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<br /> F�� �T�� � • a�� ! .S � "n'�A . � � � � _ --
<br /> k- � . ' ._— �� -t r ._ A. f_ , . ' . � � � --- --
<br /> i -�-Si� ,i . t !, . .ti; .- , t " �G�•,�u�; _..�
<br /> �"t.:•. .. . ._
<br /> _ , i�_ .t�� ,� �.�,i-i ^r.:a'i�.t�lr:a�atr ,_,,,,..r.�_ t rr�� �?;;.�._ _' _ _ _'�_.--.
<br /> .. ..`: 7 4`— _.-._ i__ — � _ �_ . . . .-: .. ....:L �� . - _
<br /> ��°��.`.4fi-��� , •— — —( - ' ' - ' , `, '��� 1�a'�+�1� , , — — = ---
<br /> 1 �, ��,�� i-�z` � _ _ _..._,___..
<br />��.�._._v_. �.' a y .S. �3a7ari�ni P►�� l�u�aase;�8armwer shalt.kce� tha improvem�ets aow exlsxlag or her,q�Rer e�tad o�f�the� . . —
<br /> � - -- �F��Y insured agains�toss 6y�..twzunds i�cIude�withm ttxe ter�"ex�easded w�v�rnge."acd azry�b�arcts. insluding. �—
<br /> r�is+
<br />�,'���-��::.: � ttoods or IIood]ng.�or�r6ie3i l�nder sequires.ins�nanse.Ttus ins�srattce st�a�f$e cmairet�inad`in che amo�anA'for the'ps�i�s - � __ —
<br /> 3fi�:�k�•,�. . -
<br /> _ � •� tLat Leads�requires.`lTte insvrauae wrri�r pmviding the insuz�ttce sha116e chvsen 6}r.Boirower subject to LeZder's approvaY -------
<br />=_- "��"`:'��h" �vhich shall aot De aareasnnabJy�rithh�td. L4 Borro�v�fails to m�iatain ooverage descri6�above.Lendor may,ai Ias�dcr'a ---^-- _
<br /> _ � _=�_:'^.,�,: option,obtain oovesage to pmte.�t Le�der"s rights in tiie Propercy in axnrdaac�v�ith pa�raaraph 7. -' � Y .
<br /> :�� � � :�,: �- All inc„�,��paliaes and rene�vaLs slmll be aoc,eptable to LeadEr a�W shati inctude a st3ndarc3 enurtgage claas�. Lender '��n- _�.;�. _-
<br /> . �`� = �'�•� shaU have tt�e rig6i m 6old the policies aad�vals.If Ler►dec requires.Borrower shal!pmmgtly give m icnd�r alt nece'spts'of °°- =
<br /> .' _�:. o- : sr '�a�L�� --
<br /> !_�., paid premiums atW renewal notias.In the event of toss,Horro�ver snall give prompt aotice w the insuranae c�rrier aad Lender. . . �„��,F r�.�,= ;:_:
<br /> �, �
<br /> _ � + •t �.a�.�,i� Leader may utake prnof of toss if ant made grompity bg 8ormwer. � � �,�t- � .
<br /> _- � n k�h�<. Unless Lender an�Borrower ail�ernise agree in writing,iass►rance Qroceeds shatl be applied to restoration or re�air af the � ��n�� � � :
<br /> ProFertS+daznaS e d.if the restoratibn or r e p a ir is eooaomical i y feaslble aad Leader s s$c u r i t y is aoi less�ned.If the nswration or .� ��, � -
<br /> �.�+.�� ...�� f,-�r�'' repair is ant eoonomicalty feasible or Le�der's security would be lessenad,the insurance prooeeds shall be applied to the sums ���;��%�°���..�''"
<br /> �C�.e;.:::�>�_z,;�. .�` s e c u r e d 8 y t h i s S e c a u i t y�t,w h e t h e r or not the�Que,virifh an y excess p a id to Borrower. If�orrnwer abandons the ,�y ���:���-�`'-
<br /> � r +z.'.=:�' -
<br /> 4,�`,, (�,r ` �,, PmPert�r.or does aot answer within 30 days a no�fro�i.ender t6at the inssuance carriet iras offe�ai`tQ seit3e�.c�aim,tben �� y� ��'� L ,.
<br /> �� ��
<br /> ; .f ; i � I.end�r a�ay ooltea the i��.�,����S�useeds. Leadec cnay us�the proceeds to re�xiir or resiore tbe Pfiop�or ta.pay. sums .
<br /> � i.::;.�f=-.. �t s�cur�6y this Secwil}+Tnstaunent.whcther or nut t6en due..Ttte 30�day getiod will h�gia wheai the notice is.given. - �},,.�', ,�� � � ?
<br /> � ' T f� Unic�ss ir.uder and.Aarrower otherwise agr�e in writing,ar►Y ePPlication of gmceeds�to prFucipat s�all not extend os ' �,i+y .- f'`���3_:
<br /> A
<br /> j° 'lif�: o ne tTce due da�e of dre monffiI ents refierred to in. hs 1 and 2 or the aznoune.of the nts. If . � �'`"`���""� -=
<br /> .F � P.� Y P� F��P ��e � m� �g,.,�
<br /> ,,� ; under paragrapb 2 f the E?mge�ty is acqnire�6y i.e�der.8orrawer.'s right w any insuraace goticies and proceeds resWting from �'tN�- �Y3. ,u,.,.
<br /> _ ' .tr•� �IIS� � �
<br /> %,`:; ;�`•�%�r� dam:ge to th�•ProFertS�pri�r ta ilre acquisition shafI pass to I.�sder;t�i the extcnt of We sums�acuced by this Security Instsumeat `�y' :-��
<br />-- A�r:s,, "�;�;;�;,�f-. - iramediateiy priorto the acc�uisition. ' :%:: ,t '�' ;�;;;��=';:.'
<br />�� '�rr::,��'�,.�•`� ;r: 6.Oocapaac�,��ation,Maiafenanoe and Paotectfo�i��:#.#��ri�afi�f.�3ar��{i�i���an A�tieation;I.easel�olds. '�'� ';�:• .''`�
<br /> "�` +�`�' � ,�;�4 s Borruwer shall oocu{,�y::�blisb.and ose the Property as Bar��-�t�ra�=�_�;'�;`';i:t+s��t���liiii:�i qv�'���.`i�fitx:the execution of , Z�`', `"�
<br /> . � . ,:_ .�, s•� �Y � �� „�"�;�.
<br /> .��� r ��r� �•' ` ' " �'- �r �i.
<br /> Jy _ as �� i t 6 is Securi ty I i�s tr u m��a n d s h a l l c o n t i n u e t o o c c u p y t h e P m�t i y-,�B o r ro w e r s p i�h c�p i i 3:`+��a e e���i l r.s i�c o n�p�r a f t e r , e }�f z,�;,:..'„-�
<br /> t > c-: „ 1�uE�r� u.v��'?�i..
<br /> � f�t �f . the daie of occupancy.anless Lender otherwise agtees in wnts��Cr arhich cor�sent shall ai�ti,.nnasa�ti'!� {GI••,•: or tu�less ,;r;�����----�_
<br /> ,' �, � .:. , F;.tri. � �� ..,.. '
<br /> �....'.;.:.�`'f;l•.';' •-` extenuasi�sg circumstanaes exdst which are beyond Sorrabge�r.control. Borrower shall 'not destroy;;3��or mqtair the � r .. _!�'.�
<br /> • ..,.�
<br /> �.`'."'.;•; `' `,.,;: t�ra. " a11ow the Pro e to deteriorate,or cuir�ins,!waste oa the Property. Borrower shal! be in de:siy.t if any farfeiture �' � `,. .=.'� F .-'=
<br /> _ - I�estY= P rt5' .-
<br /> ,.'� --.-.-,.. .- acti�!irrproceeding,whether eivil or eriminaI.:�;;�iir�trizisat in.Lender's good faith judgm�ent could r�iJi:'sn forfeiture of the ` -
<br /> � �';�• � - Fro�s�ae���ir otherwise materially impair the lien�ctr»li�i`��:��curiry Instrument or Lender's security irserest.Borrower may
<br /> • ' ,cure�a defautt and teinstate.as provided iri.�s`�i�r:ijicaph IS,:�y causing the actionor praceeding to 6e dismissed with a ruling '� �
<br /> `'.*.�%.�'� � that. in Lender's good€aith ueterminadon. gn�ti�s forfeiture of the Borrower's imerest in the Propesty or other material `„'�a`,::,
<br />-�� � ;`���' � � � impairment of the lieri created by this Secvrity�l;tr�`timenE or Lender's security interest. Borrower sha�,a6so 6e in default if � :� :R��'�?
<br /> �,�;.�.,;;.. ..; �..�,.:. /.. 4'�'''� ..
<br /> ,� ; Bortower,during the��an application process.ga�e`materially false or inaccurate information or statemems to Lender(or faifed •�' ,� ;.. .�
<br /> �:.:�..,_._
<br /> �' to provide I.ender with any material infomtatian)in connectioR with the toan evidenced by the Note.including,but not fimited fc�1,�lj;�,�, �°•
<br /> � ���4�;;;,. ;'%�"::,-���'� to,re resentations concemin 8orrower's oceu an of the Pr�� ' as a rinci al residence.If this Securi Jnstrument is o»a ''�;�� �'
<br /> � ::t::::�: ��;�
<br />- , f��. P S P �Y �5 P P . ;� �..
<br /> `•''�i•_. .'';:';`"�• leaseho2d, Borrower shall cam 1 with ull the ro�risions o��s��: ��se. If Borrower a uires fee utte to the Pco the ��`;t'�;'�°h�, �'� '��'
<br /> � <;;,,�t,;... ,: �':�:: P9 P .. .. . �1 ��Y• ,:��� r•_y".�,;
<br /> °.� ,'.�-;'- -�--- ,s���.::_
<br /> ;;.,.�;��� leasehold and the fee title's1sa11 not merge untess I�:�d.r agreet,'c��zi.mergw�cr.e writing. � ;�?����; �•r
<br /> ..�.,;�.� ,.
<br /> ."�r,:;;i.�. ,. ;. 7.P r o t e c t i o n ot L end e r's Rt ghts i�t h e Pr�m�.if Fk.�:s:�u'er fails to perform the covenants and u g n x:inents wntained in . . ',.':'.•.,•,;;-, '
<br /> :�i,�.•�•�. �
<br /> ' t`�'' this Sccuri Instrument,ar there is a le raaaPC'���`tha=ai�a s:�nificantl affect Leader's si ts in�i}i�L�o ert such as a �� �,�`~•�•` �, •
<br />_ ,i:; �Y �P �. o Y ,b't►. P �� . "�F:};.(�})�,..�;�.�'
<br /> : ' � +:: ,�. procceding in bankruptcy.prabate. faroondemn�:i:�n o.f;�c:��:o.ra or to enforce laws or t�}�t�li�liifri4):,(lri:�t.�.Lender may do and :'••`�'`,�i+���� � . •.-„�
<br /> �� ;r'. 4'�s,:;.;':..�:•. ;_-
<br /> � '�`f�;•� '�'I'�'.� pay for whatever is necessary to protect the valet�,�?`t'r:c P�,.�,��!ty and Lender's rights iti:If�e�?i�i�saty:._t.ender's actions may �;?�.-`���',��' �"'
<br /> �.,.::�: ,,;;..,: .
<br /> � �•:,r.r;�� . . include paying any sums secured by a liCn �"v�a�� ;7as priority over this Security In�t�n�a;t,',t,�is�:,�i�� in caurt, paying ; ��' °�'
<br /> �� � � reasonabte attom s'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Althaugh Lertder mar.�t31k:��i��i��nder this paragraph •' , " ,�`
<br /> • , •',._ ', .. eY - f,
<br /> '. -�<<;�• .• . T.l.ender does not have to do so. . , , .,, • , ; `, :�::;.�'� _
<br /> 'cf�l ' : .,. , ,, ..,..° ...�.. ,. „',
<br /> - ./�_-��yl•,, ';�..��, , Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragrap�.7 shall become additionaf deG3 of Bonower secured by this , . -
<br /> � '''„• � �"��� � Secur��i:Inswment. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to at,h•zr terms nf payment,these�nounts shail bear interest from the . �
<br /> • ,:.'''�'4��°'• � date a��tisbursement at the Nate rate and shall be payable. tii�i¢h interest, u�oa notice fram Lender tc►Borrower requesting , . . .. ;�`'•' '�
<br /> . . pa}���t: . -�_
<br /> ,.; ,.;•. .� ; • _-
<br /> - ., r;:;•.: �:'.. �;.3lortgage Iasurance.If Lender required mortgagc ins��rance as a co�dici�n af maki�tg the Iban�z..^vred by this Security �r � '�••,.�. '
<br /> '":i;�„�,..� ' , ,<<;��::,•� •
<br /> . ��„��;;.:.t.:;�' , . Insr=�ra�nt. Borrower shall pay the premiums required to rt��.,i:ain the mortgage insura.�: in effect. 1f, for any r�.5�n. the � ,��,,;?>.;.
<br /> .>�r:r,�. � � g g S 8 Y P P Y P P' ,�.�,�5i��,• . �. ,
<br /> ' ,.$,�..r•;.!��r-.• � ` mon a e Insurance cuvera e re uired b Lender la ses or ceases to be in effect.BO(f015'e'i i�18II a the remiums'r�:a�d to �. .,;,d;::�. �,..• .. ..
<br /> . ;.,,,r. . ..
<br /> • • , . obtain coverage substantiaUy equivalent to thc mattgage insurance previously in effect.at a coxt subsezr.r�iyly equivalenf to the . • , . , '��i?
<br /> ..,•��;:
<br /> - • cost ta Borrower of the martgage insurance prevRpu�ly in effect. from an altemate mortgage insurer��*�oved by Lender. If � ';;-
<br /> �. � substantialty equivalent mongage insurance coverage is not a�•zi!able.Borrower shall pay to l.ender rach manth a sum equal to • � . . � `� .
<br /> ��.= ., '. • one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium beinr p3u�6y Borrawer when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to ,
<br /> � ?" . :.. be in effect.Lender will aecept.use and retain these payments ss a loss rescrve in lieu of morlgagr insurance. I.�s• r��serve . , . .
<br /> �' �!_� � . Form3028 9190 ' ,' , •' „
<br /> - :1 ' • .. .��� . . vaqo 3 ot 6 . .
<br /> .�} 'ts��.S{�;}y`5��� .. ``� • . � .. �I ' �.:,.';f'! � . . t
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