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<br /> • r. -REGGb2I���,y ;.��;�;..�.:- , '
<br /> �..::�,, ., ,. 4:',.�.c,f��'�_ T.
<br /> 17.Trut�fer o�the R�p�rty or��xnef�stal Interest i��ormwer.If all or any part of the Praperty or any interest in it _. __ -
<br /> �`"'�. �` * , is sold or transfened(or if a tscnef cia! in.terent in Borrawer is xold or transferred und Borrower is not a natural person)without ' �' '• �_ • - --
<br /> . .�:_
<br /> ' l.endcr's prior wdtten consent, Lendar may, at its option. require immediate payment in fuU of all sums aecured by this �•-•a. �-�—;�._�y
<br /> , • Security lnstrument. Hovrevcr.this optkUn shala not be exercised by Lender if exercise is pmhibited by federal law as of the date ,; , • __.
<br /> af thlx Security Instrurnent. � `_ �'
<br /> If L.nder exercises this optior�,I.ende�sl►all give Borrower natice of ucceferation.The notice shall provide a period of not
<br /> .,., less than 30 days from the d�te the rt�tice is delivered or mailed within which Borruwcr must pay ull sums secured by this � , ,sR�:�;
<br /> Secudty i�strument. If Borroeaer failw t�pay these sums prior ro thc expiration of this period,I.endcr mny invake any remedies "�'�
<br /> � - pcnnttt�by this Security Inctrument v�izhouc further notice or demand on Borrower. ;::_ -__ _
<br /> 18. Borro�yer's Ri�h3 to Idettra�ta.t¢. If Borrower meets certain canditions. 8arrower shall have the right ta have fi:�
<br /> en2'orcement of this Security I�tnamen.t diRCOntinued at any time prior to th�earlier ot: (a) 5 days (or such other period as �
<br /> applicnble law muy specify for reiastatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contained in this � `�,
<br /> Security Inswment;or(b)entry of a jud�i��nt enforcing this Sa:urity Instrument.Those condition,are that Borrower:(a)pays , ��.
<br /> Lender all sums which then w+outd be due under this Securi¢y Instrument and the Nate as if no acccleratinn had occurre�i;(b) __
<br /> cures any defautt of any other covenan.ts or agreements;�c) pays atl expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument,
<br /> inctuding, but not limited to, reaco�nabie attoraeys' fee�;and(d) takes such action as L.ender m�y reasunably requirs to assure _-- .
<br /> that ihe lien of this Security ImrWrnent, I.ender's rights in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by ---
<br /> this Securiry Instrument shall conuou� unchangeal. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Serunry Instrument and the ,'
<br /> obligations secured hereby shall reruyn.fully etfes:tive as if no acceleratian had occurred. However, this right to reinstate shall 'I : :..,:
<br /> not a 1 in thc catie of accele�'ation.w.iaier ara ra h 17. ' �''""' ' =
<br /> PP Y P � P ;' r�,,-,.� �
<br /> 19. Sale of 1Note; Cfiaar,�¢at I.oan Servicer.The Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with this Security .-*�}'•''.
<br /> Instrument)may be sold one ar mrnre times without prior natice to Borrawer.A sale may result in a change in the entity tknown ' -=_
<br /> as the "Loan Servicer")tNst colt��ct:s monthly paymenis due under the Note and this Security Instrument.There a�so may be one ,�:;'-�
<br /> ur nrore chunges of the Loan Senicer unrelatz�d to a sale a�the Note. If them is a changc of thc L.oan Srnicer,BormK•er wifl be 7J��?��-
<br /> : ;�- ...;,
<br /> given wcitten rtotice of the ch:�nge inaccord;�uce with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The notice wiil state the name and :�;,e.`�;��:--
<br /> . address of the rtew L,onn Servicer and the aJdress to which payments should be made. The notice will also contain any other ��
<br /> , infomwtion required by applicabie lrw. . � , --
<br /> '��:•';�;' 20. Hazardous S�alb�tanr.ces. Borrou�r shall no[ cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, starage, ar re�esse of any �
<br /> :-'��' Hazardous Substances on or in tl�e Pra�rty. liorrower �hall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything atfecting the ''�� �`'"�_ _
<br /> '�'`'-.'`� Property thut is in viol�teon of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shull not appfy ta the presence.use, or ' -
<br /> •i;,: ,
<br /> "�r�'''�� storage on the Property of sn-ral!c�uantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recagnized ti�be appropriate to nortnal �'` ��_� —
<br /> � residentiul uses and ta maint4nanee o(the Praperty. : •" ��r�
<br /> ��� Borrower shall pram�dy give I.ender written nntice of any investigation,claim, demand, lawsuit or other acticm by any �
<br /> ��•:{':�. ovemmcntal or re uluto a en� or rivate art involvi� the Pro rt and an Hazardous Substance or Envimnmental Law '
<br /> g g r9 � 'Y P P Y g Pe Y Y : , ���
<br /> '�;�..;;:�'. of which Borcower ha.g actuaJ knowledge. If Borrower learns,or is notified by any govemmentai or regulatory authority, that ; '•• �
<br /> any remov�l or othe�remediat�un oi any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary, Borrower shall promptl��take ,�r�f �.x� �
<br /> ---- aii ��ece.ssary r.:..M:a:aci6cr� ia:.r.cnrd�stre�:•ith Enriros::nenta!ia���. _— _
<br /> As used irt this paiagraph 2(1, 'Hs�zzardous Substances" are those subytances defined as toxic or hazardous subswnces by ��� ' i�' •
<br /> �r," En.vironmentat Law and tfic follnwing substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flanvnable or tuxic petr�leum praducts, toxic :��:�,:�.• , .t:; � �
<br /> .. .�'�._ '� pesiicides and herbicides, volatitr solvents, materials mntaining asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive materials.As used in -r '�� ' r
<br /> !• .:�:::�.�,�
<br /> , this paragraph 20, "Envirc�nmertal Law" means federal laws anJ laws of the juriuliction where the Property is located that � •, � ,
<br /> . � relate to health,safety or en�'sea�nrrtental protection. ' � ' •� �. •;•�
<br /> PJON-UNIFORM COYE?�ANTS. Borrower and Lender further cuvenant anJ agree as follow5: i - •.<<� ! '
<br /> 21. Acceleratioce:ISertieaiies. I.ender shall give notir.e ro Borrooer prior to acceleration followin$Borroeer's breach �� , . �•y'%'� =
<br /> of aRy covenn�et or agveetEn�t�t in this Security Instrument (but not prior to acceleration under puragraph 17 unlecc _ I��
<br /> applicable luw prmaidc�utleen�ise).The notice shall specifv: (a)the default;(b)the action required to cure th¢d�fault; '; �
<br /> � (c)a eDnte.rtoi less thnm�30 da�s from the date the notice is Riven to Borro���er. by�vhich the default must be cured;and ,
<br /> ' (�)tPoat failtw�e to cuve tAe defnult on or before the date specitied in the notice may recult in acceteratioro nf the sums
<br /> secueed by this SecuPiCy Instrument and sate of the Property. The not3ce shall further inform Borrower o8 th�ri�ht to ' )��'_-
<br /> retnctste aft�rr acxrtera¢�un and the right to bring a cuurt actton to assert the non-existence of a default c►r any other '"����A
<br /> defense of Borrower to orceleration and sale. If the default is nat cured on or before the date spec[tied in the nmtice. ;;�-!w� ,
<br /> {'' . II.e¢ttEer, at Its a�iion, ma� requure immediate payment in full of all sums secured bv this Securit�• Instrumena without I • ' � ��-
<br /> � �anutl�e�dema�aa�raa9 imvoke the power of sale and an��other remedics permitted by appiicable laK•. I.ender sfnaq be � . �
<br /> � � er�ritled to co�Omct a9�e�c�tenses incurred in pursuin�the remedtes pro��ided in this para�Gruph 21,includin�,but rtmi limited � '=�
<br /> to,reasotenb�e a4IImrmeys'fees and ca+�s of tit9e e�•idence. ; .:?:4,: ,
<br /> It the{�ower of sal�� is im•okecd, Trucfee shull record a notice of drfauit in each cuunt} in which am part of the ! �� '-t� ��'
<br /> ��,.
<br /> Propert�• is lacut¢�3ccd shali mni!cc�pies of such noti�r in the manner prescribed b��applicahle la�� tu$ocrow•er and to ' �'j•,.':::a;:_"���.
<br /> the other persong{rresSri6ed b�applicable la�+.After the time reyuired fn applicable ia�►.Trustee shail�i�e pumltc notice ' �`'``� �� � �-
<br /> •,�:.,....... .
<br /> •,,•,.,,..;. t_
<br /> of sale to thc Rc�ny�d in the manner pre+cribed bc applicable la��.Trustc�e. K•ithout dcmand oon Borro«er. shall sel) '� .��" � ' ,j 1�;:�_;���
<br /> the Pro�tert� at�tutrtEe st¢ction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the termti desi�nated in the nortice of ; „��'l� {:
<br /> sale iva one or mQre Roucels and in am order Tru�tec drtermines. Trnstee ma� postpone sale c>f xU or am parcrl of the �:��•`��
<br /> Pro{ter[y Ino pudtir annauncement at th�r time and place nf an� pmviousi�� srheduled sale. Lertder ur it� desi�ner. ma� ��
<br /> �tarehase the Prarpertr at an��sale. ; . .: �
<br /> ' ;:,,:f, • � x
<br /> � . �
<br /> ;::� Form 3028 9190
<br /> 1 P»�� �t� ,
<br /> �` ; .
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