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<br /> ���"�''��r� _ Upon reoeipE oP pnyment oP the price biQ. Tnsstee RtuiQ deltver ro tPce pu�chaser Trustee's dced oonveyinp� thu -
<br /> __�,;�:;:;"�.�.. ' P►v►perty. Tt�e recliafs in the Trastee'x deed sh�U be prtmu Pacie cvldence oP the trutb of the stntementx mude therein,
<br /> -___. Trustee shall upply the proceedy of thc sule in thc Poliowin�orders(u)to ull costv and expenses�f exercising thc pawer oP �� �
<br /> '�m'' �"'` �' rate,and the sule.inctudtnq the puyment of thr Trustee'R[ec�nctually incurred�nnt to exceed �a �
<br /> - . '�, of the principul umaunt aP/he notc ut the time of th0 decluration ot defat�lt.and n�sonable atQom�yR'fc�n,9 permitled -
<br /> , ° � by In�v; (b)to np sums socured by thls hecurlty Instrumentj and(c)aMy exces.g ta the penson or petsons legully entitled to �� �
<br /> ��:..�;4J,� � ft. --
<br /> -°„'.� .. 2Z. ReoonveyAnce. Upon payment of ull sums secured by this Sccurlty fnstrument, I..endcr shalt request Trustcc to ___
<br /> • reconvcy thc Prapcny :uid ,hall nurrcndcr ihis S�tiurity In,trument and ull nutcs evidencin� dcbt secured by this Sccurlty �-�------�
<br /> '� �. Instrument to Trustee.Trustee shull recanvey the Property wlthout warrunty and without chorge to the person or persons iegally
<br /> , . , —�--
<br /> �.�� ��•� ''_� entit:ed to it.Such persan or persons shuli pay uny rrcx►rciation casts. - -
<br /> ° 23.Subst(tute Trustee.I.cndcr, ut its aption, may fram time to timc remavc Trustee and appoint u successor trustee to — -
<br /> • � , any Trustre appoi�ted hereunde�by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Securiry Instnsment is recrorded.Without
<br /> • conveyance of the Proparty, the successor trustee shuli succeed to all the title, pnwer and duties conterced upon Trustee herefi -
<br /> and by applfcuble law�. _°------
<br /> 2�.Request Por 1�Ioffc¢s.Borrower request�thut copics of the notices of default a�id sala fx sent tu Barrawer's address ' -
<br /> u�
<br /> . which is the Property Address. _
<br /> � . 25.Riders to ttGfss Secur(ty Imtrument. If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recordad tagether with this
<br /> ; �. � Security Instrumettt, th�coveaants and agreements of each such rider shall bc inrnrporated into and shal!amend und supplement
<br /> �•� the covec�nts and agreements of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s)were a purt of this Security Instrument. .
<br /> - , [Check applicable box(es)] _____
<br /> ' �Adjustuble Ratc Rider 0 Condominium Rider []I-4 Family Rider =--- - _
<br /> . �Graduated Payment Rider �Planned Unit Devetopment Rider �Biweekly Payment Rider ��:_-�-
<br /> '� „ 0 Balloon Ridcr Itate Improvement Rider �Second Home Rider �.;
<br /> . .`:;,: ❑V.A.Rider �U[her(s)[sgecifyJ �.,:.�:• -
<br /> ;f' �;
<br /> .'.�r.:..,`', ,',�n;
<br /> :�"J�=- --
<br /> „_
<br /> ' ° BY SIGNING BELOW. Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants rnntained in this Security Instrument and � '� -_
<br /> in any riderls>executed by Bonower and recorded with it. � , �' .{�.•,-���_
<br /> . Witnesses: ;a;,�,�,.r..c-
<br /> .
<br /> ' � .r �� "� (Se.el)
<br /> • ,-
<br /> DA�JIEL S PUCKETT -Barr�wcr ` ' "-
<br /> , . < :.-• —
<br /> ,',f`,:''{�,!`'S; /��� � .
<br /> � '1;;ti,''�1 ' 1:AREN S PUCKETT -so�� ��' �
<br /> i
<br /> � ',��
<br /> �
<br /> tSeal) . (Seal)
<br /> -&�rmacr .Borrowcr �'�r`_
<br /> Y�'�
<br /> Y��,q
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA. HALL �ounh s+: ,, •�?�'���
<br /> The Foregoing itutcument w;is acknowledged before me this 1 H : day of A PRI L ,1 994 '� �'
<br /> Y DA9IBi S. PUCRB�T 6ND KARBB S. PG�33;., 9�SBAND A9D MI.6 �;;i�•`};,Y
<br /> �t;`;�''i ' b r I' e � ..,:..<.,:1//, �
<br /> i':;;;;;�;,�' Witnessmyhandandnotarialsealat GRAtiD ISLAtiD, �BRASKA .i . iJCuunty.thedateafaresaid. 1�����`�� °
<br /> My Commission Expires: �L���� �iL� �� :
<br /> �ur� PuM�c
<br /> Iab�6�A�►1b 1lll . •
<br /> ;:r;;.�:,. +
<br /> E
<br /> , �
<br /> Papc 6 01 6 Form 3028 8/90 -
<br /> "---�---- ---___._.�_-.- . .. _. ..
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