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=_ '��.f�rW�itt�F��.T,'ypM�p''�-_-�,l-�_�^^'•',_t*'.-'r"''�:'.T:r,+;'="':P . ' -�-' ------- _n���.+�::�'j t - ::iu ��is 4• ':�)d�t{ ry�'�---.r-�l.Yy�Yf --. <br /> _ - � <br /> . .. ,i�.��.�� /1�:I�'.Kt .I.'f�� ..: ,l� .��J��Rt�ia� .�'`1� • .� . _ .Ii��. . � 1.�•_ _ � _ }C . M . [. � <br /> -. <br /> . �..� . n ` .• _ <br /> �• � . . '.. . . l..\'1: - - �. . <br /> t t� �,'� . b;,-• 3� � `' �S <br /> /i� . . • .Y��1 t ' . , _ <br /> � . - ,:l', . . ... • ' . . . .,. . .. - <br /> �' . . ., i . - � _ <br /> _ � . , _ ...y.�� , IJi ' .__. <br /> fQ .a <br /> / � � ,♦, � �� , � - <br /> ._.. . <br /> wv..�..�.:_�:....�J:1 . .. ....._a......+.«.... ,__:�i..�.�..J...,__. :" <br /> . .. ..... - � � .1F�...'{:it's,p: <br /> Insurence premluma,ground rents,and a11 atho�chAr �rs wheleoavor levted upan or essessod,placed o�made egelnst the Tn►st " , .����''=•�.���: <br /> Property.Tivator further agrees,upon written roquest by 8onaqclary,to promptty dotivor to Beneflclary a!I recetpts tar the payment of ,:,� . ;;;,,,;1i�;�;��,,��.;�;; <br /> � suoh cha►gea,Tiustv�llkewlse egroea to pAy all taxos,aascrsamants and other charges levled upon a nasevsed,p►aced o�madA : �s��� <br /> ..�,:.ttr,.,�r�_�.:-� ._--- <br /> agalnat,o�msasured by,ihla DoDd ol Tiust or tho icco�dation horool. ...�,.° <br /> � • b. AppNoeUon of Peymertte.N!payments racelvad by BonollClery ae to�ny debt,I(ablNty or ob!lpatlon owed to Bertelfclary by hustor ' '"'"'?"�':�r�-•,.-: <br /> • may bo applied by BeneNclary ro the payment of the IndebS6dness ar to eny suoh othe►debt,llablliry or obllgadon,In any o�der or .,", ,.�=,y_�`_ <br /> menner of eppllcaUon which BenellcJary,In Its absoluto dlsa�oUOn,dc�oms approprlate.tJnlesa otharw%e eleoted by Beno!lclary,uny r '� =�,r.,,=.�.,°;;— <br /> such payment ahsf!ba dcemed oppllod l�rst to the paymont of any dobt,Ilab�lity o�ob(rgatlon other then thu Note. �� ., - , - <br /> 8. ChA►ges;llens.TiusM�wUl keep the�iusf Propo�ty 1►aa Irom al!Uens and encumb�ances whlch/n nny wey may,!n tha�udgment ol ��.,•��,-Y�-_Y`���.�_"'� <br /> Berteficiary,have p�lorlry over,or lmpr�U tho seau�ity o9,thls Dead o/�rust but Tiusto�nood not dlscharge any such llea so/ong as '� "- ="°�•?'�_=A�. <br /> � "�sto�shalt sgree,!n wntlng,to pay the obUgadon securod Dy auCh pen In e mannor accoptQbla ta Henellciary and shall!n gavd fc/th '"' -• .. ..�.�r,�:�: <br /> contost such Uen by app►oprlate legal p�ceadinga eHecWe ro prevent tho enlo�coment ol the/len snd the losa o1 any Interest ln or :•r•,,::nr.;}�;;;,;:a..---- <br /> � pa,2 at ctse Tiust Property. .`,` .::R-r:''��L.-� <br /> ''-.�l;mt_?'"-•: <br /> T. lda2ard ln�urance.Tiustor shall keep the buildings and olhetlmprovements rtaw exls8n�or haralt�r snc�at!ar tha 1Yust Qrs� - :-�;..;,;«:- <br /> l�y lns�rance canlers saUafttctory to BaneHclary agatnst loss by lire,hazards lnaluded!n the term"extended coverege"end - �'!�,�+� <br /> suo1�o�l�er t�azands,casualUes and contlngencles as rnay be requlred by Beneflclery,in such emaunta snd for suah pario�s as may be • ••._ <br /> • rsquE,esf @y 13ene8c/ary. The policy of tnaurunce shad be M form ecceptab/e to BeneHclary,provlde thut the same mey not ba . :.s.:: <br /> carrcelfecl or modifi�wfthout fiftesn(15)days pdo�nmitten ootice to 9enaNclary,and shatl heve loss payab/a provlslans in levor of end . _.. ,�,; _ <br /> In fo�m acce�FCaL�IO t»l3ene Bclary.A I!piem lums on Insu�ance po i l c l e a s hal!be paid!e the menner proWded under pareg►eph 4 her�eot .L,�;�,;;: <br /> o�il noi peid!n sucl'r manrter,by Trastor maldng paymant et least filte�sn(15)days prlor to the dur aaie,�IrectJy to the insu�ance µ;�;Fr}p��;�.:�._ <br /> canler.8eneficiary sRatl l�avo the dghi to hold the pdicles end ienewals thereof and Tiusto�shsll piompfly lumlah to Beneflclary ep � � <br /> renewaf notices and a.lf p�e'tf premlvm recelpts rece(red by it.!n no evenf shall Beneflciary o�Tiustee be held responslble fot leilure to �, �...��;,,T . <br /> pey lnsuiance premiams o�tr✓r ttrry l�ss or damage adsing!out of e dotect!n any policy ar a►lsing out o/eny/ellvre o/eny lnsurartce • � : �.;��,� <br /> � company to pay tor sny riass or dama�o fnsured agalnst a for fa!luro by Trostor ro e1/ect tha lnsurence requlred hereundar.ln rPro axenL� ': �i f+R: ,R_N�.�- <br /> " of loss.Tnrstor shaq gire procarpt rnoo"co 0y ma11 to Phe insurance carrhar arrd 8eneficlary.Beneffclaly may mak9 proof ollcss,�rrot {• ,i;;�,;,�;;_ <br /> made prompUy or ire aro�aer f�aan I�y Trusror.All polldes of insurancs arrd any er►d e'I reS}�nds aF wsearnad D%c�rrlcrrt+s ere f�e�+@�r ,!''. e�,,.�.• <br /> assigrted to 8ene6ciary�s addLi;mal secvrlty lo�the paynrem ot Ure Irrdatr�edrtess.In liro eurerrt ot 13s�+cfida�r's Qxerclse�c�tPro Roexcr •'. . <br /> iro <br /> ' � M of sale contalnesi he�.'�r,�,�nt ol forec,losare, ell right, mfe r,nr�Irr�r��ot Trusi�rlrr srr���n�r Irrstu'enco/solfty IfY3n hp I�nce "�� y`��+- _ <br /> Q ahaJl pass to the pur�trra�cr a.f the Gvtst�o's sale or laecbsure saJo.ln cbsa of sn� lvss,tire lnSUrgnce�nrrnw�ds may,et the opBon o/ <br /> � �/ ,' N �,.'J!.. <br /> . Beaeffcizv�r,9�3�:�ed�/Beneflciary upon Ure lndebtedness,or any paR thereof,and in sucf►or�der errd amount as Benefletary�rray �s � r�,,, <br /> d2�ru����•said rr�s�u�nce pro�eeds,ai the opdon of 8eneflclary,may either be used!n repf3cirtg or restodng the Tiust Properly ��;'•-%� ;'� � <br /> !� c�ra r a lt destro ed to s condlbon aeBs/aa to BeneNc! .or sald insurance proceeds,o�any po►ilon thereof,may he +.:� <br /> �Q �v"�`' y Y � �� s <br /> re7�as��d ta 7rustor. t/ntess Beneficlary and Tiusto�otherwfse agree in wrlting,any such appilcation oilnswence pror.eeds shall aot t���' <br /> eatend o�postpone iha due date of the Note,or anylnstallments ca!!ed tor ther+eln,or change the emount ol such installments.H the �� =_�-- <br /> ��'"� ' Tiust Psopeiry(s ecqulred by 8eneficlary pmsaant to the exerclse of the powar of sale or other forec/aure,alf dght,dtle end Interest of • f� <br /> " � 7rosta in end to sny insurence proceeds paysble as e resurt of damage ro the Tiust Properly pdoi to the sale or ecqulstBon ahall pass • .�,, •� <br /> �`��., ro BeneNclary snd sha11 be app�led flrst to the costs end expenses,incfuding atromey feea,incmred!n aoliecdng such proceeds,then ; :��,,�' � <br /> � � !n the manner and!»fhe order prov1ded hereln. • •z��•��;��, <br /> : � 8. P i e s e rv a ti o n a n d l�i a i n t dn a ni.�a�f Tiusi Pro p&r t y. Trusi�r w1A kss p ths buftdtrrgs and atharlmpravemenis nor.�+�t�f�re�ftc+•a,acrad an ':"�;_�=-z- '�.''= �:�. <br /> the Tiust Pr+operty!n good repalr and condition and wf/I not commlt or permit waste,will not alle�t ha de s lgR or s truc t u r a l c h a r s c t e r ::,� �'. r <br /> consdtWng any bellding now or herealtar erected on end consUtutlng the Tiust Properry withvut ihe pdor written consent o/ „�, �` � <br /> � BeneNclary,wDl not do any act or thing which would unduly unpab o�depreciate the velue of ihe Tiust Prope�ty and w!!I not abandon ; �. •,� <br /> '� �-�,�,: the Tivat Property.Trusto�wlq not remove any�ixtuns cansbluGing the Trust Property unless the same sre lmmediately replaced with ° •• <br /> � llke property subJect to the den and secmfry Interesrof itYs Dead o�Tivst and of at least equal value and utlllty.Tiustor wi!!compty witl� ;� j <br /> all present and future ordinances,regulaBons snd reyul�ements ot any govemmentel body whlch are spp!lcable ta the Tiaist Piopeily ,: o � <br /> and to the occupancy and use thereof.ll thls Deed ol Trusi Is on s unit in a condominlum or s planned unl►devekpmem, Tiostoi shaU �' � �� ' <br /> perlorr+�all of Trustor's obligatlons under the dec�aredons orcovenants areaUng or goveming the condomintum o►the p/anned uNt ;.� <br /> � development the bylaws end regWaUons ol the corxlominlam oi planned unit devefopment,end the consdtuent documents. <br /> ' ' 9. InspecUorr.Benehclary or its agents may,si all reasonaMa 6mes,enter upon the Tiust Property lor the pmpose o/inspectloe. 1 . <br /> BeneNClary shalJ have no duty to make such lnspecUon end shall not be l/ab/e to Tiustor or to any pe�son In possesslon H it mekes a <br /> � la!!s to make any such lnspecdon. ����-` � : " ,.�1G� <br /> f0. Pmtecdon of Secu►iry.ll Tiustor lalls to perform any oY the covenants snd agreements contalned In thls Deed oi Tiust or!1 any action t,.; � ..,'�';� <br /> or proceeding is commenced whJch does or may adverse/y af/ect the Trust Property or the lnterest of Tiusto�or 8eneflclary dreriein a �;,.,,�. . �;.;''� <br /> ' the title of Tiusto�thereto,tl�en Bene�iclary,atlts opGon,rnay pedorm such convenants and agieements,make such appearances, `��• ,,:,',� <br /> � , de%nd agalnst and fovestlgete such acUon or proceeding and take such othe�action as Beneflciary deems necessary to p�otect its � . ,�:;;�t�•• <br /> Interest Jncluding,but not limited to,disbursement d reasoneb/e attaney lees and entry upa+the Tiust Properry to make repal�s.Any : <br /> amounts disbursed by Beneficiary pu►suant to thls pa�agraph 70,wiil�lnterest thereon,shall consdtute/ndebtedness ol Trustor `, <br /> • secured by thls Deed ol7rust f/nless Tiustor and 8eneficlary egree to other terms o/payment,sech amounts shall be payabis upon ' <br /> , noBce 1rom 8eneliclary to Trustor requesdng paymenf thereol,and shal!bear Interest fiom the date of dlsbu�sement at the defaufl iete, <br /> !f any,set forth in the Note,or othenvlse et the highest rate permilted 6y law.Nothing cantalned!n lhis paragraph shell requlre � <br /> • BeneNclary tolncar any expense or take any acdon hereunder. 7�ustor ir�evoCably authorizos arrd empowers 8enefiClary to enier upon � <br /> • lhe Tnuf Propeity as Trusror's agent and,in Tiusta's narne or othenvise ro pe�to�m any and aH cove►rants and agieements to be ` <br /> perfo►med by Tiustor ss herein provided.Benelic/ary shal/,atlts opiion,be subrogated to any ancumbrance,lien,claim o�demand <br /> and to s!!Nghts and securities for the payment thereo9 pald or discharged by Beneficiary unde�the provlslons hereof and any auch <br /> subrogaUon Nghts shall be additrona/end cumulebve securiry lor this Deed of Tiust. . <br /> 11. Condemnation. 7he prxeeds ol any award or claim fordamages,direct or consequentiaf,in ConneCGon with any condemnatian or <br /> othe►taking ol the Tn�st Property,or any part thereN, or lor conveysnce in fieu ol or in anbcipatiort ol condemnadon,are hereby <br /> asslgned to and shaU be paid to BenefiCiary.Trosta will file and good faith and wlth due di6gence,its Cfalm for any such . <br /> awa�d or payment,and wi0 cause the same to be col/ected and pald to Beneficiary,and,should it fail to do so,Trustor irrevocably <br /> authorizes and empowe�s Beneficiary,in the name o/TNSior o►otherwise,to fi/e.prosecute,settle or comprom�se any such cla/m encf <br /> to coilect,receipt/or and retain the proceeds.!f the Tiust Property is abandoneQ by Trustor,or,aRer notice by B�ne/iciary to Trusfo� <br /> that the condemnor oNers to make an awerd or settle a claim for damages.T�usta tarfs ro respond to Beneficisry within th�rty(30) days <br /> after the date such notice Js mai:ad.Beneficrary�s authonzed to colfect and appry r7�e praceeo's�n the manner md�cafed hero�n. The <br /> proCeeds of any swa►d a cleim may,afrer deductinq all reasonable costs and expenses.mGud,ng atfomey fees, wh�ch may have <br /> Deen inCUned by S�n�bC�ary m the collection thereof, atthe sole discretrun of rte:eased to Trustor,apphed to <br /> restote6on ol Tiust Ptoperty,or applred to the payment ol the lndebiedness. Unfess Benefruary and rrusror otf�erwise ag�ee�n wriong. <br /> any suCh applica6on of proceeds to Indebtedness s7ra11 rtoi extend or postpone the due daf�ot tr,e Nofe or t3�e payment o/any <br /> inste!lmenfs celled!o�thereunder. <br /> » r...�r,�.unr aotn„csui F»an.rion of the hme for navment or modificadon ot anv emortrza�on op I�e/nrlebtedness granted Uy Benefrc�ar}r <br /> to any suCCesso�in interest of Trustor shalt not o�erate ro release,in any manner,the Irab�Irry af Trustor ard 7n�stor's successors�n <br /> iMeresL Ber+efipary shal►not be required to comr^�n�e proceedings agarnst such successor or re�5�se to ea�end trme for paymen?or <br /> otherwise ntodify amoriizahon oi the lndebtedreas ay:reason of any demand nzado by Trustor ane Trustur s successors <br /> in interest. <br /> 13. finanGal lnfo�ma6or+.Upa►neqrs2st o!Benefitrary•Trustor w�l prov,de to Bene6crery.wrth�n nmery(30)Qays oP the close of each fiscal <br /> ye,a�o/7rustor,the tonsWidatad D�tance sheet and statement of earnings of Tiust��and any ar+d af!guarantors of the�ndebtedneu <br /> secured hereby,�f�ny.2nd w:N prou�7e and deliver ta Benelic�ary such odre�hnanc�al mto,manan and�n such manner as Bene�c�ary <br /> may ne+asonab/y reat.�s7lrom Cme to Sme. <br /> i4. Finertcial Cavenants.In addiIIOrr to sny other Ananaal covenants o/�rusto�made m any other agreement instrument or document. <br /> Trusiar sAal1 Cvmpty wiih snd shel!cause eny arid afl guarentors of the lndebtedness secured hereby to compty w�M,or be�n <br /> COmp!ianCe wdh,the to!lowrrtg hnenCref CovenBnts(Th�s paragraph shall not appty�f covenents 8nd�equner.�ents are not set <br /> forth herein.) <br /> ' 15. ScReduto of Leases.Wrth�n ten(�01 days atter demand.Tn,sror slraJl furrnsh ro 8errehGSry a scheduia,ce►trhed ro by Trustor.setnng <br /> tord►a/!leases of the Trust Property.or any pofiQn thereof,mclud�pg�n eBCh CBSe.the name Of th9 tenants or occup8�ts.a deSC��pRQn <br /> of tlre SpaCe oCCUp:ed by sucA tenant or occupant,Me renlal payebte fo�sucn space.and such other rnformanon and documents w�t*� <br /> respect to sucn ieases and fenanaes as Berehcrary may�easonabry►equest. � <br />