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<br /> � . � � Borrowe� may cure nuch e defauh end reinatete,na provkl.d in pare8rapfi 18, by oeuslnp the acllon or proaeeding to ba .w ,,°.,-,"�-=
<br /> , ..•..,:,�._a?z:.�M__
<br /> � " dismisaed wdh a�uilnp that,In LanOer's qood tafth det�nnin�tlon,preotudaa foAe4Wro of the Bonower's tntcKest in the Property or ,,;..,,N��s,.---
<br /> „ � other m�tar�at Imp�irtnent of the�Uen created by thta Seoudty Instrurrtant or Lenda'a aeoudty 4n�re�t. Bortower ehail ateo be tn � ,:�,-
<br /> � d�auit It Bortower,dudnp the toan epp!tcnUon proceso,gxve mat�rtaily falae or Ineaaureto Intamt�t►on or statcmaMo 40 londer(or •, ��' � '�' _
<br /> ' " Isiled to provide Lender with atry matMN tnformaAoa) k� aanneaUon with the toan evideneed by the Noto, Inctuding, but not �• �
<br /> � nmlted to, representetiane aonoeminp 8orrowete oecupancy ot the Prope�ty as n p�inelpal �esidence. II this 3ecurtly • "'
<br /> Instrument Is an a IeaseAold, Borrower shaA compry with all the provtelona of the leaae. If Bortower aaquiree foa dUe to tho "'
<br /> ., Property,ihe Ieasehotd and the fee titlo shetl rtot meege untoso Lende►apreea to the merger tn w�IGnp. `�
<br /> ^ ' � 7. Probstion of LAndor's Rights In th� Propatiy.H Bortower Wla to pertonn the covenants and agreementa • „ �`�
<br /> contaEned tn thls Securfry Inatrument, or there Is o legel proeeedtng that may atgnHleanUy atteet Lender's dghts In the Properly :
<br /> (sueh as a proeeeding In bankruptcy, probato,for condemnetion or toAefture or to entorce lawe or repuiations),then Lander may . .: �
<br /> � � do and pay lor whetever is necesaery ta protoct tho vaWe of the Property end Lender's►�ghta In tha Property. Lender's ections .?'`�'�'
<br /> _'' � moy inctudo paqtng any euma necurod by a lien whioh has prlodfy ovor thts 8ecurNy Inahument, appeadng h court, paytng L ��''�:" .
<br /> � reasonabte ettomvya' tees and entedng on the Property to meke repalrs.Atthough Londes may taka aetlon under this paragraph �� , �
<br /> 7. Lender doea not hpve to do ao.
<br /> Any amounta diabursed by Lender under parepraph 7 eheli becoma addftional debt ot Bar►ower secured by thta Security ' �,
<br /> Instrument. Unlesa Borrowe►und Lender agres to other terms oi payment, these amounta sha0 bear Interest from the date o1 ' : � '
<br /> � dtsbursement at the Nate rate and ahail be payable,wRh intemst, upon noUce hom Lender to Bortower requesting payrrtemL . �"
<br /> 8. Mortgage InStt�anCO. If Lender requlred mortgnge insurance as a condiUon ot making the Ioan secured by thls ,
<br /> Se�cudty instrument,Borrower shaU pay the prerNums required to matntain the mortgage Ineurence M effect. lf,4or aeey r�soa.!he '
<br /> mortgage Inswance coverage required by Lender tapses or esases to be�n eifed, Bortower shatl pay tho pre�n:ums rc�uGed to �� •� . '
<br /> obtein coverage substandally equivalent to the mortgsge tnsuranee previousry In eHect,at�cost substaniaf,� e4uNat2n4 to the
<br /> . ' cost to Borrower of tho mortgage insurance prevlously In effect, from an aRemate mortgfage [TSUr¢r approv¢d by lender. If
<br /> � substanUally equiva�ent moRgage insurance coverage is not ava(Iabie, Borrower shait pay to Le�sder each month a sum ¢q�t to ,
<br /> o�etweltth oi the yeady moRgage insurance premium being pald by Borrowe►when the Ina►�rance cuveraos tapsed er c¢ased to . .
<br /> be in effect. Lender wYi accept, use and rotata ihese payments es a toss reserve in lleu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> . . payments may no ionger be requ4ed, at the option of lender,if mortgage tnsurance coverage(in ihe amoun¢ and tor the period
<br /> ' that Lender requtres) prov!ded by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes availabie and is obtatned. �ort¢wer shail pay � �;
<br /> the premiums requlred to malntain mortgage insurence In eftect,or to provide a bss reserve,untN the requiremm4 9or mortgage F ,
<br /> f�surance ends in accordance wfth any w►ftten agreement belw¢an BoROwer snd Lender or anplicable law. f• K
<br /> �� 9. InspBCtlon.Lender or fts agent may make reasonam�e¢nMes upon and InspecUons of the Propc�rry. Lender shaJ ghe �.`•.
<br /> ��:. '� Borrower noUce at the Ume ot or prior to an inspection speci9yring reasonable cause tor ihe inspecUon. � ;�:��,:!�� , '�
<br /> ��. 10. Conc9emo�ation. The proceeds of any award or clatm tor damages,dfrect or consequential, in connecUon wkh any ; .,_
<br /> condemnation or other taking of any part of the Property, or for conveyance in Ileu af condemnadon, are hereby assigned and � ' •"`="
<br /> shaA be paid lo Lendec � ;',::��F� -
<br /> • In the event ot a totai talcing ot the Properry, the proceeds ahall be epplied to 4he sums secured by this 9acurfty ,
<br /> Insirument. whether or not then due, with any exceas paid to Bor►ower. In the event ol a partia! teking ot the PropeAy :n which � , .,~�
<br /> - ;h:tair marl:et va!u� o!!!:e?�o;.:r!y immedletely betore the teking Is !�ua�t!+ or�rwatar than the amount of the sums secured ! ____
<br /> by ihis Securily Instrument Immedietely before the teWng, uMess BoROwer and Lender otherwise agree In writing, the sums � ;'•'
<br /> seeured by this Secudty lnstrument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds muldplied by the foitowing fraction: (a)the ; .' ; :
<br /> totai amount ot the sums secured immedlately before the taking, divided by(b) the tair market vaiue ot the Praperty immedlatey � •�' � �
<br /> before the teking.My balance shali be paid to Bortower.in the event oi a partial tak(ng of t�e Property in which the iair market I �� �
<br /> `��, ' vaiue ot the Propeity �mmediatey before the taking Is �ess than the amount of the sums secured Immedfateiy befare ihe taking, ' ���
<br /> unless Borrower and Lender othervvise agree in wdting or unless appl(cable law othe►wlse proddes, the proceeds shal� be ;<';;;�
<br /> appiled to the sums secured by thfs Securiry Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. � ���i�
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Bortower, or if,after nottce by Lender to Borrower that the condernnor oBers to maice an .. _ . i
<br /> eward or sedle a ciafm for damages, Borrower fatls to respond to Lender wfthh 30 days after the date the notice (s given,
<br /> Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at Its opUon, ekher to restoratlon or repak of!he Property or to the
<br /> sums secured by this Security Instrument.whether or not then due. ' !`�
<br /> i:,.-'���i;�..,. A,,�
<br /> � Untess Lender and Borrower othenvise agree in wrtting, any appAcaUon of proceeds to pdncipai shall not extend or ,.•��.�.��.,y.,�:�
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments reterted to in paragrephs 1 and 2 or change the emount of such payments. �.•�,_..5,,.�,.,�.'
<br /> � 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Exlenslon of lhe lime for payment or •z,'.?'•�_
<br /> • modiflcation ot amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to eny successor (n interest of ��':�''':
<br /> �� . ' Borrower sheM not operate to reiease the Ilab{Ifty of lhe orfginat Bonower or Bo►rower's successo�s in interest. Lender sha0 not . .�':,"r•
<br /> � `� '�� � be required to commence proceedings agalnst any successor in Interest or refuse to extend time for payment or olherwise ' ;�;'
<br /> �� • ' modity amorthation of the sums secured by ihts Security�nstrument by reason of any demand made by 9he originai Bortower or . �
<br /> ' Bortower's successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercls�ng any right or remedy shaN not be a waNer of or � " �'.�,:'
<br /> �
<br /> . predude the ezercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> �?'�'� � 12. Successors and Assigns Bound; Join4 and Several Liabitity; Co-signers.The covenants and �
<br /> agreements o(this Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and essigns of Lender and Bortower,subJect to the
<br /> p�ovislons of paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shatl be Jolnt and several. Any Borrower who co•signs this
<br /> Security Instrument but does not execute the tVote: (a) is co•signing this Secudty Instrument oNy to moRgage, grant and convey
<br /> � ihat Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms ot this Security instrument; (b) is not personally obflgated to pay the
<br /> sums secured by this Security Instrument: and (c) agrees that Lender and any other BoROwer mey agree to extend, modily.
<br /> forbear or meke any accommodations with regard to the tertns of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Bortower's
<br /> � ', consent.
<br /> 13. Loan Charges. It the Ioan secured by this Securlty Instrument is subject to a Iaw which sets maximum loan .
<br /> cu�arges, and ihat law is finally Interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collecled or to be collected in connection •
<br /> whh the Ioan Pxceed the pertnitted IimRs,then� (a)any such loan charge shatl be reduced by the emount necessary to reduce
<br /> the charge to the permitted limit; and (b) any sums already collected irom Borrower which exceeded permitted Iimits will be . ' " .
<br /> ret�nded to Borrower. Lender may cfioose tc rcafce th�s refund by reducing the pdncipal owed under the Note or by meking a '
<br /> dcrect payment to Borrower. 1f a relund reouces principal. the reductlon will be treated as a partiai prepayment without any
<br /> prepayment charge under the No�e
<br /> � 14. R9otiC�s.Any notice to Bonower prov�ded tor in th�s Security Instn,ment sha0 be gnen by deliveang it or by mailing it
<br /> by first ciass mail uniess applicable law requres use of anotner method- The nolice shal be directed t� the Property Address
<br /> ' or any other address 8orcower designates by notice to Len�er. Any notice to Lender sha0 be given by first ciass maii to
<br /> . � - 1 e..dnr•c n.1.i.xe etnferl hero�n nr anv ntha arldro¢< 1 anda� Nxinnatnc hv nntira tn Rnrtnwa Mv �+Mif.P nMVIdPd 1l:r:n Th�R
<br /> � Security Instrument shail be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided�n ehis paragraph.
<br /> 15. Governing Law; Sevar�bieo@y. This Securiiy Instrument shall be govemed by tederai +aw a�d the law of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is located- In the event that a�y provision or cisuse of this Security [nstrument or the Note
<br /> con0icts with appiicabie law, such conflict shall not aftect other provisions of th(s Security Inswment or the Note which can be
<br /> given eflect wGhout the confiicting provision. To this end the provisbns of this Security Instrument and tne Note are tleclared to
<br /> be severabte.
<br /> 16. Borrowe�'s Copy.8ortower shali be given one contortned copy ot the Note and ot this Security Instrument.
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