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<br /> i'a[:—=.--'_-' ..
<br /> �^�ii.'►i�.xJ�,,,.�:�' � y -.
<br /> ;.yy,.�:_.=_��; Burrawar shall promptly give Lend�r wrltten rtatice of any investigcitian�, clafm,demnnd. lawsuit ar nther nctian b gny
<br /> ,::��+�;�i'r���' governmentul or regulatary agency or pi3vate pn�9y Involving thc Praperty and uny l�fiiwnrd��uA�uhetanoo or Einvirapmentnl I.nw .��,-���
<br /> .r�,;,ay��r..,•� �: of which Borrower hns actuni knowlcdge. Yf l3orra�ver IcarnK. or i4 nmifcd by nny gnvernmentnl nr re�yulntory nuthadty�thnt �,_.;�._�.�
<br /> ��•� - , uny removul or othcr remedintion of nny tloznrdous Substurn:e uffecting the Prapcny ia»eccsanry,aarrn�var ahnll�mmptly uiko �
<br /> !;°�i::.�°�'` ��i� all necessary remodial actions in uccordance with Environmentai Luw. ____��
<br /> `° Aa used In this pumnraph 20, "Huzardaus Substances"ure thuse substnnces defined a.g taxic or hazardoua substnnees by �N��,:__-
<br /> � Environmental Ls�v sind the followIng substances: gnsolino. kerosene, other tlammablc or toxic pet�oleuen praducts. toxic �°'v:=�--
<br /> �:.,;�,...� n
<br /> �°.t�h='��?�` '` ::` pestictdes and Nerblcides,volatile salvents.materiale cant�ining esbegtos or formuldchyde.and radioncdve msiteriuls.t�s used in
<br /> � this pw�ngcaph 20. "�nvironmental Lnw" meuns federat Inws und lawa of the Jusisdictian where the Property is tocated thut
<br /> - . ` :: � relate w heaith�sufety ar environmentnt pratectian. • `
<br /> ='E� �• � � NON-UIJIFORM COVENANT5.Horrower und L.ender gucther covenant uad s�gr�ee na fallaws:
<br /> - - �' 21.Accelerndon;Aeiuedies.Lratde.sk�t!gh��r.s!!�ta Surrower�r!!�r io aocelerntion foElowtn�t Bormwer's breuch `._--_- -
<br /> � ' � � of any covenant or ugeeement In t h i s �ecu r ity I n s trumen t (ba 4 no t pr ior to n ce e l e rn t i o n a n d e�pant gru pfi �7 on1� ___
<br /> � appfiruble law prnvid�othea�vise).The noticc ehall spcclfys (A)the defoalt;(b)the actEomm�l r e d to cure tlsc detauit; �,�.�
<br /> (cZ a dnte,not les9 than 30 daya from the da4c the notice ie given to Borrower,by�vhEc�¢�e�a�dt must be curedt�nd _
<br /> . (a�D thnt failure to enre the defuult on or before the dute specified in the nottce a�g a+¢�ae6t 6a eoc�Prat[an af tke sums P=�--
<br /> ' so�ecsed by this S�curity �ment nnd sule ot t6e P'mo�aerty. The aotice sS�u18 6�en�l`�rT�caffQ� l���ver��thQ rl�d�t� �:v"-�-
<br /> '� � v¢Er�raee sUFt¢e�accelerntioa and the d�ht to bris�e�oPae�R aMSo�to ossert the�tirexSsII�� a�8 s�d������a�'�� --
<br /> ' � �eQ¢�s2 off Ai�ve+�tiver ta axclerudon and sade. 1P e�¢dl¢Qe,a�E¢Is m�e9 cured on or�¢g�m¢Qka�eFmtt��e�dl 8ra rt��m�BP,�e,
<br /> .f�,;�.:�.'`,'.;.;; ,_� II�.+r�r, afl B¢s��iton►m�y requtre imeana4Emce �qvaue�n4 ia� �t�tE op�U sums secure��y 89a4s 3aenrri'i¢y II�a�na¢�¢varE4L'eaut �,
<br /> ;:, t., •, ::.;•,,. er demaaea9 and nuagr ianvok�the�mu�ra+r�6��e�rtdf nny other iwmedies peree�6G¢�by���'18w�b92 Oc3ear.�er st�9�r¢
<br /> 't`.`� �ed to cotiec2 all ex�zas¢s Gncurr�d 8mi��aFn¢a+emedtes provtded in tie�s��I��n 2Il� dnc➢uc�Sm�>(�.wt aoi Waite� �;..
<br /> ,`; ��,.`;},.�,� • . ,. _
<br /> ,,�,�,::' r-},. ;,;, r�,eeasonable attorneys"Qmes tund omsts�R�6RU¢¢�6�emc�. _ _
<br /> _ . .. . .._,�;,!;.,: �irj If the�wer�oi sale Is invokedl,'II'm�t�s�a99 re�ord a rtottce of defaWB 6m¢�t�lb maoann�r in wdIc9�any part ot the =
<br /> •�� � � iroperty Is t�ated and shall mat!c�g�¢��ff sucb nodce in the QnannPr pne�ri��y a��tltke�Q¢law to Barrorrer sutd to
<br /> ,�•.(,f,: � en �hvn.�2ee shall gtve publfc notice —°--
<br /> , . , �.�k,,, v. �he otQier peisons pi+escribed by appl[ca�UC1VY�aw.Atter the tlme required by applQe��De daw, _--
<br /> S:;� " -r��, of sale to the persons and in the menner prescribed by applicable Iaw.Tr�sie�,a�r6Einout demand on Borrower,shaU seU _
<br /> • • the Property at pubUc auctiaa to the htghest Itidder ai the ttme and place a�ed au�¢$the terms d�sig�ea3¢d M the notice of >�'�'�`_r_
<br /> `:; �� sele in one cer more parcels aad in any order�'n�.stee determiaes.Trustee m�;�t�sSpoae sale mf all�n�manp pancel oi the • ,��
<br /> : ,'•:.�: __.
<br /> 'r`'^'li'.. �
<br /> ����u,�. / Propert!'bY If��Uc announcement at the time end piace of any previously sc�►�lue4ed sale.lI.¢x�i�r m�649 designee may `r n��°_
<br /> • � pu�r�ase tha l�roperty at any sale. � �� .�
<br /> � Upon rece�pt of payment oi the pdce bid. Trustee shall deliver to the p�u+chaser '�hun5tee s deed oonveytug the _ � _+�,_
<br /> property. Ttte�+edtals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facte evidence of the ttutb utf tde statements made Werein. �;;��;
<br /> .� 'I'n�ste�shall apply tbe proseeds of the sale in the folloRing order:(a)W atl costs and expenses o�exenc�si�the�wer of y .' ;`
<br /> sale�a�td the sale,includt�the payment of ths Trustee's tees ach�ally iacurred,not w excee�l t50.OQ�xe �D • �:�
<br /> c I s -
<br /> ,',�s��1�r:. �o y �ies pet�aflS3ed -
<br /> � a v?,Y t;_;_t� o f t de p n i t td pal amount of the note at¢Oae time of the declaratton af default,and reasonabie�4 rne a •
<br /> , �.`i�,..� by law:(b)tm�all sums s�cured Dy tpis S�rity Ir�struu�eat;and�a➢auy Fai.�css to t i t e jsetstsn a��croa�I�s!!y�°��►
<br /> 1...�
<br /> . :�,..���; , u .
<br /> ", .,,�.�• '`�,
<br /> �. ,•• .� :s- ' i4. „i;.i.` •
<br /> •°' "'• � � ' 22. �3�ntieya�wce. U�~un }�ayment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall request Tmstee w . ,,.
<br /> ;�;��;".;�a� `� • �+econvey the �roperty and sk�all surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security `''::;'/i�=
<br /> ";;:�� Inswment to�frustee.Truste�shalt reconvey the Property without war�anty and without charge to the person or persons legally ��;��+''?::.
<br /> � entttlai to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recordation rnsu. -.-.
<br /> " " . 23.Substttute Tnustee.Lender.at its option,may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee to
<br /> any T�ustee appointed hereunder by an instniment recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded.Without „
<br /> rnnveyance of the 1'raperty, the successor trustee shali sncceed to all the title, power and duties confec�red upon Trusiee hee+ein
<br /> and by applicable law.
<br /> • ' 24. Request for NoNces.Borrower requesu ehat copies of the notices of default and snle be sent to Bo�rower's address
<br /> ` <<:�?�;�,; which is the PropeRy Address.
<br /> ����t:'��f: 25.Rtdets to thfs Security Instrumeat. If one or more riders pre executed by Borruwer and ncotded togeiher with this
<br /> ::,;,�4 � Security Instrument, the covenants and agreements of each such rider shall be inrnrporated inta and shall amend and supplement �� .
<br /> ,;�y' • che oovenants and agrerments of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s)were a pan of this Security Instrument.
<br /> �:��r�� ' ��heck applicable box(esDl
<br /> r
<br /> �Adjustabie Rate Rider [�Condominium Rider 0 1-d Family Rider
<br /> ,. • []Graduated Payment Rider [�Planned Unit Development Rider �Biwcekly Payment Rider
<br /> . []Balloon Rider �Rate improvcment Rider 0 Second Home Rider
<br /> �V.A.Rider O Other(a)[spceify�
<br /> � ',��'';}
<br /> �� (l.'_
<br /> '1:��'��'f
<br /> BY SIGNING BEL01Rl.Bonower accept+und agrecs tci the terms and rovrnant�contained in this Security Instrument and
<br /> � ,� in any rider(s)executed�y IP3nrrower and recorded with it. � :�1,����
<br /> ;s � � � ;
<br /> '(, �,:. wicnesses- •--�±�� .
<br /> ; . �t� (Seai l
<br /> ���;;1���, Botab��G• Ranar •eoR.,«rr
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<br /> . ., 1�@ 2Jt A. Rdtt�Yd� -8ort.,wer �
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<br /> �c....�i �SC31�
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<br /> � �` , (�jf��
<br /> • �'fAT�OF NEBRASI�A, County t+:g`�""- �1/� '/ ,
<br /> a� The o oing it}+trumen1 wa�•� �wlcdgc�i t�Cf�hi� ,, �3 �i:t��i�f L�� . �`7%`� .
<br /> ' ey ����J��.�C. ����t' � ��. ' "
<br /> " ' Witness my hand and notar7al scal sf � ��(,.C.�,���_x_. �n+������untp.thc datc afimwid.
<br /> � C � ---
<br /> � My Commission Expir�+:!/� �, �� i7 �
<br /> Nutsn Punl�.
<br /> . �t�+rrs�
<br /> _� ��4�� v,,,�a�•a Fomt 3028 9,80 �
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