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<br /> �i e'a'�'n+��tc'+y°�"� ; , � �. ����I11�, ,. .
<br /> F , ���z�;���,� , ��utegiciary o�Truetee. ia such orttar and cnsnne� aa ehay o� o�tla�►r a8 t�sa ate� , . —___--
<br /> i�a their ebso3uEe dfscretion detariain�a. � �to ramed�r, hareisr confessedt ��a or .
<br /> E.�` ,� 's'� '�'�+",+�;,= � ` re�ezv�ed to �x�r3tes or Benefici ---
<br /> t ,_;�..�:�,��-�� �� < - re�e herein. or �Y.:ts int�dsd to. 1� esc�ie�oiv� og �:-ath+9r , . �. --
<br /> � :�� ,� .;� • �7/ htJ Za�pxavidsd or.pssmttte8, but eacta eiia2l:ba cutauietive ea�d - ---
<br /> ..� j� 5 ,:,g. , �g� �s in sddieioa ta.eve.ry other s�toQy given �eseum8er or aa�.or her�after � ,� -
<br /> � �.ng at l�w oz ia egu3,ty or by &tatute. Bvery power or resaedy giveu b� r�ny � �
<br /> � `� .,.,;£�, of.tke Loau Iasirument$ to Truste� os B�taficiary or to ahieh eithor o£ �lt�n u+ay ��. '��� _-- --
<br /> � be o�her�ai.se eratitled, may b9 exescise@, caacusrsntiy os iadepsndeutly.. f��_C3� ��� °
<br /> sA. ,: �t -- Y'_ �._ . to ti�, aad as often as may be dsesae@ expsdient by Tsustee or Benefiaiaay,;. ea8 �:=z�- - _. .
<br /> ; �r , •: - ;� either oE thQm may pursue iaacaasfQtern� zeme9fea. Nothing hereira sJ�a�:l. be ' �s ;.� -
<br /> :�::; '�. ;z'. , � canstr�ed as pso2iibiting•8ene��ciasy �zc�t sQeking a dc4ficfeacy.• judgu�eat againat - --_-___- �---
<br /> -`�.�� . the Tsuator to the extesat such action ie petrimf.tte8 by Iace. ��..---
<br /> . ;�> .
<br /> s . 13. �&OLtSST 8oR �'GTICR. Txuator hereby req�aeats a caPg cg aasr apr„i,ce o� . ��---
<br /> • . . defauTt, aad elzat any aotice of eale &erew:@er l�e mailed,to•it �t ths acRdseso eet
<br /> _ ' �` fa� in tlie �#ret Pasa9sa9� of this Deec3 of Truat.
<br /> . • .�:�`.`..r<� 14. GOVBR��6 LRTA. Ths� IIeed cE TsuBZ staatl be govezne8 by the laws o!: _--_--
<br /> _ : � .. =�;�r; t8¢ 3�aCe.oE.ritebrasis,s�. xn r.ke eveat that ar3y psovision or clause of aay of the
<br /> ��' i.oaa,Ir�s�sua►eat.s coaflicts �tta•agp2icable laxa, euc?s Conflicte ehall aot,affect
<br /> . .�, ott�r ov3�faa�� of such I,oa:r rnatzv�ment� mhich caa 8e
<br /> - �;r��",t P'r. . _.. given.effectoai.tbtssrt.Yhe
<br /> • �:',;. conflictia�,p�rfsians; aaa to�tlr3.s e�d, the psovfeians of the Loan Ynatzvmeats ��,-'�-_-
<br /> �: : _ are decle.�� �o be seve�a8l.e. This iasyt,,�r�umeat aea�rAt be.�waive8, changeB,
<br /> .>
<br /> s ers, rnff�' � ���w:$F�^2'1�12�� �Cl^Q@IR@Ilr.a Of �Y Q7.L'� � B1�IPC3� , —
<br /> ..�,+- . - 4 !:• .. . . . . ' ° �Yan �rtr�meatCh.�r.'�� . �r.iuir$@ Or� _.
<br /> . ed.'o �
<br /> ,, ; _ . tez�a:t�qa �t .
<br /> . �, , .
<br /> < ,,,.,:,—,-----; - . , ; . _ .. . _ _. . . ... - �- . 1• ---...--- - -
<br /> ���.a �
<br /> ,r.,_ .._.:, is soqqDi�:, ;".
<br /> .. , ,{ ' . �.' � . . , . � :.:.•�. ..::: �. �;�::'_' _
<br /> < � T9. ' t�IIf�1T�T'6YA1�� � TRIISTS33:. Upon�rittea se
<br /> '�?• '., ' j, ��' � ` `�,. tt:at..�3:1 SU�u$' �izsed� .� ��,of BertefiCidry BtBttrtg .
<br /> .: . .. " .. •. , ' t� �BbY have:been paid, aad upoa;�r�,.-rendes oE this DeeB af �
<br /> •. , .�.�. �•,r:F_ T�uta�=:�ad tSe'�tite ta�iTi�v:(ar_ee foa caaaellatieQa aad reterition aur�.upea payment by . . -
<br /> , ,,:. -
<br /> � f ',:;•�.,,.__,::. ' ,�us�or of T:u$teec"� <�.�.` Ts�zr3te�:eha12 ze+�cnvey to Trustor, 'os the perean or
<br /> ,. pexeons legaliy eati�:re�3'�.�ia�xe�a..�:vritlsou4s`•�.rrasraaCY, aaY �bortion of t.he .Trust
<br /> Y.f Satate thea•held hereuri73�2i. Tise --
<br /> �.r � ', . �C�.taia in such reaoaveyance of any matt�s or
<br /> ,r-.., ,
<br /> '•'S°;:� • � ; facta shaii �.bdaciu�3ve pzoof oE�tke tsuthfulness thereof. The graatee.:�uu aay -_--
<br /> -.,,�.; ;`,.. - _ �1F� -- -
<br /> � '° recoaveya�ac� uia�, be described as ^the personn. o�.:"pPZSOne legaily e�"t��ted
<br /> . ... ���t.p. n
<br /> �:.•;.4� thexeto . . � .. ,
<br /> � . ;;'�� • . .�ver Senefici •'``�; ' :�-
<br /> � :.'�� 16. N4T�CES•. .4 asY. TruetOr. oz;2'ztsstie��e7�a�,1 c�'� to �•• •�, .---
<br /> � ` � . <`�;,y�� give or serve aag.r.o*f,�,;.clemand, requeat or other c�aus[icati�cc��h r��a� to , �'4y '���"�'--
<br /> h �s ,��-
<br /> '• . tbis Deefl oE ��ti;.:�.e��.auch �tice, demand; requeAf�c� �ctil.er ao�iarc�ion =
<br /> . shall be in• ar�z��;a� rhall ��. effective only ip .tb.� sarne ie delive�•}sy ,
<br /> _ _: . _, Bersaaal servs.ce �r;�aez�� ;by certified maii, poatage prepaid, rsturn recaipt ,., '.. ��?_, _.r.�� =
<br /> " ieg�e�Ced, adc�ear�,e.�'.�. t�•ad8reas set forCh at the begiaaing of thia Deed o� •• • r,...:, .:,..�ay •;='-.
<br /> � , 's . ���. �Y F�� ��' � t1�is time change its address for such notiCeS ' r•. r ;..,
<br /> f � del�ii�raag or zr�i��c.g���he pther pareies hereto, aa aforeeaid, a notice of � �;, `, '
<br /> . 9. " � �s �1�t.
<br /> . :' Qtia� :. ,:. , „),r r
<br /> • � • ; . '_';,� , � ., `�,�:,,;'r�r,,�`r���
<br /> I t @Ilt thc�t �tE 1 r:.; .i=
<br /> '-, �. ,r. : 17. DI7S� tih �A�..• In thE eV ;t:•,,,
<br /> t Trustor selle the real estate �-e� s I::�;,;,.'��
<br /> �
<br /> �„;;r.� . is security for this :� of Truat, the Pramissory Hote and this Deea of Tsu�t � ' ;_� ����
<br /> ,� �r,; ;�, ehail beGOme accelerate�.•aud the total asaaunt of priaoipai and acerued inter�„� ?��. �
<br /> . . t :,�� ;'�. shaii be due and payabi� .�L pnce. Sale of the real eetate shali inciu8e s��by � `r`r "{;l ' -
<br /> ��, ,�
<br /> , F,;
<br /> , . D@6�� IA8t81*E[eIIt cd1A�.,r.�uCract or r.sase Option Agreement. �f�`f��i'$Y�8, ��b��'Y�Y =
<br /> �t •;i.-.�..: -� _ �l _ � . ,. �' . �'�4��Yfdt�'f ������'+,�yt tee �.
<br /> . 1 8. A C C E�•&2.T R U S T S B. T r u a t e e a c c e p t s t h f s T r u s t w h e n t h i s D e e d o f ,�;'3�j��� r>A.I�ks�*
<br /> ��3N14',�ir[ -
<br /> � Truat, duly execate8.a.a�' ackno�ledged, ia made a public record as provided by •• ,�•. � �•��•'��`'�"l;�•�• ;�
<br /> � , . . 1a�. , �:;3��� �� � -
<br /> ;. �f, ,f�t.,,:,.,:._,
<br /> ::' . � ` ;c s,,".
<br /> ' . ` • • REOF Tru • , •������1<•:c;�,
<br /> ' =f�,;,f:i� .' IN YlYTNE$S WAE , stor has exec�ated thie Daed of Trust as of tS^�e da ;i - I `'r�'�.�`4 . , ""�+.
<br /> ,c'- �s , and year first abova written. y �{��� � `"����� �
<br /> • - `,f ,;.; , ,. . .,•..: .
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