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<br /> -� con�;n�nntio7 or other tuking of any part of the Propn.�ty.ar for convcyunce!n lieu of condemnntiQn.ero hec�eby assfBned end
<br /> sh�llbe paId tol.ender.
<br /> In �ha evmt of n tou►1 taking of th� Property.the proz�acda sho11 ba upplicd to the sums secured by this�ecudty
<br /> _____— Insttument, whether ar not then due,with any excess pald to Danower. In tho event of a purtial talcing of the Propeerty in
<br /> --�_=---_= which the fair murket value nf the Propcny Immediutely before the wkIng Is equal to or greater than the omaunt uf tha sums
<br /> secund by this Security instrument 1rt�mWiutely before the wkfig,uniess Horrowea and Lender otharwise agcee in wr�ting.
<br /> ,:�,�'���,�.��,�� the sums secured by this SecurIty Inswment shull bs re�luced by the amount of thz proceeds muldpHed by ths fallo�ving
<br /> frs:cdon: (a)d�e total umoant of the sums secured immediately iiefore the tekeng,divtded by(b)thc fuir market vafuc of the
<br /> _ ��_::���.� _--- -
<br /> ,_^�w,-°°°° �tvpe.�ty immediately before the tsldng. Any balance sf►a116e paid w Botrower. ln the event of a partiui t�[cirrg yf ti�s
<br /> __+°"e,�s�t:_�t; l�o�eqy In which the fair market value of the Property imme�iately before the taking is less thr�n the amaunt of dr�sums.
<br /> �-�� � secured Imm�dtately before the t�kir►g.unless Borrower u�zd I..erder othenviso agr�ee ln wcitIng or unless appli�Ie lavr � __
<br /> .:��.;�'
<br /> ,_r.�:..,.._,� othenvise pmvtdes,the pmceeds sheU be upplled to the sums secured by this Security Insdument whether or rtot tlte sums aze �
<br /> �:=�y=.�;rr•-;.�:.: thendue.
<br /> -�"""����=`�_''�; If tho Prupe�tyr is abandoned by Botrower.or if,utter notice by Lender to�iomower that the coademnor of�'era to rxrake
<br /> _-�:c,,3. .. .
<br /> �'�.'3�u��:,�a�:':� an awurd o�settle a clalm 1'or damages.Bo�rower fails ta tespond ta Lender vrithin 30 dayys after Qie date the nodce is givc�. � -- ---
<br /> T':�a?.���:?:��-: Lender ie uuthorized to colleet and apply the proceeds,at Ita option,either to�cestorati.vn.ar repair of the Property or to the
<br /> - s•.,i�.a- ,,�
<br /> �'�^�•«��''r ',: . sums secured by this Security Insnument,whetl�cr or not then due.
<br /> -�-' ��� �• w Uniess I.ender and Borrower oth�nvlsa a$ree in writing.any applicasien of pmcceds to principai shall not extend or
<br /> " ' �'r��'�-'�'� s ne the due date of the monthl ents referred to in �s 1 and 2 or chan e the amount of such a menu.
<br /> � �`�"� �� Po � Y P�Ym P��P g
<br /> '��1i;:;.� ..;,;.-��.; 1�. Borruwer Not Retea.s�d; iFZtebeava�c¢ �;� Ilar��¢� N�¢ � 4R'�6orar. Exeenston of the time for payment or
<br /> -•:::"��� • :�• mvdificadon of amortizadon of dlne suras socured by ahis Security lnstarument�ranoed Gy 4cnder to eny succasor in interest
<br /> '`''�}_� " of 6oes�wer sh�ll not o�erate to�etea�se ttee I[abiGty of the ori�inal l�ore+�weg or Bomower+s succeasors tn intenes�Ixnder `_�
<br /> ,•Y.,, .. ..;:,:;.:
<br /> shall uot be required to commertce p�edings against any successot in interest or refuse to extend t�me for payment or __
<br /> �:• ;,:�'.''•� othr.n�rose modffy emortizadon of the sams secueed Dy this Security Insm�ment by reason of any demand made by the original
<br /> , Borrovrrer or Borrower�successors in 'rntenest. Any forbearaitce by Lender in exercistng any right or remedy shall not be a w�,_,
<br /> '. waiver of or reclude the exercise of a.�n n ht or remed . ��`��'�R
<br /> P Y �S Y :.",,�r�,.,:.;
<br /> . �,;; • � '���:.:__,,..._.
<br /> , IL Successors and Assigns Boand;Jotnt and Severe8 H.Babil�ty;Casigrters. TRc covenanu end agreemencs of shis , ,,,�;r�,„`:;.�:�
<br /> � �� Security Instrument shall bind and 5enefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Bemawer.subject to the proviscans�f ���w;��:
<br /> �:� . ---�.
<br /> • ' ' paragraph 17.Bomower`s covenanta and agreements shall be joint and sevesal.Any Bomower who co-signs this Security • .,t��:_.__
<br /> Inswment but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Ilnsnwrment onty to mortgage.grant and convey tStat • ^�..
<br /> ..� i Borrower�s interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Insteurre�nr (b)is not personally obligated ro pay the s►ures � � �>-
<br /> �,.
<br /> ' ' '�,;, •: � secund by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that L.ender and any other�Bomower may agree to extend,modffy.ferbea� ;�,;f; �'��;;,,�_
<br /> � ti:� or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Insuument or the Note without that Borrovrer's s'�::�.- -
<br /> ,�tF� `� ' x�
<br /> conscnt. �"�
<br /> �, 2�. i.uaa Clsasg�. It ihc loan :xcured by t!►'ss Sec�^!; Instrume!!!i�c��h�PCf ffl A lew which sets maximum loan : ,
<br /> charges,and that law is finally interpt+eted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in corutecdon . 7 - -
<br /> . � with the loan exceed the pertnitted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary ro recluce ;,'.: �. :=_:
<br /> ' �`3''����,` the chs�rge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already callected from Borrower which eaceeded permitted ifmits wiP�Qe .A �,�. �:,r�;.._
<br /> ; . ,�°��, �> �.,:, lle�Y,:,<r;,�.,
<br /> , �_...•'� refunde�l to Borrower. Lender may cfioose to make this refund by reducing the principaD owed under the Note or by rreakc�ag a , �Fr;�•,:.>r:'.;'--
<br /> ` � •�'",�;iti��'.: ° ' dit+ect payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces pdncipal,the reduction will be treated as u partial prepayrnent witttoue�y ,•;.::;.flit�;'�:���'�
<br /> �, "' ' prepayrnent charge nnder the Note. S �� {�
<br /> �==-•--- -- 14. Aloilces. Any notice to Bonower provided for in this Securiry Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by �� � l
<br /> ., � mailing it by first class mail unless applica b le law requires use o f anot her met h o d.T he no tice s hu l l b e d i r e c t e d t o t h e P ro p e rt y •. S.; �^
<br /> :�;xu;r, ; r.::'-��
<br /> �: �;��� •. Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shull be given by fttst class . " i..-• >
<br /> ��:: ,�'y. � .. .. . •
<br /> ' � mail to Lender�address stnted herein or any other address I.ender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for .'�••'- .•� •-�
<br /> �•;;•k'�;;;;:�.�" � in rh;s Security Instrument shall be deemed to huve been given to Borrower or L.ender when given as provided in this ' . �
<br /> . 1'`;`' ; p�B�Ph '•;,�::��
<br /> • , "`;��'� IS. Governing Law; Severabllity. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by federal law and the law of the .�%�_
<br /> ��;,:,!;?;%;' ju�asdission in which the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Sewrity Inswment or the Note ��
<br /> .:���'•�"�`� cmnfliczs wath apNlicable law,sueh conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Inswment or the Note which can �
<br /> 4��:"�'�� �l •
<br /> `�<t3��r�} �giv�n effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Securiry Instrument and the Note are
<br /> declared to be severable.
<br /> � 16. Borroa•er's Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note und of this Security Instrument.
<br /> 17. 1lransfer o�'t6e Property or a Beneticial Interest[n Borrower. If all or any parc of the Property or any interest in
<br /> it is sold or tmnsferred(or if a beneficial interest in Borrow�er is sold or transferned and Borrower is not a natural person) • .
<br /> "{��� � ; without Lender's prior written conseni.Lender may,ac its option.reyuire immediate payment in full of all sums secured by `.;C;,zy1';, �
<br /> ::�=;'�F�
<br /> :,•;:<;, � this Security Inswment. However,thos opiion shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise i.prohibited by federal latc a�of �^�r:;�' .
<br /> � " � the date of this Secuci¢y Insuument.
<br /> If Lender exeredsc�this option.[.ender shaU give Borrower notice of ucceleration. The notice shal6�ravide a period of �
<br /> ' not less than 30 days from the date ihe notice ix�e;�t�:red or mailed within which Borrower must pay a9l�urr��secured by this
<br /> , • Sectui3y Instrument. If Borrower tails to pay these sums �+hnr to the expiration of this period. Len�3cr ma�• invc,ke any .
<br /> � remediec permitted by this Security Instrument witt►out funher n�e�ce or demand on Borro«�er. � •�5•:
<br /> � 9d3. Borrower's Rtght to Refnstate. If Borrower meets crrtain conditions, Borrovicer shall have the R�['�t :a have !'c
<br /> :' �� . enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior t�the earlier of: (a►5 day�(or�uc3�othar,�eriod as
<br /> , Singlc Famd�--Fannk 1�ae,}�die�fac l'`16'OR�11��'fi:1 H(�NT--l:mfi.rm Cu.rnrnt< 9 UC la+ec 1 oJ6�xrKes�
<br /> •;.�: i
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