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<br /> - =��1`�';�:�'�. � TO(ihRH�It WPFN alt the�mprovem.nts nnw ar hereaiter ere�ed cm the pmFerty.�n�aY�easerriedts.ePP!nteenaa�s:. '
<br /> L t Y G�. �i�t• .
<br /> % i�:.°''� .�- �:: � � and�ixt�res now ar Aeteait�r u Rm�t af the Prv�e�tl+• A,1i rePl�c�eraeats�itd gddiaians,shalt alsa be cc+vered 6y this 3ectuisyr •. , ,
<br />- ,v;,�` a ',°�-�' ` Insmudent All of ttse fongaing i�mfe�to is�'this Sccuriry Insuument as the"ProDerty." , � .. � . , .
<br />- .'..a'4 �''�.i... .
<br />_ .:�,� `. .�'�; BORROWER COV�NArTd'S that Borrovret is lawfuUy seised af the essate hereby'canveyed nttd has the.d�ht ta�tt
<br /> � '.`�> . � � � and comrey t1��P�Y�d that the�cape�ty is uneasum6eied.exreyt for ensum�rances uf recotd. Barmw�r�vprrants�- .
<br /> �,.�..:..�'.�:�..,�•...- .
<br /> = �,°;,,<. ,:. �: .�� � cvilI defezc�d�eaemUy the dtEe to che ProPertY against all claims aad demau�ds,snbject to any eucumbrs�nces of r�xitd. � . � ` .__ -- —
<br /> .��.. � - - _
<br /> :;,�� . THIS SECURITY [i�FS'�RUMEI�i'1'com8ines unifotm coveannts foz nationsl use and non-unifoii►t c�:eaants with ---�--
<br /> ',. Wnited vartatians by jur�sQicdae to constitute a unifoim seauriry insttumene covering ceal pmperry. —
<br /> '="`' IJI�IIP�ItM�OVENA�NTS. Homawer and 18ndrs coveaanf and agee as fol2ows: . '. - --_,
<br /> . _-- ANT
<br /> 4 l. F�ym�nt ut Priadpal amd InBese�t,FrePuYsaeat�nd.Late Ci�es. Horrowet sh�Il P��P�Y F�Y whs�du�the , ti= �- -- ---
<br /> . • ,= y^�LF , principal o€ana iittetest an the debt evideaced by the Noie and anY prepaYmeat and tate c6�ges due uztder ths 2�Iote. • _ -- - -----
<br /> �° '.". 2. Fuuds for'l�acs and Inseu�ane� Subject to applicabfe law or to a writien v�aiver 6y Lend�,Bwrow�r shall pay to --
<br /> .,�, -_—
<br /> ,.,.,,. .. .
<br /> -_ .`".��f��.'•'•;'; ;'•1: Leadsr oa the day monthly pay�nents are due nnder tbe Note,until the Note is paid in fiill,a sum("Funds")for.ta)YeariY _ -
<br /> . 'r':i':�:.���h��`.� =; . `.. _
<br /> . . • ta�ses arud ass�nts wtticb may attain priority over this Security Gnstrument as a lien an ttie Prope�ty;tb)Yeariy feasehold —_
<br /> _ . .� �`�� payments o�gsuwid rents oa the Praperty,if aay: (c) YeazIY hazazd os pruperty iasurance premiums; (d� Y�Y R� .
<br /> � ' insurance preauums.if any;(e)YearlY.cnortgage iasurauce premiums,if any:aad(fl�Y� PaY�Ie �3► Barrower tn.
<br /> -. � ,",::;i';�r�,: Lsnder.in aceoTdance witb the pmvisions of patagrapb 8.in lieu of the paymEnt of mortgage insurauce piemiums. Ttiese ----
<br /> ' � . • i�ems are called"Esctaw Items." Lender may,ai any tune.coIIect aad hold FLnds in an amouni nai to exceed the maximum _ __
<br /> �� `��� amount a Iendsr for a federally retated mortgage toan may require for Bomuwer's escrow aa�u�ni uuder the federal'Iteal �
<br /> �t�.�•,«��� . �� ` Esrate Settlement F[ocedures Act of 19r74 zs amended from time to time,l2 U.S.C.§2601 et seg.C'ItFSPA").unless another ___
<br /> • !aw that applies to the E�nds sees a Eesser amo+mt. If so,Len�er may.at any tim�collect and hold Funds in an amount not to _
<br /> _ . .' " '`'�:�;. excecd the Lesser amoun� Lender may esrimate the amount of Fnnds dae on the basis of cw7ent dasa and reasonable ' —
<br /> -- '`-�; � estimates of expendihues of future Fscmw Items or otherwise in accordance witli applisa6te taw. . ___-- -
<br />- ' ,� ��� . 'I'he Fuads shall be held in an iastiturion whase deposits are insvred by a federal agency. inswme�ality,or eniity �,
<br /> �• . :, Iiaclad'utg L.ender.if Lender is sucfl an institution)nr ut any Fed�sal Hame Loan Banic. Lender shall app l y the Funds m pay .:_:=.�.`_
<br /> �,,•z, ,.
<br /> J .�..�...f.�.:. . ..�.• "_' - �
<br /> --- -- -.� the Escrow Ioems. Ixnder may not charge Bomnwer�fvr�oIfiu$aa d app lyiag t he F un d s.aimu a ll Y�Y�S t h e�w: . .. a`��,
<br /> 0
<br />- .�.r. account.or verifying the Escrow Items.unless Lender pags��au+er mterest on tfie Fiinds aaa applicable7�w�yermits ����_-
<br /> Lender to make such a charge. However,Lender may reqaiie Lem�`Ner to pay a flne•time charge fot an indepeudent r�at: ��- _—
<br /> ` � estate taa re�o�ting service used by Lender in connecpon with chis Pa�,in,�ess applicable�aw pmvides othernise. Uniess an. . �:;;:_
<br /> �. �:�� � v'�:'t� agreement is inade or applicable law requires interest w i�e paid,II.eitder shall not be�quired co pay Bomower any inte�est�c. �(?�,�`=�,_-
<br /> .. e
<br /> '`a`��°,�' � `'i=;�� • earaings on the}�mds. Borrnwer and Lender may agiree in v�rriting,however,that interest shaU be paid on the Funds. Lender: �,='',�^_`_`
<br /> ; �,����?� . �,t�'�a�:,�<�E - , s
<br /> . shaq give to Bormwer,wit�hout charge,an annual accauntin�of tt►e Funds,s8owing credits aad d��'its to the Funds artd the
<br /> =` �i��1,��k���• pwpose far which each debit to the Funds was made. 'fhe Fimds ate pledged as additiona!securlty for all soms seceued by� }�s� :
<br /> �,.'� �:..�.'';����4,.� this Security Instiutnen� ' � ", .�.
<br /> ` � . ,•`�r'�Sa``',k` If tl�e Funds hetd by I.ender exceed the amounts permiaed Eo be held by apglicable taw, Lender shall account w . t
<br /> " `'�'i �`}'� `'"''k%'�'' $omower for the excess Fimds in accurdance with[he sequiie�e�bf applicabte law. If the atnounc of tUe�ds held b ��y��
<br /> s�.�rF`l�:;,. ,.�.i.� Y . , ;�y yE:.�.�
<br /> �'i���;,f��`�-`�..� '� Lender at any dme is aat sv�cient to pay the Escrow 6Eems wh�n due,Lender may so notify Borrower in r+riting,arcd.in t��;,;`�,F'{ ;
<br /> ��'����r�•±�-;f . •. �'��'�• such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower sf�all make up tD�e ���,,. ; ..r 'r
<br /> r
<br /> ;; ; j ;;, deficiency in ao more tt�an twelve monthly payment�,at Lender's�i�ie discretion. . 1 ` ;:�,�
<br /> , ;:.' . '; s 4,��?'�:� Upna payment in fal�of ait su,ns secured by this Sec�u:,x�"�r.�iument,Lender shal!promytty refund to Borrower an� � ..�
<br /> `,, ::.�';;.:,: ` . Funds held.by I.ender. lf.under paragraPh 21.l.ender s��;�n:or se13 the Property,Lender,prior to the acquisitiau�: . , „
<br /> 'i,�;.,".-": sale of the Hvperiy.shaU apply any Funds held 6g�.��.4 Yl,e time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the surims • �
<br /> ,''.i,�+.,:r;� � . '.'..��.: , � ..,
<br /> �.:,�;sl��`j r: secareA by this Security Inspument. . . '
<br /> .' ,.. '„�
<br /> ; • '�4';'•.'. 3. Appliqtton of Pgyrments. Unless applic^�lsTe 1aw provides otherwise,all payments received by I.ender under ;.•,�• ,
<br />- - � -- " �rsg.eg!u!sssd 1 sl�slZ ise ap;►lied:f�,to any preps�y�ent charges due under the Note:second,tp amounts payable under �1�''� •�
<br /> � .. paragraph 2:third.to interest due:fourth,to principal due;and las�to any late charges due under the�lote. � , ,�;,:;=.�`�
<br /> . � ` 4. C6arges; Lfens. Bonower s[tall pay al!taxes.assessments.charges,fines and impositidAS attributable to the � ''�"�J'"
<br /> ' . Pmperty which may attain priority over this Securinr��r.rument,and leasehold a ments or onr,a���t,if a� . Borrower � "�'`
<br /> P Y Br ` Y :;;;'"�, .
<br /> • : shall pay these obligations in the manner�ra"v'sd�ic��.,;raph 2.or if not paid in that manner,Bombw:r�l'+..�gay them on •
<br /> `� .' ' ; '� ' � time dicettly to the person ow�ed paymen`•�sn ow�'s���romptly fumish to Lertder aU notices of amorta"s ti,;.br paid under � .. , .
<br /> � � •.�?;%,�; this paragraph. If Borrowermakes thes�Fr,a;:�e►rts•i��-'iectiy.Barsawer shall promptly fumish to Lcnder rece_r��videacing; . . ::�•
<br /> ::`� . ,-.y.,.,.. ''"i�� : ;;� .
<br /> ����;. the paymertrs E€•
<br /> _ , .,,�..t}�i:;
<br /> �� t;`;;�;'' ; Bomav��shall promptly discharge;;ry tien which has prior,"r:��c�.t his Security Instrumenr cn less Borrower.(a)a�a;s " �
<br /> ,. , .,,�,,,``�,., ��. ,".
<br /> in writing tr,d��paymz�k's„the abligation sccured by u�e lien in a manner aeceptable to l.ender.(b)contests i��;ood faith the~ ��• •� !.
<br /> •.'""t'`� lien b ordefends a�^il._��c 4nforcement of the lien in. tegal praceedings�vhich in the Lenders opinion operaK to prevent the � . . . . '� ��
<br /> . • ,r,�;';�, ..
<br /> ,�, � °���t�t��' es:for cme;a of the li�:a(c)secures from the hotGer af the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien � . . . � .
<br /> . „E�y.�,��: •
<br /> �,rF.v...,t.
<br /> :�;,.., ..`�:,,..,��. ; . • •to this Se�ity Insirument. If Lender determines that any part of the PropeRy is subject to a lien wfiicb may attain priority �
<br /> ` ,;,;,, . ' over this 5-..curity tnstrument.Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Bcrrower s6ap satisfy the fien ar take
<br /> '�: � • � one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 da}s of ti�e giving of notice. , • ��:�� .
<br /> �` �`•-;r' �• 5. Hazard or Fev�xerty Insurance. Borto4�3'_�all keep the improvements now existing on c�reafter erected on the , • •
<br /> '�ct�C:.�. . � .
<br /> :•'�i��i:r;'' � Property insured again<_�:fass by fire,hazards incluCi.1�:thin the tertn"extended coverage"and any other hazards.including • ,
<br /> .<<�: ., �ta'
<br /> " �` ' floods or ftooding. for which Lender requires ins�:rwn�. This insurance shall be maintained in thc amounts and for the I�, ,
<br /> f'� . .
<br /> ,� : {'.' � '
<br /> • , &c�3071J 9/90 Ipage 2 nf b/w��!rs� , { '
<br /> �;
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