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<br /> To HnvE nNa To H��_�the same unto t#�e Mort�a�ce,as�heretn provided.Mort��represcros to, end --
<br /> cavcnants wlth, the Mortgagee. that the Mortgagc�r has gaod right to �cli and convey suld prcmises;that they
<br /> are free from encumbrance�except as hereinotherwfse reeitcd;that thc Martgagor will�vnrrant and defend tl�e
<br /> - -��-��- tiame against the lawful claims of all persons whom5nevcr.Mortgagor hereby relinquishes all rigtus of'ihomestead.
<br /> all marital rights,etther in la�v or in cquity.and ull other contingent interests of the M��tgagor In und to the
<br /> �_��__ above-described premises.
<br /> - ���=—����' PROVIDED ALWAYS, and these presents are executed nnd delivered u{�on the faDowing conditions. to --
<br /> __ ,� «it: —
<br /> — �:iey�i
<br /> -==� Mortgu�ar agrecs to pay �a the Mortgagce,or ordcr. thc aforesnid prinripol sum with intcrest from date ` � -
<br /> -_--_--_-- a. tt�c rate :,f g�V�d A�d fiN� �t�A�TER ��RFE�T�r centum { ?.��Q °/o) �--
<br /> _—= per annum on thc unpa bufuncc unt I pa d. Thc sa� pr nc pal and intcrest shall bc payn6fc at thc offirc of
<br /> ---�—=-��= Th� Epu1t�D1�8u1101np �nd �o�n Aesoci�tian oi OrtnO I�i�nd N�D io��, A �id����erin�����k __
<br /> _.__..����;„�„� in a� d Is and brask + or at suc otP�cr prarc as t e o er a t e notc raay deaignate in =___
<br /> �- :�::;.��M:� writing c�c ivcrc� or fna�cd to t�ic Mortgagor, in monthly installments oP _
<br /> --.�:�f���;<��,`,� TF�tEE HUNDRED 8IX AND 73/100
<br /> '"'���?'��?'" '''`�
<br /> Doliars ($ 308.73 )� commencing on the �rst day of JUNE , �9 94 � __
<br /> ��=�b�'"`° �'�,''� and continuing on the�rst day of each month thercafter until said note is fully paid,except that� if not sooner -
<br /> �`.:,�;�s,t%�•�������;�', paid, the final payment of prIncipal and interest shall be due and payable on the �rst day of _-
<br /> _.._..,�^.�:�`���,�'..�; MAY, 2008 ;all according to the terms of a certain promissory note of even
<br /> � .,,x�. . .-.. .. �
<br /> -� � ,� � �- � ��° - date herewith executed by the said Mortgagor.
<br /> 'T -- -
<br /> '� ' " ' - The Mortgagor further agrees: :��
<br /> •r'' ' �, . . -_r:.�
<br /> '� ' 1. He/she will pay the indebtedness,as hereinbefore provtded. Privilege is reserv�d to prepay at a�ny teQne, ;'�'-��
<br /> . � , �;;:.�_:
<br /> - � .. �� , ,�_ without premium or fee,the entire Indebtedness or any part thereof not less than the amount of ome installment, 1,.R�_�
<br /> '' • or one hundred dollars($100.00),whichever is less.Prepayment in full shall be cred'need on t➢ne alate received. _�������=;-
<br /> , •- •• Partial prepayment�other than on an installment duedate,need not be credited untilthenext follo�+�ing install- ,:;;.;R:<<'�-`
<br /> .,,;.,,.,�--
<br /> " �•. ment due date or thirty days after such prepayment, whichever is earlier. •�`a=�-::
<br /> . � �;',,:��:,
<br /> . � �� , 2.To$ether with,and in addition to,the montlily payments of principal and interest payable under the terms '''-"�r_
<br /> , ';�. of the nate secured hereby,Mongagor will pay to Mortgagee,as trustee,(under the terms of this trust as hereinaftee �_r�_
<br /> `' ' stated)on the�rst day of each month until said note is fully paid: �"•"-�
<br /> _ �, .�., w.�--
<br /> -„- {Q) A cum ec}uat to the ground rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums that will next beco�ne due and �{„�:==-�
<br /> . payable on policies of�re and other hazard insurance covering the martgaged propeny,pinns taxes ° ;;��;
<br /> �.. •� and assessments next due on the mortgaged properry(all asestirrsated by the Mortgagee,andof�vhich ����:�`
<br /> . ., ,�����±'� the Mortgagor is notified)less all sums already paid therefor divided ay efie number of months to ��*a;t�
<br /> �.�.,: , ..
<br /> ' � � . �� ,'�� elapse before one month prior to the date�vhen such ground rents,premiumns,taxes and assessments �. .�aA'
<br /> will become delinquent,such sums to be held by Mortgagee in treast to pay said ground rents,premiums, v,,5;•+r.���.
<br /> taxes and special assessments. �
<br /> " !61 The a�gregate of the amounts payabie pursuant to subparagraph(a)and those payable on the nate �'`� ..
<br /> secured hereby, shall be paid in a single paymc�rt each month. to be applied to the following items •
<br /> ' ., ;� in the order stated: ,
<br /> " ° ' �l► ground rents, taxes, assessmeats,fire and other hazard insurance premiums; "+�'tt:`:. •
<br /> ' � p�) interest on the note secured heceby; and ��•• -� '
<br /> ' � � ett4 amortization of the principai of said ^,ee. '�t��t'b��. '�
<br /> � '•"'��1 Any deficiency in the amount of any such aggregate monthly pay�nent sh�n�l, unless made good b�• �.;;
<br /> • ���Y�'�� the Mortgagor prior to ihe due datc of the ncxt snch payment. constitute an event of default under k�;�r.,�
<br /> ,:.,,,,. . . :. •
<br /> �";:»�f�t!• this mortgage. At Alortgagee's option. Mortgagor will pay a"latc charge"not exceeding four per w;:�r:�'
<br /> �"'`'��'���,� centum (4%)of any installment whcn paid more than fiftecn (IS) days after the due date thereof r'�;���'
<br /> � to cover the extra expense invol�•ed in handling deiinquent payments, but such "late charge"shall
<br /> _ '`� � not be payable out of the proceeds of any sale made to satisfy thc indebtedness secured hereby,unless .
<br /> ' such proceeds are sufficient to discharge the entire indebtedness and all proper costs and expenses , �
<br /> secured thercby. �`1��
<br /> � 3. lf the total of the payments madc by the Mor�gagor undcr/a/of paragraph 2 preccding shaU cxceed thc
<br /> amount of payments artuall�• made by the Mortgagce, a� trustec, f'or ground rents, taxcs and assessments or
<br /> , j insurance premiums.as thr case may be, such cxces.shall be rredited b�•thr Alartgagee on Subsequent pa�•ments
<br /> � to be made by the Mortga�;or for such items or,at Alortgagce'�option,a5 trustcr. shall be rcfunded to b4ort- �t',
<br /> � gagor.If,howc��cr,such monthly paymcnt�shall not hc sufficicnt to pa�•tiuch itrms���hcn thc sarnc shali bcromc
<br /> duc and payablc, thrn thc Mortgagor,hall �a�•w thc 1�4ortg��gcc,ati tru+tre,an}•amount ncccs�ar�• to makr up �
<br /> I the deficienc:y a�ithin thir��•(30)day�,after��ritten notice from thr�tortgagre+tating iheamount of the defirien-
<br /> , cy,which noticc rosy bc givrn h�•ma41.If at an�•timr thc Alortgagur tihall trndrr to thc(�tortgagce,in accc�rdanrc �
<br /> � w�ith the provisions of thc note<<curcd hcrcb��,full paymcnt of thc rntire indrbtcdnec� represcntcd thcreby, thc �
<br /> • Mortgagce,as trutitcc,tihall,in romputing thc amount of.urh indrbtrdnr�+,crcdit ti�t hc account c�f t hr'�fortgagor ;
<br /> • any crcdit balancc accumulatcd undrr thc �ro�i�iun�of/u� of paragraph � hrrcaf. I t'therr,hall bc a dcfault
<br /> undcr any of thc pro��i�ion�of thi�mortgagr rc�ultinF in a puhlir.al�c�l'thr prrmi�c• co�rred hcreb}�,or it� thr ;
<br /> � MortRaACC arquirc�the property othensi�e�(ICr default, Ih�!�lortgag�c, ,►�trtt�tet,.f,�u arni.,:�I Ihe time i�f
<br /> thc commencement of surh pror�tidin�s or at thc iimr thr pmnrrty i���thrr��i.r aryuircd,t hramuunt then r�maining �
<br /> � to credit the Mortgagor undrr/a/of paragraph 2 rre�eding, a�a crcdit on tlic intcrc�t a.crucd and un{�aid and I
<br /> ? thc baiancc to thc principal thrn rcmaining unpaicl un said n��te. �
<br /> ,� 4. Thc ticn of this instrumrnt shall rcmain in full furcr and cffr�t during any p��.ipc�ncmrnt ur c�trn�ion '
<br /> ^ � . of the timc of paymcnt of thc indebtcdncss or an�• part thcrcoC�ccurcd hcrrh�.
<br /> ' S. Hcishc���ill pa� all grc�und rentti. ta�rt,atitic��mrntti. ��atrr r,nr�. :tnd uthcr gii�crntnr�ual ��r muniripal
<br /> � �hargc�.fincs or impo.itiun�,Ir�ird upoii�aid premi,r�and tha�hr;.hr�►ill�:►�:�Il ta�r•lc�i�d ur�m thi.mungagc.
<br /> � , or the debt secured thrreby, togethcr aith am�othrr ta�e� ur a.�c+.mrnt. ��hich ci3a> hr Ir�irel uncicr the I:s��.
<br /> , � of Nebraska again+t thr Atongagrr, or thr Irgal hc�idcr ut �aid principal nutc, un a«uunt ��f thi� ind�htrdnr+.,
<br /> , except���hen pa�ment fcir all,urh item.ha,thrreiuforr hrrn madr und�r/<ri�,t paragraph _'hcreof. ane� he �hr
<br /> ��ill promptl�•drli�rr thr ot'fi�ial rr�ript� thcrrf�,r tu ihc�lurtgagrc. In drfault ihcrrut thr \l��rt�a��r�ir.�> E,a>
<br /> � thr samc. �
<br /> , !
<br /> � ' ' --- - - ----
<br />