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<br /> -t t -�� - -- - -
<br /> � `. �.�.�. - - � - . . . - --- ��°' '����.� _ ��__- -
<br /> � " � �
<br />���-''��!•}Crl� . =�_..�. ' � ..)- 'j'. - : .-..•., . - ^ - . '' ' - ��_ _ ___--
<br /> �� ��
<br />�-=�'��,�� � pay�ts reny co tanger ba raqnfee4.at��c�.a�f Lca.der,if mpr�gage i��i�nce cuve�e(in ttt�c����s�ica gea�a��� __ -- --
<br /> - �-° ,t�at E�ead�r i�equ�es�DmvFded by un insr�rer B�ZO+t�4 by�cr agsin lsecomes available ariQ is ob�.�tl.�rrv+�er�11 pay -
<br /> -� �� tlie p�mi�ms nq�ain�d to m�ntain rnort�age insuaans�it►effeat.or tn pmvide a Ioss ne�erve.until the reqnIrei�t,far mortga,� . - _---- _
<br /> �_ .....:�Y}�'�l `insura�t�;ett�s itE�saordailce�vith aay wrIat�agreec�tt betc�eeu Soriower rjnd,Le�der oY appiicabIs lacu. ., --__ -
<br /> ----- -�_��`<:� .4.�¢4���e.i.ender or Its agent anay�tpsonable eateieg agon aad inspections of the�'mgerty.Lender sRatl give : � ...- -
<br />�_=�- r. .
<br />_ , �_ .:.x,_ .,�.� : . Borrowar not�ee 3s the t�rne of ar priat m,an ius�n apectfying reasonab2e c�se for the iaspecti�, --- --
<br /> }�_. ��. . IQ.�td,�a�n.The prnce�ls of aay iiw�ad at rtaim far da�nages.�direct or conseqne�'al, in caanection wittt anY _ ___
<br /> �����A-�o� �� " oond�mnation or ather ta�ing of a�part of the'Pragettys OI'fOl CQJNG'jr2I10E 1R IICU Of CO11�C![II13110E}.are bereby assigged and =______-__
<br /> "'x � � � &��T3C�?81a tQ�IId£t. � - i'.. ' ' ' �+3eaf a
<br /> i; �``� �`-, In ttte event af s tatal t�cing af thc�rogerty,ti�pm�s shal��e a��ts�the st�ms seadred E�y Rhis Seaui[y In�udept. . �°��-����_
<br /> ' �: r `. }�y�- wheiheE o�ttat tlten Qi:e.with aay excess paid t4 Bo�wer_ 1n the ev�u a�f a partial ta�ng of t#�Pmperty in whish tRe fai� ° � �,� _
<br /> � ,..� *�
<br /> :. , ,: ' a�arkQt value of the Property i�nmediatelg befoae thQ taking is equat m or greater than tRe amaur�t of the gums secured by this . ;t ��. ;
<br /> �g'`'`�' • Security Ynstru�ent immeQiatety before t�e�king,unless Barrower and Lcader othe�cvLse ag,�ee in miting,t h�sums s e c u r a d by �=��::. �r=�"-�"-
<br /> � th.. :,..i�,y.�a 3�a�-
<br /> �:;' .. �_ '`:
<br />. this Se�.vriry insuumeai sLall bz reduoed by�amaunt of the pmceeds multiplied[ry the Q'ollowing frastian: (a?the total �r,,::-�r � `
<br /> �� �. � �f: �:r=-���-�.:., ._
<br /> � �=� �:��.1-�:.., amaunt of the sums secured imraediately{�xfare th�fakjng.divided by (a)the fair maricet value of ths Property immediaze3Y �; ���S��ti�-��:;:=t= _
<br /> � : .� ,.`f�;`,�,s<,x•- 6efore the talcing. Any balance shall h��aid ta Barrowet. In the eveni of a partial taking of the PropErty in which the fair , � -- -- �
<br />- 'f,���t=�;�F�t,.r,� �, `��.._.
<br /> '�;,.�, -� .;,, � <:., 'a * •,
<br /> l„/ ,, m.—•arket value of th��roperty imm�diate�y before We talcing is tess than the aQwunt of the sums secu�immed'ts1_y before tire '' ��{�°
<br /> ,.,`�+�22 ' y�Qf�g,uttlesg.Harrawer and:l.ensler othenvise ag�ee in writing or nnless applicable 1aw otfierwise�tovides.the praceeds sltall �, �t� �.�,�.�.� �
<br /> •: :'�:�:•
<br /> � '%ti'JiiF��.��;,�., i, iv��'�.JS�'wa�"'.�dr?�.
<br /> ;�;.`tst?rc r . be applied ta the 5ums secf�ied.ity t6is Security Instrume�f wizether or aot the sams are then due. z ; -_ -.
<br />���j.g,;.�.�-,: -.s,, d��.:-_—_--
<br /> r;-.;�.;: .. If the Frapeety is abanstoi�ed by Borrawer.or if,after natice by Lendet to Bormwer that tbe mndsmaor uffe�bo Enake att ,.,�4_�;__�-
<br /> r�
<br />�', . . : �;., �
<br />�','.<`;; ;�,`..' ,::. ', award or settIe a ciaim fnt�lamages. Btirruwer fails to resQond w_Lcnder wittiin 30 days at�r the date tEte nnfice is giee�, . :�':-`��-:_ _
<br />��'.,;;`;�:�,';L�,F:: -' L�ader is autfintized W coilect and apply the prooeeds.at its csption,either ta m.�oaration or tcpairaf the Pmgerty or tn tHe susns ` ` ^`'�:`."'--
<br />� : C ��by ihis Security�ent,whether or not then due. ' ' ' T"
<br /> `.� UWess I.eader aad 6armwer otherwise agree in writing, anY aPPlication of�c�s to principal stialt not exte¢d or ��•r���_�'v-
<br /> '.• ,,.�t .
<br />� : - '�'r ��::: �. ne tLe due tt�re of tFre m�nthi a ents refemed to in hs 1 and Z or c�an e tfle anrnunt ot sach a ents_. . . -'`-� "�,'��
<br /> Postpo YP Ya► P��P S -P Yn► >__ .�.
<br /> -�`.�".. '.;:,;;`.,,.< 11.Bncrawer lYot IIeieased;Forbearance$p Lender Not a Waiorer.Excension of the tane f�r payment os modifiexl:ion �...� -- r_: -_,
<br /> - �.. ..a. . � 4�:`.'.�.,=_-
<br /> ��v5'-:;`��•''.�, of amortizatian of the sum4 r�cu�ed by this 5ecurity instrumeai gianted by L.enderw aay successor in interest of Bomnwer sbafi y,�i;,�, '� =�__
<br />� .,:. :.::.:,,��.•.%...,;;:::�;` an ��:��.�, �._�.
<br />,r�,:., �. ,:��.�. ,�.•�:'t;;�. mnt operaee tn cetease the{iabi7fty of the origiaal Borrower or Borrower's successo�s ia interest.Lender shal!r.ot be required to : .���:.
<br /> -' r ;' r� ;, commenc�e proce�ings agaiast any s�ccessor in interest or refiue to extend time For payment or otherwise modify�amorti7atian :.w..��3J�.--�:�
<br /> �,;.,}�,� ,,;,,;,, :',�;; of the sums se�ur�d by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand cnade by the original Borrower or Boriowet's ����,,,�. •
<br /> a.:� • ..':
<br /> ',�:;•,..,;ti/,,�;�;%;t' ..:,'�° successors iq iut�est.A�r forbeazancc by Lender in exercis��g any right or mmedy si�ail not he a Naiver.of or preclade tPr�e ;fC�'��.�:'', .::.F. -
<br /> ` ,,.�..:.,,, ,,.. ;}.. . . �
<br />-�.�f � . .�'`..,.�. . .1
<br />_ .,,,i�,�' •� exercise of aity r.ight or temedY• �� " -
<br /> . ,.r�,;. ;;i�'� ,
<br /> _ ;;;;;;�;�'�:, .;�;~:. IZ. Suecessois and Asstgns Boand;Joint and Severnl Lia6�7iSg�; �asi�ets. The coveaants and agreements of tlus '/y'��''';�;.�.�';�� ��
<br /> S �
<br /> ;��'..,,; .. . � Securiry Instmment shall bind and benefit the sucoessors and assigns of i.ender and ffiorrower, subject ta the provisions of "� �;�;,,.,�•4::,
<br /> . . ).�,�_ f `• �����'.
<br /> ; . ;.:•rr Paragraph 17. Sorrower's covenanu and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Saaurity ' ��jr,,., � =.
<br /> ��,,•.° `. ;�f; {.
<br /> ;. ' �'�� Insuument but�aes not execute the Nnte:(a)is oa-signing this Security IInstrument only to mnrtgage,gcant and•convey t6at '� � .•,�:� �.,,fi.f•'r`� •
<br /> '' ' �;.::i�:4;. a
<br /> '� ; �• :"•. ' :`�.:;;>�. Borrower's i�in the Property under,dre cermc of this Securiry fast=ument:tb)is not personal[y c,bligated to pay the sums �•.•r�,.-:?;;; , :,:
<br />_;; .... �,`:,,,�,.'.:,_,.::..._ �
<br /> _., �:•�,-. :��`���;: , secured by this�urity Instrument:and(el a�t�e.s that Lender and any ather Borrower may agmz to extend.modify.forbear or �.�,'' .,...:'�"�
<br />- ''�'�':� y m•rtodations vsirh regard to the terms of this Security Insaument ar the 1�ote without that Boaower's cansent. • �
<br /> ....� . make an acco � � -.+i"�>:.
<br /> • 13. I.oan�faac�ges.YC��Zeloan secured b this Security Instmmens is sub'ecti co a law which sets maaimum loan ch es, � d�i;•�`', �. ..;'�:'�;� .
<br /> :. y 1 � �,.�, a:.
<br /> �a��fti. p�, . � � . .:•; .r,�.. ,. r.�.
<br /> e :.e�,.,t and that law�is f�.��_ �nte ed so thut the interest or other loan chaa•ges mltected or to be coilectvd in connection with the �.,,, �,;...;�,�.,
<br /> �f,'�.:.,:. . � :.. �.
<br /> `I '�.+ �� •� '-' •��• Ioan eacceed the,r���inued limits.then: (ay any such foan charge shail b�reduced by the amaunt necessary to redace the charge . -.• :r���;:��
<br /> '�::.:':�',';,�i. �.
<br />_ • �;f•�ti.,y!��t,:;�;' ._ to the permitted�timit;and (b)any sums already collected from Barrower which exceeded permitted limits will he refunded to 5 ��_: �:,�-'�
<br /> •�: 1'+r:s,p;�r ,; ,�,;1,. .;� ,.—��,.�
<br /> � �toatr�wer. l.ender may chaace to make this refuad by reducing the.principal o��ed under the Note or by making a dimct 'u.:. ;���-T� ,r� � • '
<br /> �,.:��;;',:.:. ..:.,..� • ��` =�;-r ,
<br /> •°'�;.,�5¢���J�i;,,,.,.,:• .;.;. paS�mEnt to Bosrower. If a refund red�tces principal, the reduMion will 6e treated as a partial �repaym�nt.without any �SP;; .
<br /> _ .•.,,�;��;%,'.;t prepaymer�t�aiae under the Nrte. , • .
<br /> . .::�.h•, .;.�, . :'�n.
<br />- • ;:;?��'1����1` 14.l�tul��trzs.Any notice to Barrower provided far in this Security Ins[rumem shall be given by delivering it or by maifine• � • r�•; '� ' �
<br /> ; 1,;^tr��' ' , `
<br /> • . . • .�'��Yr��7.� it by first class mail unless applica6le law requires use of another method. The notice shall be direrted to the Property Address ,
<br /> ' , ,,,�,: ; •�� or any oiher addxess Bonawer de5ignates by notice ta i.ender. Any notice ta I.e���r shall be gi�en by first cla�s mail to ��.,�:
<br /> _;; . , . Lender's address stated herein ar any other address Lc�dcr de�ignates by notice tn T.�*rower. Any rtatice provided for in this � _ -• � � .
<br /> g given aa provided in this paragraph. � � "
<br /> . ' , ";�;;`{;��� Securiry Instrument shall b.;deemed w have been iven to Barrowcr ar I.ender whea • � . • •.
<br />- I�`���� . I5.Gm��sin Law; Severabilit This 5ecurit lnstrument shall be oti�emcd b federal law and the law af the f
<br /> �. • .. . � ''';�'r;i;:� P Y• Y S Y ,
<br /> ' � �E�^ jurisdiction iri which the Praperty is lacatal. In the event that any provi�ion or c'�3s.of this 5ecurity Instrument or 1he Note
<br /> : ,; • . , ai�nflicts wiL'�appli��able law,sach mnflict shatl nat.���.�ther provisions of th:�Saa�:city Instrument ar the Note which tan be ,
<br /> ei��'n ef fv�c�-wtthout ihe conflicting provisian.To t[td�.�,�f clie ptovisians ot'this���rr�¢y Instrument and the Note ate declared - :
<br /> ;' � ' 'l.;• li?GB 50�'�sJ�3�¢_ ,� .
<br /> �:. � . . 'k�;,`;��� �. �G i�r�+�.c+rer's Copy.Borrowcr sra�J�b4 gi.4z sr,:a7lform�3d u��r?�af thc Note and of this Serurity Instrument. ,s1�:�
<br /> 4:,` ';�,rii�� .: `` 1�:;,, :
<br /> �•t •4., form 3028 9/90 �`';i ', �,';;,,?; '; .
<br /> - , • , ,. �:;i��'.i:,J , '.
<br /> ' . . � . , . ' . � ���AN4o16�. -. , . �t � �+ '
<br /> .. - . � . . . . . . . ��:�1..�. ,
<br /> . , �,'.,`iJ,,F,,' .
<br /> � ��
<br /> E{. r..aflyl���+�i'}� ' . . � " . .. ' . - . . . ' .. . � ��i»� . ;�,.��.
<br /> r . :�1�y>;:y,�iti, , , ' , . ; , �tt,. ��i`,.
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<br /> � �.�.� - ..-y..�.r—••—••-f•--------:r-:'i ` .. i f.t
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<br /> �f, ,
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