-'tu��.�r["'�^'t''...�...�..r...����,t.�,�-,fi'r;��-,i1LYiZ`y+.� ��"'-oy'k:�i�', ."'T'_�----•-.— �n"J4;"�.?!`r7 _ ._. , :��.:4ti•i>cj:ti:� a`t�::�'!i�e:..r-�,.s'�.... J:T >�+�'l a1-
<br /> - '.Su •n. . ...-.•- .i,r.;t;•.!3;.�r •�(,��- 4:1;':L.":'t' . �.r��!,�1����. 't• 'e}�i °i`'�:''�uS � .'k,�.riJ+r:•� }�`'•�•.•�ti'' � .�v h ;A
<br /> f L � �Y,t, '��r.t`.�T,, � ' ,
<br /> . . t .. '� ,"�" r�it`Ai� �f�`�: �y�.!'r `�4 C�t S jft�E W�1� �t�U�.
<br /> " • ���: ii�����;�td��l�- y� ;t . ' : � t� >i�- f� }<<�t{�`�#��55'�i� ��t� �•a���r��ln��
<br /> .... . s �.t� h �i` �, rJ'�� c,.�ah�-
<br /> .. . l�'�. -�, � .,..o.,r�4t�ik, . - - ....«��«�+w.,r,��.. >.... .. . . s��r6�3�r ;•��rs��""'r�.wwt� �� (�r�?jA <t� �
<br /> .tin:. � '�� � - ..� . � u� . l:1 . `i.5,`,r. . _ , � ��1""_
<br /> d vn�
<br /> ..�tlM ._, ... , - . ' . ...._ , . . . - . t`M�,R.
<br /> . :.+ Y _. � n.��,. ..... '
<br /> i _ � • �.•� : • � " ;�':
<br /> �� ' . .. .�..or.,�'�r�,t}.'-1 j . ._
<br /> ' . ..�J ..�
<br /> ....�.,,,....�,
<br /> .. .. --�t---.�..
<br /> i ,,�,,; . .. . .... ....__...�_._._... - _-- _- --__-
<br /> , _...._�—_�.�_.._��_. .- `�...�„` �- - ���-;T.—__
<br /> _....-- ---� .. _. ,
<br /> .. ......_._.-----_.��.._.�.__...._.--- �__...u�,_ _
<br /> .._.T_ �-� :..___....--,_.:�.�.:.:.
<br /> � ry Tiustor ah�U nat dlreaty orladlrecUy. ��:_�_.__�.
<br /> , ' 98. Covenanis o!Tiustor w1tA Respoct to Leasea.Wlthout the.pda wr�on dranaoft wNethe�'svah tease!s naw o�heraafter In exlatence: - --
<br /> „� wlth ros�oct ro any l�esa af apaco In tha Tiust Pvoperly,or enY po �:..�„s;•,:,��,�
<br /> ' ..,; (a) Accept o�Ra��t�y PrepAYmBnt,dtscouni ar sdvance paymani olrent heroundorin oxcess olone month, . _4 . ___
<br /> 6 �b� ��rtJ�e und�e�to term�8te o�oance tthe swne,�'other th e/rmtnaUa►far nonpayment o/f re��lt eny event ro occw uvhlah wauld �.,z;,;.._.:�.��--
<br /> (cj Amond or modily the same so as to reduce d�e term thereaf,tho rentei payable tha�ounder,o�to change any renewal provts�ons -M_`�___ _
<br /> thsre►n contafned, "� �"`-------
<br /> �.rst79'',�i;;.�— =
<br /> (d) WalvB eny defsult Phereartde�o�bteach theteof,
<br /> � �� (s) Q(va aay cons0� •%��r',��' �avel tlrereu»der or take sny other ecUon!n connaatlon the�ewRh,or with a lessee thAreundei,whlch ��6y n��_,___ _
<br /> 'tlre valve ol ths lesso�s lnierest thoreunder or the properiy subJsct thcroto,or ot tmpaldnp the �_. _
<br /> .5. woufd�h�3rol11����8 G ,�a_ :• — _
<br /> . , . .inareln,or
<br /> . posl0"on A'l'��t@!�.. ..� --
<br /> po
<br /> —�.,::`..._. ,__
<br /> (Q Seli,��sreund�� aga���ise dlspase of,or encumbar!ts(nterest fn any seld lease o�eny rents.lssues.Fro its ssu nq =_�_-- __-
<br /> !7. Welver of Statute ot Umttetlons.plme!s of the essence tae ala of Trusfors cbllgadons and dutles hereunder,end ro tha eMent pe�mlKed � _
<br /> by lew�Tiusto�wafve8 a!1 pnQs¢nY or fufura sfo^.btZCS oPlican'(�lferts►rl�►r�SpCCY rori hYS or tr�m dtes con�1 ed hereln.ured hereby end yr� _-_�
<br /> oFort tizis RJe�d 0&8rust rrv, $ `��,..`'—_-- _-
<br /> �y ac�on or prcr,e�dtng for the�uFl.rvs� f'�n9 + f�`�`-��
<br /> 1� Ass�gJrment of AeFosies.In E9ro�xer►Y�a►siruC�'or►vitm/�++�oreirreRYs ls c��cc�At^.ted laY�i toan evldenced by Iha Nota secur�er1 ���:'�._--_-,..� -�
<br /> .. t�ra9y.as add�tivnaJ securlty�refvro Tiustor hereby tr�rsf�rs esn��ssf�rrs M Bepre�fia��rir:�II rlght.tltle�t����►N and eJ! �F��g���+��_-- •
<br /> r,�r.;:c�de�astted b�,�or on L�+elraJf or Tiustw w/dr any cfry��arnq�,l�+iQ�c�Y o+►a�a�x s�:^+�fery dlsbict, '�d Y,'.;___--yY� -
<br /> anq oth�ar bodY e�egency,frn�re lnstetlailon a to secure t�ro Irrsfafle.Ga�vJ any eNBty by�7twYOr,Pertalning to tha 7h�1�raRenY �.,13.�,_—
<br /> �r,.�s?�===— _.:__
<br /> •' 19. Gb�poretio»or Partnershlp Existence.N Tiustor ts a co�pora�crrr,q�!'�e'rsl partnersh1p.or llmited paRnershfp.It wlll do�I NJrr�1s , .;f:,;�::-= W
<br /> � ���'=�
<br /> ��--'__
<br /> t'� nacessary to preseive!ts co�porete o�perbiershtp ex�stence,as Me case may be,and afl dghis end p�ivlleges ender�ra�a��s __ y_
<br /> stete of fta lnco�pc�aUu►+or o�ganlzadon. � '
<br /> • (1�0. Forbearence by Beneflclery Not a We►ver.My lo�bearance bY BeneflGary!n ettercising eny dght or romedy he�eender,or ofhenvisa � �:.
<br /> �,'�'� � iicable law,sha�/not be a waiver ot or prectude tlre exercfse of eny such dght o�remedy.The procuremeM of -�!�.�;,5�'�:.�
<br /> allovded by,apP ��'�,� .
<br /> :`}:�'�.� �'."'�`"..
<br /> . � lnswance or tha psyment of tsxes o�the dlscbarge of llens o�cherges by Bensflclery shaD nof be e wa►ve�°18eneflc18�8�9htto ��:,`ti;'���.^a
<br /> ' � accelerete Me rroaturlty of the lnde6tedness. s���%)K ,`�r'�"�_:''�
<br /> ���� 4i_�.,�'..
<br /> 2J. Remedles Cumu/aYive.All remedles pmvlded in thts Deed of Tiust ere distlrtat and camuladve to sny other rJghf or remedy under this r- ;� ,,,
<br /> ' Deed of Tiust or a9lo�ded by law o�equlty,and may be exercfsed cor+currenUY.independently or sucaeaslvely. ;• „ '=°�.<_
<br /> � '� �. ���sors end/I,qalgns Boynd;Joint and SeveraJ tlabllity;Captlons.The covenants and agreements hereln contalned shall btnd,and ,��� ��
<br /> �, ,:;:.u.....,....
<br /> , . � � the atghts he�eunder sheU Inure to,the respective seccesso►s and assigns of Beneflclary.Trostea.and Tiustor.All covmnenfa end .;�„.<,.•._�_—
<br /> � agresments of Trosror shall be jolnt end severaL The capD�ons end headings o/the peragraphs uf d+ls Deed of Tivat ane 10► •--
<br /> oonvenlence only and eie not to be used to interpret or deBne the provlsions hereof. ��=-
<br /> noUce to Trustor vlded 1a1n thla � ,,- h�
<br /> 23. Notice.ExcePt br any noUce requlred unde�appllcable!ew ro be gNen ln er+oiher manner,(e)any A�'o •_ ��`�i;,��
<br /> � '' Deed of 7nut shall be gtven by malAng such nodce by certlNed me11,ret�m receipt requested addressed to Trusta at its ma1ling r{�
<br /> �, . � ,.':I°. .
<br /> _ . _ ���.q��er fath above a at such other address as Ti�stor may designate by notice to Benetklary as proWded hereln,and(b)any <st,;�. ��'�
<br /> � � noYlce to SetreBclary o►Tiustee Sh811 be glven by ae►Ufleat mait,retum recvlpi raqussi&d.to 8snelktar;s et'+d Tn_,A1en's meUing '• ;�K.
<br /> Y r.'���;:r`;1�.�r
<br /> address stated gereln o�to such other eddress as BeneNclary or Trustee may desfgnate by notice to Tiusto�as provlded herein.M �.. �:.
<br /> noUce provldea►oorin thls Osed of Trust shall be deemed fo have been g(ven to Trusror, Beneflcilery oi Titrsiee when givenln the .,!p��• - , .i'•:i
<br /> msnner deslgn&ted hereln. . "� :4 .
<br /> ` 24. Qoveming Law;SeveraMlfry.Thls Dsed of Tiust shsl►be 9ovemed by the laws ot the Stete o!Nebnaska.in the event any provis►on or ;`�' �'',y,;��
<br /> clsuaa o(thls Daed of Trust conflicis wHh epAUcab(e lsw,such conflict shaJl eoi ayect other provislons of thls Oeed of Tiust whlch can �;�_,
<br /> , be given effect withord the conNJcUng provlstons end to this end the prov/sions ot drls Deed ot Tiast are declared to be sevRrabls. ' �f�3�,�,,,f' ;;.,l�y
<br /> 2b. Events of DefauR.Each o/the loliowing occurrences s h e l J c o n s t i t u t e a n e v e+r i o f d e f a u R h e r eunder,(herefnafter called an"Event v�J•,;?':� �,�
<br /> , ,�.
<br /> o!Default'): ' � �
<br /> (s) Trustor shall fall to pay when due eny princJpel,lnterest,or pdncipal and lnte►est on the Indebtedness, , '��
<br /> (b) qny rva►ranry of Oitle mede by Tnrstor hereln shslf be untrue, •
<br /> (c) Tiustor shall faU to ohserve o�peAom+any of the covenants,ag�eements,a condiUons in this Deed of Tiust, _'��t+�
<br /> ;`�� (dj My represenia8on or wanenry made 6y Tiusto�on any financlat statements a repoRs submlKed ro BeneNclsry by cr on behsl/o/ ,;',`;;.'f` , /F, _�
<br /> • c Tiusto�shall prove lalse or matedalty misleading, �
<br /> • • �, i{:�( '; „" ''
<br /> • ;+;. (e) Trustor shall/ail to pe►fom►or observe any of ihe cove»ants,condltlons or agreements coMelned in,or binding u�an Tiusto�under ���.�t�
<br /> - ��'�•-. ". '`� any bullding losn agreement,secudty agreement,loan egreemer+t,fina»cfng stafement,or anY other agreement,lnshument o� ;�;';�,.,_ � , ��;':+j•
<br /> .: ,,.•, ,
<br /> �'��'�� document executed by Trustarin connecdon wiih the foan evldenced by the Note, �,�� •';
<br /> _•y� nted,or an ol the c�edltors o�Trustor shall fiIe a - :11:•`��'
<br /> " (n A bustee,ieCelve�o�Oquldatot ot the Tiust Prope►ry or ot Tiustor shall be appo( Y �.
<br /> pett�ton!n banlvuptcy agalnst Trustor,o►lor the reorgeniza8on of Trustor pursusnt to the Federel Bankroptcy Code,or any slmilai I ''•�� ��
<br /> law,whether federeJ o►state,arrd N such order or petition shall not be dlscharged o�d�smissed withln thirry(30)deys a/ter the date i
<br /> on whlch suCh o►der o►petitlon was liled, '
<br /> (g) 7rustor shal/lfle a peUtion pursuant to the Federal Bankrupicy Code a any similar law,federa!or state,or H Tre�stor shal!be i
<br /> adjudged a banJaapt,or be declared insolvent,or shall make an asslgnmeni lor the benefit ol creditors,or shall admlt in writing its I
<br /> Jnabi!',ry to paY 1ts debts as fhey become due,or shall conseat ro the appointment ot a receive�o!all o►any pa►t og the Tieist Pnoperty, I
<br /> (h) Hna!judgmeat io►the payment of money shel/tre i+ende�ed against Tiustor and Tiusior shell not discherge the same,or cause!t to �I
<br /> be dlschaiged,within ririrty(30)days a/ter the entry U►e►eof,or shell not sppea►therebom or lrom the order,dec►+ee or process upon
<br /> which or pursuant to whlch said/udgment was g►ented,based,or entered,and secure a stay ot ezecution pending suth appeal,
<br /> ;,�.,,, (i) Trosia shail sel!or convey the Trust Property.or eny pa►t the►eoi.or any interest thereirt.or shalf tre divested of its 6tle.or any intenest ,
<br /> ;��:. • therein,fn arry manner o�u�ay.whether voluntanty enrrvoluntarity,without the wr+tten consent o18e►reficiary being�irst had and �
<br /> �.�: • cbtained.or
<br /> ��.�`�`��•��� , (�] {t TiustOr ib a corpor86on o►pert►re►ship artd more than 6t1y pe�Ce►►t(50%)ot the shares or 6enefic�a!interests in such corporation or
<br /> • • , pard�ersl�ip.,a�the case may be,sh8!►be transle►rGd or Conv�yed. whethe►volunt8►ily or mvolunharily.without tNe wntt�n cons�nt of
<br /> Bene6dary 4c�vng fi�st hed end obtafned.
<br /> 26. At,celerafl'on ot DebZ Foreclosure.!lpon the occurrence of arry Event of Defautt,o►any 6r»e ihe+ealfer.Beneffuary may.at�n op0on.
<br /> declaro sl!the lrrde6[edness secured hereby immedrat�Jy due and peyabie and the same shall8ear interost at rAe default ra'�. ,f any.
<br /> set f+prth!n A�e Note.or othenvise at the highest rate�ernnt[�d by taw.and,irrospecnve ot whethe►8ene6ciary eMercues sard opQOn,,t
<br /> may.at its option and m rts sote discreoon,without any furtHer no6ce or demand to or upon Tiustor,do orre or mor�of the fWfauvmg:
<br /> ' (� Beaehciery may enter upon,take possessron of.m�oag�r.�qn,r,rr�rt the secmitv�e�eo end either wrttr ornwuho�taEn g �
<br /> arreranons arro do m�y a���::..,..;..Q..�.....w,.....-.._�_�_ _..
<br /> . ppssession.in its own name.sue lor or odtenense Cellect and�ecetve►ents.issues and pro6ts.mcluding thase pesr aue snd unpard.
<br /> �d�ppty the same,/ess costs and expenses ot operatron arrd co!►echon,rndud�ng reasonable attomey tc;es anQ Bene6Gary's
<br /> oosts,upon Ure Mdebtedness secured hereby and in such order as Beee(+ciary may deferm+ne.Upon request o1 f3ene6crary. 7rustor
<br /> shall assemble snd shall make averlab/e tn 8erte�bc,ary any oI the Trust Properry which has been removed. The entering upon and
<br /> taking possessian of the Tiust Prope:ry.tt+e coile�;aon o!any rents.�ssues and profits,end dre applrcanon Meraol as atoresard,sha�►
<br /> • rtot cure or warve any de�auft meretofore er thereafte�occurring.o�aKect any rtoece of defaun or no6ce of se/e nereunder or
<br /> inv8lidate any act done pursuant to eny such notice.NOtwitl�st&nd�ng 8eneficiary"s cont�nuance m possessron or recerpt and
<br /> epplice6on ol ients.�ssues or pro6ts.Bertefic�ery sna.7 be enbited ro exercrse every nqht provided br m th�s Deed o�Trust or Dy►aw
<br /> upon or afle►h ma�tre taken b a8enefiae f et suCAr6m�a'S Be 8hG8ry msy determme w�thout►egar0 to t e adequacy of anyd ro'n
<br /> tlrfsPa►a9raR Y Y �Y
<br /> y�Cterrry fot the Indebiedness seCUied heteby.
<br /> (b) Benefrpary sAah.widrr�ut rega►d to the ede9uacy of any secunty!a Me Irtdebledrt�ss secured hvreby.be enDtfed to the
<br /> ' appeintment o1 a rece�ver by eny coun havrng�u�rsdretron.w�ttrout nonce.ro take Rossesson o�.A�ocect,and menage the Trust
<br /> p�op8rty 8nd Op�rete the same and tollect th8 rents,issues and p�ohis drerebvm.
<br /> (c)Benefrcrary may bnrtg arty acGOn,n any court ol competent�unsdrehon to forec►ose th,s Oeed o�Trust or enlorce any o►the
<br /> cpvenants Rereol
<br /> 1 - -
<br />