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<br /> '' `�' " e�aPault accwr,, 8erc�fciazyt mayr�er2ore a11 indab�e8neas eoe�re8 2iereby->ta be du� :�f.';`' �" �
<br /> :�:`� ' `�'£-`�° ",`^. aac4 gayr�D3e. aud �h� eame sha11 thereupan Decome due and �ayable mt�out any ° ,�a';�u� ;, { :--
<br /> an i��.,..,t,.�; �. ,
<br /> ° "< � `` pzesors�cneaax, demara�, gsote��, vs Aotice of say kin$. Tharea ter Lhe 8esie£iaiary �'::• . �.�rys,;-
<br /> ,' -;' .z. `, :� :�. . �,.,,r.., ;:z.
<br /> . .
<br /> . .
<br /> . . ,... ., , . .,
<br /> ,< .,
<br /> _. _ -, y
<br /> tna •
<br /> �4 . �, .. .... ' - __
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<br /> . ".:' .'... . .'c..'I. ' .•; '__
<br /> _ _ ._.��.�..y._.____;..�..,- . _. ._—.. .- � � �:,._
<br /> ' :.;�_• +' (a1 sitYte� ira,gorson,or b�,a�eat. witts or w3.thout.briuging.a:cy.�actfrnn or ,�. "- . ..`,;�r':
<br /> �' _.:. � pzece@d3ng. at hy.• a s�ecetivea ag�o3atted by a CauzC and coithpu� regarrd to the 'E. '-
<br /> ,-,;,;'.'.'. ,
<br /> ' '_ �8�quacyr o8 its eecuaityc, erate�c t�+tua,and take passession of tha Tsvst Sata�e, or t:: :
<br />-- • en1► 8azt tfaoseOL, 3ra its amu. aam� as 3n ttae uame Of Trustee� and dP anY. aats ��. ., . r_ .. ,"
<br />.:.-_ � � which it de�ms nr�ces�a�7+� os de��rabie to pre�ezve the value, �arke�tability or k:• - ' % ,
<br /> , - -• . rentability o$ t.YeQ T�uat Sstate, or part thereo�:.o�.iatereat thezeiva.. inarease �: ' "'`�.•�'',-''`;,
<br /> - _ �� th� incame there£zan o� psotect.tYre seaurity h4zeC�: and with or without taking �, , , ,''� :;:.$
<br /> ` '�; - poss�ssion of tlac3 Ttust �stat�...�u� for os othc�z9a36� collect the renta, issues ;4�.',!;
<br /> T th �` �-
<br /> . and profits tlaezeo£. iacluB.i.�ag� tYrose past due aad unpaid. and apPly the sa�e;. �'_:^:;: �. . , . +�:,
<br /> ' lese coata au:c�expenaes of apexation and coilection. inciudfng attorney's £ee&�;. `.r�,�;.�•;.,.,- �' ' '"
<br /> r i;... ;`':^,;; ..... ..:. . .: .
<br /> =<.;� .:- . _ ugon a�r fmd2btedttesa secu.xed• ts�reby, all fn such orde�c aa Beaeffciary �ia� , •:;,�;:,;:•;:.� .:'.:_:
<br /> . `���,,:;�:";. ^ detezmine. Ttae estte�i¢g uPoa aacl taking gossession of the Truat 8atate. ttte . �.�.::. �. _.:r.,,,,,.:�. ,.. -__=
<br /> S{ _ ., " coliectioa of such reats, fssues and psofits aii�• the appiication thereof as ' •, .. -
<br /> ,+: . ,. afosesaid, elxall reot cute or waive any dafault oz�toeice a£ defaulC hereundar or .. _
<br /> . :.�r��;.. : .. ''. -- i.avalidate aay ect 8one i�� reapo�aae to such default or pureuant to such notice « .y�,:::';. . •
<br /> •'f � `: j .. `' t:�::' ' '
<br /> .•. . • of de�ault and, not�i.thatandiag-tke camtf.�uasace ia possesaion o£ the �st 8atate _—
<br />--� y;: "„ � or the.collection, receipt arad applfct�Cf.atd•a� rents, isaues oz profits, Tn�stee ��� .."`�,.s1�":'�'�., _ _ --
<br /> �;� ,'�. � �_._. ..._ , -- or Beae�iciery at�li be entitied.to�exer�ca.ss;.evez7F right provided foz in any of } '::,`�
<br /> . the I.oan inatrumen�s os by ia�i:.paa occrosrei^.ce o£.a.a�e;event of defaul�, iacluding , �r '
<br />-�'�� �` ' • ' , the sfght to exercise tha pome� oE eal�;.. . . -,,_°
<br /> , � � '; . <��_ -
<br /> (b) Caanmer.�ce am actioa� ta gosec3.o$e thie Deed of Truat as a mortgage, � �F� �,�`rr„� --
<br /> � � - appoint a recefv�r, oa sgecigically eu�p�c� any of the covenants hereof; . f '. ��t';r��g�Et�
<br /> : . • 'r r r�3-�;.�{ip� 'rFi(!%
<br /> . = (c) De].ivea to•T�Btee a wxittera atec1a�ation of default and demand for ; ''� ";�e _
<br /> : � sale, aad• a writtea� aotice oE de�aul� aud e�.e�tsxr5a.ta cause ZYuetor's interest � � •• . ' :=
<br /> ,` ' � fn tine Tsuo2 Est��e to be so1d,. a�b.sch•aotiice �msaCee ahali cause to be duly filed � ;�••����•
<br /> , ''r`„�•- . �
<br /> foa recosd in the agpaopsiste OE£i:ci8�1 Fncozd+3�08 ti:e County in whfch tha Trust. ';r:,;°•,. .., � � �
<br /> `, � . Sstate #s lucated_ ;.'�J ���'`���,, �;�:
<br /> < .. . '' •?,L;. �� °�.:,.
<br /> .�S '. . :�(f�•,.. .. :":.
<br /> ;, ],1. roRRCLQBURg 83t 8�2SVl3ROF sALB_ Shou18 Heneffciary elect to £arecZa�.e r�` n�,��"
<br /> U� �.
<br /> ` r, byr exescise oi the Power p�.S�� n�rein contained, Beneficiary sYea?:� �c�.��y, �
<br /> � '�, ';.. � � Trustee a�d shall depasit cv3th:.Truatee this Deed of Txust and the Rote-��c� �acii. ��, '� ,, ��f,, ,�r.;
<br /> = - . � ��� seceipts.ai�.evirl�nce oE exp�rcditure�,made and secused herehy as Trus�ee�;ii� , ,:s::%�''� � .�';�`
<br /> II 1` �f ..�_f�'�".
<br /> 'i .. ' � ZBQIIII@. , r � d '`��. ,
<br /> ; . . . ' .` : , ':�.• ''- �,, .. fA ,
<br /> �' �` (8).• Gq�pn receipt og su¢li.notice Fram Beaeficiary, Truatee ahali �ss� �a � , s � .
<br /> ��,`. • ' L�e reCOZd�d;.pub2iahed an��del3.ve:-ed to Truator such Netiee of Default�����iCe F � '_ •:
<br /> s ' � of Sa1e �3•,Chea• required• b�'Iaw aad by this De�d �of Trust. Trus�e�. �•"ssil. � . . . , ,:;��
<br /> : `' RvitPtout 8emaud on Trustor, after auch time as may then be requized Ysy l�w �s+i� .�-.�`.�
<br />-� �' �;:;;.� � � � ' .,s,-
<br /> ��-��-:�=+����' � �1a:�lcer reco�da�sarr.�.4+� $uch Notice of Default and a£ter Notice ef Sale having iae�c i •;,'.���! '�
<br /> i ).r'1J,,�ft:,r . . . ,��: z
<br /> :,'il•,;y^�..?�F<, • 'given• a� �e�t;re�•k�,r lacv, sell the Txust Hstate at the tiaz� and place of s��� � ��`;;`;., �• . y
<br />-- . ,{�::•�_ . F ' }- ' ,' . �
<br /> :,,�" `,: �•,;,,� :., �sxQ�:k�� i� �:n: au�ah�•i�atice o£ sale, either as a,whole, or_;vs separate iots ar ;,.
<br /> i ;� ',, �; - �' pazae�� o�.3Ceme as Trustee ahaii deem expediea.t,, aad in auch ordez as he may 1 ,. ��:� _ _. {.'
<br />-=`�• �:;,% •, _ � dettezmr:n$,. atl public suction to the highest bid�� fer cash, in IaarFul money of i . ' .,�
<br /> t... . �,
<br /> '::t � ' � � � ' �he•t»i�tted��8itates•, payable at the time o£ sale. Trustee ehall deii•r�r to guch '" ' .�
<br /> h �;;�r:.,.... .
<br /> ' '`' '� . � � '" gu�chase� d�pu.chasers thereof, his goo�and sufficient deed or deeds, convey3a�g � �•' " .� ` =
<br /> ''* � � , ' � � �ha �?r��extry� so sold, but without any cm�nant or marranty, express or implied. � . '""'� ' '�'-`�•
<br /> h
<br /> �� ' � � T�e �seaitfa.ls in such deed of riny matters� �r facts shall be canc2usive preof of f, • ... • � _�
<br /> �'�i ;;' ,tthe tzut3lfEu],nees thereof. Any persan, iacluding, without limitation, Truetor, ;; ,:, ,;,.
<br /> � , � ' � T�ru�Cee;,gn+d Bene£iciary, may purchase at such saie. and Trustos hereby aaveriaats ��. •����d�;;}.;
<br /> `� ���" to wa�itaatt asi�l defend the title o£ suciz �urchaser or purchasera. k` j`�"
<br /> � �'� � � � � � ' '����:A
<br /> - '� �I r .. � .. .-,• � e�t'�1 f��� .. . . Vr�
<br /> •� :`�� �. �'�t✓�`",.;��' (b) As may�,lie germitted by law;•��er dectucting all costs. fees, expensos � '^' � • ,-
<br /> ;,r�,%�s4�,. �(i�;:.;:;,�.
<br /> ' � .' ���-'t� ��;�� qE Truatee and o£ +tt�:� Trust includinq cc5sts of evidence of title in connection � •� ` '"`�'�'�''•S�• ' -
<br /> :, � i.,..,..,�{i?.. , � , r , �ii�:�' . ,
<br /> ;lr,r,�:�'•!�,1'�:!�f:iis;r�' � '." with sale, Ts-usr,�:�ia:all a�glv the proceeds of sale to payment of {i) ail sums ; , " . , °
<br /> �.::(. '.'..
<br /> ,� �.;,•tii,'��I�.�:��;,.�?;'.'�t;,�; ..' expended u��eer:�e i_�:s he�°�E., not then repaid, with accrued interest at twelve ,.. ,-::�-
<br /> '�,y�j��'r,r, ,��. .., .•', {l2) pezc�t �Er aa�w�, tii�s �i other sums then �ecusec9 hereby, and (iii) the �; ° . .
<br /> �
<br /> s..i,• �!��;',;,;:�+ij,,;���:t�!'•' remaindez•,. i8 ar+.�,• �J P.iLFi' �Sa�h or persons legally entitled thereto. �� ,.,,.
<br /> ` "r`;�i�r`',��;:;;;;/�r:� � :,,;•,�,,,
<br /> ;i� ,' ;;`4:`�;'���;";,�'. .. !cJ T�^ustEC �a��, in �he manner p�z�vided by law, postgsone eaie of a11 �r : �';�� :'.::�
<br /> o-s , �,.
<br /> +: .. ��'P;�J n,•... . . R
<br /> s � ;<', , ',' ariY porCi¢a� ag the Trust £�2�:z�. t ; : � �.
<br /> � "� , � . 12. 1�DiE5 NOT EX2`b�'SISJE. Trus:.�e Sad Leneficiary. Gn��acJ� 08 the:�, � ' ..
<br /> i, , , .. "'.� �(_
<br /> • ��;i ,'•;;.�';s; ; shall be entitled to enEozc� payment ��'. perfaxmance of anp in���•i��adness �r• �• �'.;
<br /> • ,.,,;i��-;;�;�: i obligations secured hereby and to exerciae all rights and pa�aers under thfs D��3 � -,;?.:; :°
<br /> . ,��; -:a'1;^,�,� oi Trust or un8er aay Loan Instrument or other agreement or aay laaas now �r
<br /> " ;I: ''%� �• ' , • horeafker in £osc�, aotwithstan8ing same or all of the suaiz indebtedness and j
<br /> � �j' �::':� . obligations aecuse8 hereby may now or hereaftes be otherwfse secured, whethes by .
<br /> � '� ' mortgage, dee8 of truat, p2edge, lien, assfgnment or otherwiae. Neither the
<br /> �, ,'�{' .. ; acceptance oF this Deed of Trust nor its enforcement .r�hether by couxt action or. , ' �
<br />- •-.�1 ' � pursu�nt to the paxer of sale or ott�er po�aere herein contained, ehall pzejudfce :
<br /> �.i '.:�_ � . ' or in any man:ter affect Trustee's or Beneficiary's right to realize upon or . '
<br /> �+'. enfosce any other security now or hereafter heid by Tsustee or Be�eficiary, it �
<br /> � ; be3ng agreed.that Trustee and Berieficiary, and eact� of them, ahall be en;,itled �
<br /> { : i�� � � • to en£orCe this DeeB of Truet and any other secuzity nem or hereafter heid by , '
<br /> i�,. .' , J� 3 ' ,
<br /> :�_�
<br />-- --•�. .. - - _ ;.... . .. .
<br /> ; � ' � _ _ �
<br />