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",;��C� <br /> " 'to proteot the vnluo ot thR Properfy end LendePe dghta tn tha Propsrtf►. ��^sor�sb�e attomoe a'tao�dand o tgdng nu ho Pr�operty to mak� � , <br /> " . .. . whieh haa pdo�iry ova thla 6ccudry Inetrument, eppearinQ In cou�, pay`.�� Y' / <br /> cepalre. Allhauflh Lender mny tako action under thlu pnrqgmph 7,Lendst daes not hnve ta do so. ;,.: , . <br /> �� Any¢mounts diaburoed by Londm undnr thls paragrsph 7 ahatl ber•ome addfUanel debt of Borrower oecured by thia Sowdly Instruman ,.I:. „ „ " <br /> Untasn Bortower and Londar aBroo to other terma of paymant,these amounts ehall bear irde�as!from tho date of dlabursement at tha Not , ,� <br /> " •� rate and shaU be payable,with intaroet,upon nottae(mm lender to �orrowor requastlnp payment � <br /> ° 8. AAortgago Ins�uea.mca. if Lsndat roqulrod maKgage insurance as a aondYHan of makinp the ban sewred by thts 8oau • • <br /> InsuuRent,8orrowor ehA{I pay lha pramlums rGqulrcd ta malntain tha moRg�po insumnee in eftaet.1f,14r any reaeon,the mortguge insuran ,,, - <br /> eoverage requirod by Lender lapsea or eeases to be tn ette�t, Borrower shall pay the promlume mquited to obtein coverago substantia �, <br /> . ._ <br /> ::—.. <br /> equMatent to the mortgage inswranae provlauory in eNeet,at a coat suAstanrin►y equlvatent to tha coat to 9orrower ot the morigaga Maurence --=—'�;. ,, � ; �, <br /> previousy in eNect, from an ett�mato mortgago Inauror approvod tsy Lende�. B subatentlaiy equlvaient mnK�age inauranco coverage Is not ;: <br /> avN►ob�e, Borrower shati pny to Lendvr esoh mor�h a sum equnt to one�twetfth ot the yea►1y mortgaga Inaumnae premium being pa►d by �•',� '. <br /> ° Borrower when tha Insursnau coverage �apsed or ceased to be in eNect. lender v+lli aaept, use and rotatn tNese Payments as a loas ;, <br /> reserve in Ileu ot martgage insurance. Loss reserve�sayments may no longer be requlred, at the option of Lendar, if mortgagv tnsur�nce Y <br /> • coverage pn the amewnt anrb tor the pedod that Lender roqutres)provided by an inaurer approved by Lendsr again becomes avc�iiabte end is . • � <br /> ' obtairted. 8orrower shali �Say the promiuma requirad to malntain mortgaga Insuranae tn ettaat, or to provide e loss reserva, unUl thv ,�: <br /> requirement for mortgege fnsurenae ends in accordanso wNh any written aSreemar�t bahveen Borrawer end lender oLe d�shail'ahre Borroww ' ' , '' <br /> 9. Inspec4ic�n. Lender or ils agent may mako reasonabie entrias upon and Inapacttons of the PropeAy. S •� <br /> noUce at the Ume of or pdor to an Inspuadon specifytng�ossonable cause tor the inspaoUon, � ,.. <br /> tp, Qmi941ptt1natimn_ Tha proceeds of any award or olaim for damages, direat or cona¢quentlel, In conneaUon with anY _ ` <br /> � :, ," condemnattan or other taking of any port ot tha PropsRy.or 1or aanveyqnce in 8eu ot condemnatian,are hereby assigned and eh�il 6e paid „U�„-�:.•}':_ <br /> . ��- <br /> to Lender. . �� ' . a. <br /> In the ev�nt of a totai teking of the Plropertyr,tha proaeeds shall be appifed to the sums secured try lhis Secu�fly InsVument,whelher or _ <br /> not then duv,wNh any excese paid to 8orrower. In tha avent ot a partlal taking of the Ptoperly in whfeh the talr mark�t value oT the PropeAy . � . _ <br /> • " immedlataty batore the teking ia equal to or greater than the amaunt ot the sums secured by this Secutiry Instrum�t tmmedtately betore the � <br /> ta{dng,untesa Borrowe� and lender othervvise agree In writing,tha sums secured t,y this Secwity InsWment shail be reduced by the amouM `!,4 ' <br /> oi tha proaeeds mulUpt3ad by tha toMowing fractlon:(s)the totai amount ot tha eums sacured fmmedlatey betore the taking,divided by @)the <br /> isir market value of tha Properh,r Immediately beto�e tha teking.My baiance shall be paid to Bortower. In the event oi a pardal teking of tho , �.fL <br /> � Property in whfch Yhe tatr mailcet value of the Prope�ty(mmediatety betore the taking is less than the amount o}th2 sums secured immediately ,,.�.- <br /> betore the tsking, unlesa 8amower and Lender otherwlse agree N w�tfng ar uniess applk;able Iaw otherwlse providea, the proeeeds shati be ��� �- <br /> appped to the sums secumd by thia Securily Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. �.,;,-;:�� <br /> � �(tye?ropedy is abandon�d by�omower,or H,a8er notiee by lender to Borrower that the condemna offers to meke an award or setde �.::.�,_ .;�, <br /> a dsim tor damages,BortQwer tatis to respond to Lender wtthN 30 days after the date the noUce b ghren,Lender Is autfiorJaed to cotlect and , �. r <br /> __ --- --• _ ��,���yip��o,� �,�apvon. elther tQ�est�r?ynn er repeir ot the PropertY or to the sums secured by this Sewrity InstrumeM, whether __ _• ` � <br /> or not then due. —Tr� ``��' <br /> Unless Lender end Boetower othervvise e9ree In w►iting, any appiicatlon ot proceeds to prin�tpsi sheA not exlend or poatpone the due . . -' �� ��r�� <br /> date of�itte monthly paymenta reterted to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount ot such payments. , : <br /> . 11. Borrovwor filot Released: Forbearance By Lend�r Not a Watver. Extensbn ot the �me tor pay+nent ar J 4`; <br /> modNicadon of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest ot Borrower shell , • .��, <br /> not operate to retease the YabiGty of the or(gina}Borrower or Borrowe�s suceessors in Interest. Lender shall not be required to commence Y',,Q� }' <br /> /' <br /> pro�eedings against any suceessor in intereat ar reiuse to extend Ume tor payment or otherwise modHy amortizaUon ot ihe sums secured by I ,, i ,,} <br /> � this Security InaWment by reason of any demand made by the odglnai Borrower or Bortower's successors in interest Any torbearance by , ,:. <br /> • I . Lender in exerclsing any dghl or remedy ahali not be a waiver of or preetude the exwcise of any right or remedy. ';''::,,.� <br /> � 12. Successors and A�signa�ound; JoiM and Sevorai Liabilfty; Co-signers. 'n+e covenants and agreementa ot � 'k::;,.,_�;.,:�� <br /> ��. <br /> this Securily Instrument sfial bind and benerit the auccessors and assigna ot Lender end 8orrower, sub�ect lo the provisions of paragreph � ,,�:.,,!`•i;F`. <br /> 17. 8orrower's covenants and agreements shall be Joint and severai. My BoROwer who co-signs thia 3ecurity Insirument but does not i ;,�,� �,s�.:... <br /> execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this 3ecurity InsWment onty to mortgage, grant,and convey that BoROwer's interest in the Prope�ty under ',��;;:. <br /> the tarma ot this 3ecurity+Instrument; (b)is not personaty obMgated to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument:and (c)agrees that � .�',iyy <br /> � r' '1i� Lender and any ather Borrower may agree to extend, modify, forbear or make any accommodations wNh regard to terms of this Security � , �Y <br /> ,,• <br /> InstrumeM or the Note witbout that Borrower's conaent. � , <br /> :.��i. <br /> 13. LOge Ch8�g88. It the toan secured by this Security Instrument Is subject to a►aw which sets maximum ioan charges,and that . • ..,, <br /> iaw is flneily interpreted so thet the interest or other toan charges ediected or to be coltected in connection with the loan exceed the �r . <br /> pertnitted 8mits,then; (a)any such loan cherges shal! be reduced by the amount necessary to �educe tl�e eharge to the pertnttted UmR; and ,��'•;.� . <br /> (b) any sums akeady eolleded irom Borrower which exeeeded pertnitted Iimfts wiY be refundsd to Borrower. Lender may choose to make �.�,�;• <br /> this retund by redudng the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to Bortower. If e retund reduces principal, the . <br /> reducdon wili be treated as a pardal prepayment wrihout any prepayment charge under the Note. • <br /> 14. NAtlC98. 61ny notice to Bortower provided tor in this Secu►ity Instrument shall be given by deiivering it or by mailing it by first <br /> etass maG uniess applicebie law requires use ot another method. The notice sha�l be directed to the Property Address or any other address <br /> Bottowet designates by notice to Lender. My noHce to Lender shat� be gNen by first ciass mail to lender's address stated hereln or any <br /> other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for In this Security Instrument shaY be deemed to have been <br /> gNen to Borrower or lender when given as provided in thls paragraph. <br /> 15, (30VB�ItIBg L�v; SBVe�abll'�4y- This Security InsWment shell be govemed by federal law and the law of the jurlsdiCtion in <br /> � which the Property Is located. 1�the event that any provision or ciause of this Security InsWment or the Not� conflicts wfth appilcabie law. <br /> ' ' such confliet shail not aHect other provisions of this SeCUrity InsWment or the Note which can be given effeCt without the conflicting <br /> provlsion. To this end the provisions of this Secxirity Instrument and the Note are dedared to be severable. <br /> 16. BOa't'dw8�'8 COpy. Borrower shall be gken one coniortned copy of the Note and ot this Secxirfly Instrument. <br /> 17.Trans�er of the P�operty or a Beneficiai InR�rest ie BoProsver. If alt or any part of the Properly or any interest in <br /> it(s soid or trensfarcad (or H a beneficiai interest in Bortower Is soid or transterred and Borrower is nol a naturai person)without lendePs <br /> pdor written consenl, lender fts optlon,require immediate payment (n tuil ot ali sums secured by this Secxirily Instrument. However. <br /> . . __.._�_�...,......a.e..,...�e.,.m.��o.��p�G�.�h�ked hv tederal Iaw as of the date ot this Security instrument. <br /> 'u`,w��.�..a...,,.................___, __.__ .. _..- -- . . <br /> It Lender exerdses this option. Lender shali gNe Borrower �otice of acceterati�n.T'he noUce shap provide a period ot not less than 30 <br /> days irom the date the nedce is deiivered or msiied withfn which the Bortower must pay all sums sea�red by this Security Instrument. if <br /> Bortower tails to pay these sums prlor to the expiratfon o� this perlod. Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by thfs Sec��rity Instrument <br /> • without turther noUca or demand on 8o�rower. <br /> i P�g� �o�s F�„� 7079 990 <br /> F10Y9.LM6(4194) <br /> . I �iB06d•���8 - <br /> � <br /> t � <br /> - <br /> ' — <br />