC. -L --
<br /> ., �--�:���:`•5� �'�'* iTre�ss Leuder and Boimvrer otl�ecwise agee in lvritin8•�Y aPPlication of proc+eads ta plincipa!shall mot ea��or {�t' , r- _----
<br /> .,' ;� :��4 t� �. Bost�o¢e tL+e�te date of t�e tatonth�iF P�Y���ferred ta in�rata�hs L aad Z ar ct�ge ttte amwz�tn��payment�. �� x —
<br /> �ra
<br /> ���'y�' ..,.�:s;�'��'^ Ig. Barrower l�iaa ��;tC��se �y Lertder Nm4 a Waiver. F.xtensian of t�ame for payment or � --
<br /> rC' � ' ".`���i�:�� o4adi�tiom of amortizatiag af t�e su�s sen�ed Dy 1�S�uiry fasuuarent gtanted by Lendes m arry suocessor m iateiest � _ _
<br /> - '�".,.,�. •,� of F�otramwer sh3li�operat�m r+elea�e ti�e 1iai�ilicy of the migiaai Borrosver os Boaower*s saocessors in mtecest.[.eadcr ______—_ _
<br /> �� , ,'�: ', sGa1i aot be�quaed tn ca�eace pruocedings againsi atry saaessas ia�intetest or refiue to ex�d time for paymeat az � �, � �, °
<br /> ,�,, �', (:�( .� rnhem�ise mndify amottizadon of d�sams senu�ed by this Secuiiry I�suw�t byr mason of any demaad made by tlte o�ig'mat �}, __
<br /> � ' 'r}��, ? ' t6earante execris�a
<br /> , ��„� �,y�.�' Bamnw or �. A.aY bY Lea�er ia ' " g ariy right or nmedy sball noi be a _
<br /> 4 SILCCC550I5 tQ lAtRiESL 0 -
<br />-.. '1�'xT4;•..� !',.t..-.�. . ..... .__ _.lYS1VC(�-�IBC���C•�C£7tCtClSCO�ffi (I �OI[CIi3P.� .... ... .. - ---.. _... ...-----�--..._. .°-° -'--�-------�-----._._. __,_...._ _ ..��_---
<br /> , Y, :. �..� : y� � y:..... � :,;:�r
<br /> ;��-,���, iL Sae�s aud As�gns ednnd;da'�am�Ser�Liab3�sg:Casignas. 'ihe cavenants and ageements of this �;
<br /> ;w,._<�.._'..: Sxurity las�ne�stmlt find and benefrt.the saccessors aQd assig,�s of E�nder and Bonower.subjert m the pmvisi�s of s---
<br />_ ., .:,„ . 'si :
<br />-_ ' •. �... ' par�i�Ei.Bamawer's covenaats and ag�eements sHaIi 5e joini and seve[al.Any Boirower who co-sigas ttus Secariry ,.;x�=
<br /> ,'"� ' ` ' inst�unacui 6uE does dot execute the IQ �. a)is co-si �tAis Seturi Instiwnent on[ to ma and raa that .��` __
<br /> ..�..._.. . . . � � �na � y ���t � ,�L._. _- .
<br />- . "'.'�,,�• . ': -- Bomawe�3 ien.�r+est in the Roperty under the terms of d�is Securiry Insmnneo� f b)is aot pe�sonatly obligated to pay the sums -:•,::_.
<br /> . ` ::;: � ,sec�ued�+j t�us Sec�uity insdramea�artd(c)agrees tbat Lender an8 any other Baimwer may ag�ee to exten4 modity,for6enr .�e�:' '=s.�� - .
<br /> A�� � � , � . ' ar emal[e any a�om�ad�aus wid[zegard oo dte tertns of tbis Sec�acicy Iastrtament or ehe Note withaut that Bonow�r�s �r';,, �;� �'=_
<br /> % :,.:.��'^. ! �� `. , '.� ..)�{:� ,Xii_� � r.
<br /> : •. ..,•��. •..�� ' . [Y11ACenf_ 1!'�f�'� t
<br /> v {�''
<br /> .�� , ;'. '.� - 7 •�.
<br />-"� �;�,;{��x�;,<<<,���i':���?��`, !�C la�L'�aege� If ti�e laau secured 6y this Se�.�uiey Insananens is svbject to a law w�setc maximum toan .�.;::,�f.x1, .�.
<br />� � ' t.° , �a,, c6arges�aa�t�sae law is final�y intctptete�so tttai the ieterest os other toa�t charges rnllected or W 6�m�ect�A uy costae¢uan ' �,; �'+� • �'2
<br /> ; �j
<br /> �' ` ;;;�j with the la�+eaceed t3se peiTniaed lamss,then: (a)any such tean d�azge shalt 6e red�cced by cire a�+omze�}r to reduce ,;'r, .+�,'. •
<br /> ��,.�,•�,. , .i„,f�e •We charge to the pemnit�ed Gmit;and(b)any sums already coltectea from�ortnw-er which exceeded perini�:d tiffits will be ",•;��f;; .:',k���
<br /> � ::i��r . �iJ.f. � ' 1....� � •': .
<br /> ��`r�'t�>;����� `��.; ;:�° �firaded to Earroa�er. E�rder may chaase to make this refund by ced�c�g�pci�ipal owcA under the Nos�os Pr,�matciag a ���;�2��'� :7r.:: ,
<br /> ' ...,„ ,, ,..:,
<br /> `Y�`;`-r.,, • diiett payatent to Borrm;nz�c: [f a refurd reduces principai.the redaetion vriII 6e treated as a P��P�Y�=G 4iiti:out aa� , "f;'•.�:; ��w
<br /> o:
<br /> �;��b,�, ,. P�FaY.��eunderdteNote. . . S� y`, ;Y
<br /> ` Yx . . :�.. 1�:�t�t� Aiay antice to Borrovrec�rovided far in tflis Security Instrument shall 6e given by delivering it or 6y� �.,.�;�.��
<br /> ! �, • . � f 5 r s t c l a s s m a 7 u n dess L u a i b t�I aw uiies use o f 2ao t her me t h n d.7'h e nutice s h a ll 6 e d i m c t e d to t 6 e R n ;'� .�� , .
<br /> f���y' .:. �r�►�'c��� � �u a�+y . .,. :
<br /> ,';;.,,. ,,. •. : -�ddt�s c'r�y ather a�3';ess Borrower designat�s by aotice t�o l.eader. Aa}��e ta l.ender shall be given by fust ctass ,�. .�,, � ti ..�
<br /> •;;'',Jr'�.; _ .�'�,'`�.;/,'; ma�u W Lxnder's add�x�'t�d hereiu or any other��s.c i.eadn designates b}�to Sorrower. Atny rtouce prnvided for �1t.t+.',� ,:'.: "
<br /> � �.%�.:fsi'1�l'yi'� •. ... , ,�•;��,,, ' •j • .l .�
<br /> : '�,,ti.r�-.;:.,.��/ S� in tltis Sesu�ity Instrument shall 6e.deemed to have t�s gi�•ea ta�oavweF v�c E.ender v�en g€ven as provided in'tt�is •cr�� '`�'` ,��-
<br /> :� ° .�i'r"•J���'l:,t)}'f(li.�'+!•'.!, t1�S�J�6: . „�.. ' � ,.ir,�lk!:i4leS'�2ln�
<br /> ���" t•' �. . 7 v4;'`��?r � 1..�`.�'u��¢eo3�g baw;Sevec�hi�:,Y. 7f�is Security Inserueeter_t sha!{be gavemed 6y f�?i�! laQr and the law of at►e ;. �{ f r, p�=—
<br /> � � . • jvrisdictic�t?Jia which the Pt�npe�ty is located. In the event that any pr�nvision or c[ause of this Security I�struIInen3 or the Note ' ' � .��`_
<br /> . `>' ;`'>i�, � ' conflteLs w�§r� tic�.dp'Ye Ez,w.such conflict shall not affect other ptuvisions oE t�is Security►nsqument or tTse Dlote vrhich can � ..':.:'•.s��.
<br /> : �;,�5•�,c�-.. *� 'S;". ;----
<br /> : �t�yr� ��- • be given tifect�ait�+�tio•conflicting provision. 'Ib this ertd the provisioa�o�tlus Security lnstrumeret aru!tFe Note are �j• • �r�'= --
<br /> r •,'. s_�
<br />- �:' ��1'�,��,-' ' ; . � declame�lr'uj�t=:s..yera.'�£s: ' � �,`-,�,:� � '.n�'_,--
<br /> , ;.:, . . 16d:�t,;.irt�wer s Copy. Borrower shali be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security InswmertG .,:�';�� ,,•'�,��..j. � ;�:-
<br /> � • 1T. '�,��er oYthe Property or a Beaeficfal lnterest in Borro�ser. If all or any part of the Prapeny or any iruerest ir : ° �' .r!�?=--
<br /> + ' � . it is sol��'r�f�rr�l'',or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is soid or transferted and Borrou�er is not a natucal perr.an> `i �. . `,f.�;:;:•�`r:,-r—
<br /> _ , _ _ without Le;t+�ei's�.'r;r,>a:�ien consent,lxnder may.at its option,require immediate payment in full of al!sams secu�d by ,',��i���. �.'r_,:�-�•;:�^'.,`
<br />-- „ " � �t4is Sectuinj ttis;,.`�isi�n.;:C�owever.this optzasi sh�7-na be eaercised by Lender if exereise is prohibited by ff�i��!taw as of ,,,,;•g±��r:,-•=": .' �: ypi�:;�.
<br /> - � � :, theda�Af�ft��:�����1e�'avment. .��{;, . :;;f�" ;
<br />_ . _ , . ; �_,..�: . ' ' '�l,......�. ��: .....,;�...:�.... ..:;.:.;
<br /> k`' if.�i�itair,.�r��i�`s 4his o tco� i�..�a;�r shall ve Borrower notice of asceleration. 7tne ri;�r.e shall ovide a riad:u�'� ?'�':r'��..:�.::" '
<br /> . . � .w'�;'{• �, p� 'F" � P� P� , F, ,
<br /> .�" �,ti`` . not 4ess f3�::�!J;�ys fzom the date��►ariacice is delivered or maiteA with3n which Borrower�•�r�:paY all sums secured by�'4 :�•':;�'l.i�`-;!��-::�-�,�
<br /> . .. ... �:�;�':'::r� . . .�r.;:. _ _
<br /> �� Sec�uity'h�s��5awnec�•.iE,Bor►�wer t`ai:�to pay these sums prior to the ex�iration of this period, Lender may invoke�� .� ,�,:,�.. ;'` ' , __
<br /> . ?:;,��4' : .: • -- - remedies perm'stte�ts�:�17si�s Security Instrumeni withoul further notioe or dencanft{x�Borrower. � r��6..: . -
<br /> s , y,::;:
<br /> •{���,�'.;,'�� .�: :��'., . IS. BorroweQ'�•�i7�.tt to Reinstate. Ii Bomoaer mePts certadsi eo.r,�iitiuns. Borrower shali have the right to have � �,��:,-- _
<br /> �'�'�;.
<br /> ' enfartcement of this Se�rity ln.slrumenl discontinued at an}r time pri�c Cv c��arlier of: (a)5 days(or such other period 23,� -::`.,�� . •
<br /> � ' . '' � • • �;'.. . .
<br /> SmgleFamily-•P�kAtae/FYiedtieMae1JI11Pq11hfIN51'itl'A1�!�'P--UnifmmCrn•manm A'90 IpnFtOofbpZr�e�� '. ; .��..
<br /> ' �. �. � . . , .'�:� . •� ,' ' 14`� .
<br /> � . t� �(t�il:;� ,
<br /> , . ,,'" �-�, .�'
<br /> t ; . .. . . I,'. ,:. r,. , ,' ' ' .�Vi� ,. ��-,
<br /> �' . ' 't' ,
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