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<br /> ;��� • �i. (f he/she fails to pay any sum or keep any covcnant provided for in th�mortgage, the Mortgagce�at
<br /> -°-'_�`:.;�� its aption may pay or prrform the same.and nU expenditures so made shAll be added to the principul sum owing - -
<br /> - -� �� `�L�� on thc ubuve note.shnll bc sccurcd hcreby,and shall bcar intcrest until paid Eu thc rutc pravided Por in the prin- :� ..�,n.,.�.;-��--—
<br /> �r -.s��;'� cipul indebtedness. �'�:�-�-,-_�,.---
<br /> —_ ..�:y- _--
<br /> ?=.;,•.�±r. ,-.::.�.� 7. Upon rvqueyt of thc Mort�agcr� M�rt�a�or shaU executc nnd d�livrr u supplemcntAl natc or natcs fnr "--�"'=="=
<br /> ';��..h-���' � the surnor sums udviinced by Mortgugre for thc aUcration,mudemir.atIon. or impravement made ut the Mort- �.�--=--
<br /> - ,__�., gugor ti rc ucst;or for maintcnancc of sufd remisc�. ur for tuxcs ar usscssm�nts u�ufnst thc sumc,and for un ''�5`:"N;T;�`��:�---
<br /> ::. -r��;'. � q p ' Y ��_:;:;,:���-��.-- _---
<br /> - Y��•. , othcr purpa�e clscwhcrc authoriud hcroundet.��id note or nntes shuil bc secured hercby an u parity with and _—
<br /> - . � . us f'ult�r as if the advnnec evidenced thereby �vere inrindrd in the n�.te t'irc� deticribcd ubave. Said supplemental -�'����='�'�W�-
<br /> r;,;�;:.;,__
<br /> ". ° �, ' note ar notes shull beAr interest at the rute provtdcd far in the {�rincl��al indebtcdness und shall be payablc in ;.r��:. i{�'�.�;n�;�°
<br /> . _ - . approximatcly cqual manthly payments f'or such perlod a�may bc agrccd upon by thc Mc�rtgugcc and Mortgagor. '•, �;...�r,��.r;.,.�-�.:_
<br /> - � Failing to agrcc on thc maturiry,th�e whole of the sum or sums so advnnced shall be duc and payable thirty(30) � �
<br /> , ' , days after demand by the Mortgagee. In no event shall the maturity extend beyond the ultimate maturity of the ��ti��„
<br /> notc Pirst describcd abovc. � A^'
<br /> , 8. He/she hereby assigns� transfers and sets over to the Mortgagce,to be applied toward the paymeni ot' � ,,: ,, :, � .�
<br /> the noteand all sums secured hereby fn case of a default In thc perfarmance of any of the terms and conditions . .i:.: �,.;�,;;,�. +
<br /> � �, - of this mortgage or the said notc,all the rents,revenucs and income to bc dcrived from the mortgaged premises ,;: ,, r
<br /> � during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain unpai�;and thc Mortgagee shall have power to ap- ' , � _'
<br /> . • point any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of renting the same and collecting the rents, revenues °. • �. �:.
<br /> . ' . and income,and it may pay out of said incoenes all necessary commissions and expenses incurred in rentin and - � --M`��*v`
<br /> s �°-•:,z�,���-W.._�_
<br /> ..>
<br /> �� ..,_ � .',. managing the same and of collecting rentals therefrom;the balance temaining. if any,to be applied toward the : '' '�, :;�t,-;=�-�-_
<br /> � • dischasge of said mortgage indebtedness. -��,�,i`_°�
<br /> .. . .y�
<br /> • 9. He/she will continuously mai�tain lnazard insu�ance,of such type or typ:s and amounts as Mortgagee �, .�, ,:�� �urj`::-
<br /> • may from time to time require, on the improverrnents no�s or hereafre� on said premises and except when pay- . , ' " •� • •
<br /> .,; ;�:�aa�.��','
<br /> „ ment forall such premiums has theretofore been rnade under(a/of�aragraph 2 hereof,will pay promptly when ' >,�.q�:y.
<br /> � , due arnypremiums therefor. Upon default thereo!',Ndoregagee rr,a� pay the same.All insurance shall bc rarried ��--�:
<br /> in companies approved by the Mortgagee and the pa�Cicies and renewals thereof shall be held by the Mortgagee . �
<br /> ..� ---
<br /> and have attached thereto loss payable clauses irn fa�or of and in form acceptable to the Mortgagee. In event •� "4�°��
<br /> . " of loss Mortgagor will give immediate natice b}•mail to the Mortgagee, who may make proof of loss if not made 4, � ���
<br /> promptly by Mortgagor,and each insurance campany concerned is hereby authorized and directed to make pay- � ' �''••
<br /> , " ment for such loss directly to the Mortgagee instead of to the Mortgagor and the Mortgagcc jointly, and the �
<br /> ----- insw�a�:c pracccds;ar any part thcrcaf ma;•bc applicd by the Mortgagee a! irc nrtion either to the reduction ,,:i�x��...,.,�..;�,
<br /> �,,-
<br /> ' of[he indebtedness hereby secured or to the restoration or repair of the property damaged. In event of foreclasure • •.. ,: . �
<br /> , ,` of this mortgage,or other transfer of title ro the mortgaged propert�in extinguishment of thc indebtedness secured „' ''��;�` a-;••'
<br /> ��� • hereby,all right, title and interest of the Mortgagor in and to any insarance policies then in force shall pass ; ri' i.
<br /> . ' to the purchaser or grantee. � • ' ''�' ' �
<br /> � ]O.As additional and collateral security for the payment of the note described, and all sums to became ���
<br /> .. due under this mortgage,the Mortgagor hereby assign: to the Mortgagec all lease bonuses. profits, revenues, �� ;�,�,
<br /> • royalties,rights,and othcr benefits accruin�to the Mortgngor under any and all oil and gas leases no�v,or dur• , ;;
<br /> ing thQ life of this mortgage,executed on said premiscs, ���ith the right to receive and receipt for the same and ,,,
<br /> � apply them to said indebtedness as wcl! before as after dcfault in the conditions of'this mortgage,and the Mort- -.;,;, ��°;�L*,�
<br /> " $agec may demand, sue for and recover any such payments ���hen due and payablc, but shall not be required .�r���
<br /> • so to do. This assignment is to terminate and becorne nuN anci �•oid u�+on reiea�e of this mortgage. �`� `" ��
<br /> r 1 l.He/she sh�ll not commit or permit wastc:and shafi m.iin:.�in thc propert}• in as good condition as at " r r
<br /> •�:::�.�::;:
<br /> present,reasonable�vcar and tcar cxc:cptcd. YJpon any failurc to so maintain. Mortgagcc,at its option,ma}•cause . - - ,�;�,.•�•;
<br /> reasonable maintenanre��•ork to bc performed At �hr cc�st of Mortgagor.Any amountti paid therefor hy vlort- i , ����;''•
<br /> gagee shall bear interest at the rate provided f'or in thc principal indebtedncss, tihall thereupon becomc a part ' , '�
<br /> of the indebtedness secured by this instrument,rat abl�•and oti a parit�•��•ith all other indcbtcdness secured hereby, � !�-`
<br /> � and shall bc payablc thirty (30)days attrr demand. (,.
<br /> 12.If thc }�rcmiscs,or any part thrrccif, be condemned undcr the �w��cr af rminent dumain, or acquircd �
<br /> for a public use,the dama�es a��arded, thr}�rorced. fur thc tal.ing of,ar�he ronsidrration for such a�c�ui:ition, !
<br /> �i;�,•�:.� to the extent of the full amoum of the remaining unpaid indebtrdness,rcurrd by thi,mortgagc,or hereb�a,tiign- t
<br /> �,;� l
<br /> ' � ed to the Mort�a�ee,and shall be paid f'or�h�cith to,aid Mortgagce,to bc ar�lied an acri�unt of the latit maturing
<br /> : s instaliments of such indebtednc+�. �
<br /> ' I 3.If thc Mortga�or fails to mal,r an� �a�n�ratti��•hcii duc,or tu �ont�orm to and cumpl� Nith an} of thr �
<br /> �onditions or agreements contained in tlii+mort,�aer, or the nute.��hi�h ii�c�urr,, thrn the cntire}�rinrij�al,um ,
<br /> _ and accrucd intcrest+hall at on�c brromc duc and p:i>ahlc, at thc rlr�tiou i�f thr�tunga��cc:and thi.n�ortgagc
<br /> may thereupon br forerlo,rd immrdiatcly t'or ihe ahi�lr��f thr indchtedn���h�reby u�urc.I, including thr cotit '
<br /> ;. of extcnding th�ab,trxrt at'titlr frurn ihc datr uf t hi. rnurtgagr tu th�ti�ne ut cotnmrn�ing w�h tiuit,a rea�onahlc ;
<br /> � attorae)'s fcc,and any�ums paiJ h��the Uc�artment ul'�'rtrranti Affair�on a«uunt uf thr guarant> ur in�uran�r �
<br /> ' of thc indrbtcdnc+,.rcurrd herrN�, all eN' ��hi�h �hall hc in�ludrd in the cic�rcr ot' forr�la.urr. •
<br /> � , . 14.If thr indrbtrdnr„+rcurrd hrreN� br guar;�ntcrd or in.urcd undrr 1'itlr zK. L'nitra Stat�,C'udr. ,uch
<br /> � TiUc and Regulation,i�,urd►h�rru�tcirr.uid in rffc�t i�n ttir d:un c�rrof.hall go�rrn thr right.,dutir,and liabilitir,
<br /> ` ,_-----
<br /> -- , � ot thC pa�t1C�hCTelt�.anct am pra��.u,n.c��thi.or utnrr in.trumrrn,r�rruirci in�unncc�iu���.i�i„ai�i inuci�icuu�„
<br /> - " ��hich arr in�an.i+t�nt ��ith .aid I itlr ur Rr�e�latiunti ar� I�rrrh� amrnd.�1 tu �onfurm thrrrtu.
<br /> � �'� ' , 1'hc re��rnant� herrin rontaine�l +hall hind. :inJ thc hrnchh:+n� :►J�:►ntage• �h:ill inurc tu, thr rc•prc�i�r
<br /> r
<br /> t
<br /> i
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<br />