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'f'rs»�1er M th� Propos4y �r a�enw4lal�1 Int�r�st In Borr�w�r. u ae or any pset ot the Rreperty or �"'"�=�"--��v- � <br /> ;�, rny IMereet tn it i�eold or tnneteRed(o�ti a bc�e!loi�1 Interest In Bor�ower la aold o�tranate7red nnd Bo�rower la not��n�tural —.. — <br /> ° ; , psraon)wllhoul Lender's prlor wdtten conaem, lend�r rttay,at t4o optioo,�equtre Immedteto payment tn NIl ot all auma secured by �,�__,�:�•,;n��__._ <br /> : thlo 8eaurlty InsVumenL However,thts opt4�n shai not ba ex�relsed by Lender tf exerofse tv profilblted by fedcral law�o ot tbe �^._-°^�-T_-__�_,;::_;.�_ <br /> � . � date of this Seeurity InnUumen� `�����.:--_ _--._ <br /> „u .� �r.� ,� ec-, <br /> if 4ender exerelaes this optlon. Lender eheil give 8orrower noUae of acaeteta�on. The nottce ehrll provtde a perlod ot�ot ;�.r;,,,;.�;�'a_ <br /> , teae than 30 deya from the date the noUae fa deiivered or maitod wfthin wNob dorrower muat Ray atl aums seuurod by thta .��;v�;:;-:=:___-_ <br /> '' -�' `: .,=:,-.— <br /> ' Secudty Inotrumen4 If BoROwur inlis to pay these aums pdor to the e�cpiraUon ot thta pedod, l.ender may Invoko any remedtea . �;,�,;`R <br /> � . partnitted by thts 8ecudry�neWment wbhoul Wrther flottae or detnand on 6or►owar. -,s;°��,'�;��;�;,,,,,�_A,� <br /> • • 18. i�orrev�e�'a Al�Mt to Relnstete. If Borrower meota cedain condltions, Bortowar shatf have the dgM to have • <br /> � entorcement o!thts Secu�lty Inswment dfseonUnued at any time pdor to the earlier af: (a) S days (or sueh other pertod as , .� e'. <br /> epplicuble luw may speoity for reinatatement)betora sa�e ot tha Property purauant to eny power of saie contefned tn thls Secudly •. � "k„'..:`: <br /> Instrument; ar(b) vntry ot a Judgment entorcing this 8ecudty InsWmen�Thoae oondiUons are thtit eorrowar.(a) paye Lender atl � •_ <br /> sums whioh then woutd be due under thts 8ecur(ly Insbument and tha Note as N no acceferaUon had occurrod: (b)cures eny :��. ; <br /> � detauh of any other eovonant or ugreements; (o)paye a11 e�enses tncurred N entoroing this 8eeur(ly Insbvment. Indudtng,Dut � „ � �. <br /> nct Ilmked to, �easonabie attomeya' tees; cnd (c�takea sueh act(on as Lender may reaaonably require to aesure that the Aen of . � <br /> � tfils 3ecudty Instrument, lender'e�ighta in the Property and 8oROwer's obligaUon to pay tho auma aecured by thia Seoudty ' . . <br /> Inatrument ehalt conUnue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower,this 8ecurtly Instrument end the obltguUona aecurod � <br /> � hereby sha0 remain fuilyr eifeotive as it no acceieration hed occuRad. Flowever.thb dght to reinstate shetl�ot epply M thQ a3so . , <br /> ot ecceleraUon under paregreph 17. � ., • <br /> 19. �ale of Note; Change of Loan �OavDCer. The Noto o► a a pac�lal interest In the Note(togc�tP��r wtth thts � ' <br /> Security tnstcument)may be sold one or more Umes witPeout pdor notteo to�orrower. A safe may resuft in a change fn the en4'dy ,�,._,_. <br /> (known as the'Loan Servicer') thet coNects month�y payments duo under tho Note end this Seeur�y Instrument. There also m�y �, -�. �;;;:_ <br /> � be one or more changes of the Loan 3ervicer unrcbtcd to o sata a4 thQ Mote. !t there is a cAange of the Loan Servie�r, . . . . .,.•'r=� <br /> Borrower will be ghre�written noUce of the change tn�accordance with pruagraph 14 above and appNcab�e taw. The noUce wi11 , `• ���r� <br /> etete the name and address ot the aew Loan Senicer and the address to which payments should be made. The nottce wpl atso . `�t'�`'"'°'- <br /> • ;,.. <br /> contain any other intortnation reguired by appllcabie taw. �' . . � ;w <br /> � 20. Hazardous Substan��s. Bortower sheli not cause or pertnit the presence, use, disposal, storage,or release ot ,`f�(+��F,!�,� <br /> � any Hazerdous Substances on u!n the Properry. Borrower sha11 no4 do, nor allo�v enyane eise to do, anythtng aHecttng the , r��:,;r��- <br /> Properly thet ia tn vlotaUon d any Environmentel Law. The preceding two santenaes shall not appiy to the presence, use, or , '"�:,"�(v{�Q�'� <br /> storage on the Property oi small quentlties ot Hazardous Substances that are generaly recognhed to be appropriate to normal ��,:'•�_a_ <br /> residential uses and to maintenance of the PropeAy. �' "4 � <br /> •-t:r�=� _ <br /> � Bortower sha0 promptiy ghe Lender written noUce oi any InveatigaUon, dakn, demand, Iawsuft or other action by any c:��s <br /> � '` govemmenial or reguiatory agency or prNate party invoiving the ProperSV and any Hezerdous Substance or Envtronmentat Law ot ._.. <br /> ;��,��� whlch 8onower has actual knowledge. 11 Bortower leama, or is noti�ed by any govemmenta� or regulatory authorlty, that any <br /> , ranavai o� oihar i8iii8d�dN8i1 81 any liazardous 9ub�tsnce aHec!!ng Ptoperty Is neee�e?!ry. 9�R�wpr shall promotly take all __ _ .��'�` <br /> , necessary remedlal actions in accordance wfth Envlronmental Law. �?.T ., i <br /> !• r.. As used In thls paragraph 20. 'Hazardous Substances' are those substances defined as toxlc or hazardous substances by `'� <br /> ��'".�.: <br /> •� ;;',{ _�• Envlronmental Lew and the following substences: gasolfne, kerosene, other flammable or toxfc peVoteum products, toxlc !,,;;'� �, .� :,��, . <br /> • ��., <br /> �,�`�;:;.�}I pesticldes and herbleidea,volatile soNents, rnate.Mats contelNng asbeatoa or tamaidehyde, and tadloactNe materlats. As used In r ;�,�. ; <br /> � 1 paragraph 20. 'Envlronmental Law' means tederal Iawa and Iaws ot the jurisdlctlon where the Property ts loceted that►elate to �"���yr,� <br /> ., heafth, safety or envlronmental protectfon. ' •� � � <br /> �,• � � <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortower and Lender further covenent and agree as lollows: I %f r'� <br /> 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shatl give nottce to 8orrower prior to acc�leration ; ' , � <br /> jfollowi�g Borrower's breacb o4 any covenant or agr�ement in 4hts SecurlRy instrument (but not ; •; _ <br /> prior to acceleration under paragraph 17 unless a�piicable law provides otherw(se). The notice i �:;j� <br /> shalt apecHy: (a) the defautt; (b) the action required to cure the defauft; (a) a date, not less than ,,:•��� <br /> 30 ciays from the date the notice is given to Borrower, by whic7n the default must be cured; and ,� <br /> (d) that faifure to cu�e the defautt on or before the date speciile� in the notice may result in .. � .. <br /> acce��ration of the sums seoureal by this Security Ie�sZrument and sale of tEae P�ope�ty. The notice ; � <br /> shall f�rther Inform Borrower �f the rigM to relnstate after accelera4ion and the right to brlog a , � •,,;;,��;.;�'' <br /> .... <br /> court action to assert the non-existence of a default or any other defense of Borrower to �,• . <br /> acceleration and sale. If the defautt is nct cured on or before the date specifled in the notice. . <br /> Lender at its option may require immediate payment in full of ail sums secured by ihis Security . <br /> Instrument without fu�ther demand and may invoke 3he power of sale and any othe� remedl�s <br /> ••, permittad by applioable law. Lender shalt be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuiro� <br /> the �emedies p�oe�ldad in this paragraph 21, including, but not Umited to, reasonala8� attorneys' <br /> fees and costs o4 title evldence. <br /> If the power of sale is invoked, Trustee shalt record a no4oce of default in each county in ; , <br /> • which any part of the Property is located and shalt mait copies of such o�otice in the manner • • '; <br /> prescri�ned by appticable law to Borrower and to the other persons presc�i�ed by apptfcable lav+s. , <br /> Aiter the time r��aoBred by applicable taw, Trustee shall give puQ�lic notice of snle to the persons <br /> and in the mannmv g��escrlbed by app�dcamG� taw. Trustoe. wtthoa�t demand on Bor�ow��, shall sell <br /> the Pro�serty at pu�lic auction to the kighest bldder at the tim� and place and under the terms . <br /> � desi���'d�d in the notice of sale in one or mo�e parcels and in any order Trustee determines. <br /> • T�usBa�� may postpone sale of att or any parcel � tOne Property by public annouacement at the <br /> . �' time and ptace of any previously scheda�Ied sa0e. Lende� or its desig�ee may purchase the <br /> . Property at arsy sale. <br /> Upon rec�6gs8 of payment of the �vic� bid, Trust�e sha06 ml�liver to the purchasvP Trustee's <br /> fIL1Affl ce�H�A��w� thw Prneertv. The rac:4als in the '��ustee's o1�e� shatl be nrima facie evidern�e �6 <br /> � t9u� 4va�e0► of 4C�e statements�made the��in. Trus4�@ shall appty the proceeds of the sate iuc �Qoo <br /> f�ol��ri�og oraDQV: (a) to atI costs andf �x�aros�� �f �xer�isnung 4he power of sale, and the sa0�, <br /> 6wclaodicng the Qsayment of the Truste�'� fe�s ac8uaV0y Brn�urvedf. �rtmt to exceed <br /> 9'e of the p�incipal amount of the <br /> v��4� are the time of the declaration of defauft, an¢D voasonable attorney's fees as permitted by law; <br /> (k�) 4o all sums secured by thts Securlty Instrumen4; and (c) any excess to the person or persons <br /> tegatty entitled to it. <br /> F>>1�LMG Jyl93� Page 4 of S <br /> 1000003 t <br /> . � <br />