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<br /> i_ . . .. �i � � - ......_-_ __. __- _' ' ���..��_. __
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<br /> {I w{I��' . _'_'..�.. __ '_ ......-'____–____"_
<br /> . _- .. ......�.. .... .._–.....--..._. �_ _–..–"
<br /> ....._..._.l .�.....,....._-.._..�_...._.............-1.._._._..__'—' – ._—___ �-,
<br /> � �fGi.�nil]�il�a,- ....
<br /> � • ,♦ .... .� iw._–''�u�it.:,ii�:�:�-�'-
<br /> �ubst�►ntl y, �,�I7ralIVi�9'1��t'n e'i�q� �Ance covernge!s not uvaitsble.�rmwer ANnll pny to L�nder euch month u suttt eyu�l to °_- ----
<br /> � ' „ � anc-twel o �o eu f i���trp�ce premlum being paid by Barrower when the inaurnnce caveragc I�psed or oe:u:ed ta --
<br /> , � b�in eff t. ,'1��{��;ait�in these paymenta ns U IU99 resc�ve in licu af mortgage insutnttce. l.oss reservo m��_��.�
<br /> ' payment �if`�tfifge e requ�re , at the option of I.ender.if mortgage in:+urnnce cavera�e(in the umount nnd for tho perlucl ���r...--
<br /> ' . that l.euder rcquircs)pravided by An insurer appraved by I.en�er ngain becomes avuilnblo und is oMnined. �omower shap pay _—_
<br /> . ' the premtums requirc�to mUintain mprtpaBe insurancc in effcct.ar ta provlde a lass reservc,until!he requirement for mortgage �_-
<br /> insurance ends in accordunsa with nny wdtt�n agreert�ent between Borrowet und Lender or upplioiible faw. --�----—
<br /> ° 9.I�spectlan.l.ender or itR agcnt mAy make c�easonnbie entries upon nnd inspectic�ns�f the Pmpeny. Lender shatl give
<br /> " ' :•• �• Borrawcr aodce at thc time af or prlor to ttn inspcxtion spcclfying t�sonablc cause for the inspection. ����Y" ��
<br /> ;,,
<br /> ,.
<br /> �^ � ' ' � 10.Candemnntlon.The procaods af any nward or claim far damuges..ditect or canrequentiul, in connectlon �vtth uny �:,�;;;,,.�___
<br /> condemnatian or other tuking of any part of the Property.or for conveyance�n l�eu uf�^unlemnation.are hereby ussigned und
<br /> • shnit be paid to Lendcr. —
<br /> �� - - I��ttee eve�tt of u totat takis�g of the Pro�rtp,the psnceeds shsll he spptied to the�om�s�curod by this Security tnstrument,
<br /> whether or not tben due,with any cxcess pwd to Borrower. In the event of a panial takin�of the Propeity M which ths fair �-- - -
<br /> •� market value of the Property immediately before the taklns is equsl to or�reuter than the amount of the sutns secnte�by this ��_____
<br /> Securiry Instrument immediately before the teking,unless Borrower and T.ender otherwfse agree in wdting,the sums securcd by m,_
<br /> this Serurity Instrument shall be mduced by the amount of the proceeds multiptied by the following fractlon: (a)the toud _��_ _ _
<br /> amount of the sums secured immediately befocc the tatcing.divlded by(b) the falr market vaiue of the Property immediately �___-_- ---- - -
<br /> � � before the takin g. An y balsnce shall be{raid ao�orrower. In the event of a parttal teking of the Property in which the fair _
<br /> � market value of the Property immediately Qr�fou�s the takiag is tess than the amount of the sums secu� imme�liately before t he —_-
<br /> ¢aking,uc►less Borrower and Leader�eherwise agrce in wtiting or untess applicable law othenvise provides,tite procxeds shall
<br /> :;:; � !se apg►lia�to the sums secure�l by this Secu�ity Ilnsnument whether or not the sums are then due. —"}:,;;;,,,,
<br /> '.?;,•;',�'` �� �, Hf the Property is abandoned 6y Borrower,or if.after noticc by I.ender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make an ��n�r-..�
<br /> ;,�. ,
<br /> award or settle a claicrcn for damages, BorroweP faiAs to respoad to LertdeY we2hin 30 days after the date the notice is given. �''``'"'
<br /> .. � � I.ender is authorized to rnllect and apply the pt+oceeds,at its option,eit�er to reseoradon or repair of the Pr�perty or to ttte sutns ____..___
<br /> ��=-� � - -
<br /> '�v,,. ' serurecibX this Security InstrumenII,whetheror not then due. ?�:.'�f���-
<br /> � ' �Jnl¢ss L.ender and Borrower otherwis� agree in writing. any application of proceeds to princi� shaf0 rtoe exeend or �� �;,°==
<br /> os one the due date of the monthly yr�enu refernd to inp�u graphs 1 and 2 or change the amount off sacch payments. �:;----
<br /> p �11.Bomower Nmi Released;ForbeAram�e By I.ender Not a Waiver.Extension of th�time for¢�ayu�e2nt or modification '�� :� .-:�
<br /> of amortization of the�ums secured by this Secu�i^� Instrument granted by I.ender to any successor in iret¢nESt of Borrower shatl .-���1,;T'
<br /> nat operate to release nU�e tiability of theoriginaE+���rrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be required to .��� �,;;��,y�v.,
<br /> commence proccedings against any suvoessor in in�erest or refuse to extend time for payment or othenvise modify amortization �:''�
<br /> �+ . �:,-�,-�:,' .;.
<br /> of the sums secured by this Security lnstrument by rc�son of any demand made by the original Borrower or Bornower s ,�� _ _
<br /> " succes,wrs in interest. Any forbeamrnce by l,ender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the �... ;'
<br /> exercise of any right or remedy. ' ��::
<br /> � 12. Suocessors mnd Assigns Bound;Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers.The covenants and agreemsnts of this '}-R'�";�
<br /> ' Securiry Insuument shall bind and benefit the successon and assigns of i.ee�.��r and Borrower, su6ject to the provisions of . , ::
<br /> _ _ paragraph 17. Bnrrower's covent�nts and agreements shall be joint and sev�eal. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security .,� ,
<br /> "' ti Instrument but does not execute t'he Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrwment on 6}� xo mongage. grw�t a,y�i t.,��::ay i h a t
<br /> '` � �` • Borrower's interest in the Propem� under the terms of this Security Instn�ment; (b)js no�a personally obligated to pay�.Me sums %
<br /> � ;:c::•;;.
<br /> , secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that I.ender and any other Barrower�anay agree to extend.modify, fon`��r or �`�•�.;F � ;.
<br /> � make any accommoda2aons with regard to the tesrr���f this Security Instrument or the Note without that l�orrower's cot�samt. � .;•�• �:;:
<br /> ,�:c.-•
<br /> 13. Laan Charg�s.If the laan secured b?r;hi�Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets rmaximum loan charges. , �; t- .,;,,;.__
<br /> ' and thet law is finally interpretec] se�that the interest or other loan charges cotlected or t�Ue oollected in connection with the � :,.,.,,;,, ,,.
<br /> � loan exceed the permitted limits, �then:(a) any such loan charge shall be reduced by ihe 1�nnunt ne�essary to reduce thY charge -,�U.,
<br /> � to the permitted limit; and (b)an� sams already rnllectecl from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will he��furt►ded to ,��, #t�f'�` •
<br /> Borrower. Lender may choose to make this rcfund by reducin� the principal owcd under the Note or by maknuog a direct �},,•:4
<br /> payment to Borcower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction wi�; t�c treated as a partial prepayment without any -
<br /> prepayment charge ua+s7er the Note. .�
<br /> 14. Notiees. An� natice to Sorrower provided for in this Security In,:n�m�nt sl�a11 be given by delivering it or b� mailing . � ?'. A
<br /> it by first class mail unless applicahle law requires u�of another nxthai. '�fie notice shall be directed to the Property Address " + �'��.
<br /> or any other address Borcower designate�by notice to L.ender. Any notice to L en der s h a l l be siven by fi r a t c i ass mai( to •.-��-�
<br /> I.ender's address stated herein or any aher uddress L.ender designates h� notice to Borrower. Any notnce provided for in this �� �t{
<br /> Security Instntntent��all be deemed to havc been given to Borrower or Ler.cl:r when given as provided in this paragraph. ,> ��51'!.
<br /> I5. Governing 1,aw; Severability. Thi, S,curity Instrument shall be governed by federal �a« and the law of the +r,,� .
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the event that any provision or ciause of ihis Securiry Instrument or the Note �;�;;; '
<br /> conflir�s with applicable law.such conflict shull n�u affect other provisions of this Securit� lnstrument or the Note which can be �' '-'� •'r�'�i`:
<br /> given efffect without the rnnflicting provision. To thi�end the provitiions of this Securi[y Instrument and the Note are declared , ..
<br /> to be severable. ' -,e;
<br /> 16. Borrotiv��'s Copy.Borrower sh311 be given nnr conformed copy of the N�ne and of this Security lns[rument. .
<br /> :?�5..
<br /> 17. 'drs�nsPea�o'f the Propert�or a Beneticial Inter�t in Borrower. If all or any part of the Pmperty or:►ny interest in it .,�,
<br /> is sold c�r arnnsferre�;�r if a beneftcial interest in&�rrower i�+uld or tramferred and Bc�rrower is not a natural person)without
<br /> 1.enc9er'. prior written conseni. Lencler rnay, at ita optior, r.�uim immediate paym�rn in fuU of all tiums secured by this i
<br /> Securiry Instrument.Ho�vcver, a:•ai�option shalt nut be rxerci;�,'.by LenJer if exerr�sc»Tr+��ibitcYi b� fedcral law as of the date i .
<br /> of this Security Instrumcnt. �
<br /> If L.ender exerci�eti thiti option, i.encicr sh,���give Borruuer notirc uf ar�rleratiun.The nutire�h„".��rrn idc a perioci of not
<br /> less than 30 days frotn thc date thc nnticc i. .�:7i�ereci ur mailed N•ithin t�hirh &�rroucr mutit pa} ,�ll �em+ sctiurcd by this
<br /> Securiry Instrument. If Bottc�wer fael.tn pa� the�e�um�prior tc�thr expir:�tion uf thi.�ri«d. Lendrr r.:.�g �m��ke any remedie> . , .
<br /> ' permitted by this S�turiq• In�trucn�e�tt�tiith��ut further notir�ur d:mand�m&�rru��er. , ,
<br /> 18. Borro�i•er's Ri�ht to IBminstatc. If &�rco���cr n«rt, ccnain ronditi�m,�_ ���n-.�wrr +hall h:��c the ra,°a: to ha�r ;
<br /> enforcement of thi�Sccurity Inscrumcm aii>�untinurd at am t�me pria�r t��thc carlc_r.-r. �:�► 5 d,.• aor �arh �t<<�•r�+eri�xi a�
<br /> • applicable law may tiperify fiir rcin.Ialem�ntt hetiu� .;tle uf the Prc�prrc� �ur�uant to am• pcn��r ��t.at� conwined in thtti
<br /> ,, j: ' Seeutity Instrument:c�r tb)entry �if a jud�ment enfareing thi�S�YUrit} imr�vment.Tho,r r�mditwn:.an:Ht�t Bc>rrower. (a�pa}•
<br /> ,.;i:,',;.�,.. . Lender all sums�vh�ch thcn u.��uld be dur under thi��tiurity In.trument and the N��tc a. if tio accz[�rat�on hsd�.ccurred: 161
<br /> � ;;;�. • cures any default of any nther crnenunt. or agr��ment�: 1r1 pay, all crpen+r� inrutt��d rn enf«rc�nz tL�i. �cunn Hn>trument.
<br /> �' �',��;��• '• including,but not limit��ci to, reawnablr utturnc�.' f�r�: and td► ta�.r.tiu�h actiun a+i.�nd�r may rra�unably n�{uire to ati�urr
<br /> '�"}',� ''• � that the lien of thi��curity In�ttumem. [.endcr'ti right�in the Prupem and$��rn��+�cr'ti ohli�stmn r�� pay the >um�utiurctii b�
<br /> '� :r•,i.•. .;;•,�
<br /> •����,L�L.,-�.._.:�t, this Security in.titrument yhall �ti�ntinuc unrhan��tf. UExm rcin,tatrinent b�• &�rn+��•cr, thi. Securit}� Imtrumc:n and the
<br /> .,.,,r:..... .. .....:�
<br /> .,%.,, � , , ,,. ,� obligations secune,i hereby,hall remain tuth rlfc�ti�c a. i(nu ar�cicration had ik�urt�y7. Hi�wr�cr. �n�,rigni io rrin.ia�r,nan
<br /> �'.'.?i;{�� ��''� not apply in the ca,e of�rreler;�tiun urnier par3gr:�ph 17.
<br /> � . � 19. SaO�a�' \ote; Change of Ia►an Sen•ittr. The \utc ur a partial intere.t �n the N��te �t��guher ���tli thi, Srrunt�
<br /> '� In,irument►may be wid one ar morr time+��ithout priur nuure to B��rru��rr. A+alr ma� rc.ult �n a rhangc in thr entu� �F,n����n
<br /> ati the"Loan Sen�icer")that rull��t.mm�thl� pa�mrnt,du�under thc ti�u�and thi. S�turit� In.trununt. Thcrr al.a ma} h�un�
<br /> . . or niore rhan�tc.��f the IA�:tn Senir�r unmlat��i tu a�alc u(th�V�ue. II therc�.a rhangr uC thr I.uan 1�n�.rr. Bntn,��rt��ill hr
<br /> given writt�n notice of thr changr in a�ti��nlanre��nh para�raph la abu�c 3nd applirahlr ia�� T'h�nuti�����ll.tate the namr and
<br /> addr�KS of the new•laian Sen icer anJ thr addn�. ta ��huh pa�ment. +h��uld hc maJe. Thc rn+tirr ���II ul.�+«+ntarn sm ��ther
<br /> ' inii�rmatinn requircd by applicablc laa.
<br /> , Z0. H8'L8I'dOU5 SU�75lflI1CeS. &�m��+cr ��18�� D��I WUtiC t�f Fh'.Illltl l�ll' rrl'��Ilit. U�C. lll���ti��. ♦l��f:tri. ��t fC�Gt�� ��t dll)
<br /> C
<br /> H;urnlous Substatarti un �,r in thc Pn,�xm. Burn���cr .h.dl nut do, rn,r allua amt,nc �I.r t�• J.,. .�mth�ng aUr.•un� thc
<br /> Pmpeny that i, in ciolatiun uf an} Emimmnrntal la��. Thc pr�ti�din� t.�„ .rnt�n.c. .h.�ll nat�ppl. t�,tlu prr.rn.r. u+r. ��r
<br /> • �turagc on the Pn�pert}•uf�n�:►II yuanutirti af Haiard��u� Sun.tan�r• lh;U src icnrralh m���gnv�til tn h. appr��prcitr a� n��rm.d
<br /> retid.ntial u.e+3nd tu m:►imrnan�c ul Ih� Prnpcm.
<br /> ,� .a Form 3028 9 90 �
<br />