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<br /> 7'�QEiTi H�1����'N a11 tfio lmpravrment�nc�w or hercufter s�oc:tcd un ih�p�n►peny,and ali easemeatx�ap�uats:�r�cw, —
<br /> ; � utsd �ixtures��ow�n c�reaftot u{�nn uf the prop�n�. All�r�lac���iGrns aid additlong shail alsu Ho covercd iry this Securlty
<br /> — — Instrument. All af tl�o faragoing ie�fcrred tn in Qde Sesudty Jnstrunicnt n9 tho"ih�npeny." -�—
<br /> ----=-_:�� [iURROW�R COV�N'AN'l'S thnt Bo�ro�vcr ig lnwti�lly solxx�af tho cstnto hcr�by oceuveyed nnd ha9 tho r1Eht ta�;mnt �
<br /> � und�onvery tha PropertJr und thut the Propecty Is une�uumbored,axcept for encumbrunces c�f reco�d. Borrower warmnts and
<br /> :__�,�:�,�--__��� wllt dofend gcncrnlly the tiele t�tho Praperty iigainst aU cinims attd damands,subjecc to�ny�ncumbmnces of rccord. ___
<br /> _— _ _+ TE#IS SF.�URTI'Y 1NST[tUMF.TIT rnmbines unIform cnvenuntg f�r nndonal ur� �nd ru��s-tmffc+rm covenants with ` ..—_ __�__ _ _
<br /> ____.�i timited vartntions by judedictian to consdtute a uniform sec►uity inatrument covering rcnl pmperty. _ _
<br /> _°"=`="_'�:`���I UNIFOAM COV�NANTS. Bortower tutd Lender covennnt and agree us follows:
<br /> -__�"�I 1. Poyment of Prindpal and InterPSk Prepayme�and LAte Ghatges. Bormwer s�all promptly pay when dua the
<br /> , .�.����
<br /> ��t=k A�� principnl of und iaterest on the debt evidanced by the Nate and nr�y prepayment end inte charges due under the Noto.
<br /> z.�3,x�+�,,:.r: 2. F�nds[or 7bxes und Insucaace. Subject to upplicable luw or to A wtitten wniver by L.ender.Bomawar shAll puy to _
<br /> _---��;.,.' ::,;�:.-,�� Leader on the day a:onthlY payments are due under the Nate.�u►dl the Note is paid in full.a sum("F1�nda")for. (a)Y�T�Y � -- -
<br /> �:-,�;�;,;;-�` taaes and assessmeats which may attain priorIry over this Secudty Insuument as a iien oa the Property;(b?year.tY leas�Itold _
<br /> .::;�t�;:;',��-�'w' ! paymeats or grouad rents oa the Ptoperty. if any:(c) Yearly haxard or pmperry insurance premiumrs: Qd)Y�IX �o�d
<br /> �'';_�".��"'�;-_ � . ias�naauc�pnemiums.if any:(e?Y�aAl�r mortgase inswance Q�miums.if any: aad (�any se�ms payaAfe by ff4wsaawer eo
<br /> .. ...t_:- -�.,.;�, -
<br /> ,;;:`>=,•;� :• ���•�.: • Len�!er,ia�ccordance witF►tite pmviszons of paragaph 8,in l�¢u of the payment of mortgage insuea�om Fmemiams. 'IIlk�sa
<br /> - . � ' items aee calDed"�ssnow IIeems." Lendxr may.at any tlmo,collest aced kold�Lnds in an azmouns aoc to eACec:d the maxlmum --— —
<br /> L.�;�^;;?"°-�'�`�:�=�, a�owu a lemder for a�'ed�ralLy�elaced mortgage loaa may reQa�in ffor�oxrower�escrow a�oount uadsr ei�e federal Real _
<br /> ' '�' : Esta4e Setdemenr Pmcedures Act of 1974 as amended from tima w 6�ae.D 2 QJ.S.�.§2601 ¢t s¢q.("R�.SIPA'°),unless eaother =�
<br />_ i law thae applies to the Funds seu a less�r amoimt If so.I.endar inay,at auy tiia�,colflect�ncd ha�iJ�Lnds tt��u au�ount not to a::.�_:
<br /> exceed tl►e lesser amoun� I.ender may estiraate the amount of Funds chts on the bascs of current data and m,asonable ��=-�
<br /> " ' esWnates of expenditures of future Escrow Items o�r oiheiwIse ln accordance with applicable la�v. —=-- .
<br /> 'l�e Funds shall be held in an u►stitudon wQnose deposits are insured by a federal agency.iasmnmemtality.or eatIty '� '�'��'�'�^"�°"'-
<br /> f i (Including Lender.if Lender is such an insdtu6on)or in any Federa(Home Loaze Bank. I.ender shall apply uhe E�ueds w pay _�<i-
<br /> the Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Boirower for holding and applying the �imds,annaally analyzing the escrow ;,'�;4'i---_—
<br /> � 'I account, or vedfying the Fscrow Items. unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law petmits L; _�"'
<br />- <+��j� ! L.ender to make such a charge. However,Lender may require Bomower to pay a one-dme charge for an independent reat '�} ��+
<br /> .s.�,. '� ,�.,�.,.r
<br /> • °�-::�x�: � estate tax reportIng service used by Lender in connecdon with this loan,unless applicable Isw provides othernise. Unless an ' _.,x-- .
<br /> ' . L ^ agc�eemeat is made or upplicable law requires interest to be paid,I.ender shall no¢be required to pay Boirower any interest or =•, - _
<br /> • . �.• eamings on the Funds, �orrower and I.ender may agree in wridng,however,th�e iaterest shaU be paid on th�Fhnds. Leader °' •'`�;��__
<br /> • ,;�:_,+��:. � shall give to Bornower,without charge.an annual accoundng of the Funds,showing cmdits and debits to tlne FUnds and the `•�•��•`�•-�
<br /> ` ,i ".,•*• •I purpose Sor which each debit to tfiQ Funds was made. The Fundc a�e pledged as additional security for all sums secur�d�y �`� F`�' _
<br /> � Tt�� .`;:� this Securiry Insuva►ent
<br /> ,�F., If the Fands held by Lender exce.ed the amounts permitte� to be held by applicabte law, I.ender shaU acrnuni �o �.'�:''
<br /> '�•.".� Borrower for the excess Funds in accondance with: the requimments of applicable law. If the amoun►off e�ne Funds hald by ' . .
<br /> `�t „"', Lender at any dme is not snfficient to pay the Esczotir•Items when due,Lender may so nodfy Botro�LeII ia��ti-ridng,and,in . .s._ ' '
<br /> .,.;•��,.;tJ: such case Boirower shnll pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Horrower shu11 make up the �''`�`
<br /> ...;,+_..ti,; ; „ ')'.1;:�•�
<br /> ,.,; defictency in no more than twelve monthly payments,at Ixnder's sole discretion. •,:,•,
<br /> • .�:,�: it..:"r':
<br /> �• . `_ .:�'•1:±t?�,• .� Upon payment in fnll of all sums secured by this Security Instrument.I.ender shall prompdy nefund to Borrower any .
<br /> _ . � ..{:.::,,
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Property,L.ender,prior to the acquisidon or ;;• • 'r}�G;2; �
<br /> � � sale of the Property,shup apply any I'unds held by I.ender at the time of acquisirion or sale as a credit against the sums F`:,.. , �•:•t.'�
<br />.:'.i'.. .t � i' " .R: .
<br /> , ,. • i secwed by this Securiiy Instrument �•�
<br /> `};:;:•;: ., ;;�r; 3. Applicatton of Payments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all payments received by I.ender under � .l' ,,.�y,�j,,;�
<br /> � '`� i�<' ��"�• I ara hc 1 and 2 shalt be a lied:�rst.to an re a ment char es due under the No�e; second,to amounts abte under '`?'�°��%1 �A
<br /> ,. '.. . �<r��;,::�:;;,%;�;�;,^ P 8�P - pP� Y P P Y S PaY . �i�+�i`'.} i'—'"'_
<br /> ,�<<< ,,, .. I paragraph 2:third,to interest due;fourth,to principal due;and last,to any late charges due unciee�ihe Note. S � ����,
<br /> • ..!•� {j:?�� 4. Charges; Ltens. Borrower shall pay ull taxes, assessments, charges. fines and impositions attributable to the '��`�-_.°�.�'
<br /> �''::��i.S:- • � which ma attain nori over this Securit [nsuument,and leasehold a ments or und rents,if an Borrower ,�� •..� :
<br /> �,. .,, ti, ProPertY Y P� tY )' P Y B�'� Y• , . ,
<br /> '''�� ' :�f::='?• ; shall pay these obligaiions in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on �•
<br /> �;�::: : :. .�.y� ;��;,t�,-�
<br /> �� �'��i;{�•:�., � dme ditecdy to the persun owed payment. Borrower shall prompdy fumish to Lender all notices of amounis to be paid under . -��
<br /> i�..�y..:: • .ht:'::�;�"
<br /> zfyiCSit��ii� � this paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments directly.Borrower shall prompdy fumish to Lender receipts evidencing . ,.,k�,l:,._,�,. .
<br /> ' ,� the payments. ;�er,s�:' .,
<br /> Bortower shall prompdy discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless$orrower.(a)agrees ' _ ,
<br /> � � in wridng to tl�e pay�ment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;{b)contests in good faith the , �
<br /> ,,, lien by,ordefends ab�inst enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedingx which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the ,
<br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holdcr of thc lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien � .:' ��.
<br /> .';;;�5;, ' to this Sewrity Instrument If I.ender determines that any pan of the Property is subject to a fien which may attain priority . �'
<br /> ovec thi�Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borruwer shall sanisfy the lien or take
<br /> ,�:'
<br /> one or more of the acdons set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> �i S. Ht��►rd or�'roperty Insur�►nce. Bonuwer shall keep the improvements now exixting or hereaft__r erected on the �
<br /> ;., Property inswred against loss by fire,hazards included within the term"extended coverage"ansf any other hazards,including �� ..
<br /> t.,°'
<br /> ;�,,:,�;�� • floods or flaoding,for which Lendzr requires insurance. This insurance shall be mainwined in the amounts and for the
<br /> . f; t.
<br /> , . .;,;. . 3,.
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